Soccer Practice:

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Asher's POV:
I change into my football jersey and head towards the exit ready to play soccer.  I have always loved Soccer! Ever since I was born and surprisingly, Jace does too. I brush my bangs and check on him. Since we got here, he hasn't spoken and I wonder if he is still there. I peek into  the next room and he sat there wearing his football boots.

"Jace! You ready? Coach must be waiting"I take off my watch and dump it in my bag.

"I'm almost done"He raises his head  and smiles. "You ready to face Dave again?"he chuckles and I tut angrily.

"You are the captain Ash!"Jace smirks and I well up with pride. I went through a lot before attaining  that title and I'm proud of it!

"Do you think Kylie would come for the match?"I purse my lips and Jace is astounded.

"Why do you want her to come?"He questions incredulously and my insides begin to crash.

"I admit I miss her Jace"my heart shatters and tears well up in my eyes when that statement escapes my lips. Jace is stunned.

"I pretend to be strong! I pretend  to be alright without her but I miss her"

Tears roll down my dry cheeks and Jace looks on with pity.

"Then you are a very good actor Ash! I honestly  thought you were done with her and you have finally scraped her name out of your heart"He taunts and I chuckle but that doesn't heal the wound  in my heart.

"Sincerely!"He adds and taps my back.

"I admit that I'm mad at her and I hate her for what she did to me but..."I trail off as my  heart begins to ache.

"I still love her Jace"I confess and he is taken aback for a split second.

"It is impossible to hate and love someone at the same time! Unless you are pretending to hate her but deep down, you still love her"He elaborates and I nod.

"Yes! You might be right! All I feel is hatred now but I kind of miss her"I state and his face scrunches up in confusion

"What are you saying?"he asks and looks me straight in the eyes.

"I think you have mixed feelings man! Take in deep breaths! Sit down"he helps me plop down on a chair and hands me a bottle of water. I guzzle it down hurriedly  and hurl  the empty bottle at the trashcan.

"I thought you said you hate girls and that  they are all the same?"he plops down on another chair and faces me. His hazel eyes digging into mine.

"I do"I growl as my insides crash. I know she is evil and all but when I think about her and Dave, my stomach lurches and I feel so jealous. I try to act proud and unconcerned but I can't. I miss her but at the same time, I don't want her near me. It's weird.

On a normal day, she would have been here, showering me with kisses and wishing me good luck for to the match. Jace would have been rolling his eyes at us and we would start mocking him. Then she would go straight to the bleachers and start yelling my name the moment the match begins. What changed? I miss those days! Where we used to be a cuddly couple. Everyone was jealous of us! But Dave had to come in! And Kylie fooled me! She played with me! She ripped me into pieces!

"Look! I understand you perfectly"He sits upright and draws in deep breaths.

"What's wrong with me?"

"There is nothing wrong with you"Jace assures. "All you have to do is to get Kylie out of your head and your heart"he states and I sniff.

"How? How can I do that if she keeps coming around? She has this effect on me!"I yell and he sighs.

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