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Asher's POV:
I bang against Kylie's door once more and shake  the door handle vigorously but it doesn't budge.

"Kylie! I know you're in there! Come out, you witch" I holler shaking the door violently to create more effect.

"She isn't there Ash! Just give up already" Jace grumbles beside me. He was also astounded when I told him what Kylie and Dave have been doing behind my back.

"She needs to hear from me! She is gonna regret ditching me this way" I roar raucously at Jace and he rolls his eyes.

"Come out Kylie!!!" I shout and bang on the door with all the strength in me.

"So are you going to break the door?" Jace questions with a bored expression.

"I might! She has to come out!" I reply banging even harder on the door. Anger fills me together with hurt and envy. I'm just sitting in jealousy and agony!

"Why don't you find her roommate?! She might know where Kylie is" Jace suggests and I sigh.

"I don't know her damn roommate! How are we supposed to find her?" I yell.

"We can ask the next door neighbours? Maybe they know them?" Jace suggests and I nod, moving towards the other door on the right whiles Jace knocked the door on the left. I knock on it gently.

"Hello" I say politely to the dark skinned girl who appeared with dark dread locks on her head.

"Hello" she replies with a small smile, probably surprised I am here.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but do you know your next door neighbours?" I question pointing to Kylie's door.

"I don't really know them! Although I have seen a girl with blonde hair walk out of it so many times. And also a girl with dark hair" She explains.

"You don't know their names?" I question.

"No I'm sorry" she replies politely and I huff.

"But you said a blonde walks out of it! How does she look like? Can you describe her for me?" I ask eagerly and the dark skinned girl squints.

"She is a blonde with blue eyes. She is quite tall and usually wears baggy clothes and long skirts! I think that's all"

Her description matches that new girl in my class. Miss Croxford or so. But there are over fifty blonde girls with blue eyes in this school! How am I supposed to use that?

"Thank you" I tell her and she smiles. I walk away and she shuts the door.

"What did you get?" I ask Jace as he stands there contemplating something in his head.

"The girls in there said they know Kylie and not her roommate"Jace blurts and I sigh.

" Kylie is popular! I'm not surprised "I tell Jace, taking in deep breaths.

" what did you find?"Jace enquires

"I found out that her roommate is a blonde who has blue eyes"

Jace chuckles. "How are we going to use that to find her?"

"I asked myself the same thing"

"Let's go and come back another time! I'm starving! And you need to eat!"  Jace grumbles.

"I'm not hungry but I will go with you"

"You have an eating disorder Ash!" Jace says sympathetically and I just rub my face.

"I just wish the earth could swallow me" I tell him honestly and he embraces me.

"It will be over" he mutters and I smile but it doesn't reach my eyes.

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