Best Friend's Lover

By DrippingFantasies_

197K 9.8K 1.8K

Feelings come whenever they feel, no time limit or warning. Sometimes those feelings can become chaotic , sti... More

1. Family Issues
2. They Don't Know
3. Tutoring ?
4. The Nerve
5. On the Low
6. A Bunch of BS
7. First Session
8. Progress
9. Livid or Digusted?
10. Morning Drama
11. Connecting too Well
12. Party Dramatics
13. You've been Distant
14. Not Me
15. Wasting Time
16. Harsh
17. I Miss You
18. Body Shots
19. Cant Keep Doing This
20. Thanksgiving Brawl
21. Breaking Point
22. The Truth is Gonna Come Out
23. Relationship Probs
24. Winter Ball pt.1
25. Winter Ball pt.2
26. A Bitch is Blocked
27. Christmas Day
28. Christmas Day Pt.2
29. Talk
30. Disloyalty
31. Mixed Emotions
32. Exposed
34. Prom Proposal
35. The lake
36. Talk About What?
37. Birthday Celebration
38. Arguments
39. He trippin'
40. Crossing Boundaries
41. Shopping Trip
42. Prom
43. Its Always Something
44. I didnt know how to tell you
47. Date night
48. Ronnie
49. Talking to an Angel
50. Final Goodbyes
51. Its okay to not be okay
52. Last day
53. Tapes
54. The Tour
55. Stay the night?
56. Who's this?
1. First Day (Pt.2)
2. Things Change (PT.2)
3.Sneaking Out (Pt.2)
4. Regular Days (Pt. 2)
5. Peeped (Pt.2)
6. Spending time (Pt.2)
7. Spending Time (PT. 2)
8. Ice Pack (Pt.2)
9. Do Not Disturb (PT. 2)
10. We Won (Pt.2)
11. Meeting the new sibling (Pt.2)
12. Nothing Matters (Pt.2)
13. Let loose (Pt.2)
14. Chillin (Pt.2)
15. Dumber and Dumber (Pt.2)
16. Who couldve did it? (Pt.2)
17. You've been blowing me
18. I'll regret it later (Pt.2)
19. Broken (Pt.2
20. Let It Go (Pt.2)
21. Big Brawl (Pt.2)
22. In a Tight Space (Pt.2)
23. Suspended?
24. Im disappointed
25. Yall Just Kissed... (PT.2)
26. Im not ready (PT.2)
27. Prom preparation (Pt.2)
28. No Need To Thank Me (Pt.2)
29. Will You Go To Prom With me?
30. Closure (PT.2)
31. Walking Temptation (PT.2)
32. Making Amends (Pt.2)
33. Final Goodbyes
My Peace
New Book!

26. Coming to my senses (Pt.2)

606 58 2
By DrippingFantasies_

There's gonna be some major time skips so try to keep up. 😊

Y'all we hit 111k views on this book!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
We even managed to reach 6k votes, you don't realize how thankful I am. I really love this book and the fact that love it to is amazing🙈. Sometimes I have doubts about some of the chapters and the plots but the comments and the votes really make my day.

Anyways enjoy 👇🏽


I watched as my teacher passed the test back out, the one we took last week. My nerves are bad but I'm confident. I've been spending more time studying and dedicating my time to more important things. "I'm actually surprised, keep up the good work" Ms.Johnson praised, sitting the rest on my test. I eagerly looked at the top seeing 90%  written in black ink.

     A big smile graced my face, actually proud of myself. My grades have been getting better, day by day. Throwing my hands in the air, I went in the middle of the classroom, doing a backflip. "A real one passed" I hyped myself up, as the class looked at me weirdly. That didn't matter to me though, I just new that eighty was going up to a ninety soon.

I PASSED MY  TEST!!!!!!!🥳🥳

Dad💁🏽‍♂️: Good son... keep up the good work👏🏽👏🏽

     I went to another contact, deciding to text Neenan about it to.

  A nigga passed the test!!

BigBro☠️: you wanna cookie? I'm confused

"Good job"
"Your so smart"
"Imma buy your a car"

One of those would've been nice😐

BigBro☠️: Nigga bye. Pass one test and think you deserve the world.

I'm definitely not buying you ass a car, a nigga to broke for that!

    Cackling to myself, I closed out our messages and turned off my phone. The bell rung as class ended and I stayed behind, wanting to talk to the teacher. "Hey, Ms. Johnson. Have been noticing the improvement"

    She nodded, taking off her classes, smiling. "You've been doing amazing, but you've been capable of doing so. I'm glad your changing your ways, suspension did you some good".

    Suspension did, being alone in my room, grounded without any phone ,television, the game. It gave me a lot of time to think about my actions and it made me shudder. That wasn't the mark I wanted to leave on my senior year. It took for me losing some important people in my life to finally come to terms with my foolishness. I planned on facing my demons at some point and apologizing for my actions.

      The person I really wanted to talk to was Natalie, she has been on my mind heavy. Not romantically but more of like a guilty conscience. After some time to think, it would be a cold day in hell if we got back together. She isn't a fan of cheating, and with all the others madness that popped off and the secrets, are the icing of the cake. I just wanted to let her know that I'm doing better and taking life more seriously.

   "Thank you for pushing me" I genuinely meant it. "I really appreciate it".

   "I know there's more under there besides an athlete" she said, returning her attention back to the computer. Leaving out the class, I saw the crew waiting for me by the locker. Carter was in the front, his arms crossed over his chest. "What's up with you", Carter questioned with a slight mug.

     "I'm done with partying and drinking every night, it old now" I said, watching all of them eye in disturbance. It threw for a loop but I understood. "It ain't my scene no more and it's never been my scene, honestly" I admitted as I watched for all of there expressions. Jaylen stood next to me, like a proud mother. "Well, I support".

     Owen chuckled. "I told y'all that nigga ain't really bout' that shit" he continued on laughing , slapping his knee. "Aye, real shit though, I'm glad your living your truth now."

    Wyatt, nodded in agreement. "Your not the only one, after being kicked off for the rest of the season, I've been on a different level of thinking"

      "I don't care about you not partying or nothing anymore, just let me know instead of ignoring us" Carter said, reaching his hand out to dap me up. The only person that didn't seem to be a fan of this was Laila. I haven't spoke to her in weeks because she always wanted to link and it resulted in some drug activity. I still cared for her but that's the last influence I needed. "So this is why you've been acting funny, making up excuses every time I text your phone" Laila spoke up, catching everyone's attention. "We actually have a connection, we have deep conversations. That's means more than partying".

"Can we not have this discussion" I have no intentions on outting business, but if she wanted to put on a show, I'm all for it.

"No I wanna talk about it because this seems to be on the way to catch your attention", she stepped up the me. "What's the reason".

Leaning against the locker, our eyes connected. I gazed at her , shaking my head, chuckling at the anger on her face. "I don't want our 'friendship' to be based off drugs" , I hinted at her not saying what we were actually taking, Jaylen seemed to be the catch on and she wasn't to happy about it. Stepping in front of me, she pushed Laila against the lockers, trapping her there.

"You said you would fucking stop" she poked her upside the head, hot tears streaming down her face. "Your such a fucking liar, I'm tired of going through this cycle with you" Jaylen cried out through gritted teeth as Carter pulled her back, breaking them apart. He whispered something in her ear, calming her down but that wasn't working.

The rest of the crew, looked between us, shaking their head. Instead of saying anything, the three of them walked away. Laila and I are the only two left after the whole commotion by my locker. "Did you really have to say that" she went off, throwing her head back, wiping strands of hair out her face.

"I didn't wanna have the discussion and you kept pressing it" I defended, not here for her trying to play victim. They were gonna find out some point because she popped those quite often. "You can't blame them for caring about your well-being. That's what real friends do, I lost mine doing that shit and I'm not even addicted."

Grabbing her hand, I led her to the bathroom. She stood outside as I went inside, taking a paper towel. Passing it to her, she wiped the tears from her face, throwing it in the trashcan. "I wanna get better, Julian. It's just hard right now and I'm not motivated enough to do that" she confessed in the mist of having a mental breakdown.

"If your really serious about it, you can do it and I'll try to be there for you in the process".

"I don't wanna lose the friendship between Jaylen and I. That's been my best friend for years, she's been there for me through every fucking thing." She ranted, standing against the brick wall. "I'm tired of turning to drugs for happiness, I just wanna feel whole again".

"We're gonna get better" I said confidently because my growth has already started and I'm sure she can start to.

Everyone has to start somewhere right?

Julian back and better. I'm glad he's gaining some common sense.

I hope Laila gets over her addiction. I wanna see her win to, despite her trifling-ness .

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