Cut Contact:

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Asher's POV:
"I have another message for you" Camilla says, handing me a yellow adhesive note and I scrutinise its content.

"You know I'm helping you with your breakup issues"She admits as she slides a bowl of soup my way. "Gramps wants you to drink everything in that bowl. He claims it's his famous Agaricus soup "She beams.

"Contains lots of mushrooms"I reply as I look into the orange liquid. "He says it can cure my sprain"I add with a chuckle.

"Yeah and I can't wait to eat em"Camilla plops down on her chair and grabs her cutlery. "My dad always said that mushrooms are very nutritious"

"Cut contact?"I ask, raising an eyebrow at the adhesive note because that's what it says. "You want me to cut contact with my exes?"

"Yeah, that's the only way to forget about them. I know it's kind of brutal but it helps. Just unfollow them on their various platforms and be independent"Camilla preaches.

"I guess you're right. Some of them have already stopped following me on Twitter and Instagram." I admit. So far, Samantha and Kylie are still following me. Should I unfollow them?

"Your first message helped though. Thanks for that one. I tried it and I think I'm better off"I commend and take my soup. "Have you experienced a breakup before? I mean, you seem like an expert in dealing with these issues"

"Yes just a few"Camilla admits. "They weren't the right guys for me. I've found the right person now and I believe you'll find yours sooner or later"

"So you've cut contact with them? Or you contact with them?"

"I cut contact with all of them but one mysteriously appeared in my life again. He came back for me but it was too late. I was already dating Cal and he had no choice but to leave"Camilla says solemnly as she  drinks her soup. That's kind of Samantha's style. She came back for me.

"Where is he now?"I ask curiously.

"He's in L.A. starring in a new film. He has a new girlfriend" Camilla shrugs lightly. I just smile and carry on eating. Should I give Sam a chance?

"I know it's going to be hard for you to obey this advice but please do"she urges and I inhale deeply.

"Sure"That's all I could say.

"These mushrooms are delicious! Have you tried them?"Camilla asks and I'm happy she changed the subject.

"No? I would taste one right now"I pick one with my spoon and shove it into my mouth while Camilla waits for my response.

"Mm"I begin as I chew it. "Tastes refreshing"I state when I'm done.
"I know right"Camilla shrieks and I shove another one into my mouth. There is a sudden ring and she slips to the hall.

"Oh it's my dad"She hollers to me and picks up her phone. "Hey daddy"she says sweetly into the phone and I continue to eat. I was wondering where Cal, Steve and Gramps had gone to. I haven't seen them all morning!

I pull my phone out of my pocket and log into my Twitter account. I go straight to those I'm following and just stare at Kylie's account. Contemplating whether to unfollow her or not, I reminisce my mom's words.

"You need to find a new girl!"

I press the unfollow button and exhale. I never thought I could do this but I guess, I have. It wasn't so hard though. I wonder how Kylie would feel if she finds out that I have just unfollowed her!

A new girl, that's it.

My finger taps on Kylie's Instagram account and I unfollow her. My eyes caught a picture of she and Dave in one of her recent posts. It was tagged, cutest couple ever! They were cuddling in a bar with beams on their faces. I sigh as my heart breaks. I'm sure they are officially together now! But I'm still concerned about Kylie! I'm afraid Dave is just playing with her! He's not being genuine! He's just a scoundrel!

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