Ranjish | Rage

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دل میں اندھیرے ہیں شکووں کا ڈھیر ہے،
تیری دیوانی ہوئی تیرا قصور ہے

Torun, Poland.
19:46 pm.

Manha stared out the passing views of the town, with her chin in her palm. Her mind was all numb and foggy as it flashed the feeling of his lips on hers over and over.

She had gotten completely frozen, she could expect him to be all sarcastic and teasing but daring to come this close and kiss her? Never in her wildest dreams.

She wanted to beat him to death. She was so angry, there was a storm brewing in her body that could let loose any moment.

She felt suffocated in the car seeing him sit at the front seat busy in a call.

She wanted to scratch his face and ask why he did that?

She frowned to herself, before seeing the car pull up the driveway and rushed out in an instant.

"Hey!" Everyone turned to look at her as she almost stumbled inside the house.

"Uh, yeah, hi!" She fixed her jacket slightly embarrassed and took a seat beside Irsa.

"How was the practice?" Irsa tilted her packet of chips towards her and Manha crunched on them.

"It was good. We need to do the final tomorrow night,"

"That's good," Hamna smiled from the other side.

"Hi, Dani!" Irsa said as he walked in with a sullen look on his face.

"Hi," he dropped himself beside Jamal and had the audacity to look at her.

Manha gritted her teeth, picking her bag again.

"Hey, is anyone a good cook here?" She turned to look at Jamal.

"I can cook," Manha raised her hand.

"Can you make something for us? I am tired of eating from outside," she pressed her lips shrugging.

"Get the things for whatever you wanna eat, I will take a shower till then," she walked up the stairs.

"She makes the best lasagna," Daniyal whispered in his ear making Jamal raise his brows.

"How do you know?"

"I just know,"

"I don't want to eat lasagna,"

"But I want to,"

"She is making for me,"

"She is making for us,"

"Shut up. Irsa you coming with me?" Jamal stood up turning to her.

"No. Take Hamna if you want," she waved her hand dismissively and Hamna's face snapped to them from the other corner.

"Why me?"

"It's okay," he walked out alone making Irsa raise her brows.

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