The Joy Of Donating:

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Asher's POV:
The soft feel of the black comfy car seat relaxes my muscles but it doesn't cure the pain and anger I was feeling right now after mom's revelation about Dave's mother. She killed my dad! My mind forms images of how she could have possibly murdered him. His cries of pain and agony brings tears to my eyes. How can a woman be so heinous? After all she did to him, he didn't deserve that! The thought alone  makes my blood cold and hot at the same time. I've been experiencing these weird feelings since we left the house and the only feeling that I can decipher correctly, is the one for revenge! I need to avenge his death but then, my mom warned me about her! About those two! And I have to play the right cards in order to be back alive. I dont know about Calvin but he obviously has tons of work to do! I'll plan everything when I am in Miami with him. It might work out.

Calvin pulled up in the frontyard and kids rushed towards our car happily. Camilla was right! They were full of life. I got the bag of toys out and waved a few of them as a group of nuns approached our vehicle.

"Hey kids! We have got some presents for you"Camilla says to them and they laugh happily. "Just hold on a bit"

I step out and embrace a few kids. I felt so sorry for them but at the same time, I felt happy because I was a part of this. Helping them and making them happy. It sucks to lose your parents at such a tender age and I know that because when I lost my father at the age of twelve, my world tumbled down so to lose both parents could be painful.
Calvin grabs the bags from the trunk and shuts it.

"Nanni"Camilla yells and embraces one of the nuns in a tight hug. I help Calvin unload the bags while eavesdropping on their conversation.

"It's so good to see you again Camilla"Nanni says with a grin. "You're doing so much to support the kids! Thank you"she adds.

"Oh it's fine Nanni! Dad sends his regards"

Nanni nods and her eyes trail to us.
"I know you"She points to Calvin and his eyebrows scrunch.

"Me?"Calvin asks, baffled.

"Yes! You! Aren't you that famous actor?"Nanni asks with a chuckle and Calvin laughs.

"Yes I am"he admits. "I'm Calvin Reynolds"

"I knew it!"Nanni chuckles. "You're so talented kid"She compliments him.
"Thank you"Calvin says to her and she turns her attention to me.

"And you are?"she questions, squinting at me. I swallow a thick saliva.
"I'm Asher Reynolds! Calvin's brother"
"It's good to see you Asher"Nanni responds and ushers us into the orphanage as we carried the bags containing all sorts of items for the kids.

"Blake! Can you help our guests with their loads?"Nanni hollers to a guy sitting at the other end of the room who looks vaguely familiar. He turns around to face us, emotionless and I realise it's Blake. The Blake I know!

"Sure Nanni"He struts towards us and helps us unload our stuff. He looks at me as if he doesn't know me and I'm surprised he is behaving that way but I understand him! He is still holding a grudge against me.

"The children are going to love these"Nanni hums as she peeks into one of the bags with a beam on. "God bless you all"she looks at us with a genuine smile.

"One more thing"Camilla digs into her bag and brings out the box of cookies mom gave her earlier. "This is from Caroline, Calvin and Asher's mom!"she hands it over and Nanni takes it.

"They are cookies, freshly baked from the oven"Calvin repeats what mom said earlier.

"Oh thank you"Nanni taps her heart. "It's wonderful to know that you all care for these kids as much as I do!"She wipes a stray tear.

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