Shehzadi | Princess

708 49 44

Hirronk, Balochistan, Pakistan.
01:05 am.

"Where do you think you are going, woman?" Manha shut her eyes freezing at her place.

"Um, for a walk outside," she turned around smiling sheepishly at her best friend.

"Ahan, just a walk?" Alizey walked ahead with raised brows.

Manha dropped her shoulders.

"Are you sure Mr rockstar is not going to be there 'accidentally'," she air quoted the last word making Manha roll her eyes as she smacked Alizey's shoulder.

"I was not going to meet anyone anyway but if you have so many problems then fine I am going to sleep," Alizey grabbed her arm laughing.

"It's okay, at least you are not restricted to meet your groom like me. I understand the longing dude," Alizey pulled a few strands out from Manha's tight ponytail framing it around her face.

"Go. Good luck!" Alizey opened the door for her making Manha bite her inner cheek as she took slow steps out.

"And I want you back in the room in an hour. Not more then that. I have my eyes on the clock!" Alizey warned making Manha roll her eyes as she ran down the stairs looking around to be confirmed of everyone being asleep.

She walked out into the backyard. The garden was lit from only the stand lamps around throwing their golden yellow shades on the grass.

She looked around before settling on one of the benches and kept her eyes on the doors.

Daniyal emerged out after some time rubbing his eyes. He was wearing dark blue trousers and a loose grey sweatshirt whose sleeves were pushed up. His hair was flopping down his forehead almost into his eyes before he pushed them back looking around.

"Hey!" He murmured sitting beside her.

"You were asleep?" She frowned slightly.

"I was," he smiled cheekily before his eyes fell over her hand in her lap and picked it sitting there comfortably with his legs spread ahead.

"And how did you wake up?" Manha tried pulling her hand back but he pulled it more to him intertwining their fingers.

"I dreamt that a princess was in my mansion's backyard waiting for her prince and then I was up," Manha bit back her smile.

"I am no princess nor you any prince." She smacked his hand with her other hand.

"You are saying as if this mansion is mine," he rolled his eyes pulling her arm closer, it was looped through his.

"Ya, right you are a homeless pig!" She tried pulling her arm off.

"I am not homeless baby. What's yours is mine,"

"Acha leave my arm, it's hurting," she complained before he let go with a scrunched nose.

"Suno," he spread his arm at the headrest behind her head making her nod at his call.

"Do you like it here?" His face was turned towards her, she could feel his breath at her jaw.

"Why? You don't?" She tried keeping her face ahead.

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