Calvin's Return:

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Calvin arrives in his  sports car ⬆️


Asher's POV:
I ride steadily on the road, making my way through the traffic jam with my motorcycle. Today's the day I get to see my mother and Calvin again! I'm dying to get home! I go faster as my heart races for my mom! I miss her! I miss her so much! Jace had also decided to visit his parents today and had left already!

My heart leaps when I get to my house and I park my motorcycle. I stride towards the door with a bounce in my step and I become tizzy when I ring the doorbell with a bouquet of roses in my hand for my mom.

I rub my clammy hands together and rake my gelled hair down. Nervousness builds up inside of me and when the door opens, it is replaced by sadness and happiness.

"Mum!"I blurt and hug her so tight that she is caught of guard. Damn I miss her!

"Son " She mutters in my hair and rakes it with her long fingers.

"Mom I miss you so much"I tell her with a smile creeping up my face as l brush her short brown bangs.

"Me too"she tells me when we break apart.

"These are for you" I hand the bouquet of roses to her and plant a quick kiss on her smooth cheek.

"Thank you son"she says gratefully, completely flattered!

"Let's go inside"
She pulls me into the hall and the smell of pancakes invades my nostrils.

"How has school been?"she asks, placing the roses in a vase.

"Fine"I stare hard at my nails as I clench my jaws.

"I'm glad"she brushes the bangs out of my face with an adorable smile. " My little Asher is a grown man" she states sadly whiles staring at my hand.

"It used to be so little"she says with a chuckle as she waves my hand in front of my face. I chortle.

"Yea"I reply staring at my own hand. "Where is Calvin?"I add curiously.

"Calvin's not in yet"Mom replies with a small smile. "But I'm sure he will be, in an
hour's time together with all the guests"

"Guests?"I ask, stupefied.

"Yea Guests! I invited a few friends, including Kylie's parents! Why didn't you come with your girlfriend?" Mom says and my ears start ringing. My heart skips a beat and I feel like collapsing onto the floor.

"You what?!"I blurt, she invited Kylie? My blood runs cold as her earlier statement
rings in my head like a church bell! Dong!Dong!Dong!!!

Mom furrows her eyebrows in question.

"I...i thought it was a family thing. That's why"I stutter out. Actually that's what I thought! But my mom had to invite guests, including Kylie's parents!!! What the hell?!!

"It's a celebration! But I promise you, we would have our own family celebration tomorrow"mom assures and bile rises in my throat. I feel like hopping onto my motorcycle and dashing out of here before Kylie arrives with her parents. Its not like l am scared of her or something but I hope she doesn't have the nerve to set her big foot here!

"Excuse me"I state and file into the kitchen leaving her dazed in the hall. I punch the counter angrily and open the refrigerator. I take out a glass of lemonade and drink it with rage. Kylie is coming here! She would be here soon! Argh! I stomp my foot and cover my face, drawing in deep breaths. I wish I can just choke myself and die. I inhale deeply as I try to calm my nerves. Kylie would be here soon! You cannot do anything about that and that is a fact! All you have to do is to ignore her! You are no more her boyfriend! You broke up with her! My subconscious tells me and I agree completely. Its over between us!

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