Grandpa's House:

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Asher's POV
"Come on guys! Just press the damn button"Camilla urges and we snicker in amusement. It feels awkward in a way that the easiest thing in the world could be so difficult in some situations.

"Are you scared of your Grandpa?"Camilla mocks us. Cal and I exchange glances.

"Nooo"Cal and I say simultaneously.

"How can we be afraid of gramps?"I ask Cal by nudging his elbow.

"Yes that's insane"Cal agrees with a nudge in my own elbow. Camilla folds her arms and raises an eyebrow at us.

"Then ring it"Camilla instructs.

"I will ring it"I state confidently and press the button quickly with my eyes closed. I release a sigh when I'm done and open my eyes. Grandpa would be at the door soon.

"That was a quickie"Camilla taunts.

"I know right"Calvin adds up teasingly.

"Hey, its called tension"I sneer and they laugh. "You should be grateful I pressed the button! You were so afraid to do it Cal!"I mock him.

"I wasn't afraid"Cal retaliates.

"Please....Asher is braver than you"Camilla rolls her eyes and I feel my ego grow. Cal tuts.

"Oh yeah?"he asks Camilla, annoyed. I smirk at him.

"Yes"Camilla wiggled her index finger in his face. A motion that isn't new to me. My mom always does that! Is it a girl thing or what?

"I'll show you who is brave"Cal tuts and grabs the door handle. The door opens and Cal is launched forward. Camilla gasps as he collides with grandpa at the doorway. I just chuckle in amusement. "Uh sorry"Cal apologises and steps backwards.

Grandpa steps forward with his wrinkled face scrunched up. He was a tall man with lots of grey hair, a clean shaven chin and beautiful chocolatey brown eyes. He wasn't too old but he wasn't young either.

"What can I do for you youngsters?"he asks with a slight chuckle as he squints to look at our faces. "You look familiar"he points to Cal and I see him swallow a thick saliva.

"This is for you"I hand mom's letter over and he takes it, puzzled. We stay quiet as he opens the envelope and drills out the letter. He reads it with keen interest and I see a lopsided grin spread on his face.

"Caroline! My dear Carol"he whispers but it was audible for us to hear. "Asher? Calvin? The letter said you will be here to visit"Grandpa asks as he points to both of us.

"I'm Calvin"Cal introduces.

"And I'm Asher"

"My grandsons! Oh my word"he holds his chest in shock. "Calvin is that you?"his eyes are so wide as he struts towards Cal. I hold down a grin

"It's me Grandpa"

"Look at you! All grown up and manly"he chuckles and embraces Cal. "What happened to your hair? Is it a disease? Why is it green?"he added and I burst out laughing with Camilla snickering behind

"No grandpa. It's not a disease"Calvin flashes me a look that says it's not funny!
"I dyed it"he confesses and gramps runs his hand through his hair.

"Oh I see"Grandpa studies it. "I asked because, your hair was always chocolate brown! Just like your mom's." he chuckles.

"And this is Asher"he points to me and I feel my heart leap into my throat.

"Yes grandpa"I reply softly and he studies my face with interest.

"You are a real chip of the old block son"he pats my back and I smile proudly. "You're the exact replica of your late dad"he added with a soft expression.

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