Qaidi | Slave.

692 54 6

Karachi, Pakistan.
11:07 am.

Manha blinked her eyes feeling her skin tingle at the side of her waist before her mind registered her husband's hand into her shirt.

She took a deep breath exhaling it and tilted her head to find his face stuffed into her neck from her side, his hair brushing the skin under her jaw and she felt her lips tug in a small smile.

"Good morning," Manha put her hand onto his head and muttered into his ear.

Daniyal frowned raising his head with sleepy eyes to find her awake.

"Hm, good morning," he kissed her cheek and Manha raised her brows slightly.

"What time is it?" She yawned covering her mouth.

"Eleven," he mumbled in a sleepy voice and Manha shook her head.

"I knew it will get late. Everyone will be waiting for us," she murmured turning to lay on her side and put her head on his chest.

"I woke up from Farah's call. She asked us to come for lunch now as they were done with the breakfast," he chuckled rubbing his thumb on her waist.

"So embarrassing," she hid her face into his chest.

"Well, everyone of them did it too. Nothing new here," he shrugged as Manha raised her head to look at his face.

"You are so chill about everything," she dropped her face into her palm and he smiled.

"I was thinking now that we have got some time why don't we go for anoth-"

"Shut up." Manha glared seeing him scrunch his nose.

"Why not?" He asked in the same tone.

"I have to shower and get ready and... it hurts like bitch," she pushed at his chest sitting up with the sheets around her.

"No one said it won't," he pressed his lips.

"Okay then. I am going to shower first," he rolled off the bed.

"No! I want to go first-" she was about to get up but then held the sheets upto her chest while sitting on the bed.

He smirked poking his tongue and rushed to the restroom after picking his clothes from the bag.

"Jerk." She hissed before getting up and pulled out her own clothes.

Picking Daniyal's shirt from the previous night, she put it on, hastily buttoning the few buttons on her front.

There was an uncomfortable ache in her body. She was not a virgin but it had been too many years to that time, she was not able to stop her tears all the night.

She hurriedly put the jewellery and clothes into the bag and ordered their breakfast as well.

"Daniyal come out already!" She knocked on the door impatiently. He bathed like a woman.

"Why?" He called back and she frowned.

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