Nazakat | Sensitivity

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I don't know anything about dance in real. The steps and stuff are most of the times bits of my imagination or random videos on the internet. I don't mean to hurt anyone's sentiments.


بارش کی بوندوں کی ہوتی کہاں ہے زبان
سلگتے دلوں میں ہے خاموش اٹھتا دھواں

Guesthouse, Torun.
22:51 pm.

Manha sat in the living room illuminated only from the dim night lamps as she rubbed her temple. It was almost eleven in the night. It had been two hours since they were back from dinner.

Her head was slightly aching from the lack of sleep, her eyes all puffy.

Everyone else had gone to sleep after the tiresome day but they both had to leave for practice and Mr rockstar was still not out of his room.

"I am so sorry, I didn't realize when I fell asleep," she heard his rushed steps as he descended the stairs and got up from the couch.

"It's okay," Manha mumbled into her mouth getting up, and pulled the bag over her shoulder.

She walked out of the house as he followed but frowned finding the car empty.

"Where is the driver?"

"How would I know?" He pressed the button on the keys as the car beeped.

"And how are we going to go?" She put her hands on her waist.

"Manha. I am not in a mood to answer your dumb questions," she narrowed her eyes seeing him pull open the door for her.

"Close this door first," she cocked her head to the side.
Daniyal rolled his eyes shutting the door and got into the driving seat igniting the engine.

Manha stormed her feet to herself before getting in and sat inside, stuck to the door.

"Why don't you sit with an open door? That would probably be better,"

"Forgot to ask your opinion."

"Ah god, why you make her like this?" He hit his head slightly at the headrest.

"So assholes like you can rot in hell,"

"Ya, I would drag all the bitches with me,"

"I will be saved then,"

"Na, you won't, because you are the biggest bad bitch of my life,"

She stayed silent looking out the window. It wasn't anything new. They called each other names and curses without any care of the world because they knew the other wouldn't mind.

She did not mind it even now and she almost felt disappointed for it.

His chuckle bought her out of her bubble as she glanced at him.

"It was so much fun,"

"It was not."

"All the times we bitched about the other people, gossiped without giving any fuck," he continued, ignoring her.

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