Aarzoo | Wish

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Manha's apartment.
16:17 pm.

A fresh set of tears rolled down Manha's cheeks as she picked a napkin, dabbing it under her eyes.

My Heart Will Go On, played in the background as she sniffed closing her eyes.

"Why didn't you-" her tear filled eyes flickered to Daniyal who was frozen at his place with his arms stretched in the air.

His brows shot up in worry as he rushed to her.

"What happened?" Manha shook her head sniffing again, making him sit on his knees in front of her. He held her hands looking at her with concern filled eyes.

"You can tell me," he cooed making her point to the screen, he followed her finger before turning his face back to her blinking his eyes in disbelief.

"Don't tell me you still cry on that damn Jack's death," he burst out laughing sitting at the carpeted floor. Manha glared at his laughing form and was about to pick a cushion to throw at him when Bentley stirred beside her.

"Whoa, whoa! What the fuck?! Manha!" She saw all the humor draining out of his face as they widened. He crawled away making her burst out laughing this time. 

Her three year old golden retriever opened his eyes lazily getting up on his front legs as he looked between both of the humans.

"Who is this?!" She heard Daniyal ask as he stumbled up from the ground.

Manha grinned widely pulling Bentley in her lap as she rubbed his head and he opened his mouth wide in a yawn, his tongue hanging out from his mouth.

"I am Bentley my mommy calls me Ben, you can too," she held Ben's hand out speaking in a mimicking voice as Daniyal looked between them in disgust.

"And yes, the bed you were sleeping so peacefully on, I sleep there so please refrain from using my space again," she narrowed her eyes still talking from pup's point of view who jumped down from her lap making Daniyal shriek as he pushed himself against the wall.

"This is so funny, God!" Manha laughed leaning back and sprawled her legs ahead to the coffee table.

"Manha call him to you right now or I- NO!" He ran away as Ben started sniffing his toe making Daniyal end up on the couch.

"Oh, I forgot to add he is a little too friendly and he isn't going to leave you alone till you give him a pat," Manha smirked seeing him throwing daggers her way through his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up you excuse of a woman!" Daniyal jumped at her couch as she shrieked sitting up. He sat behind her wounding his arms around her shoulders from the back.

"Leave me," Manha frowned trying to get up but he pulled her back to him tightening his hold.

"Get him out of here first, please," he murmured making her roll her eyes but before she could even move anymore the door clicked open as all of their friends walked in before freezing at their places seeing them in the position.

Manha pushed herself as far from him as possible.

"What the actual fuckery is happening here?" Fahad frowned holding a bag of ice cream in his hand as he looked at Daniyal.

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