Meeting Samantha:

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Tiffany's POV:
I shut the door behind me the moment I got to my dorm. My legs ached terribly as they shook under me. I staggered towards my bed and slumped into it feeling miserable. Kylie decided to stay at her house for the weekend which means, I have the whole room to myself. On a normal day, I would have been rejoicing over that but here I am feeling guilty and my subconscious mind wouldn't stop scolding me for what happened. My head has began to ache from thinking so much.

Mirabel offered me a ride but I declined it saying that I had a few errands to run. I wanted to be alone. So I walked all the way back to the dorms. I needed to think of ways to win Blake back! I know he probably hates me by now. I didn't cheat on him! This is all a misunderstanding. I just hope he wouldn't report this issue to Nanni. I inhale deeply and trail into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got into my chequered pyjamas. I then settled into my bed.

Everything will be alright! Just explain everything to Blake! He would understand. I grab my clutch and take out Calvin's complimentary card. With this card, Blake can finally meet his dad! If he would just talk to me. I sigh and stare out of the window, watching the stars and a few students on campus.
If Mirabel finds out about this, she's going to kill me.

A knock distracts me and I trudge towards the door unsure of who it is. Kylie is staying over at her parent's house and it's likely that Jace,Asher and Mirabel will do same. Who could it be? God I hope it's not Aiden! I don't want any trouble! I turn the doorknob and open it to reveal Mirabel. She was clad in a tank top and baggy red trousers which matched her hair colour. I was surprised to see her here. She was holding a bag and a huge grin was etched onto her face.

"Mirabel!"I squeak and she nods. "Come in"I open the door wider and she files in.
I locked the door and sat on my bed. She sat on Kylie's bed and faced me.

"I thought you wanted to stay over at your parent's house"I ask flabbergasted

"Yeah but I thought of my brothers. They are the worst! I swear to you that they'll make your life a living hell! And I thought of you being all alone here so I decided to spend the night with you if that's okay?"

"Of course! Thanks for thinking about me"I reply. The heavy weight on my chest diffusing slowly.  Mirabel smiles and brings out her laptop.

"What about your roommate?"I inquire.

"She's spending the weekend with her parents."She replies. Speaking of parents makes my heart shatter into a thousand pieces.

"You hardly talk about your parents Tiff. Plus, you seldom visit them over the weekend. You're always here! All alone. Where are they?"She asks and my breath hitches.

"They are in a different state"I drawl.

"Really? Where?"

"New York City"I wipe a stray tear.

"I understand! The distance. I'm sure they are missing you"Mirabel flashes me a grin.

"I hope"I whisper and face her with a grin. "Excuse me"I say and head towards the small kitchen Kylie and I created. I took a bottle of water from the refrigerator  since I suddenly felt thirsty. I took a long gulp and calmed my breathing.

"Are you alright?"Mirabel asks behind me and I turn around. She was leaning against the door frame with a look of concern on her face. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No! I'm alright" I sniff and take another gulp of water. "I'm just thirsty "I force a laugh and she chuckles. She grabs hold of my hand and pulls me towards the room. We sit down and she picks up her laptop.

"I'm planning to go roller skating tomorrow. Will you like to tag along?"She asks as she types away furiously on her keyboard.

"I don't know how to skate"I reply, slightly embarrassed.

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