Laraz | Trepidation

510 44 2

Karachi, Pakistan.
11:45 pm.

It was all Daniyal. He was the one to pick the phone from her lap and ask for the details.

Manha had told him about Nisa taking her car and his mouth was dry even with the thought of it.

Where has the accident happened? Have they found someone inside? Is she taken to the hospital? How bad is the car's shape?

He was the one to call Fahad and break it to him. He was the one to shake her out of the shock and he was the one to help her up and out to the cab and then hospital.

Manha couldn't believe it, she couldn't just shake the ring of those words from her mind.

"There has been an accident an hour ago..." he spoke to the receptionist telling her the area where it happened.

She directed him towards the emergency ward and he held Manha's cold hands once again before pulling her with him to the left side.

She was awakened out of that state when her eyes fell over Humaira khala and her husband as they were sat outside the ward.

"Khala," she called rushing ahead and Nisa's mother looked at her before Manha sat down and pulled her in a hug.

"I am so sorry. I am so sorry khala, I should have made her stay at my place." She started crying and Daniyal took a deep breath looking away.

He could never get used to handling this side of hers. It was not just about her, he couldn't generally deal with a crying person. It gave him anxiety.

Because the instinct to solve the problem as soon as possible kicks in and most of the time he really couldn't do anything.

He gulped and turned to look at Fahad who was at the reception filling out a form.

Daniyal's eyes fell over a man sitting at a little distance from all of them and he walked over sitting beside him.

His eyes fell over his wife once again as Humaira khala rubbed her back and asked her to not cry.

His fingers curled on the metal chair as his leg bounced up and down.

"I think she might need some water," the person said from beside him.

"Huh?" Daniyal was startled turning to look at the man who glanced at Manha and back at him.

"That woman, she might need some water," he repeated and Daniyal nodded as his words finally registered in his mind.

"Water, yes, water. Sorry," he got up and walked out rubbing his temple.

He walked back inside after a while and handed his wife the bottle of cold water as she wiped her tears.

"Here," he uncapped it and kneeled in front of her on the floor.

Manha looked at him with her red-rimmed and swollen eyes and he felt his heart squeeze in his chest.

"She will be okay," he sat beside her and pulled her in a side hug.

She sniffed silently holding onto him. He turned to look at Fahad who was talking to Nisa's father.

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