Miami, Florida:

67 1 0

Asher's POV
"Air resistance counts"Camilla spills and I furrow my eyebrows. Air resistance? Where did that come from? When I was packing, I never thought of air resistance! Besides, what does that have to do with clothing?

"What if it gets windy? Or what if a thunderstorm settles in?"Camilla continues her rants. Who said there will be a thunderstorm?

"Okay okay"Calvin drawls obviously bored from her endless long tales of 'what if's'

"Thank you"Camilla beams and loads her bags into the trunk. "We are good to go now"she screams when the trunk is shut.
She joins Calvin at the passenger seat and we were soon on our way to the hospital. I took a long look at my knee and I noticed it was healing slowly which meant I'll be in school in a few weeks time.

"How are you Asher?"Camilla asks sweetly.

"I'm great"I reply and offer her a grin.

"Are you ready to take your breakup pills?"she batts her eyelashes.

"Breakup pills?"I snigger. "I'm fine Camilla! I don't need break up pills"

"I mean advice you know"she clarifies and I get it now.

"Oh"I say in realisation and she smiles.
"Okay"I agree. She nods and turns to face the windscreen. Cal parked at the entrance to the hospital and we went in. Camilla wanted to say goodbye to her dad before leaving and I wanted to return Tiffany's Diary.

"Asher! Come in"Dr. Stone's welcoming voice greets and I enter the room. Camilla follows suit and sits right in front of her father while Calvin lingers around.

"Sweetheart! I guess you came to say goodbye"Dr. Stone guesses and she nods happily.

"Of course daddy"she stands up and embraces him in a tight daddy--daughter hug. Dr. Stone laughs lightly.

"Okay you can let me go now! I need to examine Asher's knee. Wait for me right here"he instructs as he summons me into his tiny examination room after patting Cal lightly on the back.

I sat on the bed as usual while he inspected my knee. I just stared hard at the wall and thought of Jace, Mirabel, Samantha and Tiffany. I'll surely miss them during these two weeks that I'll be away. But it's good because, I wouldn't have to see Dave's ugly face for a fortnight.

"It's improving"Dr stone says after a long silence and rises to his feet.

"That's it? I wanted to hear it's healed"I grumble and he laughs.

"It will take some time Ash! Just have patience. Most importantly, don't stop taking your medication! I know you will have lots of fun during the trip but don't forget to take it. I'll see to it that Camilla will always remind you"
I just nod.

"So did you confront your mom about Dave?"he asks in a whisper.

"I did and she was trying to deny it but I got evidence and she admitted that Dave is my stepbrother"

"Well that's good! You know the truth now"he shrugs.

"Yes. Thanks to you! Is Tiffany around?"

"No. She hasn't shown up yet but I heard she's found her biological parents and I'm thrilled. I'm sure she's probably spending quality family time with them"

"Yes you might be right"I conclude.

We strut out of the room and re-enter the consulting room. Camilla and Cal gaze at us expectantly as we take our seats.

"Everything is in order! Asher is fit to go on the trip" he states.

"Yes"Cal and Camilla yell out as they high five each other. I hear a phone beep and Camilla's father picks up his phone from his desk. Calvin pulls me towards him and runs his silky fingers through my dry locks.

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