It's Not Over Yet (the sevent...

By arias3

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It's not over yet. Though I often wish it was. This is m... More

Part 1
Chapter 1: Reunion League Tour Rehearse Coffee Dad
Chapter 2: Need Some Lovin'
Chapter 3: Perfect Shell
Chapter 4: The Wrong Time
Chapter 5: Baby Blues
Chapter 6: Exposed
Chapter 7: The Biggest Blessing
Chapter 8: Quadruple Babies
Chapter 9: Waiting
Chapter 10: Night of Shameless Fun
Chapter 11: Real Friends
Chapter 12: The Phoenix
Chapter 13: Mommy Booster
Chapter 14: Twitter Warzone
Chapter 15: 500
Chapter 16: A Christmas Eve Story
Chapter 17: Midnight
Chapter 18: Telethon
Chapter 19: Don't Say Anything
Chapter 20: Hand In To The Flame
Chapter 21: Pretty Boy
Chapter 22: If You Don't Believe Me
Chapter 23: The Decision
Chapter 24: We Need Each Other
Chapter 25: Something's Gotta Change Around Here
Chapter 26: Kill Em... With Kindness
Chapter 27: Fellow Nancy Drew-ers
Chapter 28: If You're So Recovered
Chapter 29: You're So Bad For Me
Chapter 30: Afraid To Catch Feels
Chapter 31: Five Little Dots
Chapter 32: Crime's a Crime
Chapter 33: I'm In Trouble
Chapter 34: I'm An Addict
Chapter 35: Folie à Deux
Chapter 36: McKinley
Chapter 37: The Longest Chapter So Far
Chapter 38: These Are My Confessions
Chapter 39: Farewell, Crystal Army
Chapter 40: The Last Year
Part 2
Chapter 41: Now That We're Done
Chapter 42: Entertain Us
Chapter 43: Ha Ha Ha
Chapter 44: Look What You've Done
Chapter 45: You Look Pretty Sinking
Chapter 46: Haunting Me, Taunting Me
Chapter 47: Bury Me In Memory
Chapter 48: Keep It Together
Chapter 49: There's Something I Need To Say
Chapter 50: Take My Pain For Me
Chapter 51: Like We're Supposed To Do
Chapter 52: The Spectrum
Chapter 53: Going All In
Chapter 54: Socks
Chapter 55: Fear Of Falling Apart
Chapter 56: You're A Lonely Soul
Chapter 57: Nice For What
Chapter 58: A Good Place To Start
Chapter 59: It Happened In New Year's Eve, Part 1
Chapter 60: It Happened In New Year's Eve, Part 2
Chapter 61: SuperBowl
Chapter 62: When A Female Fires Back
Chapter 63: This Is Why I Came To You
Chapter 64: Drama and Singing About It, Part One
Chapter 65: Drama and Singing About It, Part Two
Chapter 66: Honestly, I'm Freaking Out
Chapter 67: The Wedding Zinger
Chapter 68: You're In Over Your Head
Chapter 69: I Know What You're Going Through
Chapter 70: Were They Right?
Chapter 71: The Art of a Diss Track
Chapter 72: Fix It Somehow Or Just Move On
Chapter 73: Viva Cozumel Day 1
Chapter 74: Just About Anything Goes
Chapter 75: Who's Molly?
Part 3
Chapter 76: We're All Addicted To Something
Chapter 77: Another Round Of Being Broken
Chapter 78: Another Really Long Chapter
Chapter 79: She Was Back
Chapter 80: There's No Place To Fall
Chapter 81: I Don't Take The Blame
Chapter 82: Pride Through Music
Chapter 83: Lights Out Part 1
Chapter 84: Lights Out Part 2
Chapter 85: Checkmate
Chapter 86: VMAs 2028
Chapter 87: What Happened To John?

Chapter 88: Rinky Dinks

617 11 2
By arias3

So this chapter was meant to be longer but with Coronavirus and stuff keeping everyone at home, I figured I'd give y'all something to do and just post what I already had in my drafts without adding anything more. STAY HOME AND WASH YOUR HANDS. K enjoy. 



On the same night that Mandy and John slept together, Marley had an epiphany. She and the rest of the McKinley Academy team had received 45M dollars in donations from wealthy McKinley alumni. The two biggest donations had come from Sam (15 million) and Julie (10 million) but plenty of others had donated as much as they could. 

They were still about 6 million dollars short, however. And while the others were giving up on getting that lot, she knew as much as Finn did that it was a perfect location. So she came up with a suggestion.

"Why don't we throw a party?" she said to Finn, Leo and Albany on Friday morning as the four met at The Lima Bean. They weren't so sure.

"How is a party going to help us?" asked Leo. "The Sexy Gala was a disaster. Money was raised, sure, but nothing close to millions. And I don't think people would come to another fundraiser of ours after all their info was leaked."

"Yes, that part was bad," said Marley. "But people still like to come together. Santana just had a big release party last night and I heard a bunch of people showed up. Let's throw a big party like that. At Rinky Dinks. We renovate everything."

"A gala at Rinky Dinks?" Albany made a face.

"It's not a gala. It's a huge party. We can remodel the whole place. I'm sure our friends would help out with that. And we send out invitations telling people they can buy tables for something ridiculous like thousands of dollars or something."

"We can't charge people to come," Finn shook his head. "Then they just won't come."

"What if we make it a party that can't be missed?" Marley asked. "We ask a big performer to show up. Do a super exclusive performance. Someone huge who people can't resist the opportunity to go watch." With a very determined look on her face, she said, "I have an idea on who it'll be. So let me take care of this part."

"What can we do to pull this off?" asked Leo.

"You and Albany can get a crew together to start remodeling the place," said Marley. We need this to happen by the end of the month. So I'm thinking two or maybe three weeks from now. Which means we're gonna need to give the place a major makeover to make it look perfect by then."

"And what about me?" Finn interjected. "What can I do?"

"You've gotta get April's cooperation on this," Marley nodded. "Get her to approve the party. And then we're set to raise this money. So who's with me?"



John slept like a baby but Mandy hadn't gotten a wink. She was up thinking about John. More specifically, about the three words he'd whispered to her.

He didn't seem to think anything of it. For a while there, she wondered if she'd imagined it. But as she lied beside him on the floor, old bed sheets covering their naked bodies, she watched him sleep and knew it had been real. He said that he loved her. And it was... weird.

Why was it that something seemed so right until those words were said prematurely? Then the whole thing was spoiled.

It happened with Damian when she said it too fast. And now John... He'd said it way too early. 

It was just sex.

Is that what she'd say when he woke up? 

She didn't get a chance to decide because his slumber and her thoughts were interrupted by rapid knocking on her door.

"Shit," she muttered, sitting up and shaking John's arm. "John, get up."

She stood from her place, giving him a light kick when he didn't get up. 

"John!" she poked at his abdomen with her toes. 

"Hmm," he responded.

"Mandy?" Marley's voice called out. "I know you're there. Please, just... I need to talk to you."

Mandy gasped.  The knocking got louder and that time John did shoot up, saying, "Was that..?"

"Marley?" Mandy finished for him and grabbed his shirt off the ground. "Go hide in my room. Quickly."

"But—" he said, but Mandy tossed the sheets at him and he was forced to carry them with him off to the bedroom. 

Mandy finished fastening on the buttons on John's shirt and made her way to the door, where she removed the lock, opened it, and poked her head out.

Marley didn't seem to notice her lack of pants at first, saying, "Mandy, hey... Sorry for the unexpected visit. I just... I know that you know where John is... And I need to talk to him. He hasn't reached out in weeks and he has yet to go see his son. I... If there's something wrong then you need to tell me."

"Marley, I can't really..." Mandy's voice trailed off as she shook her head.

Marley took a deep breath before asking, "Is he... Is he drinking again?"

Mandy froze for a moment. How much could she tell Marley without harming John?

"Marley, hey," said John from behind her, making Mandy jump. 

John's hand pulled the door open all the way and Marley's eyes widened for just a moment at the sight of him, wearing just his boxers while Mandy tried to cover her legs as best as she could, embarrassed at being in nothing but John's long button-up.

"Oh," was all Marley said. "Um, John, I... I didn't think you were here."

"Sorry I've been so MIA," John said casually. "For obvious reasons I couldn't really go around saying what I was up to."

Marley stared at him in confusion for a moment.

"Damian's my friend and all that," John added.

Mandy's face reddened as Marley said, "Oh... Oh, yeah. Of course. No, I get it. Um, I didn't mean to interrupt but..."

"Not a problem," John said. "What's up?"

Marley looked down again and got a second look at their pantlessness. She glanced up quickly and said, "Oh, um, nothing. Well, yeah, everything. Umm..."

"I'll let you two talk," Mandy said, appearing more and more embarrassed by the minute. "And go get dressed."

"Come on in," John said to Marley, who looked like she wanted to do anything but that. She had business to take care of, however, so the awkwardness of practically walking in on them had to take the backseat.



"Why'd you do all that?" Mandy asked when Marley was gone. She paced her living room, frustrated. "Was it to make her jealous? Is that what this is?"

"What?" John responded, casually sitting back on the couch. "No. I didn't want her to know I'd... done it again. Look, Marley is nothing if not completely repulsed by my drinking. She's thought about not letting me see Kai because of it. And considering what a shit father I've been lately, I don't need more reasons for her to keep me from him. She can't know I drank again."

"But—" Mandy started, stressed out of her mind.

"Mandy," John sighed. "Marley's not gonna go and blab about this to the press. And if it somehow did get out, it wouldn't be the first time we're rumored to be together. We can ignore it or shut it down or whatever it is you want."

Mandy turned away. She was still unsure.

"Unless," John suggested, "this isn't about the press. And you're just worried that Damian will find out and be upset."

"No," Mandy turned to him. "It's not about him."

"Good," he said. "Because neither he nor Marley affects how I feel about last night."

"If not them, then what about Lyric?" Mandy asked. "She thinks you two are together."

"No, she doesn't," John rolled his eyes. "We made it very clear to each other that it was just sex. We're friends and that's it."

"Is that why you called her every night once you were doing better?" Mandy asked. "Or did you call all your friends?"

John took a deep breath, getting up and shaking his head. "I knew you'd do this."

Mandy made a face, watching him get dressed.

"Do what?" she asked, following him in his collection of clothing down the hall. "John, I'm talking to you."

He paused after picking up his socks and shoes off the entrance, turning to Mandy and saying, "This. I knew that once it was all over you'd come up with a reason to kill it. Because it's what you did to Damian, right?"

"Ugh," Mandy scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Do not compare the two things. They are not the same."

John raised an eyebrow. "So you and him exchange 'I love you's and break up, then I say it to you and you're ready to kick me out, but it's not the same at all. Okay. Got it."

Mandy pressed her lips together, watching him get dressed and head for the door.

"Where are you going?" Mandy asked.

"Blackbird," John answered, not stopping for her. "I've dodged them enough but right now it's looking a lot better than being here."

"John," she began, but he opened the door and slammed it shut in one swift moment. She rubbed her temples and groaned as she let herself fall on the couch. She hadn't handled that well. At all.



"So these are the dates then?" Sam looked over the tour layout that was projected on the screen in the Blackbird Records board room. 

"Yeah," Quinn nodded, looking from him to the dates. "Sam Evans: Live On Tour. 57 dates. Just US and Europe and then if you're feeling up for more as the tour goes on we can add more dates in Oceania, Asia and South America. Of course that's up to you."

"Two legs sounds doable," said Sam, scratching the back of his neck. 

In truth, he'd been hoping for something even smaller. His European leg was especially long, but he didn't wanna complain. The label had compromised between his desire to only tour for a few months and the high demand they were seeing for dates across the globe.

"So what do you think?" Quinn asked. "Should we make changes or... Can we announce these next week?"

Sam took a deep breath. If his wife thought this seemed right, then it was right. "Yeah, it looks good," Sam nodded. "Announce them."

As Sam got up, Quinn walked over to him, joining him as he left the room. "I know it seems like a lot," said Quinn, "but this is really the best layout we could give you that the label would approve. Unfortunately under Sebastian's reign, the artists don't get what they want as much as I'd hoped."

"No, I get it, don't worry," said Sam, stopping to kiss her forehead. As he did, he noticed John walking down the hall. "Uh, I'll see you at home, alright?" he said. Quinn nodded, walking away in the opposite direction as him. 

When John saw him approach, he rolled his eyes. Sam made a face. "That bad to see me?" Sam asked.

"No," John responded, the two stopping in front of each other in the middle of the hall. "I just... I was hoping not to see anyone."

"Apparently so," Sam nodded. "You've been MIA for weeks, man. What gives?"

"Just quietly working on new music," said John. "Which is actually why I'm here so if you'll excuse me..."

He nodded behind him, where Sam turned to and saw Sebastian rounding the corner, then signaling John to follow.

"See ya around," John said curtly, walking around Sam and going the way Sebastian had. 

"Bye..." Sam responded as he was left behind. John looked sickly, almost ghostly. There was no way that getting back into business with Sebastian was doing him any good. "Best of luck," Sam muttered before heading out.



"You want me to fast-track your album release?" Sebastian asked dubiously, as he sat across his desk from John.

"My whole album will probably be done in the next week," John nodded. "I have a few songs that could be leads already."

Sebastian chuckled. "And here I thought when you disappeared and then showed up out of nowhere demanding to see me, it was going to be some act of defiance."

"I don't care about label politics," John shrugged. "I just want my new album out by the end of the year. Can you make that happen?"

"We wanted to put a focus on Santana's new music," Sebastian replied.

"Santana won't get you the numbers that I will," John said. 

"Her song is doing great so far, actually," Sebastian shrugged.

John shook his head. "Not like mine would," he said. "Just listen to this." He pulled out a flash drive, setting it on Sebastian's desk. "These are the songs I put together in a little bedroom over the last few weeks. "Imagine what I can do if I get in the studio the next few days and polish everything."

Sebastian hesitantly took it. 

"Let me know," John stood up. "Tell me which other artist is going to do that." He pushed in his chair, rather aggressively, and then stormed out of the room. 

Sebastian looked down at the drive in his hands and laughed, shaking his head. John was back. 




"So this is the place?" asked Kitty, scrunching up her nose as Marley and Finn led her inside Rinky Dinks. Leo and Albany had sat this morning out, with Leo specifically telling Finn to text him "when that she-devil was gone." 

So it was up to Finn and Marley to do this alone; they had to convince Kitty to move city funding to give their big Rinky Dinks party the city's approval. And sending people to help remodel the place wouldn't hurt either.

"What do you think?" asked Marley.

Kitty turned to her and said, "I think I need a long shower after stepping foot here."

"Kitty, come on," Marley sighed.

"I'm serious, Marley," Kitty frowned. "This place is disgusting and it reeks. There's no way you make it a cool, party-worthy place by next Friday. Sorry."

"So wait," Finn said as Kitty turned to leave. "You're not going to help us?"

"I can give you all the party permit," Kitty said. "But I'm not going to use any city resources on helping you make this place habitable. It's a disgusting location, Finn. And it's not McKinley-worthy."

"We'll prove you wrong," Marley told her as Kitty walked out. "You'll see!"

The door shut and Finn turned to Marley. "What now?" he said. "I thought we were going to rely pretty heavily on the mayor for this one."

"It's okay," Marley shrugged. "Kitty's always had a hard time with big visions like this. But we have a lot of friends who will be willing to help. We just need to call on them."

"And you're sure John won't back down?" Finn asked.

"I sure hope not," Marley said. "Because asking him was awkward and I put myself through a lot of stress to do it. So he better come through."

"And if he doesn't?" Finn asked.

Marley grabbed a mop and handed Finn a broom. "Let's plan on him doing his part. And we'll do ours."



"Well, tour dates are public," Sam said, sitting in his living room with Quinn. The older kids were in school, while Lynn was in Quinn's arms and Seth on his lap. 

As the two bottle-fed the babies, Quinn said, "This tour will be over in no time."

"Yeah," Sam nodded. "Though I've gotta say, I stopped dreading it so much once they went out in the morning and I saw all that buzz online. The fans' excitement is pretty contagious."

"Good," Quinn smiled. "Because I want you to have fun on tour. And I also want you to kick ass. I have a good feeling about this tour doing numbers. When it goes on sale in a few days, I guarantee that you'll break records."

"I hope so," Sam laughed. He looked down at Seth and said, "But even if I don't, I'm happy." Back up at Quinn he said, "Seriously, Quinn. I'm so happy. I have my career but most of all I have this family. This beautiful, huge family. And I was wondering... When the European dates start up in February, I was hoping you'd be willing to travel with me."

"Really?" Quinn said, surprised. "But... The kids."

"The kids can come with us," Sam suggested. "Think about it. We'll be stationed in the UK for a while. Nate's in second grade. Izzy and Gaby are in first. I don't think it'd be too tough on them if we pulled them from school for a bit. We can hire someone to homeschool them. And as for the babies, we can have a crib and full-time nanny on tour with us."

"Sam..." Quinn said.

"I know it sounds like a lot," Sam cut her off. "And yeah, we'll need to get approval from Julie. But she's gonna be on her tour, still. And if she's on tour she wouldn't even really see the girls either way, so she wouldn't mind us taking them abroad with us. Please, I just... The thought of being away from all of you for too long is my one thing of hesitation with this tour. Just say you'll think about it."

Quinn took a deep breath, though she didn't like the plan of uprooting the family for a few months. Not at all.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I'll think about it." He smiled and she did, too, as the idea of making him happy was definitely worth something. But could making him happy help her go through with this whim of his?



Quinn was thinking about it, she really was. But a day went by and she woke up with the same feelings about traveling through Europe on tour with Sam... It wasn't a good idea. 

The kids needed consistency, and maybe that same need for consistency was why Sam wanted them there. He wanted the ability to see his family every day. He didn't wanna be alone. 

But she had a career and the kids had school. 

So she came up with a different solution, one which knocked on her door at noon. 

"Evan," she said the moment she opened the door. "Please. Come on in."

"Thank you," Evan nodded, following her inside and into the kitchen. "As always, your home is lovely."

"Thanks," Quinn responded politely. He sat down across from her at the kitchen table and she began, "Well, let me cut to the chase. I'd like you to be Sam's tour family."

"His what?" Evan said, confused.

Quinn explained, "He is on the fence about his upcoming tour. Tickets go on sale tomorrow. So it's a-go. And the thing holding him back right now is that he doesn't wanna be away from family. I can't go and the kids need to stay here. But you're also his family."

"Sam was pretty heavy on the rejection," Evan shook his head.

"Sam was freaked out," Quinn disagreed. "But I know that once you two spend time together he's gonna love you and love having a brother."

"So you're trying to force us to bond?" Evan asked.

She took a deep breath and said, "I'm trying to give you the option to get to know him. And for him to get to know you. You can say no. This is entirely up to you."

"And how will Sam feel about it?" Evan asked.

"Like I said," Quinn sighed. "Sam wants someone around for him, to make him feel at home. I know he'll love having you around. So what do you say?"

Evan pressed his lips together and asked, "By when can I give you my answer?"



"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Alex! Happy birthday to you!"

"You don't look a day over 25," Kara said as she finished singing with Addison, Tabitha, Bonnie, Rosie, Peyton and Luke.

This was the first time in a while that Alex was in his Lima home and it felt good to be there with just those closest to him. This time around, he hoped they wouldn't be getting an unexpected visit from Julie, who happened to be on tour in Austin and couldn't crash even if tempted.

"I can't believe you're really thirty-one," said Tabitha. "You're so old!"

"You're thirty-five," Alex responded.

"Shh!" Tabitha hissed at him. "Never reveal a lady's true age."

"Yeah, Tabitha's still going for twenty-nine," Bonnie added.

The group began to bicker about age, so Alex took the opportunity to cut himself a slice of cake and walk it over to Peyton, who had made her way back to the couch already to get some work done.

"You can pause for some cake, can't you?" asked Alex, placing the slice in front of her on the coffee table.

But Peyton shook her head. "Sorry, bud," she responded. "But no can do. This election is such a tight race right now. But I have a good opening. Kitty, apparently, turned down an appearance at some party Finn and Marley are throwing. It's a fundraiser for education, so of course I'm letting Jake step in there. Leo is involved and the town loves him so that's icing on the cake."

"And speaking of cake..." Alex pushed the cake closer to her.

Peyton made a face, "I gotta work. But you go and enjoy your birthday."

"I am enjoying it," Alex said.

"By being here on the couch with me," she said, "while everyone else is having fun in the dining room."

"Who says this isn't just as fun?" Alex responded.

Peyton glanced up, finally pausing her work. "Alex," she said. "What is it? Seriously, you're giving off mopey vibes. Is it because Mabel couldn't make it?"

"I do miss her," said Alex, nodding. "But it's not that. I don't know what it is, actually. I just... Feel weird."

"You're getting older," Peyton shrugged. "I think it's normal. Last month when my birthday came I cried for thirty days straight in honor of my thirtieth. You'll be fine."

She turned back to her laptop and Alex sighed, standing up. Yeah. He would be fine. Everything would be fine.



"Skye says she's not coming," said Isaac, entering Julie's backstage room. They were already all dressed up, while Julie was only now starting on makeup. 

"That's fine," Julie shrugged.

"It's really not," Isaac said playfully. "She's in San Antonio. That's like an hour and a half driving. I googled it. She could at least make it by your set and hang out with me backstage."

"It's whatever," Julie shrugged again. "I'm sure she's just busy."

Isaac squinted their eyes at her and asked, "Is something going on? I know y'all hung out at the tennis thing but... I've sensed a vibe between you two lately."

"A vibe?" asked Julie.

"A vibe," they nodded. "A weird one. Are you two... fighting or..?"

"No, we're not," Julie sighed. "We're just... Taking some space. We've been glued at the hip for a while and sometimes friends need time apart to keep from going crazy. That's all."

"Well I miss her," Isaac said. "I wish she was on tour with us. And I miss Kayli, too. What happened with all that tour stuff? She was pretty upset before."

"She told you?" Julie looked up at them. "Yeah, it was a weird misunderstanding. The label said Shana wanted the spot so I said yeah and then I heard from Shana that Kayli wanted it and was upset and... I really think they just set them up."

"The label set them up to fight?" Isaac asked, confused.

She nodded. "Oh sure. I wouldn't put it past Blackbird. They used to do this sort of thing to Santana, Amity, and me all the time. It's annoying but it's one of Sebastian's favorite tricks. They just need to learn not to fall for it. But I'm sure they'll be fine."

"Well, I've talked to Kayli, and I don't think they'll be fine. She's so upset. It's really not just about this. It just happened to be the final blow in a long list of grievances the band had against each other, I think."

"Yikes," Julie lamented. "I really hope this isn't the end for them. I mean, to be honest, I personally believe it's time for them to go solo. I don't know about Leila or Zoe but for sure Shana and Kayli have huge pop diva careers ahead of them. And the sooner they leave the group, the bigger they will be."

"But Rhythmix is so great together," Isaac said.

"They are," she agreed. "I guess they just have to decide if staying together is worth missing their shots at being even bigger alone." She turned to the mirror and stared at herself, reflecting on her own career strives. "Sometimes you have to walk away from a few people to make it. And whether it becomes a regret or not, it's just a choice everyone in our world will have to make at some point."



"Thank you for coming!" Alex waved the last of his guests away, turning back into his house and facing the emptiness. Luckily, Rosie was there to keep him company as his special day's end neared. 

As he carried her off her portable and on the couch with him, his phone rang. He very quickly reached for it. Though he loved his daughter, he very badly wanted more adult conversations.

Luckily, it was Mabel. He stared at the phone for a long time. But for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to answer it.

It rang for a while longer and then stopped. She called again, and again he didn't answer. 

After her second call ended, he grabbed the phone and began to dial. He should reach out. Ignoring her calls was definitely not cool.

But he found himself dialing a different number.

"Hey," Julie answered. There was a lot of noise on her end and then it all ended. "Okay, I'm sitting down now. What's up?"

"Hey," he said, his voice a little shorter than he'd expected. He cleared his throat and said, "Rosie was... begging to talk to you so..."

"Aww," said Julie.

"Is this a good time?"

"Yeah, my show just ended. Put her on."

"There ya go," he said, placing the call on speaker. "It's Mommy."

"Hey baby," Julie chimed. "How's my sweet girl doing?"

Rosie made a sound, but didn't have much to say. Alex stared at her, hoping for something, but nothing.

Julie laughed, "What happened?"

"I guess she got a little shy or something," Alex said, wanting badly to slap his own forehead. What was he using his daughter for? What was the point of all of this?"

"Well, it's still good for her to hear me, right?" Julie responded. "I love you a lot, Rosie. I miss you and I can't wait to see you!"

Rosie didn't respond yet again so Alex took the phone off speaker and said, "Yeah, I guess she just wanted to listen. She kept calling for you, really."

Julie laughed again. There was a long, uncomfortable silence.

Then Julie said, "Um, I think that I'm gonna have to go soon so..."

"Oh yeah, no for sure," Alex said. "Just wanted to put you on. For her."

"Yeah, thanks," Julie said. There was a bit of talking in the background and then she said, "Well, that's my cue to get out of here. Thanks for the call again."

"No problem," he said.

Just as he was going to hang up, she said, "Happy birthday, Alex."

She clicked off the call and Alex put the phone down. He turned to Rosie and said, "Alright, baby girl. Let's go to bed."



"This is looking a lot better," said Marley, standing in Rinky Dinks with Logan, Finn, Albany, Leo, Unique, Jake, Peyton, Ryder, Bree, and Stefan. They were their crew for the day and Marley had assembled them all together very early on Tuesday morning.

"It is?" asked Bree, glancing around the rink.

"Trust us," Albany interjected. "It is."

"And we have so much more help today," said Finn. "I think we can pull this off! So let's get to work."

As Leo distributed jobs for everyone to do, Marley noticed another visitor pull through. It was Mandy, who was probably the last person she wanted to see after what she encountered on Friday. 

But there she was, and the moment she saw Marley, her face flushed red. 

She approached, still, making her way to her and saying, "Hey..."

"Hey..." Marley responded.

"I, um..." Mandy began. "I just came by to... I wanted to help. And I was hoping to talk. To Bree, that is. I... What can I do?"

"Bree's over there," Marley pointed to the bar. "I guess you can join her in whatever she's doing."

"Thanks," Mandy nodded, quickly making her way over to the bar and stepping behind it with Bree, who seemed surprise to see her.

"Oh hey!" Bree exclaimed. "I didn't know you were part of this."

"Yeah, I got the memo to volunteer," said Mandy. "So what are we doing?"

"We," Bree handed her a rag, "are cleaning this disgusting bar space and hoping it's still usable. Disinfecting it is a must."

"Got it," Mandy took the bar and did as Bree, soaking the rags in ammonia solution and then watching the counter change color as they passed them through it. "Ew."

"I know," Bree made a face. "So... How are you? Haven't seen much of you lately."

"Oh you know," Mandy shrugged. "I've been here and there. Keeping a low profile, mostly."

"I take it you've been healing from the breakup," Bree noted.

"Uh... yeah..." Mandy nodded. "A little bit. And also... I slept with John."

"Shut up!" Bree exclaimed, drawing some attention their way. Apologetically she whispered, "That's crazy. Was it, like, a rebound or..?" 

"I don't know anymore," Mandy shrugged, shaking her head. "Up to a week ago I was so sure he just needed a friend and then I was there and suddenly we were having sex and... I just feel so terrible."

"Oh oh," Bree muttered. "But I heard he was good."

"Oh yeah, he's amazing," Mandy shook her head. "The problem is... Well, he said that he loved me."

"You're that good?" Bree joked. Mandy made a face. "What did you say?"

"Nothing, obviously!" Mandy said. "But I did panic and... I just think he's using me as some sort of safety net. Because up until a few weeks ago, he was having a fling with Lyric. Then all of a sudden, he's feeling low again. And he doesn't want these other women to know he's struggling. I mean, he did the most to hide it from Marley. But he doesn't have to from me so he thinks that means we're meant to be or something."

"Let me just ask you this," Bree took a deep breath. "How do you feel about him? Do you love him?"

"He doesn't love me," Mandy shook her head. "He just said that because he feels alone otherwise."

"I'm not asking you about him," she responded. "Do you love him?"

Mandy thought about it, biting her bottom lip. "I don't know," she said. "I don't know how I feel about anything anymore. But I can't indulge this, right? I have to draw a line and make it a one night thing and then hit the brakes. For his sake, for my sake, for Lyric's sake, for Damian's sake..."

"Those are a lot of sakes," Bree agreed. "But..."

"Don't say but..." Mandy groaned.

"But Damian will move on," Bree said. "Lyric doesn't even seem that serious about him this time around. And if you and him are potentially going to be happy together. I'm not saying you should date him. Just don't shut it down so easily. Explore the possibility before you completely say no."

"I don't wanna hurt him," Mandy sighed. 

"Then don't," Bree shrugged, continuing to work. As if it was that easy.



Two days of working and the rink was coming along. But the crew was making sure to specifically leave Kitty, who was going to be unhappy when she found out the even would now be a political platform for Jake, and Sebastian, who found a way to ruin everything with his greed, out of the equation.

In truth, word had already reached Sebastian, but he didn't care. He wasn't going to interfere, at least not directly. The fact that John was involved so heavily and wanted to push for an early album release was actually going to work in his favor. 

He had so much going for his artists; they really should be thanking him for his work. He'd set up collaborations for them with huge stars and just that morning had agreed to set up Octavio and Travis for a studio session. 

At midnight, he'd have Tracy and Alex release a single, which he'd negotiated for his label with Alex as the feature. 

And with Grammy nominations just over two months away, he knew his artists would be racking in big

Sebastian sat at his desk, about to make a few more calls that would change the lives of his artists. He had big things planned, some which had been years in the making.

Some little roller rink project was nothing to worry about.



But it was worrisome, at least for everyone involved. They were making progress, sure, but now they were a week away from the planned party and nowhere near where they needed to be.

"This just doesn't look right," Albany was lamenting when Sam walked in. "It's still ugly. And kind of boring."

"I think it needs a theme," said Finn. "I don't know what kind but something to bring the place alive."

"How about disco?" asked Sam. "Or something 80s."

Everyone turned to watch him inside of the roller rink. Bree noted, "Disco was more of a 70s thing." 

"Tiny details that don't really matter," he shrugged. "Point is... Everybody loves that feeling of nostalgia. It's why Disney's so great. But I already knew you'd shut down a Disney idea since I haven't been able to get a Disney reunion in years but... Disco was my plan B."

"I love it," Marley cut in. Everyone turned to her and she said, "I can visualize it so well. Neon signs and flashing, colorful lights everywhere. Roller rink choreography for fun 80s music... What do you think?"

She turned to Finn, Leo, and Albany. The latter shrugged, unsure, and Leo said, "It could work."

Finn's face lit up along with his famous smirk. "I say we do it," he said.

"Then it's settled," Marley smiled at Sam gratefully. "We're having a disco party."

"I'll start drafting up invites," said Albany, walking off. 

"I'll make calls about party supplies," Leo nodded, doing the same. The others continued working to clean up the space. 

Marley made her way to Sam and said, "I'm really glad you came by."

"I had to help," he said sheepishly.

"But you already donated a very generous 15 million dollars," Marley said incredulously. "We really appreciate the things you do for this cause, Sam. Really. Time and time again, you show up for us."

"I have five kids," Sam said, taking in a deep breath. "One day... They're all going to this school. So I wanna make sure it's the best school that it can be." 

Marley's smile widened. This was exactly the type of passion she wanted their contributors to have.

"So tell me," Sam said, "what else can I do to help?"



"This show cannot be over fast enough," said Isaac, walking into Julie's dressing room. They were already dressed, as per usual, and it was becoming a nightly ritual for them to enter Julie's area before their show. 

Julie sat in front of the vanity mirror, typing away on her phone.

"Who you talkin' to?" asked Isaac, getting closer to her.

Julie instinctively hid her phone, glancing up and saying, "Oh it's no one. Just Christopher."

"Ooh, Christopher," Isaac teased. "You talk to him a lot now. I thought you said things cooled down significantly after Miami."

"They did," she assured them. "We're friends. Just friends. He's actually really helpful. Gives me advice and stuff."

"Uh huh," Isaac nodded, unconvinced. "Whatever you say. Hey, did you hear about this Rinky Dinks party thing?"

"Yeah, that's this old roller skating place," Julie nodded. "Unfortunately, the party's happening next week while we're in Arizona so... No chance of us going."

Isaac looked down, disappointed. 

"Did you want off the tour so you can go or something?" Julie asked, confused.

"Oh, no, not at all," Isaac said. "It's just... I don't know how to rollerskate. I was always too scared to try. Thought it'd be a good time to learn but... We can't go."

"Wait, you never rollerskated before?" Julie asked, laughing. "They don't have rinks in Scotland, or what?"

"Don't mock me!" Isaac exclaimed defensively. "I used to be scared of a lot of typical things, okay? But at least I'm trying to do better. I'm all about being courageous now."

Julie raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" she said, sitting up straight. "Alright then. I'll put that to the test. Tomorrow we don't have a show... I'm taking you roller skating!"

"Tomorrow?" Isaac's eyes widened.

Julie nodded, smiling. "This is gonna be so fun!" Terrified, Isaac feigned excitement but the truth was that they didn't think they'd be facing their fears this soon. And in front of someone they'd spent years looking up to? This was going to be humiliating.



As nighttime neared, all the volunteers had gone home and it was only Marley, Finn, and Sam left at the roller rink. 

"I better head out soon," Finn said, looking at the time on his phone. "I've gotta pick up Olivia from Kurt and Blaine's. They've been watching her a lot for me after school lately and I don't wanna push it."

"Yeah, I should probably go, too," Marley sighed. "My mom's at home with the boys, waiting."

"You two go on then," Sam told them. "I'll keep working here. You can leave the keys and I'll lock up."

"Are you sure?" Finn asked. "It's late."

"I'm good, man," Sam insisted. "I've gotta clear my head anyway."

Marley smiled sympathetically, understanding very well the need to be away from home and just think. "Okay," she nodded, handing him the keys to the building. "We'll see you again tomorrow?"

"Of course," Sam accepted. "Working on this place was actually really fun."

"We appreciate all you've done," Finn thanked him, patting his back. "Take care."

"Yeah, you too," he replied as the other two left. "See ya!"

The door shut and Sam looked around at all the mess still left to be cleaned up. He had all night to work and nobody to disturb him. Peace at last.



"Yes, Marley," John sighed. "I'm going to be there. Yes. I've got the label on board to help you make it more special. Yes, I'll give you more details after I meet with them again tomorrow. I'll come by for Kai and we can talk. Okay. Bye."

John hung up the phone and rolled his eyes, putting it in his pocket and fishing in there for his house keys. Marley had texted every day of the past week, making sure he was still on board to help make her party a success. 

She had that little faith in his ability to come through. It was ridiculous, he thought at first. But the more it sunk in, the more he realized she was right to doubt him.

But it didn't matter because the moment he walked into his house, he stopped thinking about Marley at all.

"Surprise!" Lyric exclaimed, standing from the couch and making her presence known. "I hope it's okay I let myself in. I just couldn't wait to see you and you weren't home so I wanted to wait."

She rushed over to him and jumped into his arms. Befuddled, he caught her, letting her squeeze him tightly. 

"I am so happy to be back!" she exclaimed, letting go of him and returning to the ground. "I was scared you wouldn't show up but your car's in the garage so I figured where it goes you do, right?"

She laughed, while John just said, "Wait, it's in the garage?"

"You didn't know?" Lyric laughed again, confused.

"No, yeah, sorry," he closed his eyes, rubbing the arc of his nose and then looking up at her again. "Sorry, it's just been a long day. I've been in the studio so much and... I'm tired."

He yawned but pulled her into a hug, reciprocating the affection this time. When he pulled away, she got on her toes and planted a kiss on his lips. Everything about it felt... wrong.

John moved away, clearing his throat and saying, "I, uh, know we have to talk. But... Honestly, I'm really tired and... How long are you gonna be here?"

"For like the next week or so," Lyric smiled. "So we have plenty of time to catch up. And whatever else old friends do."

John smiled back but he was dreading sitting down for anything with Lyric. Mandy was right. Even if they weren't officially a couple, he and Lyric had an understanding and there was never a real talk about exclusivity. 

He wanted to default to a relationship, naturally, but that meant he had cheated. Or at least, he had betrayed whatever it was they were doing. And even if Lyric wouldn't take it that way, he felt guilty and wrong for keeping it from her. So he went to bed. Because if they didn't talk, then he wouldn't have to tell her a thing just yet.



As Sam was getting ready to go home, the roller rink entranced opened and he was surprised to see Evan walk through it. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"A warm welcome," Evan sighed.

Feeling guilty, Sam said, "Sorry, I... I'm tired and you caught me off guard. Hi, Evan. It's good to see you."

He walked over to his brother and forced himself to say hello, giving him a hug. 

It was tense and awkward and Evan pulled away quickly, saying, "I was at your place but Quinn said you planned on being here late so... I thought I'd come by and... I don't know. Help, I guess? If you need it. Quinn said you all were having a big, important fundraising party here."

Sam looked around at the place, which still looked a mess. "Yeah," he said. "Well, I wanted to draft up a picture of what I wanted the place to look like by our party. It's next week and we still don't have a concrete idea yet. It's easy to think of the ideal vibe but then actually doing something practical with that vibe is a little tougher."

"You're a visionary," Evan nodded, glancing around. "Well, lucky for you, I'm a do-er. So just tell me what you're thinking and I can put together something."

"Really?" Sam asked. "Just like that?"

"Yeah," Evan shrugged. "I do this kind of thing a lot."

"Plan a disco-themed party at a run-down roller rink?" Sam asked.

Evan laughed. "Make ideas come to life," Evan responded. "So what did you have in mind?"

"Honestly," Sam took a deep breath. "It's hard to explain. I think the best way is to just... show you."

Confused, Evan tracked him to the rink, where Sam clumsily climbed over it and turned away from him. Then, he started snapping his fingers, closing his eyes and trying to live his daydreams into a reality.

["Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham! The glee version. Which I never used. Finally, it's here.]

Sam: Jitterbug. Jitterbug. Jitterbug. Jitterbug.

Smiling, Evan walked closer, singing as Sam turned around, surprised.

Evan (Sam): You put the boom-boom into my heart. (Do, do!) You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts. A jitterbug into my brain (Yeah, yeah!) It goes a (bang-bang-bang) 'til my feet do the same.

Sam took over, signaling for Evan to get on the rink with him. As the latter did, the two glanced around the room.

Sam (Evan): (Ah, ah) But something's bugging me. (Ah, ah) Something ain't right. (Ah, ah) My best friend told me. (Ah, ah) what you did last night. (Ah, ah) You left me sleeping. (Ah, ah) in my bed. (Ah, ah) I was dreaming, but-

And everywhere they looked, their visions materialized before them.

Sam with Evan: I should have been with you instead.

The walls turned to funky panels in various colors, the stage behind them featured a new, purple curtains full of glittery, and the bar turned into something disinfected and even appetizing.

Both: Wake me up before you go-go. Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo. Wake me up before you go-go. I don't want to miss it when you hit that high. Wake me up before you go-go. 'Cause I'm not plannin' on going solo. Wake me up before you go-go whoa.

Sam was dancing, his toes taking him from one side of the rink to the other. He was wearing bright orange shorts and goofy sunglasses. He was feeling very 80s now.

Both: Take me dancing tonight. 

With roller rinks on his feet, over long tube socks, he stood at the center as a similarly dressed Evan rolled circles around him.

Sam (Evan): I wanna hit that hiiiiiiiiiigh! (Yeah, yeah)

A smile across his face, Sam had to admit that this was the most fun he'd had with a friend in a while. Evan could be a friend, perhaps a brother. 

Both (Evan): Yeah, yeah, yeah baby! (Woo!)

Why had he spent so much time trying to keep him away when they were able to vibe this well over some classic music?

Sam: Jitterbug.

The two saw neon signs appear all over the walls, streamers hang from ceilings, and a disco ball lower down from the top center of the rink. They danced around it, rolling and rolling until everything around them was a dizzy blur of moving images. 

Both (Sam): Oooh... Wake me up before you go-go. Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo. Wake me up before you go-go. I don't want to miss it when you hit that high. Wake me up before you go-go. 'Cause I'm not planning on going solo. Wake me up before you go-go whoa. Take me dancing tonight. (Ooh)

Then together, they rolled to a hard stop, the two falling at the center of the floor.

Both: Wake me up!

They laughed together, Sam groaning through his chuckles over the pain on his behind from the fall. The decorations they imagined had all disappeared and the rink was its old, dusty self. But Sam didn't care. He could see clearly what it needed to become over the next few days. 

When the laughter died down, he turned to Evan and said, "Hey... Why don't you come to this thing?"

"Really?" Evan asked. "With all of your friends?"

"There won't be any press," Sam shrugged. "It'll be fun and private and... Everyone I care about in town can meet you. Officially."

Evan pressed his lips together, trying not to show just how happy that invitation was truly making him. Composed, he nodded and simply said, "Yeah, that sounds doable."

"Great," Sam smiled. "Everyone's going to freak out." He forced himself off the ground, walking off the pain from the fall, and said, "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get to work!"



"Hey stranger," said Mabel when Alex opened his door the next morning to find his girlfriend there. For some reason, it made him nervous, like he was hiding something. But he wasn't. Everything was out in the open.

Alex pulled her into a welcoming hug, closing the door behind her and saying, "I missed you a lot..."

"Me, too," she said, squeezing him tighter. "Ugh, I hate distance. It's the worst."

"But it's good, too," Alex said, pulling away. "Separation gives you time to think and to reflect and... Makes you miss someone more."

He smiled, hoping she wouldn't think he was glad to be away from her. Luckily, she smiled back, flattered by his words. "I hope you don't mind the random visit," Mabel said. "I just found out I got this role for a movie. Just a supporting role, not a huge deal. But unfortunately, it shoots in Australia which means in a couple of days I'm taking off and I won't be back til the end of the month."

Alex frowned. "I'm happy for you but it sucks you're gonna be gone," he said. 

"It does," she agreed, grabbing his collar and adjusting it lovingly. "So I figured I'd come see you in person and hopefully you won't forget me by the time I come back."

"I already can't remember your name, are you kidding?" he joked.

She smiled and said, "See, you make it so easy to accept deals across oceans."

Laughing, he said, "You know I don't mean it. I already miss you. But don't worry because I'm gonna be bugging you every day that you're gone."

"Will you have time?" asked Mabel. "I figured with your new song out today you'd be busy promoting that and stuff."

Alex's eyes widened.

"You forgot that was coming out, didn't you?" Mabel shook her head, smiling in disbelief.

Alex smiled back and said, "Oops. Well, it doesn't matter. It's just a little droplet. I'm not promoting it, at least. If Tracy wants to that's on her and Blackbird but I just wanted it out for you."

"I loved it," Mabel said. "And I love..." She hesitated, then cleared her throat and said, "...all your talents."

Alex was sure his heart had stopped beating for a moment. Was she going to say it? Already? 

"Yeah," he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "Thanks. So, uh, how do you wanna spend your short time here? You wanna hang out or..?"

Mabel made a face.

"You're leaving already, huh," he sighed.

"Yeah," she cringed. "I have to head out now, actually. I'm the worst, I know! But I promise when I get back I am going to smother you so hard. You'll for sure dump me."

"Yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes, bringing her into a hug once again and kissing the top of her head. As he pulled away, he said, "And for the record, I love all your talents, too."

Mabel smiled, her cheeks flushing for a moment. "Good to know," she said. "I can't wait to be back but my cab's waiting already so... I guess this is it. See you in a couple of weeks?"

"You better," Alex said, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

She kissed back and pulled away, taking a while to let go of his hand fully as she walked back to the door and out of the house. He stood at the doorway, watching her go. He'd been dreading her visit for some reason but after spending just a few fleeting moments together he was heartbroken to see her leave so soon. Now he couldn't wait for her return.



"This is the most terrifying thing I've ever done," Isaac said as they walked into a roller rink in Phoenix, following behind Julie, who was far more eager than they were.

Julie smiled, enjoying their fear a lot more than should be considered normal. "You've done a lot scarier things than this," Julie assured them. "It's gonna be fun! The adrenaline alone is incredible."

"Adrenaline?" Isaac asked. "Yeah, not a big fan. Also I doubt skating carries that big of a rush. My issue is with the humiliation when I skate two feet then plummet on my face."

She rolled her eyes at them, laughing as she pulled them with her to the front register. The place was dead but when the girl working the front saw her, she said, "Juliet Vasquez. Wow."

"Yeah," Julie said. "Thanks. Can we get two?"

She pointed behind the girl, who was still freaking out and struggled to take her attention to the skates behind her. 

"Size six," said Julie. 

She turned to Isaac, who said sheepishly, "9 and half. Men's."

"Of course, coming right up," said the girl, who instantly regretted her phrasing.

After a few seconds, they got the shoes and Isaac said, "Wait, you wanna wear these things other people have worn?"

"I brought us socks," Julie said, pulling out a pack of long, funky socks for them. "It'll be fine! Just do it. It's part of the skating ritual."

"Even more reason to hate it," they responded, but they took the socks anyway and sat down at a nearby bench to exchange their shoes.

Once they were both in skates, Julie jumped right in, getting up and skating onto the rink. From their seat, Isaac watched her and sighed nervously. She was good and they had no idea what to expect. Was it as simple as she made it look or was gravity their worst enemy today?

There was only one way to find out.

"Well," Isaac gulped, grabbing the nearest half-wall and using the surface to get up and walk carefully towards the edge of the rink, "here goes nothing..."



"These are so nice," said Marley as Albany showed her the e-vites she had created. 

They were back at Rinky Dinks, though this time Marley had no one to watch Kai and had to bring him along with her. She didn't want him running around and getting hurt or getting in anyone's way, so she was off to the side carrying him until John could come by for him. That meant she was the person everyone could find at all times, so all questions, concerns and suggestions were being directed her way.

"Thanks," Albany grinned proudly. "Should I send them out already? Is the invite list solidified or..?"

"That'd be a question for Finn," Marley responded, shifting Kai's weight in her arms as she tired of carrying him. He was getting antsy in her arms but there was no way she would let him go with all the construction and movement around them. 

"Well, what do you think?" Albany asked. "It's your event, after all."

"It's our event," Marley insisted. "But it's Finn who took care of invitations. All I said was as long as all of our Lima friends got to come and there was no press, I was fine with anyone else he might add to the list. I don't have issues with anyone and I think everyone deserves to be a part of our celebrations."

"But I thought Kitty wasn't going to be invited," Albany said, confused. 

"That had less to do with me and more with Peyton and Jake," Marley assured her, not wanting to get caught up in the inner-group fighting with Kitty. "Besides, I—"

Before she could continue, John entered and she had no choice but to give him her attention. Mandy was there, helping out with Bree and Stefan in the back, so Marley braced herself for an awkward exchange and having to witness them together.

But just a couple seconds later, Lyric walked in, coming up behind John and joining him as he made his way to where Marley and Albany were standing.

"Hey," he said, taking off his sunglasses and having a look around. "So this is the place, huh?"

"Yeah, it's coming along," Marley nodded, eyeing Lyric up and down and hating herself for wanting to know what was going on in John's love life, with Logan just a couple feet away helping put together her party. She cleared her throat and said, "Kai's stuff is in my car. I'll go get it." 

Marley passed Kai over to John, who easily carried him in one arm and gave him a kiss, cooing at him like he was brand new. 

As Marley left for Kai's things, John continued to look around. Lyric leaned her head on his shoulder, exhausted from her trip and wanting nothing more than to take off and get back to his place, though she knew Kai's presence meant there wouldn't be much intimacy like she was hoping.

But John's attention wasn't on the woman against his arm, but rather on the one looking at him with sad eyes, painting a wall with the rest of their friends. Bree was watching them, too—no, glaring

Surely, Mandy had told her. Who else had she spoken, too? Did it matter at this point? Everyone already thought the worst of him. They just wouldn't say it out loud, at least not to his face.

"Here you go," Marley handed him a bag of Kai's belongings, which he didn't notice at first, until Lyric reached out and grabbed it for him. 

"I got it," she said as Marley quickly thanked her. "No problem."

They stood in awkward silence, with John still stealing glances in Mandy's direction. There was no doubt in his mind that was who he wanted to be with. But if Mandy was going to accept him, he had to do the right thing. He had to tell Lyric he didn't want to continue rekindling their romance. He was in love with Mandy and there was no use denying it any longer.



"You got it, you got it... That's it..."

Julie held onto Isaac's palms, skating backwards as Isaac tried skating clumsily forward in her direction. 

"You're doing it!" she exclaimed, hyping them up. "Alright, I'm gonna let go."

"No!" Isaac exclaimed, gripping onto her hands tightly. "No, not yet. I can't. I haven't fallen solely because you're holding onto me."

"We sink or swim here, Isaac!" she told them, fully aware of the irony. "You've got this."

She pulled her hands away too quickly for them to grab them back. In the next few seconds, Isaac wildly waved their arms around, trying to maintain a balance that seemed nearly impossible to them at first. But with a few more seconds, they were able to stand up straight, frozen in place.

"Come on, keep skating," said Julie.

"No," Isaac shook their head. "I can't."

"Yes, you can," Julie sighed. "I know you can."

"You know nothing!" Isaac responded. "I'm not moving!"

Just as Julie was about to retort, the song in the rink changed to one of her own. Into You. She rolled her eyes and looked to the girl up front, whom she'd paid to keep the rink closed for just them. She called out, "Hey, can you just play whatever you'd normally play?"

The girl looked embarrassed as she hurried back to the jukebox she'd tampered with and switched back to the regularly scheduled playlist. A new song began.

["Heat Lightning" by Icky Blossoms.]

"Ooh, that's a great one!" Julie smiled, turning back to Isaac. "Come on, there's no way this one doesn't make you wanna dance around."

She started skating again, dancing as she did, and Isaac shook their head. "Nope," they said. "That looks terrifying and dangerous. Like dancing around in the shower after soaping. No way."

Julie continued dancing, trying to tempt them into joining by singing.

Julie: How strange to feel this way. Play it cool, the fever. Everything that I have been dreaming of.

She waved her arms in the air, dipping them into each other's space like she was making flames in the air. The technicolor lights around them hit her one by one, turning her into a bright, ever-changing rainbow.

Julie: So real, a woven tent appears before me. Heat lightning struck the sky, could only think of you as it was flashing by.

Isaac braced themselves, knowing they still had something to prove. It was time to stop being a coward. With a big breath, they started to sing and skate forward at once.

Isaac: And I don't want to be afraid, I want to take you home. Where in the morning I can see your eyes. 

Julie smiled at them, twirling in place as Isaac skated towards her.

Both: And I don't want to be afraid, I want to take you home. Where in the morning I can see your eyes.

Julie put her arms in the air in celebrating when Isaac arrived in front of her. She took one of his hands and brought it up in the air with hers, nearly making them stumble. 

Julie: Half-asleep, in my bedroom. Thinking of you. Everything, anything would be cool with me.

But Isaac recovered composure, still treading carefully but relaxing enough to let themselves feel out the rhythm of the song.

Isaac: And I've been told where there is love there is danger. And giving you my heart would be painless. 

Julie twirled, getting far more precise with her skating.

Julie: I know nothing will last forever. 

And Isaac figured when in Rome they had to do like the Romans to get by. So they followed her around the rink, much more slowly but trying to mimic her movements.

Both: I still like the thought of being together.

The two circled around the perimeter, with Isaac just barely making the curves enough not to crash into the bars. They followed Julie, noticing her grace and power with something as menial as skating. She truly was something to admire. 

Both: And I don't want to be afraid, I want to take you home. Where in the morning I can see your eyes. And I don't want to be afraid, I want to take you home. Where in the morning I can see your eyes. 

When Julie skated to a stop at the center once again, Isaac followed, nearly toppling over in their attempt to slow down. Julie caught them swiftly, helping them stop and keeping herself on her feet with perfectly executed friction.

Both: Keep on dancing if the lights keep flashing. Keep on dancing if the lights keep flashing. Keep on dancing if the lights keep flashing. Keep on dancing if the lights keep flashing. Keep on dancing if the lights keep flashing.

They danced at the center of the rink for the next two hours, enjoying their freedom and privacy. This was the most fun Isaac had had on tour thus far and it wasn't even on a stage.

Both: Keep on dancing if the lights keep flashing. Keep on dancing if the lights keep flashing. Keep on dancing if the lights keep flashing. Keep on dancing if the lights keep flashing. Keep on dancing if the lights keep flashing.

Roller skating was fun. Facing scary things was bold and exciting. And having a friend like Julie let them know they would be fine. The industry wouldn't eat them alive. They could get through anything.

Sure, it was just skating. But when you have a feeling about something, you have to trust your gut. So Isaac trusted theirs. They and their friends were an unstoppable force and with them they could accomplish whatever they wanted and more.



"Marley and Logan are together, right?" Lyric asked, casually as could be, when she and John were settled back at his house.

"Yeah, I guess so," John shrugged. "I don't really keep up with her personal stuff anymore, honestly."

"That's probably what's healthy," Lyric nodded, taking a seat on the couch. 

John was bouncing Kai in his arms. He had no follow-up.

"So," they both said in unison.

John pressed his lips together, while Lyric laughed and said, "You go first."

"No," he insisted. "You go ahead."

She cleared her throat, sitting up straight and saying, "So... I'm going to be here for a little bit longer and since I don't actually have a permanent place to live in Lima, I was wondering if it'd be too outrageous for me to just... stay... here."

John didn't say anything. She could see the panic form in his face, but for all the wrong reasons.

"I'm not asking for a commitment of any kind!" Lyric exclaimed. "I just need a place to stay. I'm asking as a friend. Solely."

"Lyric," John sighed, walking over to Kai's corral and setting him down to play. 

Lyric waited patiently as he walked over to her and took a seat beside her. 

"This is not related to the staying here thing you just brought up," he said. "At all."

"Oh oh," she frowned. "Not liking the sound of that."

He winced, frowning as well while he continued, "It's just... I'm not... I don't think we should keep going."

"Because..?" Lyric said, confused.

"Because," he took a deep breath. "I just... I relapsed, Lyric."

"What?" she made a face. "When? How? Are you fine? I mean, are you... better?"

"All those weeks I was MIA..." he explained. "I was going through withdrawals and I couldn't be out where I could be seen. I mean, I was a wreck. I'd never truly tried to stop before this and so... I didn't realize how harsh that relapse would be."

"John, I could've helped," Lyric said. "I mean... It didn't have to be me but... Did you at least have someone during all of that? Did you go through it alone?"

John hesitated. How could he share one bit of that information without telling her all? But it had to come one piece at a time. And right now, it wasn't time for the full story.

"The thing is," he said, redirecting the conversation, "I was struggling. And I still am. I just can't see how us being together right now is gonna be good for you. Or for me. I need to focus on my recovery.

"That's..." Lyric began, clearly upset. 

But she collected herself and seemed to have an instant epiphany about her own words before they came out of her mouth. 

"It makes sense," she said, finally. "I mean, it's not completely unexpected. We were always very casual and I think a part of me was naturally inclined to jump right into where we were years ago and that's... just not where you're at now, is it?"

He shook his head just for a moment, then looked up at her and said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," she waved his worries away. "I understand. You need to on your own right now and that makes sense. I'm just glad you opened up to me and... Maybe some day, right?"

He quietly gulped, feeling guiltier by the minute. "Yeah," he said, unconvincingly. "Maybe."

She walked to him, putting her arms around him and giving him a tight hug. He held her there, wondering if he was making the right choice by keeping all the Mandy information from her after all. Would the full truth be any better than this?

As Lyric pulled away, she planted a quick kiss on his lips, then let him go completely. "I'll see you around, John," she shrugged. "And hey, it was fun while it lasted. Until next time."

"Until..." he said slowly and dazed. " time..."

She walked out the front door and John felt a huge weight off his shoulders. That had gone pretty well all things considered. Now he just needed to find the best way to talk to Mandy. After their last conversation and their brief encounter at Rinky Dinks earlier, it was going to take more than just his words to show her how serious he was about making it work.




"Top 5?" Santana said as she sat in Sebastian's office on Monday morning. "That's where I landed? You couldn't score me a top 3?"

"Seriously, Lopez?" Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Top 5 is amazing."

"If Vasquez debuted at top 5 with a comeback," said Santana, "you'd tell her she underperformed. I want to live by the same standards as you place on the other artists."

"Well, she's at number one right now," Sebastian shrugged. "Damie B's got spots two and three. There's not much I can do for you when they've got such smash hits in their hands. But we can work up from here. I'm booking you for the AMAs and I think that's gonna be the big push the song will need to be stable in the top 10."

But Santana shook her head. "No," she said. "I'm, like, the only major artist at this label without a number one under my belt. Mother's Daughter isn't gonna get there and we both know it. So we need to move on."

"Move on?" Sebastian scoffed. "The song's barely had a week to impact."

"We need a brand new song," Santana said. "I have a lot of songs that throw shade, spill tea, and will be the talk of the world when released and you know it. So instead of holding off on those til album release time, I think we should release the second single the Friday before the AMAs. Then I perform it at the show and you get it immediate radio impact."

"And why should I invest that much energy into you?" asked Sebastian.

Santana stood up, leaning on the desk and saying, "Because you know I'm here to stay. Julie? John? Sam? They hate you so much they would throw away their whole careers at the opportunity to get away from you. I hate you, too, but we have mutual goals and you owe me. After getting your hands dirty for Julie time and time again, you need to do it for me now. Or I open my big, loud mouth and spill all of this label's dirty laundry."

"I'd have you blacklisted from this business sooner than you can make that threat more convincing," Sebastian said.

"I don't have much to lose anyway," Santana shrugged, sitting up. "And face it. If you were that powerful, Julie wouldn't be where she is right now."

Sebastian let out a deep breath. He would play along, just like he did for John. Their self-destructive patterns would only further fuel the building of his empire.

"So which song did you want to do at the AMAs then?" Sebastian asked.

Santana's smile widened across her face. She had the perfect song in mind.



"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jo-ohn! Happy birthday to you!"

John forced a smile as he stood at Blackbird Records. He was in the board room, surrounded by members of his management team and a handful of label employees. Sebastian walked in during the song, joining in the applause that followed it.

A cake sat on the table, but John couldn't look at it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN, it read, with a '33' candle on top. He was 33. And he was spending his birthday with a bunch of suits and Sebastian, of all people.

"It's only right," said Sebastian, "that today we make your new single available for pre-order. It's going to be your greatest hit yet, and that's my birthday promise to you."

Sebastian clapped and all of the employees clapped, too. Sure, the song would drop on Friday, and it'd likely be a hit. But all that John could think of now was the fact that not a single one of his friends seemed to be in his life anymore. Not really, anyway.

How had that happened so quickly?



Alex felt his heart sinking down to his stomach as he arrived at the Four Seasons in Sydney. That's where Mabel was staying. She said she was there now when he last texted her, fifteen minutes earlier, from the airport.

He really couldn't believe he'd done it. Just hopped on a flight to Australia and showed up there. Would she think it was romantic or creepy?

It didn't matter because he was there. And with his sunglasses and baseball cap on, he wasn't detected, swiftly making it past the lobby and to the elevator.

As he rode, he dialed her number. She answered after just one ring.

"Hey babe," she said cheerfully. "What's up?"

"Hey," he said, trying to hide his nerves. "Are you busy?"

"No," she sighed. "Still at the hotel. I'm so glad you called because I'm so bored. The studio wants me on stand by, basically. The filming schedule's kind of chaotic and they may call me in to set here and there without a plan."

"Oh so you're basically stuck in the hotel?" Alex asked.

"Sorta," she answered. "I mean, I'm in my room now and I could leave at any point but I can't go far because I need to stay near the set. So what's the point in leaving."

"At least your room's probably great, right?" Alex asked, debating over which floor button to click. "What's your view like? Third floor? Fourth?"

"Sixth," Mabel laughed. "But sadly the window doesn't open, there's no balcony, and my view is blocked by another building. I have the worst luck."

"Can't you change rooms?" asked Alex as he rode up to the fourth floor. "Maybe one with a better view? What room are you in? I can call for you."

"It's 618," she said. "But the studio is putting me up here so I don't want to be a bother."

"Are you sure?" Alex asked, though he already had all the information he needed.

"No, this is fine, really," Mabel said. "Anyway, I don't wanna waste the time we have to talk on complaining about my room. How are you? What are you up to?"

"Oh, you know," Alex began. "Just... taking a stroll. You should get the door."

"Huh?" asked Mabel.

Alex proceeded to knock on her door. He could hear it through the phone as well.

"Wait..." Mabel said slowly, realization dawning on her. A few seconds later, the door opened and her face lit up at the sight of him. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him. "You're here! How?! I mean, I get how but... Why? Aren't you..? You know what, I don't even care." She squeezed him tighter and added, "I'm just so glad you're here."

"I'm glad, too," he said as she pulled away. "My sister's got Rosie for the week so I can be here with you and... spend time with you."

"That's so sweet," she said, pulling him fully into the room and shutting the door. "I really can't believe it. Alex, this is so sweet. You know you didn't have to, right?"

"I wanted to," he assured her. "I just... I was back home last night and I kept thinking about you and... I don't wanna lose any time with you because it's just so fun when we're together. I feel good and happy all the time... And that's what I want in my life. So if you'll have me..."

"Of course I will," Mabel pulled him into a long, tender kiss. When she pulled away, she said, "This is going to be so much fun!" Alex smiled and followed her lead back to her bed. It would be fun. And he could certainly use the distraction of a blissful getaway with Mabel, given how much was going on back home.



"Hey everyone," Finn announced as he walked into Rinky Dinks. 

The place looked and smelled a lot better than it had a week prior and he was proud of the work they'd done physically, but the logistics were still in motion.

As people stopped what they were doing to turn their attention to him, he said, "So I just got confirmation that John is for sure performing at our party on Saturday."

"Saturday," Albany said, confused. "I thought we were set for Friday."

"They said it's Saturday or nothing," Finn sighed.

"They?" asked Marley, confused.

Finn turned to her and explained, "Sebastian."

Everyone in the room groaned. "Sebastian knows about the party?" said Marley. 

"I guess John had to tell him about it," said Finn. "He plans to perform his new single here and have it filmed and everything. It's a big deal because the label will pay us for the gig instead of the other way. But it has to be on Saturday because John's doing some type of Spotify event on Friday."

"Okay..." Marley said, turning to the others. "No, this is a good thing. We get him for a new song and half the town will want to be here. Plus, it's not like Sebastian has any say over the party. So as long as he stays away from the event, everything will still be great. Right?"

She turned to Finn for that last question. "Right," Finn responded, though with Sebastian, there was no knowing what would happen. They had to be prepared for anything.



After spending all day with bureaucratic things at the label, John made it home pretty late. He was still figuring out which of the songs he'd recorded at Mandy's apartment he wanted to release as part of his second album and that was a long process. There were some things that didn't feel worth it from his past and other things he wasn't sure he wanted to ever tell people.

But what the song selection really was was a distraction because he knew he'd be going home to nothing. Kai would be back with Marley and Lyric wasn't with him anymore. And he was too much of a coward to go directly to Mandy and try to convince her of his feelings, given how likely it was that she'd reject him again.

All he could hope for was that she'd show up at the party on Saturday, where he'd have plenty of things to say already planned. 

As he sat down in his living room, he had a memory of himself more than a year earlier, sitting right there. Surrounded by bottles. Wanting nothing more than to leave the Earth but knowing that he was going to take over the world soon.

And he had. Four number one singles. A chart-topping album. People wanting to work with him left and right.

But he'd lost Julie. And he'd lost Alex and he was pretty sure he'd lost Sam and Tyler, too, but they were too nice to say it outright. Marley was with someone else, he'd ruined whatever potential there was with Sabrina, and now Lyric was gone, too. Dozens of nameless girls had gone in and out of his home over the last three years. 2026 and most of 2027 were a blurry haze and he couldn't even remember half of their faces. 

He couldn't screw up this thing with Mandy. It was real. And it was the last hope for him of something more than a lonely birthday in his empty house.

The ringing of his phone brought him back out of his thoughts. It was an unknown number. He wouldn't have answered it were he in better company than himself.

"Hello?" he said.


"Julie," he said, his heart racing. 

He hadn't seen her since Miami and it had been even longer since they had spoken. He was supposed to hate her for everything she'd done to him and the label but right now the sound of her voice was almost angelic.  

"Hey," she said again. "Um, I was just... I didn't know if you'd answer. Not only because it's a new number but... I know you're probably pissed at me."

He didn't respond. He was pissed at her. But he didn't wanna fight with her and make her hang up, not when he needed the company this badly.

"Anyway, I..." she cleared her throat. "I'm in Arizona, actually. I have a show in Glendale tonight and another tomorrow. So as much as I wanted to do this in person..." She took a deep breath. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. And I wish I could explain everything that I did and why but... I can't. I got an email from the label about you performing at the Rinky Dinks party and I really wanted to be there but I have a show in Denver that night and... Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm still here. And that once I figure out how to get out of the hole I'm in, I'll explain everything to you. Oh and happy birthday, of course. That was... the main reason I called, initially. Um, can you please say something now? It just feels like I'm leaving the world's longest voicemail right now and... It's uncomfortable. Are you still there?"

"I'm still here," he said, sighing. "And... Okay."

"Okay?" she repeated, confused.

"Yeah, okay," John said, not sure how else to explain it. He'd heard her. He acknowledged her. But he wasn't ready to make nice, nor did he want to completely push her away, at least not now. 

"Okay..." she said, resigning to that being the best she could get out of him now. "I guess I'll let you be now. I'm sure you've got some type of celebration and I'm going on stage soon so... Yeah. Happy birthday. Maybe we can catch up some time when we're both in the same town."

"Maybe," he said. He put the phone down and hung up on her. He just couldn't do it anymore. Pressing his lips together, he got up and decided it was time to go to bed. Nobody else was going to call, that much he could guarantee. The best he could do was get the rest of the day over and hope for better luck next year.



["How You Like Me Now" by The Heavy.]

Jake: Now there was a time, when you loved me so. I couldn't do wrong, and now you need to know.

Rinky Dinks was almost completely set up now. The neon lights were all over the walls, giving the rink a glow, and the stage was being tested for the big day.

Jake: See, I been a bad bad bad bad man. And I'm in deep. Yeah. I found a brand new love for this man. And can't wait till you see. I can't wait.

Jake was going to be one of the performers of the night, as Peyton thought him singing would endear him to the voters. Leila sat at one of the tables outside of the rink, watching him sing and dance on the stage behind the rink, while their son Troy played with Kai just a few feet away.

Jake: So how you like me now? How you like me now? How you like me now? How you like me now? How you like me now?

"It looks and sounds great in here," Marley told Finn as the two stood near the kids, watching Jake as well.

Jake: Remember the time. When I eat you up. Yeah I was a lie. That you can't give up.

"For sure," Finn agreed with a nod. But he was anxious. 

Jake: If I was to cheat. Oh no, would you see right through me? If I sing a sad sad sad sad song. Would you give it to me? Would you?

Marley was working hard to keep everyone's spirits up, assuring them constantly that all their hard work was going to pay off.

Jake: So how you like me now? How you like me now? How you like me now? How you like me now? 

But he had a nagging feeling that something would go terribly wrong.

Jake: How you like me now? How you like me now? How you like me now? How you like me now?

Still, more people had volunteered to perform, unpaid, and seats were filling up in the RSVP list. They only had a few open spots left, which they were saving for people who still weren't sure they could make it. The guests were mostly VIPs, the food would be gourmet, and the place looked like five stars.

Jake: Does that make you love me baby? Does that make you want me baby? Does that make you love me baby? Does that make you want me baby?

So why was Finn so worried?

Jake: Oh, mercy. Hello. Oh yeah.

Everything was going as planned. And, he hoped, would continue to go as planned until it was all over. But too often things didn't go as he planned and all he could do was keep hoping.



Two days later, Albany showed up at Rinky Dinks bright and early to the very first disaster of the event.

There was no power. 

She sent out a text to the team immediately and within the next half hour, both Leo and Marley had shown up.

"I called Finn on my way here but he didn't answered," Marley said as they tried to problem solve. "Probably still asleep. And I tried reaching out to April but didn't get an answer from her."

"What are we thinking here?" asked Leo. "Just... didn't pay the bills?"

"The light bill could be crazy here," Albany sighed. "But I feel like we blew something out with all the neon signs and the big disco ball."

She pointed up above the skating rink, where a disco ball was hanging, but no longer spinning nor lighting up. 

"I'll call the electric company," she said, walking away with her phone out. 

"I'll see if we can get an electrician to come check it out, too," Leo nodded, grabbing his own phone. 

Marley sighed, "And I'll keep calling Finn and April. One of them needs to come down and help us fix this as soon as possible. The last thing we need is a power problem just two days before the party."

The three went to separate parts of the venue to make their calls, praying that one of them would be able to find the problem and solve it.



"Turns out there's a blown fuse that needs fixing," said Finn when he arrived at the rink, an hour later. "The electrician will be by later today to fix it. But for now... We probably shouldn't be in here."

"Ugh," Albany groaned. "But there's so much we still need to do."

"I know," Finn sighed. "But apparently April didn't care when it came to upkeep so..."

"So then what?" asked Leo. "We just shut down? Two nights before the big event?"

"Guess so," Finn said. "Sorry."

Marley took a deep breath, hanging back as a defeated Albany led Leo out to the front door. She turned to Finn and, once alone, said, "Give me the reality of it, Finn. Is this event about to be a disaster? Are we going to embarrass ourselves and fail to secure the lot?"

"I think it's fifty-fifty now," Finn admitted. "But I also have faith in us. Weirdly enough, when everything was going well, I was expecting the worst. But now this happened and... There's strange comfort in some things going wrong. Fixable things. So I think we'll be okay."



By Friday morning, the electric problems had been fixed, though doing so had come directly from the McKinley budget. It wasn't cheap, but it was a necessary expense and as Finn had put it, a profitable one, as the party was expected to earn them a lot more money than they had spent on it.

Marley was back at Rinky Dinks, helping out, when John walked in carrying Kai. "Hey," she hurried to the entrance to meet them, fearing the worst. "I thought you'd have him all day. Is everything okay?"

"Oh no, yeah, we're great," he stammered, continuing to hold the toddler in his arms. "I just wanted to come rehearse for tomorrow. It's a little tough to do so at home and I've spent way too much time at the label this week. I'm sick of Sebastian already."

"About that..." Marley said, wincing. "I know you hate when I get involved or give my unwanted opinion but I'm concerned so I'll say what I need to say regardless. Are you sure that... Should you be working with Sebastian again?"

"Marley, I contractually have no choice," John sighed. "Julie made sure of that."

Frowning, Marley asked, "And you can't get out of it?"

"Not without basically ending my right to release music," John shrugged. "And that would be career-ending. So no. I do appreciate the concern but... I'll be fine."

Marley wanted to ask about more. She wanted to know what he was doing with Lyric and Mandy but also knew that bringing all of that up would for sure upset him and it was nice to have a civil conversation for once. 

Besides, her priorities were with the big party. What else John did was his business. So she took Kai for a walk at the park, giving him the privacy he wanted to rehearse freely. As long as he stayed happy and on their side through Saturday night, it didn't matter what else happened.

[end of chapter]

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