The Anniversary:

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Tiffany's POV:
"I'd watch my tongue if I were you" Warren growls at the leader of the kidnappers who was currently tied to a chair in the creepy house we were in. He chuckles lightly.

"Tell me, why do you kidnap children?"Blake demands. Nanni was busy contacting the police. She was trying to reach the parents of the little boy who's just been brought in. His name was Toby and he was just 9 years old.

"It's my profession"the kidnapper states loosely. "Its called child trafficking"

"How could you be so cold? All those helpless kids never saw their parents again! Including me"I growl and he's stunned.

"Oh I see"He shrugs. "Well you're still alive"

"What do you gain?"I question and he chuckles dryly.

"Tiffany! Calm down"Blake calms me.

"Who do you work for?"Warren questions this time around.

"You don't expect me to tell you right?"he smirks. Warren smiles in amusement.

"Okay! I guess you'll be heading to the police station now"Warren says to him.

"Whatever! I'll be out after two days"he shrugs.

"Two days?"I ask shocked to the bone and he chortles in response.

"Where are her parents?"Blake demands pointing to Riele. The kidnapper gazes at her for a brief second.

"I remember her!"he smiles. "I took her from her mom at the park! It was so easy"

A gasp escapes my lips as a cashmere textured lump forms in my throat. I wonder how he kidnapped me!


"I think they were in New York or so! They sent posters everywhere looking for their beloved princess"He states with clear sarcasm and digs into his pocket. A pocket watch falls on the ground together with a box cutter and a small knife. He brings out a battered paper and hands it to Blake.

"What's this?"Blake demands while opening it.

"One of the posters I saw! It might have the information you need about her parents "he slams and I peer at it as Blake unfolds it.

I gasp when I see Riele's Picture and full name. Riele Croxford! 8 years old. Missing! There was a contact number beneath which said we should contact if we find her, together with a cash prize.

"We could call the number"I tell Blake hopefully! I'm just one step away to finding my real parents.

"Relax Tiff!"Blake folds the poster and hands it to me.
"Do you know where they live?" He asks the kidnapper.

He chuckles in response.
"Somewhere in New York! I don't know! But then, I don't think they live there anymore! My boss said they moved"

"Yeah! I read something like that"Blake agrees. "Try the number Tiffany"

I pull out my cell phone and dial feverishly. My heart jumps when it begins to dial. Blake continues his interrogation with the kidnapper. The beeping sound continues and hold Riele's hand tightly in mine.

"Hello?"a sweet voice answers and my throat itches suddenly. "This is Janet speaking from New York! How can I help you?"she rattles.

"Errr...I'm Tiffany and I need to speak to Mrs. Croxford" I ask for my mother.

"Please hold on"Janet says and I inhale deeply.

"What's happening?"Blake whispers to me and I hold my hand up, telling him to wait for a while.

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