Furqat | Separation

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یہ دل تو ڈھونڈتا ہے انکار کے بہانے
لیکن یہ جسم کوئ پابندیاں نہ مانے
مل کے تجھے بغاوت خود سے ہی یار کرنا چاہوں

Warsaw, Poland.
13:16 pm.

Manha shut her eyes, pulling the blanket on her head, and tried to drift off to sleep. She laid in the same position for a while before feeling suffocated and pushed the blanket off again.

Groaning, she sat up dropping her head in her palms.

She had arrived in Warsaw by three in the morning and dozed off right away after checking into the hotel and even after trying to go back to sleep at noon, she couldn't.

Manha's phone rang making her sigh as she picked it up attaching it to her ear while rubbing her eyes.

"Hey," her voice was groggy.

"Hi, do you want to catch lunch with us?"

"Irsa," Manha clicked her tongue.

"Oh ya, he is not here. We don't know where the hell he disappeared but even his stuff wasn't there, we have no contact with him, promise!"

Manha rolled her eyes getting out of the bed.

"I won't talk to you all my life I swear if I found him anywhere around me Irsa," she opened her bag pulling out one of the many bags consisting of her outfits.

"You don't trust me?"

"Not with him. Text me the location." She hung up walking to the restroom and took a long shower scrubbing her body and deep conditioning her hair.

Putting on some makeup with nude brown lipstick and mascara, she slipped into her heeled boots and picked her bag.

Sliding on her sunglasses, Manha locked the door to her suite and walked out and down from the elevators.

Getting out she started walking towards the main area for a taxi. Her phone rang and she sighed at Farah's call.

She had called her best friends on the way to Warsaw and blabbered everything while breaking out into sobs.

They both had listened all the time silently before asking her to get some sleep and call in the morning.

And now she realised that it was the middle of the night and her bug head best friends wouldn't have even understood what was happening.

She cut the call getting out of the taxi and walked into the restaurant looking around.

"Hi," she gave Hamna and Irsa a kiss on the cheek frowning slightly.

"Where are the others?"

"They are all around shopping or enjoying on their own," Hamna shrugged nibbling on her fries.

"Okay," Manha nodded leaning back into her seat.

"How are you feeling now?" Irsa put her hand over hers and Manha smiled slightly.

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