Meeting Miss Croxford:

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Asher's POV:
"I thought you wanted to read Great Expectations. Why did you show up with an encyclopedia instead?"Jace queries as we pad up the flight of stairs to our room.

"I changed my mind!"I lie as I think about the real reason why I took the encyclopedia instead.

"Hmm I see" Jace gives me a mischievous smirk and I suspect him.

"What?"I demand whiles ruffling my hair.

"I saw you with that new girl at a shelf"Jace says and I smile sheepishly. He caught me.

"That's right and she is the main reason why I changed the book"I confess and he grins.

"I knew It! I saw everything"he chortles and flings his fist in the air.

"Why are you so happy?"I question with an eyebrow raised.

"Because, for a moment, I thought you were going to yell at her but to my surprise you didn't! Plus, you gave your book to her! I saw her holding it as she made her way to a desk"Jace rants and I chuckle in amusement.

"What are you? A cctv camera?"I question and he laughs.

"Maybe but I think you like her"Jace states and I make a face.

"Seriously Jace? Have you forgotten what I said about girls?"I spit disgustedly

"I know"he rolls his eyes and opens the door leading to our room. "She is a nice girl"he adds as he closes the door when we enter.

"For me, there are no nice girls! They are all the same "I repeat.

"You're wrong"Jace challenges taking a seat beside me.

"Look Jace! I don't like that new girl! Miss Croxford or whatever!"I point out with rage. It was the exact truth. Even though I felt something like a spark when I touched her soft hand moments ago but I know it's just my nerve cells playing tricks on me.

"Oh so you remember her name?"Jace mocks and I scoff. "I couldn't remember her name but you did!"he adds.

"So What?"I question frustratedly.

"Which means you like her"Jace rants and I resist the temptation of shoving a huge boulder into his throat to block his vocal cords forever.

"I. Do.Not.Like.Her."I enunciated the words, loud enough for him to hear.

"Then why do you have her name in your head?"Jace asks and I sigh.

"That's because I have a good memory dear Jace! Now, if you will excuse me, I have got a project to do"I spit sarcastically and head towards my desk. Jace chortles behind me and I roll my eyes, concentrating on my project.

"What project?"he brawls as he sits next to me and I groan

"I have got a research to do"I type on my laptop.

"Nice car! I cannot believe your brother bought you an Aston Martin"Jace chirps and I smile.

"Yea...that has always been my dream car"I say with a huge beam.

"What about the motorcycle?"

"I can give it to you? If you want? It's still brand new"I offer and a grin begins to grow on his face.

"Seriously Ash?"

"Yeah man"

"That would be.....FANTASTIC!!! I would love It! Thanks Ash" Jace rattles excitedly and I hand over the keys and documents to my motorcycle. Jace takes it gratefully with a beam.

"It's yours. Calvin suggested I'd give it to you" I straighten my collar.

His eyes puff out like balloons.
"Thanks man"

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