
By ChristabelAnane

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Asher Reynolds is fed up of receiving five consecutive heart breaks from his girlfriends who he thought love... More

Torn Apart Again:
First Day of College:
Gross Description Of Love And Kylie's Dark Secrets:
Mall Raid:
Home Sweet Home:
Calvin's Return:
Headaches, Sarcastic comments and Love letters:
Meeting Asher:
Meeting Miss Croxford:
Training With Kylie:
Talking With Jace And Mirabel:
Party Time l:
Party Time ll:
The Jealousy Dance:
'Hideous' Appearance:
The Invitation:
Soccer Practice:
The Diary Exchange
The Flashback And Samantha's Return:
Your Time Has Come Warren:
Warren Rogers:
Lucifer Is My Stepbrother:
The Anniversary:
Table 16:
Acting With Ursula:
One More Kiss Wouldn't Hurt?:
Meeting Samantha:
Rescued by Asher:
The Truth Is Revealed:
The Truth Hurts:
The Joy Of Donating:
It's Over Between Us:
The Reunion:
My Real Home:
Saying Goodbye:
Miami, Florida:
Grandpa's House:
My Real Family:
Mirabel's Insecurities:
The Dryopteris Hunt:
Occupy Yourself:
Family Football:
The News:
Working On The Brand:
Blake's Departure:
Cut Contact:
Wynwood Walls:
Cammy and Cal:
Arguments and Fries:
Swift Sisters Grand Launch:
Swift Sisters Grand Launch II:
The Bet:
The Plan:
The Interview:
Uncontrollable Feelings:
Girl Talk:
Masquerade Fever:
Author's Note:
Copyright Info:

Mr Flirty Pants and The Bad Fairy Godmother:

188 5 0
By ChristabelAnane

Tiffany's POV

Mirabel and I plop down on a bench and I sigh. I really need to get this off my chest or I'll explode!!! I brush my hair before looking at Mirabel in the eyes.

"Please, don't tell Jace I have the evidence yet! I promise to reveal it as soon as I can and when I'm prepared"I tell her and she smiles.

"Of course Tiffany! I won't tell him"she beams. "And thanks for confessing"she adds gratefully.

"But why are you scared of revealing the evidence now?"Mirabel enquires and I rub my temple with a heavy sigh.

"I don't want to betray Kylie "I commence and her eyebrows scrunch up.

"She has done so much for me and that isn't the right way to pay her back! Plus I'm her roommate "I ruffle my hair. Mirabel nods in comprehension

"I understand! That's why I'm giving you time sweetheart" she speaks softly.

"I admit I spied on her back there "I chuckle lightly and Mirabel smacks her thigh.

"I knew it"she giggles lightly. "Because you seemed tense and your statements didn't make sense"she rhymes and I laugh.

"What did you find?"she demands, her eyes wide.

"I'll just brief you. The evidence is on my phone but I need time"I plead with her and she beams.

"No problem! Now the brief!"Mirabel spills eagerly.

"Dave and Kylie met up and were talking like sweethearts even though Kylie was a bit uncomfortable with their environment but Dave couldn't care less"I rattle.

"Okay, and?"Mirabel's amber irises bore into mine.

"They were talking about a plan B for Asher and I don't know what it is but they want to make sure he falls for it"

Mirabel gasps.
"So both of them are planning against Asher?"she questions and I nod.

"Kylie is just playing a game!"I spill and my stomach clenches. I'm betraying her slowly! This is too much! My blood runs cold.

"She is such a scum! Does Asher look like a video game to her?"Mirabel brushes her hair out of her face and tuts angrily.

"I do not even see anything nice about that Dave guy! Asher is hotter!"Mirabel comments and I giggle. I also said the same thing the last time.

"Gawd! Kylie is so freaking blind!"Mirabel exclaims and I chuckle lightly."Thanks for the info hun! It will help"

"You're welcome"

I gazed at the stars as we continued to sit there. Fireflies passed by and I saw a shooting star. I was exhausted and peeked at the time on my watch. Eleven pm, it read and the party hasn't ended yet with people still dancing wildly inside to the loud music.

"Let's go back inside "Mirabel grips my hand and drags me back to the party hall. We stride towards our table.

Kylie was back now, with her legs crossed as she peeked at her phone. Jace was watching her closely and Asher stared ahead with his lips pursed. Mirabel and Jace exchange a quick wink and I wonder what that meant.

"Where did both of you go to?"Kylie demands with her phone in her manicured hands.

"We went to get some air outside! Right Tiffany?"Mirabel nudges me at the side with her elbow and I nod.

"Oh"Kylie relaxes in her seat.

"We came back to have fun! I feel like dancing"Mirabel begins to sway her hips.

"Relax babe! We have everything planned out"Jace states in a calm tone.

"Oh Really?"Mirabel pipes up, ecstatic.

"Yea...we are going to get another round of drinks and some food"Kylie butts in happily.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go"Mirabel shrieks and we all chuckle and head towards the bartender.

Everyone places their order of beer and vodka. I ordered soda again and Kylie huffed.

"Change the drink Tiff! You already took soda remember?"Kylie grumbles as she takes a gulp of her vodka. Mirabel eyed her.

"What should I order?"I ask innocently. There is no way I'm going to order for beer or vodka or rye! No. Wine is fine. Maybe champagne?

"Order something strong! Like this"Kylie lifts up her drink not the least bit ashamed.

"I don't drink those"I look at Mirabel for a comeback but she was busy gulping her vodka.

"Please! There is always a first time"Kylie spills and Jace looks uncomfortable with her decision. "Please give her a bottle of---"

"Hold it!"Mirabel cuts Kylie sharply. "What the f***k are you doing?"she questions. Asher takes a swig of his rye, not paying attention to the drama going on. Jace on the other hand, was interested.

"Come on Mirabel! It's just a drink"Kylie dismisses her with an eyeroll and Mirabel tuts.

"She isn't used to those things! You cannot force them on her! Are you her mom?!!"Mirabel snaps at Kylie. My heart races and I hope this doesn't turn into a fight

"She needs to try them at least!"Kylie snaps back

"No! She isn't a robot! You cannot control her! She can decide for herself!"Mirabel retaliates with a scowl.

"Oh My! Mirabel, I'm not controlling her"

"You are! Now let her decide for herself! Thank you"Mirabel whips around to face me."Order your soda"she states quickly and takes another shot of her drink. I oblige and the bartender slides the can towards me.

"Booorrring!!!"Kylie brawls as she eyes the can in front of me and Mirabel shoots her a dirty look.

"I think we should be heading outside for food"Jace scratches his dark bangs.

"Yes honey! I'm starving"Mirabel takes my hand in hers and slides over to Jace with me behind.

We all head outside and the aroma of grilled meat hits me. My stomach grumbles as I slurp on my soda.

"I would love some meat"Mirabel spills and l think she just read my mind.

"I crave for hotdogs"Kylie scans her surroundings.

"I'm going for meat"Jace winks at us. "Asher? Tiffany?"he adds and my stomach clenches.

"Meat"I state and Mirabel shrieks. Kylie is disappointed. Was she thinking I'll choose hotdogs?

"I will go for meat as well"Asher spills with a clear of his throat.

"No one wants hotdogs? Or brownies or muffins?"Kylie practically spills as her forehead brews sweat.

"No hun! I guess you are the only one going for those"Mirabel flashes her a sympathetic smile.

"Asher? You love brownies"Kylie says pleadingly as she gazes into his green irises.

"He wants to eat grilled meat"Jace cuts in and snakes his arm around Asher's neck.

"I can go with you, if you want? I would love some muffins as well"I chirp and Mirabel gasps. Kylie brightens up.

"Thanks Tiff"she snakes her arms around my waist, gently pulling me away from Mirabel

"I'll also go! I think I'm craving for hotdogs"Mirabel pipes up quickly and saunters to our side, pulling me away from Kylie.

"Well, we will be at the Grills! See ya"Jace sung and he walked with Asher towards the small eatery

"Let's go get our food"Kylie points to another section and we all pad in that direction.

Music was still blasting in the atmosphere and many people were out here buying food.

"Oops! There is a long queue"Mirabel points out at the hotdogs section. "I guess we aren't the only ones craving for hotdogs"she added with a sigh

I search for the muffins section. Luckily, there were only five people there.
"The muffins section isn't busy"I state and saunter over to the place, leaving Mirabel and Kylie at the hotdogs section.

I join the queue and tuck my hair behind my ear feverishly. It was a bit cold out here and I didn't pack a sweater. I rub my hands to generate heat as I wait.

"Hey"someone says and I recognise the voice. Oh No! It's you know who. I whip my head around and there stood Mr Flirty Pants in all his glory. A lump formed in my throat.

"Uh hey?"I force a smile and begin to scan around for Mirabel. Her warning about him, seeping through my brain.

"We meet again"he stuffs a lollipop into his mouth. "I know your friend must have said a lot of bad things about me "

I giggle lightly. That's true.

"She broke up our dance! So sad!" He taps his heart and I pray he doesn't ask for another dance. "I was enjoying it"he admits and I feel a tingle behind my belly button as he winks at me. The wind blew and shoved his dark brown hair into his face. I watch him scrape his bangs backwards, making his muscles flex in his tight tee shirt. If I'm to rate Asher, Blake,Dave, Jace and Mr Flirty Pants out of ten in terms of cuteness, this is how it is going to be.....

1. Asher--9.8
2. Jace --9.6
3. Mr Flirty Pants--9.2
4.Blake ---9.0
5. Dave --7

Did I rate Dave 7? I chuckle inwardly. He is not even cute! I am being generous here to give him seven. He deserves five or four! That's my opinion anyway since Kylie sees him as a Greek god!

"Hi"I say to the attendant when it's my turn with Mr Flirty Pants beside me. His eyes raking my body like a scanner and I feel nervous and self conscious. Is my dress okay? Is it too short? Are my boobs showing? Has my makeup smudged? What the hell is he looking at?

"What can I get you?"she asks with a sugary smile.

"I would love one low fat blueberry muffin please"I order and she scoops one for me.

"Thank you"I take it and pay but Mr Flirty Pants stopped me from paying.

"No need! I'll pay for it babygirl"he hands over the cash to the attendant.

"But...."he shushes me and pulls out of the place towards the parking lot. We stop beside Mirabel's car leaving my hand and my skin burns from his contact.

"It's a gentleman's gesture! I cannot watch you pay"he explains when we are all alone whiles licking his red lollipop.

"Uh thanks! But you shouldn't have" I shiver lightly and gaze at my muffin in my hand. " Can you tell me what you want from me?"I demand politely.

He chuckles. "Nothing! I just felt like doing this for you. You're pretty"
I feel my cheeks heat up. He called me pretty! Blake has never called me pretty! Oh please Tiffany! You're being pathetic!

"Thanks"I whisper. "Okay so what's your real name?"l ask curiously.

"My real name? Why do I have any other name?"he asks and I chuckle. He doesn't know everyone refers to him as Mr Flirty Pants! Oh My!

"No.....I mean, you didn't tell me your name"I correct myself and he smiles. He is so cute! Okay Tiffany, you have a boyfriend!

"I am...."he gets cut off by Mirabel again. I chuckle inwardly. Mirabel storms towards us with a hotdog in her hand. Kylie was behind trying to catch up.

"Mr Horny Pants!"Mirabel yells out and he chuckles in amusement. From Flirty to Horny Pants? Is she making up the names?

"Oh come on Mirabel! Why are you always interrupting? You're a bad fairy godmother"he taunts and Kylie laughs.

"Oh please "Mirabel grips my arm and pulls me with force to her side. "I told you to stay away from my friend"

"I can't! She is like a magnet"he shrugs and Mirabel fumes.

"Now you are controlling her Mirabel! Let her socialize"Kylie gushes and she shoots her a death glare.

"Exactly"Mr Flirty Pants agrees.

"No! Now this is your last warning!!! Stay away from her!"Mirabel barks and drags me out of there. I wave him nevertheless as she takes me to the meat section.

"I told you to stay away from that guy"Mirabel scolds as we flit into the small eatery.

"It's difficult! He comes unexpectedly"I groan when she leaves my hand. A red mark is registered on it for too much gripping. I wince at the spot.

"Sorry"she apologises as she stares at the spot. "I'm just trying to protect you in my own small way! That guy cannot be trusted! "

"He seems nice"I retort with a pout. Mirabel sighs and looks me in the eyes.

"Yeah of course! He pretends to be nice! Just to win you over! Remember you have Blake"she reminds and my heart leaps. She is right.

"You're right" I reply with a sigh, feeling guilty for lying to him.

"Now eat your muffin and I'll get us some grilled meat yeah?"Mirabel smiles and I nod. I watch her flit towards the boys. Asher and Jace were eating their meat.

I broke a piece of my muffin and stuffed it into my mouth whiles I waited patiently for Mirabel. Kylie infiltrates into the room and a few guys whistle to get her attention.

"So how is the party going for you? Is it poisonous?"Kylie smirks as her eyes flit across the room.

"Kind of"I reply and she laughs.

"That's because Mirabel is portraying it to you that way my dear!"

"She is just trying to protect me"I defend and eat my muffin.

"Exactly! What kind of protection do you need? Aren't you old enough to protect yourself? You know what is good and bad! But good old Mirabel has become your bodyguard and is making it seem as if you're going to be ripped apart by a beast tonight "Kylie narrates and I chuckle at her choice of words.

"I don't think so Kylie" I defend

"Well, that's what I think! She is being overprotective and it sickens me"

"Are you saying this because of Mr Flirty Pants?"I question amusedly.

"I know she said he is a bad boy and everything but I think he likes you"Kylie admits and bile rises in my throat.

"What? No! I doubt that"I chirp quickly and eat my last piece of muffin.

"Tiffany, I know it when a guy is crushing on a girl and I see it in his eyes! The way he looks at you, the way he smiles whenever he is with you, the way he gets hurt when bad fairy godmother Mirabel snatches you away..."Kylie sends Mirabel a dirty look as she is stuck in a long queue. I giggle.

"There is no doubt that he likes you"Kylie traces the edges of my face with her manicured hands.

"What about Blake?"I ask and she rolls her eyes in disgust.

"Blake!"She spits venomously and I frown.

"Tiffany! You deserve someone better! You're beautiful! I'm sorry to say this but it's the truth! Blake doesn't deserve you"

My heart froze.
Dave doesn't deserve you too. I wanted to say but kept my mouth sealed.

"Mr Flirty Pants is cute, handsome and so hot! He has got everything! The whole package Tiff! Plus adorable tattoos and abs! What else do you need? I'm sure Blake hasn't got that"

"Blake is handsome for sure"I defend furiously.

"But he isn't hot right? Compare the two!"Kylie shrugs and she might be right.

"Sweetheart! You better make the right choice before it's too late"Kylie pecks my cheek before sauntering over to Jace and Asher.

I sat down, thinking about what Kylie had just said to me. Is it true? Blake doesn't deserve me? But we have been together since childhood and he has been by my side all the time. I cannot abandon him for some strange hot guy who I do not even know his real name! Nanni would be disappointed in me! That would be insane! Blake is my boyfriend! Period.

"Hey!"Mirabel scurries over to me with kebabs in her hand. She hands two over to me and the boys join us with Kylie's arm snaked around Asher's. He didn't look pleased with it and was trying his best to not blow up. I could see it by the red stains on his face together with Kylie's lip gloss mark on his right cheek. She pecked him? I giggle inwardly.

"We are going back to the party hall!"Mirabel announces as she chews her meat. Jace's arm around her slim waist.

"Of course! Let's go"Kylie winks and we all head in that direction. I was left alone with the two couples leading the way. My eyes spot Mr Flirty Pants once again and he was busy with another girl with brown hair. He is just a player! Mirabel was right! I watch as he flirts with the girl and looks at her the same way he does with me. My heart swells and I avert my gaze. I thought he really liked me.

We slither into the hall and I just chew my grilled meat whiles listening to the song blasting from the ginormous speakers.

"Hey! I seriously need to dance to this!"Mirabel screams whiles jumping up and down like a child. Jace chuckles.

"What about we all go to the dance floor? We haven't danced tonight! Well Tiffany danced with someone"Kylie spits and twirls her dark locks around her finger.

"Yeah great idea! I'm going with Jace"Mirabel spills and they share a kiss.

"Asher! You coming with me?"Kylie asks with a sugary smile.

"No"Asher states darkly and plops down on a chair to her disappointment making her smile wear off. Mirabel wanted to laugh but she was trying to keep it in.

"Come on"Kylie convinces with a pout.

"Dave is around! I bet he would be happy to dance with you! Oh look, there he is"Asher points to him and we all whirl our heads to see him grinding against a girl. Kylie's jaw hit the floor.

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