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Asher's POV
The water current is low when I reach it. I guess I can try. I place the surfing board on the water and stand on it. Okay this isn't so bad after all. I'm doing it!

"Asher! What the heck are you doing?"Cal races towards me with Steve and I begin to unbalance on the board. My legs are wobbling and my whole body is quivering. I let go of myself and fall into the water.

"Asher!"Cal calls out worriedly and I resurface.

"I'm okay" I bellow to him and grab the surf board again. "I guess I'm not good in surfing"

"That's because you don't know how to surf "Cal replies with a shrug.

I get out of the water with the board in hand, quite disappointed.
"Fortunately for you, Steve here can teach you! He is a pro in surfing"Cal says and he smiles.

"You can surf?"I ask Steve, amazed.

"Yep. Don't worry, it's not difficult. I'll teach you"Steve tells me and I grin.

"I'll just get surf boards for both of us"Steve tells Cal and walks in the other direction. I just gaze at him.

"I know you're flabbergasted"Cal says with a slight chuckle. "Steve is multi talented"

"I agree"I reply and dive into the water again. "Come on! The water is warm"

Cal chuckles. I spot Camilla busily taking pictures of me swimming.

"Hey Camilla! You need to tell me to strike a pose before you take a shot"I holler and she giggles.

"Shut up and swim"she screams and takes another picture of me.

"I'm hot right?"I strike a pose and she laughs.

"I'm back"Steve interrupts with two surf boards in hand. I get out of the water again. "Who's ready for a beginner's tutorial?"He asks and I shrug, picking up my board.

"Follow me"Steve instructs. Cal and I follow him to the other side as we strode across the sandy beach.

"Uh Steve, where are we going?"Calvin enquires when we walk quite a distance.

"We are already here"Steve replies and halts. I scan around and there are surfers around us, holding boards.
"This place is appropriate for beginners like you"he explains.

"I prefer the other place! The water is much deeper! The water here is too shallow"I state and place my foot in the water to prove my point.

"See? The water didn't even reach my ankle"I grumble.

Steve and Calvin laugh out loud.
"You don't understand Ash! This place is great for beginners like you"Cal points out.

"You mean, like us"I correct him. He is also a beginner.

"We would go to the deeper waters later but now, you need to manage this one okay?"Steve says more calmly and he reminds me a lot of my high school gym teacher.

"Okay"I say reluctantly and he smiles.
A few people around wave us and we return it.

"Now there are some certain key points you need to know about surfing"Steve commences. "There are many, many rules to go by in surfing: don’t paddle inside, don’t drop in, don’t snake, don’t ditch your surfboard, and so on"

"Huh?" I utter confused. "There are rules?"

"Of course! Every sport has rules"Steve shrugs.

"Can you go over the rules again?"Cal demands and my ears pop up.

"I said don’t paddle inside, don’t drop in, don’t snake and don’t ditch your surfboard "Steve repeats more slowly.

"Got it"Cal says and I'm still at sea.

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