The Invitation:

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Tiffany's POV:
Blake stares at me pointedly as we stand under a tree with our bags slung around our shoulders. All I feel is regret for lying to him. He caught me at the party, dancing with Asher! Kylie set me up and I'm sure she is waiting to tear me apart with her sharp claws! She is probably filing them right now. That's the main reason why I slept at the hotel on campus yesterday and when I  went this morning, she wasn't around. I quickly took my stuff and left but I know we will meet tonight since I cannot spend another night at the hotel. She can call me a coward! But what she did wasn't right. I don't know whether to be vindictive towards her for doing this to me or to  just be absolvitory!

"Tiffany"Blake commences and I shiver.
"I don't want that to happen again! You know Nanni would have  scolded you for that!"
I nod eagerly and swallow hard.

"Right now, you need to find your parents! I am doing everything I can, to help you"he takes one step forward and I look down ashamed of myself. I disobeyed Nanni! All I feel is regret for going to that party. If I hadn't gone, I wouldn't have danced with Asher, Kylie wouldn't have reported me and Blake wouldn't have caught me! I was too curious!

"I'll see you after class!"He plants a quick kiss on my cheek and walks hurriedly towards his class. Tears fill my eyes and I wipe them hurriedly  before slipping towards my class.

I remember how Blake scolded me yesterday. He was extremely furious and I have never seen him in that state before!

"Why did you follow them here?"Blake yelled when we got outside.

I walk faster.

"I was invited"I replied. 

He tutted angrily and looked me in the eyes with his brown ones.

"You know we are not supposed to come here! Now I'm here because of you! If Nanni finds out, we will be busted!"Blake growled. "What were you thinking?! And you lied! You lied to me Tiffany! What is happening to you?"

Tears filled my eyes and my stomach clenched at his words.

"I'm sorry"I breathed out and broke down. I don't like it when people yell at me. It makes me weak in a way.

Blake sighed and hugged me as the tears slipped down my cheeks.

"It's alright! Don't cry"he rubbed my back gently and I began to have hiccups.

"Tell me, what were you doing with the rest all this while? Apart from the dance I just .....( clenched his fist) just saw"Blake asked whiles he  wiped tears off my face .

"We ate and talked"I sniffed

"Did you take alcohol?"He raised an eyebrow.

I shook my head. "No! I took soda! You can ask Mirabel!!"
He sighed.

"Let's go" he pulled me towards the road as I wiped my tear stricken face. Nanni's face flashed  in my mind  and I could imagine her scolding me for what I did.

A bypasser shoves me aside a little bit before muttering 'sorry ' but I was already sliding forward at rapid speed and I  collide with a hard surface.  A familiar cologne fills my nostrils and I recognize it. Asher's cologne! No doubt! I sensed it when I danced with him yesterday. I quickly cringe backwards in shock. I was thinking so much  about the past that I had forgotten  about the present. I look up to see a guy with red hair and green eyes before me. I was surprised because I thought I had just bumped into Asher but the guy standing before me looks nothing like him! Maybe he uses that type of cologne too. He studies me curiously and his eyes look familiar. I have seen those green eyes  somewhere! I don't remember where I have seen them but they are really familiar.

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