Training With Kylie:

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Some of Kylie and Tiffany's collections from the mall⬆️🔝

Tiffany's POV:
I bite my nails feverishly as I lay in my bed, staring hard at the huge shopping bag on my bed. Did Kylie put this here mistakenly or intentionally? I have already looked through it and it consisted of the clothes and heels Kylie purchased for me, a few days ago. She is currently not here and I'm wondering where she is.

I sigh and shove a gum into my mouth. Chewing would serve as a distraction for Kylie's lame antics. I gaze at my notes and read each line carefully but my heart skips a beat when the door creaks. She is here! She is in! I resist the temptation of looking at her but that is short lived when she calls out my name unexpectedly.

"Tiffany..."she commences as she makes her way towards me with her expensive perfume which smells like grapes and oranges, diffusing into my nose. She shifts the shopping bag to the other side and plops down on my bed. She is in the same outfit, I saw in the morning.

"I'm sorry about what happened the last time! I was a bit upset but everything is alright now and I'm sure Asher and I would be back together "She rants and my heart sinks. Asher forgave her so soon? Does he know what she has been doing behind his back? The memory of she and Dave in this room flashes in my head and I shiver violently. I need to do something! I cannot let Asher get back with her! I have to show him the video!

"Tiffany! Would you forgive me?"she asks solemnly and I stare at her brown orbs.

Nanni always said you need to be forgiving, no matter what the person does to you. And I have to apply that.

"Yea of course! You are forgiven"I flash her a fake beam and she yelps

"Thanks Tiffany! I felt really bad treating you that way and I didn't know how to apologise"

"It's okay"I tell her and go back to focusing on my notes.

"So ummm.....are you busy?"she begins and places the shopping bag on her lap.

"Why?"I raise an eyebrow

"You need to try these things you know? They are yours! And you need to learn how to walk in heels remember?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot"I reply with my heart melting. I thought she was going to deprive me from touching these things.

"So are you ready?"Kylie grins

"Ready"I reply and she brings out a pair of pink heels.

"Wear them"she instructs and I quickly slot my clumsy feet into the shiny footwear. I had trouble fastening it but Kylie helped me. Then she told me to get up and walk in them. When I stood, I felt like I was on top of a mountain or something! Wow! I feel so tall. Kylie giggled at how I wince as I walk in them. I have seen many girls walk in them and I tried to imitate their ways in walking in them.

"You're doing well Tiffany! Just don't put your arms out like that"Kylie hollers to me and I place my hands by my sides but when I nearly crashed into the wall, I had to bring them out again to balance myself. Kylie huffs.

"You have to learn how to balance yourself dearie! One step at a time"Kylie straightens me up. "Now walk like you own the world"she beams and I nod.

I do that exactly and try my possible best to balance myself but l began to wiggle vigorously and before I realised it, I was tumbling to the floor at a skyrocketing speed. My head makes contact first with the tiled floor before the rest of my body and I grimace with a loud moan. I remember I have fallen like this before! But I don't remember how! I sit upright as I massage the bruise on my forehead.

"Tiffany!"Kylie screeches as she scurried towards me and I groan

"Are you okay?"she kneels beside me as she touches my head with the back of her hand. "Are you hurt?"

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