Aafat | Calamity

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This chapter is so depressing while I am enjoying all the wedding songs and really did not want to put this one on but can't really skip so here you all go. Please someone remind me if I forget to post in two days 😭😭 I have edited all the chapters and will only have to post them

Dawood Mansion.
02:39 am.

Manha felt sweat breaking out on the back of her neck even in the air-conditioned room as Farah's earlier words rang in her ear.

You need to come downstairs.

She had slipped her feet in the slippers and rushed out after her.

Her heart was beating fast seeing Farah's pale face. Something was wrong.

Descending the stairs she found the four of them in the living area.

Her grandfather was sitting on the couch holding his head, her uncle was on the call and Fahad standing at a side with no expression on his face.

"What happened? Abu?" She made her way ahead making all of them turn to look at her.

Her grandfather sighed standing up and held her face between his hands.

"It's your father. He was coming back, his car got hit by a truck. We are trying to know where is he taken," he tried to make her understand but she was too focused on his eyes which had tears in them.

"Abu, it's okay. It's going to be fine." She held his hand making him look at her with sadness.

"I am not sure if it is going to be." She knew how much anger and disappointment he had in his heart, her father was his son, anything happening to him would affect her grandfather.

"I got the location. C'mon Fahad,"

"No. You all stay here. I will go," Fahad picked his keys from the table.

"I won't stay at home," her grandfather turned to Fahad and Manha held his arm.

"Abu you need to stay here. I will go with him," he opened his mouth to protest.

"You both stay here. We are going," her uncle followed Fahad out and Manha let out a shaky breath.

Farah sat down beside her seeing her lost in her thoughts. Farah wanted to ask how she felt but wasn't sure she would tell.

Manha closed her eyes pulling her knees up to her chest and leaned her head back on the headrest.

Her head was starting to hurt with exhaustion and the earlier crying session.

There was a limit to how much her mind could take and her heart could feel.

Farah's phone rang and she picked it up hurriedly. Manha opened her eyes sitting up.

"Oh," she could see her lips curling down before she pulled the phone down keeping her eyes on the floor.

"The injuries were too severe, your father lost his life." She swallowed seeing her grandfather stand up and walk out of the living area.

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