Home Sweet Home:

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The  orphanage ⬆️


Tiffany's POV:
Kylie and I strut to the circular driveway and I dump all the items we had purchased at the mall into the trunk of her car. My arms ached from holding the heavy items all day and I was sweating profusely. I have never expelled so much sweat from my body like this before — until now that Kylie took me shopping. A few beads of sweat congregated on top of my lips and I wipe it with the back of my hand as Kylie locked the trunk.

We actually spent the whole day at the mall! And I skipped classes! If Nanni were to be  here, she would have been fuming at me right now.

I rub my clammy hands as I think about her. I imagine her as she scolds me in my head and shivers crawl down the length of my spine.

"Are you coming?" Kylie beckons.

"Yea sure" I say tensely and waddle to her side, still dripping of sweat! I need a shower! She opens the passenger door and I slide into the comfortable seat. Finally happy we are going back. She shuts the door and goes to sit at the driver's seat. Then she starts it and we were on our way back. I glance at the time and it's five o clock. Oh My God! Going to the mall with Kylie was a bad idea! But it was somehow fun as we ate ice cream and played games.

"Are you tired?"Kylie asks as she negotiates a curve smoothly.

"Yea....."I trail off. I wanted to tell her about how she left me alone to carry all the goods we bought around the huge supermarket but that wouldn't show gratitude to her for paying for my things and I don't want to have a fight with her.

"I'm sorry Tiffany for wasting your time! I just don't know what comes over me when I get to the mall. I just spend the rest of the day there, buying things"

"Don't swear over it Kylie! I am okay with it" I reply with a smile and she grins

My mind goes over to Asher --  should I tell her that he has already discovered her dark secret? Maybe Dave didn't tell her and I find that rather strange. It looks like she doesn't know anything about the revealation of her secret.

"Kylie ummm....."I begin nervously and her gaze lands on me.

"What Tiffany?" She enquires

"Do you love Asher?" I blurt. Okay where did that come from? I'm supposed to tell her about the revelation of her secret  not to ask her about her love for Asher.

Kylie stiffens for a split second as  she heads towards our dorm and parks in front of it. She is still silent but I am anticipating  her answer.

"Tiffany, I don't know! One time, I like him and the next ---" she gets cut off by a harsh knock on her window. Asher stood behind, his face serious and fists clenched into balls at his side. He doesn't look cheerful.

Kylie opens the door ignoring his harsh appearance and climbs out of it to face him, leaving me in the car.

"Hey Asher!"Kylie greets as she plants a warm kiss on his cheeks and embraces him but that doesn't clear the serious expression  on his face. It rather deepens it into an unhealthy scowl.

"Kylie"Asher commences darkly as he takes off her arms around his neck and she is confused with the expression on her silky face

"It's over between us"he states grimly as he glowers at her and she is stunned.

"What do you mean by it's  over? You said you will think about it remember?"Kylie says with her voice shallow.

"Yea right! After everything you have done huh?!!"He snaps at her and she gulps.

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