It's Not Over Yet (the sevent...

Autorstwa arias3

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It's not over yet. Though I often wish it was. This is m... Więcej

Part 1
Chapter 1: Reunion League Tour Rehearse Coffee Dad
Chapter 2: Need Some Lovin'
Chapter 3: Perfect Shell
Chapter 4: The Wrong Time
Chapter 5: Baby Blues
Chapter 6: Exposed
Chapter 7: The Biggest Blessing
Chapter 8: Quadruple Babies
Chapter 9: Waiting
Chapter 10: Night of Shameless Fun
Chapter 11: Real Friends
Chapter 12: The Phoenix
Chapter 13: Mommy Booster
Chapter 14: Twitter Warzone
Chapter 15: 500
Chapter 16: A Christmas Eve Story
Chapter 17: Midnight
Chapter 18: Telethon
Chapter 19: Don't Say Anything
Chapter 20: Hand In To The Flame
Chapter 21: Pretty Boy
Chapter 22: If You Don't Believe Me
Chapter 23: The Decision
Chapter 24: We Need Each Other
Chapter 25: Something's Gotta Change Around Here
Chapter 26: Kill Em... With Kindness
Chapter 27: Fellow Nancy Drew-ers
Chapter 28: If You're So Recovered
Chapter 29: You're So Bad For Me
Chapter 30: Afraid To Catch Feels
Chapter 31: Five Little Dots
Chapter 32: Crime's a Crime
Chapter 33: I'm In Trouble
Chapter 34: I'm An Addict
Chapter 35: Folie à Deux
Chapter 36: McKinley
Chapter 37: The Longest Chapter So Far
Chapter 38: These Are My Confessions
Chapter 39: Farewell, Crystal Army
Chapter 40: The Last Year
Part 2
Chapter 41: Now That We're Done
Chapter 42: Entertain Us
Chapter 43: Ha Ha Ha
Chapter 44: Look What You've Done
Chapter 45: You Look Pretty Sinking
Chapter 46: Haunting Me, Taunting Me
Chapter 47: Bury Me In Memory
Chapter 48: Keep It Together
Chapter 49: There's Something I Need To Say
Chapter 50: Take My Pain For Me
Chapter 51: Like We're Supposed To Do
Chapter 52: The Spectrum
Chapter 53: Going All In
Chapter 54: Socks
Chapter 55: Fear Of Falling Apart
Chapter 56: You're A Lonely Soul
Chapter 57: Nice For What
Chapter 58: A Good Place To Start
Chapter 59: It Happened In New Year's Eve, Part 1
Chapter 60: It Happened In New Year's Eve, Part 2
Chapter 61: SuperBowl
Chapter 62: When A Female Fires Back
Chapter 63: This Is Why I Came To You
Chapter 64: Drama and Singing About It, Part One
Chapter 65: Drama and Singing About It, Part Two
Chapter 66: Honestly, I'm Freaking Out
Chapter 67: The Wedding Zinger
Chapter 68: You're In Over Your Head
Chapter 69: I Know What You're Going Through
Chapter 70: Were They Right?
Chapter 71: The Art of a Diss Track
Chapter 72: Fix It Somehow Or Just Move On
Chapter 73: Viva Cozumel Day 1
Chapter 74: Just About Anything Goes
Chapter 75: Who's Molly?
Part 3
Chapter 76: We're All Addicted To Something
Chapter 77: Another Round Of Being Broken
Chapter 78: Another Really Long Chapter
Chapter 79: She Was Back
Chapter 80: There's No Place To Fall
Chapter 81: I Don't Take The Blame
Chapter 82: Pride Through Music
Chapter 83: Lights Out Part 1
Chapter 84: Lights Out Part 2
Chapter 85: Checkmate
Chapter 86: VMAs 2028
Chapter 88: Rinky Dinks

Chapter 87: What Happened To John?

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Autorstwa arias3


"We can officially declare the VMAs a huge success," said Blaine, taking a seat in front of Sebastian at the latter's desk. "Our artists thrive at these big award shows. I mean, Billboard called Blackbird one of the top 5 labels of the decade. Top 5. That's incredible. Especially since many industry people still consider us small and local."

"We're gonna push for more," Sebastian nodded. "But our sales are up for now and that's great. With Julie back at number one this week we secure another victory for us."

"And it's great for her career," Blaine said. "Icon status solidified."

"Any luck reaching John?" asked Sebastian. "He's been MIA for week with a new tour to promote."

Blaine exhaled heavily, reaching up to rub the back of his neck as he answered, "No... Unfortunately, all we have is a text from last night saying he was fine. But we don't know where he is or when he's coming back."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "This is a tantrum over losing the label. We gave him the news and he disappeared. Typical petulant popstar behavior. But he'll come around. When it comes down to it, none of them can stand being away from the limelight for too long."


"So you really think this is gonna work?" asked Albany as she, Marley, Leo and Finn walked up to the entrance of Rinky Dinks, a hole in the wall roller skating arena that Finn had only been to a handful of times, many years ago. The others had never even heard of it. 

"Well, the rest of this mall strip around is empty," said Finn. "That's about two hundred acres in total. I mean, we can have a huge school and fill it with all kinds of different resources."

"How much is it going to cost us?" asked Leo. "Because we'd still have to think about all the money that'll go into renovations and hiring and enrollment and... We still have a long way to go to get everything ready within a year from now."

"Well, the board has approved a million dollars just for the lot alone," said Finn. 

"By the board you mean Kitty," Marley noted.

"Right," Finn admitted. "She kinda took over the vote on that one. But that's what I'm estimating a lot this big to cost us anyway. And once we walk in here and convince the owner to sell Rinky Dinks to us, we can take down the lot and start building us a school! Isn't that exciting?"

The others responded with mixed emotions as Albany said, "Well, how are we going to make our pitch? Because from what I researched, this rink has been here for two decades despite not making any profits. How do we convince someone like that to sell to us?"

"Well," Finn smiled as he began to pull the front doors open. "It just so happens that the owner and I go way back."


"So I think I'm gonna release the song with Lyric as my second single," Rylan said to Isaac as they hung out in the latter's room. 

Isaac had officially moved all of their belongings into Julie's house and were just a room apart from Kayli. It was unclear whether or not Skye was living there now, too, but her things were in the living room when they arrived in the morning.

As Isaac unpacked, Rylan continued, "It's the one I told you about that Julie had written and then passed it along. Changed the production around and got Lyric's vocals on the track. She and I are finding we work well together. The song we did for her album is starting to pick up some traction, so that should be an indicator for what would happen if in a few weeks, I dropped another single with her from my end. Funny enough, I was initially trying to get Santana in the studio for it but she's been polishing her album. I overheard that she has a big single coming out this Friday. It's the talk at the label. Have you been by? Isaac?"

Rylan watched his boyfriend, who was staring blankly at a box of stacked video game boxes, not paying him any attention.

"Isaac!" Rylan exclaimed, getting their attention.

Isaac turned to him and said, "Oh, sorry. Yeah, sorry about that. Um... What?"

"What's going on?" Rylan asked. "Ever since we landed back in Ohio you've been weird."

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Isaac shook their head. "Guess I'm just kind of distracted. I have to pack all my things for the tour. Two days and I'm opening for Julie. It's... huge."

"Yeah, I know that," Rylan nodded. "Which is why I'm trying to spend time with you now before you're off on that big bestie adventure. It's hard to do it, though, with you zoning out every thirty seconds."

"I was just wondering," Isaac turned to him. "Are we... okay? There was a lot of weirdness with us over the last month and I don't wanna pretend we're okay and then find out in a month or two that we weren't really."

"We're more than okay," Rylan assured them. "Seriously, Isaac, I know it was unsettling. But... I got my feelings out and you heard me out and then at the VMAs it felt like we were a couple again. You know? I'm over it. I hope you can get over it, too."

Isaac slowly nodded, glancing back down at their box.

"But," Rylan added, "if you still wanna talk about it..."

Isaac turned back, shaking their head. "No, not at all," they said. "I'm good."

"Good," Rylan smiled, reaching out for one of Isaac's arms to tug them closer to him. "Because given that you fly out tomorrow night, I think there are better things for us to spend our time doing today than talking."

Isaac let go of their belongings, letting Rylan pull them closer until they fell together onto Isaac's bed. As they kissed, Isaac couldn't pulling away to smile. Now that their little bump had been overcome, everything could go back to pure bliss once more.


As Finn led the way inside Rinky Dinks, the sight that the group took in was depressing, to say the least.

The roller rink was completely empty, and parts of the floor looked chipped beyond simple repair. An entire side of the outer railings was broken. The food and drink bar was dirty and dusty, with a bored employee standing behind it. 

Marley could've sworn she saw a rat running behind the bar, but she said nothing, as then she wouldn't be able to convince herself that it was just the late. 

A few seconds later, a door behind the stage that was overlooking the rink opened up and out emerged none other than April Rhodes, whom both Finn and Marley were familiar with. Albany and Leo shrugged at each other as the petite blonde dashed towards them in six inch cowboy boots. 

"Thank you for agreeing to meet," Finn said, opening his arms for a tight embrace that April pulled him into.

After releasing him, she took in the rest of the group, saying, "Oh look at all of you." As she hugged Marley, she said, "Quinn Fabray, brunette looks so good on you." Then to Albany she said, "Brittany, of course," and to Leo, "and Puck, right? You're a lot better looking than I remember..." 

She let a hand linger on Leo's muscular arms until Finn cleared his throat and Marley said, "Actually, I'm Marley. Marley Rose. We met a few times. Long time ago. And these are our partners Albany Boynton and Leo Sisneros."

"Pleasure to meet you," Leo told her politely, guarding himself from being touched again.

"Oh..." April said, looking around at all of them. "So which one's yours?" she whispered to Finn, looking at Albany and Leo non-discreetly.

"Oh not partners in that way," Finn said quickly. "No, no. Uh, business partners. I mentioned it in my voicemail. Did you not..?"

"Oh, I'm only joking!" April cackled, clapping her hands together. "Kinda. Well, let's talk business. So you're here to make me an offer for the lot. I've gotta say, it's not the first time someone comes around pitching me a number. Usually big suits trying to build their conglomerate or condos with a beautiful view. It's a good location, it is. And they make some big offers."

"So why haven't you sold?" Albany asked. "Sorry to be so blunt, but... It doesn't seem like this place makes you any profit."

"Oh not at all," April nodded. "In fact, I'm many millions in debt holding it together."

Leo, Marley and Albany looked around at each other. Finn cut in, "Well, that's why we thought we could make you an offer. We want the lot to build our boarding school. You may have heard McKinley was closed down and—"

"Oh I heard," April interjected again. "Everyone heard. And I think a boarding school sounds nice. I haven't been wanting to sell cause everyone willing to pay for this ol' place wants to destroy it. And turn it into some type of capitalist venture. But a privatized educational institution is just moderate enough for me to have no problem with it either way."

"So you're accepting?" Finn said, glancing hopefully at the others. "You'll sell?"

"Yeah," April smiled. "I'll sell."

"Great," Leo pulled out contracts he'd been holding under one of his arms. "We have our proposal here."

He handed the offer letter to April, who took flirtatiously took it from him, took one look at it, and closed it.

"You must be joking," April said, looking around at them. "Ten thousand? That's it?"

"Well," Finn said, confused as he looked around at the others for some help, "we looked into the are and apparently this lot valued at about three grand. We threw in an extra seven because we know the sentimental value of—"

"Finn, what do you expect me to do with this?" she looked down at her offer letter and handed it back to Leo. "No, that's two month's rent."

"Where do you live?" Albany scowled.

"And it's just not enough," April shook her head. "No, I thought you were coming in with your big pitch and an offer that was going to wow me."

"This offer is very generous," Albany protested. "And way above value."

"It really is a lot more money than the lot is worth," Finn reiterated.

April crossed her arms, pressing her lips together and then explaining, "But what about my investments, Finn? I've kept this place running for almost twenty years. Maybe poorly and just barely but I did it. And in doing so, filed for bankruptcy four times. And borrowed a lot of money. Didn't you hear what I said? I'm millions in debt. If all I get for that is ten thousand, that's two decades down the drain."

"Well," Finn turned to Marley, who had been silently crunching the numbers.

"How about this?" asked Marley. "This is how much we can afford to do without severely cutting into our budget."

She showed her phone to April. "Two million?" said April, raising a brow.

"Two million?!" Albany responded.

"We can raise those funds again in no time," Marley quietly assured her group as April thought it over.

But April shook her head and said, "It's not enough."

"It's so much money, April," Finn sighed.

"It's not enough," April insisted. "I need enough to pay my debts and still walk away with enough money to move onto my next venture comfortably."

"And how much money would that take?" Leo asked.

April glanced around at them and very calmly answered, "Oh... about... fifty million."

"FIFTY MILLION?!" they all repeated in shocked unison.

"Roughly, yeah," April said. "So fifty million. That's my offer. Take it or leave it."


"So what's this meeting about?" Kayli asked, arriving late to a last-minute gathering at Blackbird Records.

In the board room, Dani was sitting down while Shana and Zoe surrounded her, each looking down at their phones. Leila wasn't present and Sebastian sat on the table very casually at the other end of the room.

"Please, have a seat," Sebastian said. "Leila can't make it so we're gonna go ahead and get started."

"With what?" Kayli asked, slowly making her way to an empty chair.

"With planning for the future of the group," said Sebastian. "And your solo careers."

Zoe and Shana glanced up. "What?" Dani said, brow creased.

"Oh, don't look so worried," Sebastian said. "I'm only referring to solo projects during the hiatus. Leila is obviously going to be on maternity leave. She's five months pregnant now and if we wanna get one more single out of this album cycle then we need to film soon. This week kind of soon."

"That is soon," Dani said. "We haven't even discussed what it could be. Only You is still going on the charts. With potential to hit top ten."

"Only You has had its run," Sebastian shook his head. "We're gonna let that single start to drop now and focus on the next thing. Rylan has a song out with Lyric that he's promoting and he's told me he's going to do his own single now that the Alex collaboration is starting to fade. And I'm behind that completely. That means we leave Only You behind and do something else."

"Okay," Dani nodded, keeping up slowly. "So we put out a fourth single."

"Fourth and final," said Sebastian. "At least for the next year-ish. So that means it has to be a good one."

Kayli turned to the other girls, who were silently thinking. "What about Your Love?" asked Shana. "I love that one."

"That's a good song," Dani agreed.

"I think it should be Wasabi," said Zoe. "When we released it as a promo single and performed it at Starstruck people went crazy over it. Imagine if it had single treatment."

"Ooh and it's like," Shana said, "'I bet they're gonna break up... What the hell do you know.' Bam, like making a statement before we go our ow ways."

"Yeah," Zoe nodded.

"It's not the right feeling you wanna leave everyone off with," Sebastian disagreed. "You need something that's less aggressive and more sentimental. Like..."

"Like The Cure," said Kayli. Everyone turned to her. "The Cure," she repeated. "The track we named the album after. It's already special because of that. And nicely closes out the era. But also it's like a bittersweet song about moving on and standing on our own. Even if just for a while."

The other girls seemed to have mixed feelings about it but Sebastian said, "That sounds perfect. You leave the fans in tears. They're scared you all won't come back together after this. It's all very dramatic. You do your solo projects, you see success without the group, everyone is giving up... and then bam! Next summer, you come back with your tour and a new single. Doesn't that sound great?"

"It sounds like a lot," Shana said. "Not just for us but... It's a lot of emotional turmoil to put our fanbase through."

"But it'll make the next single that much more impactful," Sebastian reiterated. "Kayli's on board. How about the rest of you?"

"It's whatever the girls want," Dani shrugged.

"It's what you want," Sebastian gave her a look. "You're the manager."

"What do you think?" Shana asked her. "Should we end on The Cure?"

Dani took a second, not seeming very convinced. But she said, "It does sound like the best choice as far as business goes."

"Great!" Sebastian said, not caring to discuss it any further. "So we'll go with The Cure. I've got your director already lined up to film it in a few days. Uh... Word of warning. Santana's about to announce her comeback and start teasing a new song for Friday. And, uh..."

"It's about me?" Shana asked.

"Indirecly, sort of," Sebastian shrugged. "It's about herself. But... People will definitely bring you up."

"More publicity for us," Kayli said nonchalantly.

"See, everyone needs to think like Kayli today," Sebastian pointed at her. Then he sighed, "Which just makes me so disappointed to say this next thing."

Kayli frowned. "What next thing?"

"Well," Sebastian turned to Dani, who looked upset at just the mention of the next topic. "Dani mentioned that you wanted to join Julie's tour as an opener during the rest of the US dates. And I did pitch the idea to her team. But..."

"They said no?" Kayli said, confused. Shaking her head she added, "But..."

"Well, they didn't entirely say no," said Sebastian. He turned to Shana and said, "But they said they wanted a different Rhythmix member."

All eyes turned to Shana, who pointed a finger at her own chest and responded, "They want me?"

"That's what they said," Sebastian nodded.

"But..." Kayli said again, trying to make sense of everything. "The idea was pitched to Julie?"

"Yeah, I got a text from her this morning," said Sebastian, reaching for his phone. "She approved Shana being the choice. Just thought it was a better fit for her."

He pointed the phone towards Kayli but she wouldn't look at it, her expression transforming into distraught as she rose to her feet.

"Kayli..." Shana began.

"No," Kayli shook her head. "I'm fine. I, uh, have somewhere to be so I'm gonna go now..."

Without another word, Kayli rushed out of that room. She'd been looking forward to a spot on that tour. It was going to be her big solo project. And she'd been so sure that thanks to her friendship with Julie, she'd have no problem securing the spot. So how could Julie have chosen Shana over her?


"I'm so glad you invited me to this," said Skye, following Julie up the bleachers to their seats. After their late night together, with very little sleep and the adrenaline of another confusing sexual encounter, Julie had suggested that they fly out together and do something spontaneous.

So now they were in New York, at the USTA Tennis Center taking their seats to watch the 15th day of the US Open. Julie had zero interest in tennis and suspected that Skye didn't either. But it was a casual place to hang out and do something new and popular while taking some of the pressure off to talk about their relationship.

"Yeah, I've heard these things are a lot fun," Julie nodded, smiling. "I'm excited. It's pretty much my only little outing before hitting the road again."

But just a few seconds after sitting down, Julie glanced down and saw they weren't the only ones who had thought of this as a fun date activity. 

Hearing her voice, a blonde head in front of her turned around to reveal Tracy Moore and her boyfriend, Austin Short, sitting there. 

Upon seeing her, Tracy rolled her eyes but said, "Of course the one day I come to these things..."

"So do I..." Julie finished for her, forcing a smile. "And I see you brought your... Austin."

"We're a package deal," Tracy smiled back. "I see you brought your... whatever she is."

Skye scoffed, pulling her hair back and not bothering to fake the happy looks for the camera.

"She's my friend, actually," said Julie. "It's those things you get to have and keep when you're not snakey."

"How's that working out for you?" Tracy squinted her eyes. "I saw your Twitter spat with Santana and Amity the other day. I see the ol' Lima squad is just as strong as ever."

"You're gonna have to find out," Julie said. "Since apparently you signed with the label this summer. Want what I have that badly?"

"Ten different baby daddies and two divorces?" asked Tracy. "No thanks."

"Petty doesn't look good on you," Julie warned as Skye and Austin silently sat by, starting to look a little embarrassed.

"Petty is starting this whole feud over a guy," Tracy spat back.

"Maybe if you weren't such a backstabber," said Julie.

"Better a backstabber than a professional boyfriend stealer," Tracy said.

"Okay, that's enough," Austin put a hand on Tracy's shoulder and pulled her attention back to him. "Hon, can we just enjoy the game? I mean, we're all here and unless someone leaves that's how it's gonna be. We can at least try to enjoy it and have a good time, right?"

None of the women answered him. Tracy just sat, looking forward and trying to focus on the game.

Frustrated, Julie reached for a popcorn bag on the floor and grabbed a kernel, about to toss it at Tracy if not stopped by Skye.

"Don't," Skye whispered. "There are cameras everywhere. Plus, don't you wanna be the mature one? Just ignore her. She's not worth it."

"Ugh," Julie groaned. "I hate that you're right. Fine..." She adjusted the hat on her head and leaned back. "Let's watch the game and pretend she's not here then. I already pretend that about her on the regular so it shouldn't be too hard to do now."

"Good," Skye smiled. She leaned her leg against Julie's, casually letting that be their only touch of the day. If they could do this in public and the rest in private, then she was happy with where they stood for the moment.


"How are we supposed to get fifty million dollars out of our budget?" asked Albany. "I mean that's crazy. We can't do that."

"April gave us til the end of the month," Finn shrugged. "Maybe we can do it."

"We would need another fundraiser," Marley shook her head. "And the Sexy Gala only raised one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. That seemed like a lot at the time but now..."

"It's nothing compared to what April is asking for," Leo said.

"Well, I texted Julie," said Albany. "She's the richest person I know and who I trust to donate more money without a catch. I'm also going to call Minnie. I hate asking my girlfriend for money like this but... When desperation strikes..." 

As Albany walked away towards the parking lot with her phone to her ear, Finn turned to Marley and said, "I'm going to reach out to a few of my friends, too. I think Sam, Santana and Mercedes are my big hitters. What about you?"

"Um..." Marley took a deep breath. "I don't really..."

"Can you maybe reach out to John?" asked Leo. "He was pretty generous already."

"Yeah, I mean..." Marley shrugged. "I guess so..?"

"It's for the school," Finn said. "I know it's awkward. But I'm going to call Rachel, too. She's amassed her own personal wealth and we really need to call whoever we can."

Marley nodded. "Yeah, I know," she said. "I'll make the calls."


"No, I don't know where he is," Mandy said. "He did text me that he would be away for a few more days, at least. Okay I'll let him know if I reach him again. Bye."

Mandy hung up the phone and walked into her apartment. She'd hardly left it in the last two months. And boy, had it been a ride there.

On July 14, Blackbird Records had broken the news of acquisition. By July 17, the deal was made public. 

On July 22, John left a very cryptic message on Mandy's phone, letting her know he was going to disappear for a while and needing him to cover for her with Sebastian and Lyric.

On July 29, Mandy went searching for him and considered filing a missing person's report. 

On July 30, she left a message on his phone saying that if she didn't hear back from him she would start raising sirens.

On August 2, he showed up at her apartment. He looked zombified, more than ever before. And he looked scared. Because on July 25, John had his first drink since Mexico. And for eight days, he couldn't stop.

One hundred and twenty eight days sober. Down the drain.

The first two days were the worst. 

John slept on the couch. Mandy had thrown away any liquor in her apartment to keep him from being tempted. She sat on her reclining chair, watching over him all night. And at 6 AM on August 3, he shot up and vomited. Everywhere. 

Mandy took him to her bedroom and let him sleep there while she cleaned. But it only took two more hours for him to be back.

"Go back to bed," she said to him. 

"No, I really can't," he shook his head. "I tried but I just can't drift off anymore and I keep wondering if... My brain is too wired and the more I try to relax myself the harder I find it to breathe and..."

He shook his head and she said, "Okay, well then, come and sit with me."

He didn't mention the rug, not even noticing the space below his feet which was still wet from Mandy cleaning it.

As he sat down, however, he convulsed forward, grunting in pain. "Oh my god," Mandy rushed to his side. "Are you..."

But he pushed her away, probably a bit rougher than he'd meant to. "I'm sorry," he said. "I... It's nothing."

He looked pained but forced himself to relax his body. Mandy put a hand on his back and could feel his heart racing. His breath was abnormal and she was the most terrified she had probably ever felt.

But even as his body began shaking under her touch, she didn't move. She put her arms around him, trying to hold him still and failing but trying more no less.

He fell asleep again within an hour. And he slept. And slept.

Until that night, he woke up from his spot on the couch, drenched in sweat. Mandy had been trying to whip something up in the kitchen for him, knowing his body would probably reject it.

And John rose to his feet, looking around and breathing heavily. "What...?" he muttered.

Mandy stood up as well, walking towards him cautiously and saying, "John? Are you..?"

"How..." he began, but he shook his head and sat back down, putting his head in his hands. Mandy slowly joined him, sitting next to him and putting an arm around him. His body was hot to the touch. 

She put a hand on his forehead. "You have a fever..." she said. 

She heard him sniffle and then what sounded like a laugh, but too dark to be one. He was crying.

"John..." she took a deep breath. "Let me call Marley."

"No," he said, pushing her away again, this time harder than he had in the morning. He didn't seem to notice or care. "Just leave me alone," he said, standing up. He walked towards the door and said, "I don't need her fucking help. Or yours for that matter. I just gotta..."

"John, wait," she got up and rushed towards the door, standing in his way. "Don't go."

"Get out of my way," he told her. "I have to get out of here and..."

"And what?" Mandy responded. "Where would you go? Do you even know? Because I do. If you walk out of here, you're not going home or to a friend or to get help. You're going to find a bar. And you're going to drink. So please. Don't leave. Stay here with me."

John's eyes were red and dark. He glared at Mandy for a few seconds but then his expression softened. Too much. It darkened and he hung his head. Mandy closed the distance between them, wrapping him up in a hug as tightly as she could.

The next day was even worse. He still had a fever but spent most of the day on the couch, unable to move. Every time she tried to talk to him, he slurred or said something incoherent, like he was on LSD or something even worse.

But Mandy sat by him, trying not to cry as she watched him at his lowest.

And then on August 5, something happened. He woke up, at two in the afternoon, and said, "I'm sweaty."

She glanced up from her seat. She'd been reading a book, or trying to, and saw the look on his face. He looked more like him. A smelly, sweaty, sick version of him. But it was him.

"Yeah, you are," she responded, her voice merely a whisper.

He stretched out and tossed the blankets off of himself, saying, "Wow, it's hot in here. Mind if I use your shower?"

Mandy hesitated. She thought of a dozen different possibilities for why he would want to go in the shower. All worse than the other. She'd only allowed him to go in the restroom twice a day, with the door open, and it was just to empty out his bladder and then go straight back to the couch.

"I really need it," John insisted.

"Yeah," Mandy nodded, forcing herself to try to be reasonable. What was he going to do? Take one of her razors and try to slice his wrists with the blades? No, that was ridiculous... She'd already tossed those out, too.

John had never been suicidal but the John who'd shown up at her door three days ago wasn't the same John she was used to. She had to be cautious, even if it meant going to extremes.

"Door open," she said to him as he stood up.

"Seriously?" he responded. "For a shower?"

"Door open," she said again, her voice more stern this time.

He made a face at her but said, "Fine. I'll shower with the fucking door open."

He slammed a throw pillow out of his way and angrily scowled to the restroom. She peaked her head over, watching him turn the shower on. He turned to see her watching him and dramatically pushed the door as open as it could go.

"Happy?" he called out.

She raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't allow herself to snap back at his behavior. His irritability was just another withdrawal symptom. Or so she hoped.

He started to take his clothes off and Mandy forced herself to look away. She couldn't invade his privacy, as much as she wanted to keep a watchful eye on him 24/7.

His shower was only ten minutes and when he was out, he walked back to the living room in a towel. "I'm gonna need clothes," he said. 

"I'll put your dirty ones in the washer," she responded. "I can get you something else in the meantime. I think I have a few things that might fit you."

"Damian's forgotten clothes?" John scoffed. "No thank you."

He yawned loudly and said, "I don't know why I'm so tired... And still so hot. God."

He removed the towel and tossed it aside, letting the breeze hit him everywhere. Mandy gasped and looked away, rushing to get his clothes. This was just John on withdrawal. It would only last a few more days. That was all.

By the time the clothes were dry, John had already fallen asleep on the couch, butt naked and facing down. Mandy quietly walked over and placed her lighter sheets over him, just enough to cover his bare behind.

She, too, was tired, as she'd hardly slept in the last few days, not wanting him to be alone. 

She woke up five hours later and it was dark everywhere. John was not on the couch.

Just before Mandy could go into full panic mode, she heard his voice. She followed it to her bedroom, where John was sitting on the bed with his phone to his ear.

She'd hidden that in a drawer. She glanced over at it and found her bras and underwear scattered on the floor.

Annoyed she began to walk to him to take it back, but stopped when she heard what he was saying.

"Yeah, I'm actually in London right now," he said, still sounding tired but at least coherent now. "Sorry, babe, I've been so MIA. The whole thing with Blackbird and Wasted Zombies just sorta took me out. I'm at, uh, Abbey Road. Yeah, Studio Two room. Feeling like Paul McCartney right now. For sure. Again, sorry I hadn't reached out until now. It was a getaway retreat and..."

Mandy walked back out of the room. She didn't want to intrude. John was very rightfully updating his girlfriend, who hadn't had any contact with him in nearly a month.

After that, John called Lyric daily, giving her false updates about his studio time away from Lima. He'd call her at night, then go to sleep, and wake up in a state of shakes and sweats again. Some days were better than others. There were peaks throughout the day. The mornings were the worst. But Mandy spent the day helping him feel better, or at least well enough that he could call Lyric and have his time with her again before repeating the cycle.

And John really was doing better overall. On August 11, John left.

Mandy woke up from her spot on the recliner, having dozed off for about three hours, and John wasn't on the couch. She thought he might be talking to Lyric again and went to check in her room. But he wasn't there either.

Fear overcame her. She grabbed her keys and hurried out the door in a panic only to find John sitting in the hallway, just sitting.

She let herself take a breath, leaning against her door with mixed emotions. Mostly relief. She thought the worst could've happened already.

"Just went to move my car," he said. "I didn't want someone to come by and see it. Cause they'd know I was here. And then I realized... I didn't show up here in my car. I don't know where that's at. And I don't know how I got here, either. I don't remember."

"But you didn't leave, right?" Mandy said, sliding down to have a seat beside him.

"No," he said. "Made it through the elevator and down to the first floor. And I came right back up. Nobody saw me. And thankfully I made it all the way back."

"That's good," Mandy said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's a great step for you."

"Thank you," he turned to her and put a hand on one of hers. He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, holding it there mid air and saying, "Without you I... I don't know if I'd be alive right now."

"Don't think about that now," Mandy put a hand on his lap, giving his leg a tight squeeze and smiling. "Look at you. You're you again. And I'm just grateful for that."

He smiled back and for a moment they were frozen there, in a moment where they could dive into bliss and pretend all else was going to be fine.

On August 12, John got online and ordered about ten different packages for same day delivery. 

On August 13, he set everything up. 

On August 14, Mandy heard music. Just a simple beat. She walked into Xavier's old bedroom to find that John had transformed it into a little studio. 

"Sorry," John looked up from the computer he'd purchased, where he was saving these files. "I hope I didn't wake you. I tried sound proofing the room."

He nodded to the doors, which had padding on it, as well as the walls next to it. 

"You're good," said Mandy. "What do you have so far?"

"Come check it out," he smiled, waving her over. She walked to his side and he started playing the same song she'd woken up to. She nodded her head along. There weren't any words yet or anything but the beat was sick.

On August 17, John finished the song. He'd added lyrics and a rawness. He'd recorded it all right there in the bedroom. And he seemed so happy to be doing what he loved, even if from such an unconventional place and under their current circumstances.

He slept less and she tried to push him to rest more... But him being restless and making music was a big improvement from him being restless and going on a bender.

On August 21, he'd written two more songs and ordered even more equipment. Mandy had things to do and considered leaving him to work while she went and took care of business but she was too scared to leave. So she worked remotely and made business decisions from the comfort of her living room, over the faint sound of John's new music.

On August 23, Mandy spent the day quietly setting things up for the VMAs. She and John were still big investors to the Hobart Center and after being kicked out of the Wasted Zombies/Blackbird board, she dove into all things Hobart, which currently meant being involved in planning for Julie's VMAs performance there.

If there was one name she did not dare mention it was hers. That was the person who'd caused John's relapse. She and her shady deals with Sebastian. She and her ability to just up and make decisions to screw over the people around her, who had backed her in everything.

It filled Mandy with anger and frustration. But she didn't want to bring it up or do anything about it because she needed John to keep Julie out of his mind completely.

So she worked in secret, tempted to plot against her. Maybe she could find a way to input some malfunctions into her performance?

No, she wasn't that petty. And it wasn't the example she wanted to set for John. Not at all.

So she did what she could to make sure the show was going to go smoothly, even if it meant helping the person who'd turned her back on them the most.

Sam had reached out. Sebastian had reached out. Lyric, of course, called over and over again. And Julie? After all she'd done, she hadn't even bothered to try to talk or explain herself.

And maybe things were better that way.

On September 3, however, the day of the big show, John ended a writing session and emerged from the guest room. He calmly said, "Should we watch the show?"

"What?" asked Mandy.

"Well, I haven't talked to Lyric in a few days," he said. "She wanted me to go to the show with her and I'm bailing on her big time so the least I could do is watch."

"Are you sure?" Mandy asked, concerned. "It's gonna be a lot of people that might..."

"Trigger me?" John laughed. "I think I'll be fine. We can just sit here and watch together. That alright?"

Mandy hesitated. But if they were going to be together and she could keep watch over him... Then she didn't see why not?

They watched the red carpet. They watched arrivals and judged fashion, laughing at the expense of some of the people they knew personally. Every time someone mentioned Julie and their two nominations together, Mandy turned to John to make sure he was fine. And he seemed fine.

But then during the opening monologue, Malia Ferguson mentioned the nominations and Willy Harris made a two-timing joke. There were quite a few cocaine jokes, too. The cameras turned to Alex, who seemed like he wanted to laugh it off but couldn't quite do so convincingly.

John lost a bunch of awards. He was one of the most nominated and only won in technical categories. Then came Julie's performance. It was happening just a few blocks away. That was crazy to think about.

She accepted an award for both of them. And didn't mention him or his impact on the song and video even once.

Mandy worried about what all of this would do for John. She worried that he would want to storm out and drink. But he watched the full show and said nothing.

Nothing at all.

The next day, Mandy thought they'd have another rough one, as the VMAs had surely put him back in a tough spot. But John seemed more motivated than ever. 

He was in the bedroom studio when his phone rang. It was right next to Mandy's so she peaked over, assuming it'd be Lyric. But it was Marley.

She hesitated. Marley only reached out to John if she really had to. But if Mandy answered, she'd know they were together and had been lying. If she had him answer, there was no telling how he'd react. Marley was one of his greatest triggers. 

She was about to reach over and answer when the call cut off. She'd missed it. What if it was about Kai? John hadn't seen him in months. What if something happened and she'd ignored the call?

But then her own phone started ringing. It was Marley. 

She cleared her throat and answered.


"No, I don't know where he is. He did text me that he would be away for a few more days, at least. Okay I'll let him know if I reach him again. Bye."

After Mandy hung up, Marley sighed, turning to Finn. They were in his house. Leo and Albany had gone home to their girlfriends and now it was just the two of them, trying to think of ways to make money fast.

"She hasn't talked to him?" Finn asked.

Marley shook her head. "I just have this feeling that something's up," she sighed. "I almost asked her for the money but that just felt too weird. I think I should speak to him first... But anyway, I have to get going. I'm picking up Kai from daycare and the meeting Logan for dinner and I'd rather be in a good mood when I see him, not worrying about my ex."

"Yeah, good luck with all of that," Finn said, seeing her out. "I'll be making all my calls, too. And thinking of alternative ways to get money and secure Rinky Dinks."

Marley nodded, making her way outside and towards her car. She kept thinking about John and his absence over the last two months. He hadn't reached out at all or even tried to get in contact with Kai. She knew a bit about Wasted Zombies and people being unhappy that they were back with Blackbird. But that was really it.

What in the world was John up to?


As they left the US Open together, Julie and Skye felt like they'd done a pretty good job. They'd been normal for the most part and Julie had even resisted from several ideas she'd had to make Tracy's day miserable.

But when they were leaving the arena, Tracy walked up to them and Julie braced herself for a fight once again.

"Hey," Tracy approached, far more gregariously than she had before. "Listen... I was thinking about it before and... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kept that fight rolling earlier."

"What?" Julie responded, surprised.

"I have this need to constantly compete with you as if I have to prove myself," Tracy said. "But I don't. And neither do you."

"Then why'd you come to the label?" Julie asked.

"I didn't know about the merger," Tracy said. "And genuinely was not trying to compete with you in any capacity. Sebastian gave me a great pitch."

"Yeah, he does that," Julie said. "Well, since you've somewhat raised a white flag... Let me give you my olive branch. Be careful with him. He gets results. Fast. And it's all great. But his methods aren't usually clean and his motivations are even dirtier. He's dangerous and manipulative. Don't let him get his fingers around you or your art."

She walked away and Tracy watched her, a little confused and unnerved by Julie's sudden warning.

As they left, Skye said, "It's really that bad with you and Sebastian, huh?"

"I would never trust him," Julie said. "Or anyone on his team. They're evil, Skye. Evil. And he has made it his life's mission to screw me over. I may not like Tracy... But I wouldn't wish what he's put me through on anyone. Ever."

Skye looked down at the floor but didn't ask any more questions about Sebastian or what was happening with them. She had other concerns.

"So now that we're leaving and gonna get some time in private," she began. "Maybe we can..."

Julie began to smile, thinking of what Skye might have on her mind.

But Skye said, "" Julie's smile faded. "I'm not saying we have to, like, have a talk. But a little clarity would be nice."

"I thought we weren't going to talk at all," Julie frowned.

"No, I know," Skye said. "But that's when we said we were going to just move on and go back to how things were. But last night... We didn't do that. At all."

Julie took a deep breath. "I wish we could but," she began, "I actually have to set out on my own now. Today was my only day off from tour and I have to fly to DC. I have a few weeks of back to back shows but... We'll plan for something where we can hang out? I mean all of us. Isaac and Kayli and..."

Skye nodded. She understood perfectly what was happening. She was being pushed aside, already.

"Yeah," she said. "I guess I'll see you then."

Skye walked away and Julie sighed, calling after her, "Wait, Skye..."

But Skye didn't hear her or perhaps did but ignored her. It didn't matter. She was gone.

["Feelings" by Hayley Kiyoko.]

Julie: Feelings...

Julie walked towards her security team. Her lead bodyguard, Miguel, was waiting for her. "Where to next, Miss Vasquez?" he asked her.

"The airport," she said after failing to spot Skye anywhere nearby. "I guess..." She followed Miguel to the rental SUV that had transported them from the airport to the arena. 

Julie: I walk through this world. Just trying to be nice. They say I'll get hurt. If I'm not like ice.

In the backseat of the team's rental, Julie looked out the window. There were other celebrities leaving the area and she spotted Tracy leaving with Austin. Still no sign of Skye.

Julie: I know I've got friends. I still get so lonely. If I look in your eyes I'll want you to hold me.


Skye was still inside the arena. She had gone back to their section, unsure of what to do next.

Skye: I'm sorry that I care, care. I'm sorry that I care, care. It's really not that fair, fair. I can't help but care...


Both women wished they had done things differently. That was the worst goodbye they could've had. 

Both: I over communicate and feel to much. I just complicate it when I say too much. I laugh about it, dream about that casual touch. Sex is fire, sick and tired of acting all tough.

Why couldn't either of them communicate what they wanted properly?

Both: I'm hooked on all these feelings. I know exactly what I'm feeling. This love asylum, like an island, just me and you. Spent the night, you got me high. Oh what did you do? I'm hooked on all these feelings...

But while Skye was freely walking back and forth, thinking through what she would say when they got another chance to talk...

Skye: There caught up inside. Both happy and lonely. Keep telling me lies. They're killing me slowly.

...Julie was stuck in the backseat of a car, with no escape from her own thoughts. She wanted it out of her head, not bouncing around with her in that tiny space.

Julie: I get too attached. They don't even know me. Why can't I relax? Why can't I relax? 

Why was Skye having this effect on her? Why was she so into her but at the same time... not at all? What was that feeling? Could she put it into words?

Skye: I'm sorry that I care, care. I'm sorry that I care, care. It's really not that fair, fair. I can't help but care... 

And if she tried, would she say too much? Mislead Skye? Was she overthinking it? Did Skye care all that much? 

Both: I over communicate and feel to much. I just complicate it when I say too much. I laugh about it, dream about that casual touch. Your sex is fire, sick and tired of acting all tough.

The thoughts consumed her. There were a lot of feelings inside her and being with Skye felt like ecstasy. The feeling was there. But was it just attraction or something more? 

Both: I'm hooked on all these feelings... I know exactly what I'm feeling... This love asylum, like an island, just me and you. Spent the night, you got me high, what did you do? I'm hooked on all these feelings...

Julie took a deep breath and shook her head. The moment was gone. They'd had one more night of fun. That was all. And if there was more, she'd lost her chance to find out. It was time to head back to work and push these thoughts out.

Both: I'm hooked on all these feelings... I know exactly what I'm feeling... I'm hooked on all these feelings... I know exactly what I'm feeling...

Until next time.


"So here it is," Alex said, walking up to Kara two days later with a paper in hand. "I did it."

The two were in Nashville. They were going to meet up with Mabel, who had an appearance there for an actors' convention. Tabitha and Bonnie had come along and were out taking Rosie shopping. 

Addison was handling business related to the Wildcat 2 soundtrack, which Alex hoped to curate but was likely going to have to step back from, as his second album was coming along quickly and he was eager to release something from there soon.

But while that was dealt with, he hung out with Kara at their hotel. Kara had been getting recognized by fans and stalked by paparazzi lately. It wasn't too bad but it was enough that she was starting to gain some D-list level celebrity and she wasn't a fan of being stalked by cameras while on vacation.

And Alex had a mission. He was going to write Mabel a song. It didn't matter to him what kind of song it was or if it was going to make his album. It just had to be his own song, written for her and only her.

"I did it," he said to Kara again, meeting her in the living room of their suite. She was flopped on the couch, posting to her Instagram story with a few selfies. 

"Did what?" Kara responded lifelessly.

Alex sat down by her legs, forcing them off the couch, and said, "Wrote a song. About Mabel. Took me a few weeks but I finally got it. It's good, too. Like... Really good, I think. Doesn't really fit the songs I've written for my album so far. But those are all kind of angry and angsty like my usual stuff. This one is... Mellow. And romantic."

"Ooh," Kara sat up. "As much as I hate to say it, hope this is better than the ones you've written about me! Let's hear it."

"I don't know..." Alex hesitated. "I still have to work out the chords. I think, though, that it'd be cool if instead of me I got someone she really likes to sing it. You know? Like, if I hired another singer to play it or asked one of my friends or... Even gave it to another artist she likes who can release it themselves. You know?"

"That could be an interesting idea," Kara nodded. "How long have you been dating her?"

"About three months now," Alex exhaled.

"Wow," Kara said. "Yeah, the song thing should've happened within the first two weeks of your first date, Alex. You're slacking."

Alex rolled his eyes and handed her the notepad with the lyrics on it. "Seriously, though," he said. "Read this. What do you think?"

Kara began to skim over the lyrics. A few seconds later, she glanced up and said, "Alex, this is so cute... And you know, you're gonna hate me for this but..." 

She grabbed her phone and began scrolling. He waited curiously, asking, "But what?"

"But look who's in town," she said, pointing the screen in his direction for him to see a picture of Tracy and Austin having breakfast just a few blocks away. "She'd kinda go perfect in this. Like... I Love You 2.0."

Alex sighed. He had no intentions of working with Tracy again. But Mabel was a fan of hers for over a decade. Maybe it made sense. 

"You know what," Alex said. "Yeah, letting go of the past and doing a love duet with my ex about my current girlfriend. That sounds like... a blast. I mean, did you see those pictures of her and Julie at that tennis game? If those two can casually hang out, there's no reason I can't work with Tracy again."

"I can't tell if this is sarcasm," Kara narrowed her eyes, confused.

"No, I'm gonna do it," he said. "Tracy and I put I Love You together in, like, a day, and had it out in no time. We can do the same for this. I'm gonna ask her to jump on the track and end any bad blood between us. Just watch."

He stood up, pulled his phone out of his pocket, and started to dial.


"It's happening tomorrow night," said Carly, braiding Santana's hair as the two sat in the Blackbird Records writing lounge, hanging out. Carly was supposed to be brainstorming ideas for her next album, but she was still too wrapped in this last one to even start thinking about all that. 

"Yeah," Santana responded. "Isn't that crazy? Like, I put this album together over the last year but most of the songs that ended up making the cut were put together in just the last two months. I guess I gotta thank Shana and Julie for that."

"You know you gotta watch out girl," Carly warned. "Cause when they hear the things you had to say about them, they're gonna be out for blood."

"Maybe..." Santana shrugged. "But I don't care. Julie has tried coming for me before in her music but never really dropped any of the stuff she wrote about me. And Shana... She doesn't really have it in her."

"Then what about all that Twitter stuff the other week?" Carly pointed out.

"She got brave with Julie on her side," Santana said. "Trust me, when Julie stops supporting her and moves onto another single with someone else, Shana won't wanna fight anymore. It's all political."

"I don't know..." Carly said. "You haven't heard the news about them?"

"What news?" Santana said, turning to Carly.

The latter let go of her hair and said, "Shana's going on tour with Julie."

"Oh..." Santana sighed. "No, I hadn't heard that. God, I thought you were gonna tell me something crazy. Like they're dating now, or something."

"That'd be wild," Carly laughed. "Is Vasquez into women? She sure spends a lot of time with them."

"No, she's..." Santana rolled her eyes. "Obsessed with men. It's like her favorite activity. That's why I wrote that song. The one I told you about."

"Ooh that's the one that's got me nervous for you girl," Carly cackled. "But it's gonna be fun. Move your head. I wanna finish this braid."

Santana moved her head and said, "But yeah... My new song is out tomorrow night and... My album will be here in no time. This is gonna be my era. I can feel it, Carly. It's all just in my reach. And I'm gonna be more like you."

"How like me?" Carly asked.

"When I see something I want," Santana said, "I'm gonna get it. No matter what it takes."


"She's not even speaking to me," said Shana, walking into the hotel lobby at Nashville with Leila and Zoe. "I don't know where she's at but if she doesn't show up today, then you can all blame me."

"Why?" Leila asked. "It's not your fault Julie wanted you on the tour."

"I just don't understand that," said Shana. "It doesn't make sense. Julie adores Kayli."

"But Kayli doesn't have all the solo tracks that you have," Zoe said. "You can put on your own set with all the collaborations. And I'm not saying it to be mean. That's just the truth. Kayli wanted it to happen for her automatically just based on friendship. Julie's a businesswoman. That's probably why she went with you. It just made more sense."

"I still feel bad," Shana said. "Maybe if I talked to Julie..."

"And did what?" Leila asked. "Backed out? That still doesn't guarantee Kayli would be put in your place. Plus it's such a good opportunity, Shana. Julie's tour is huge. It's great exposure which is good not only for you but also for the group."

"So you both think I should do it?" Shana asked, a worrisome look on her face.

"Yes," said Leila and Zoe in unison.

"There you all are," said Kayli, making them all turn around. Kayli was emerging towards the lobby from a nearby elevator.

"When did you get here?" Shana asked. 

"We thought you'd forgotten or just bailed," Zoe added.

"No, I've been here for a while," Kayli said. "Let's get this music video shot and then we can go on our way. We're one shoot away from hiatus."

She walked off, leading the way for them. It was crazy how much the opening act decision had affected her. Making The Cure a single had been her idea and she normally loved filming music videos. But now she couldn't wait to get it over with and move on.


Meanwhile, Julie was preparing for a two-night stop in DC. She hadn't talked to Skye in two days and sat on stage before her mic check just wondering if she should be trying to call and reach out or if Skye was upset and wanted her space.

It was so hard to tell what she should do and she'd never threaded this lightly when it came to relationships. Was this even a relationship? Friendships.

Who was she kidding? If one thing was clear it was that she and Skye were past friendship. Maybe they weren't in a relationship but they were in a weird, confusing place in between. Just like she and Alex had been. Except less tragic and more puzzling.

She needed to talk through her feelings with someone. Anyone. 

But it couldn't be just anyone. Because who could she confide in about something this serious? Something that demanded this much secrecy? 

It couldn't be John or Alex anymore. It sucked that she could no longer trust them with her secrets. Shana? Amity? They would understand.

But she couldn't really trust them either, not since they sold her out for superficial friendships with Tracy and Francesca. 

Isaac and Kayli would be too involved. The only person that was coming to mind now was...

She shook her head at herself, laughing at how ridiculous the idea was. But she had nothing better. So she grabbed her phone and sent for assistance. 


That night, Tracy joined Alex at his hotel suite. She'd brought Austin along, not only to appease her boyfriend's mind about meeting with Alex in a hotel, but also in case paparazzi saw her going into the same hotel he was at. At least they'd know Austin was there, too. What they assumed from there on was their business. 

"So this is the song?" asked Tracy, reading the lyrics on Alex's page. 

She sat on the couch with him, while Kara watched from the kitchen and Austin stood by awkwardly. 

"Yup," Alex said. "I thought you could have it. It doesn't have to be like a single or anything. But I wanted you to record it. It's, like, a little gift for my girlfriend."

"Mabel McDaniel," Tracy nodded. "Yeah I've heard all about you two. Good for you. I don't know her personally but I've only ever heard good things about her."

"Well, she's a big fan of yours," Alex shrugged. "This would mean a lot to her."

"Okay," Tracy said. "And you wanna be on the track with me?"

"Yeah," Alex nodded, "if that's something you're comfortable with." He glanced up at Austin and said, "And you."

"It's no problem for me, dude," Austin shrugged. "I'm only here because of the nosy paps. That's all. I think it'd be cool for you two to work together and show there's no more bad blood."

"Yeah," Tracy nodded, still reading through the lyrics. "There are a few changes I would wanna make here and there, if you don't mind. Lyrically and to the chords to make it more country. But yeah... I like this a lot."

"Good," Alex smiled. "So we're doing this then."

"Yup," Tracy said. "How long are you in Nashville for?"

"Until the weekend," Alex said.

Tracy stood up, taking a picture of the notepad. "Great," she said. "I'll book us studio time here for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Alex said. "That's so soon."

"Yeah," Tracy nodded. "We need to do it now that we're both in the same city so we can release it next week."

"Next week?" Alex raised his brow. 

Tracy nodded again, grabbing her things and signaling to Austin that they were leaving. As they walked out, she looked back and said, "Welcome back to Nashville, Alex."


"So," said Leila as she and the rest of the Rhythmix girls wrapped shooting and made their way back to their hotel. It had been a long, stressful day full of awkward conversation and tension between the bandmates, but finally they would get some rest.

Before they officially broke off in their own directions, though, it was important that they talk.

"So," Shana repeated. Kayli looked away from them, clearly still hurt by Julie's decision.

"Did anybody else get that mass text from Finn asking for more donations?" asked Leila.

"Yeah," Zoe nodded. "I got that. I didn't reply. I already gave some money at the Sexy Gala."

"Jake gave one million," said Leila. "Can you believe it? It's so much of his own personal money."

"I gave five million," Shana responded.

"What?" Leila gasped. "Why?"

"Because," Shana shrugged, "it's to rebuild a newer and better McKinley. Maybe you two won't understand because you didn't go to McKinley but... It's just such a special place. And I really think they're gonna do wonders with that school. Finn, Albany, Marley and Leo... The dream team. You get it, right, Kayli?"

Kayli shrugged, "I'm not giving them anything."

She walked towards the elevator, not waiting for them to get in with her.

Shana sighed and turned to the girls, leading them over to the lobby's couches and flopping down. 

"Ugh," she groaned. "I hate this. I hate when she's mad at me for things I did do but it's even worse when I didn't do anything. And still I feel so guilty."

"She needs to talk to Julie," said Leila. "That's gonna be her problem, not yours. And not ours. But we need a good, clean send-off. We can't leave the band mad at each other or she might not come back to it."

"Shana, be honest," said Zoe. "Do you wanna come back?"

"Of course," Shana nodded. "I love being in the group. The collaborations are fun but it's the music we make as a band that I really love. Honestly."

Leila sighed, "Well, regardless, we need her to be on board to be able to come back after this pregnancy. And speaking of, I've been having to pee for about three hours so I'm gonna head up to my room. You girls get some rest. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight," the girls told her as she waved goodbye at them.

As Leila left, Zoe turned to Shana and asked, "What are you gonna do then? About Kayli and this Julie tour?"

"I don't know," Shana sighed. "I guess... I have to call Julie and figure this out. Because there's no way I'm gonna do it if it's gonna make Kayli this miserable. It's just not worth it."


"Yeah I understand," Julie said. "I really had no idea but... I'll talk to her. Ba-bye, thanks for letting me know."

Julie put her phone down. The moment she did, her makeup crew continued working on her. She was going on stage in less than two hours and still wasn't done getting ready. 

Now another problem had risen in her friend group. Kayli was upset with her and had been for days over something that hadn't even gone through her. 

She was going to call her to talk now but her thought process was interrupted by her assistant Raven, who led in a man who was carrying a big bouquet of flowers.

"Delivery," Raven said. 

"Aww," Julie smiled. "Who's that from?"

Raven grabbed the card and passed it over. Julie cleared her throat and read it out loud, "Good luck on your show tonight. I know you're used to getting Black Roses but I thought this time they could be white. See you soon."

She put the card down, thinking hard.

"See you soon..." she began. She glanced up at the man holding the roses over his head and gasped, "Oh my gosh, you came!"

Christopher moved the bouquet out of the way and Julie rose from her seat, forgetting the fact that she was in the middle of getting her hair done. 

"Raven, take those, please," Julie urged her assistant, who quickly took the bouquet and said it down as Julie gave Christopher a big hug. "Leave us," Julie ordered her whole team, who hurried out of the room. "Come, sit," Julie told Christopher, who followed her to a small couch in the room.

Once they were seated, Christopher said, "I was really glad to hear from you this morning. And thanks for sending your plane for me."

"Of course," Julie smiled. "Thanks for coming. I really didn't know if you'd be able to make it."

"You said you really wanted to talk," Christopher said. "And it was a free trip to DC along with a good show. How could I resist?"

Julie laughed, tugging at her robe and saying, "Well, I did really want to talk and I didn't really know who to talk to. It's something deeply, deeply personal. And I know that I've had quite a few talks with you that any other man would sell to the press or spill to all his friends or... I don't know, use it to make a song dragging me. But you kept it all to yourself. So I feel like I can trust you."

Christopher nodded, "Yeah, of course. What's going on?"

"It's kind of crazy," Julie said. "Because I haven't told anyone else but... You remember in Miami when the lights went out? Then you and I decided to just be friends and... I was hanging out with Skye that night and... Something happened."

"What kind of something?" Christopher asked curiously.

She felt the heat on her face as she said, "The something."

"The something?" he asked. "Oh... The something. Huh..."

"Huh?" she repeated.

"No, not huh, just that, uh..." he said awkwardly. "Nothing. Go on. So you and Skye... Hooked up. I just didn't... I didn't know."

"I didn't either, really," Julie said. "I mean, maybe like way in the back but I was so conditioned to go after guys that I didn't give any other thoughts attention, you know what I mean? Someone as boy crazy as me never thought much of little moments with girls. But this thing with Skye is like... I'm trying to figure it out and I guess I needed to talk it through with someone."

"Wow," said Christopher. "Yeah, this is definitely not what I was expecting when you invited me to come."

"Sorry," Julie said. "Is this too weird or..?"

"No, no, not at all," he said. "I'm actually really honored that you're trusting me with this. So what is it that you're trying to figure out?"

"Just..." Julie tried to explain. "What's going on between us, I guess. Look, I've never before labeled myself anything. But I've also... never done this. Have I thought about it? Sure. I mean, who hasn't?"

"Straight people, usually," Christopher interjected. "Sorry, it's just... I mean, I can tell you for a fact I've never had thoughts about other men. Let alone done anything. So... If that's a point of conversation, I think it's a pretty major signal that you've not only thought about it but actually done it now once."

"Twice, actually," said Julie. "After the VMAs, we..." She twiddled with her thumbs and shook her head, "The thing is that... Skye is my friend. And I've gotten really close to someone before and turned that comfort into physical intimacy. It's what I do. It's how I ended up marrying Alex. And look how that turned out. I'd hate to lose someone I've connected this deeply with over experimentation."

"Is that what it is?" he asked. "Experimentation?"

She shrugged. "I don't even know," she said. "I mean... Who experiments in their 30s? I experimented in college and it went nowhere. I was with a girl and my friend Albany was also experimenting and she decided she was bi and I... I met Shawn. But now all of this happened and... I don't know."

"And what does Skye think?" asked Christopher.

Julie shook her head, looking down. "I haven't given her much of a chance to express herself," she admitted. "I've been too anxious about the whole thing. She just told me the other day not to freak out over all of it and just go with the flow and... explore."

"So what's wrong with doing that?" asked Christopher. 

"That I'm scared of the end result," Julie said. "Either way, it'll end in a wrecked friendship, don't you think? That's what happens. I meet someone really great, I kiss them or have sex with them, and then we can't be friends anymore."

"We kissed," Christopher reminded her. "And look at us."

"Who would've thought," Julie said. 

"Not me," they said, laughing together for a second.

But then Julie shook her head. "No, I just..." she began. "I'm just scared, I think."

"Maybe you do need to explore this," said Christopher. "But start considering the possibility that Skye's not the person to explore with."

"What does that mean?" said Julie. "I should get with other girls?"

"Less risky girls, yeah," Christopher nodded. "Like, see what's out there, try things out... And if it's something you feel more confident in then, you can go back and try it out with Skye. Take that shot."

Julie took a deep breath. It wasn't a horrible idea, though the thought of letting more women in on her secret desires was a little terrifying.

But Christopher had insider experience. Maybe not directly, but he'd been dating Amity when she discovered her bisexuality. And if he thought the best option was to go out and explore that elsewhere, even if it meant people like him and Skye had to step aside, then maybe he was right.


["The Bones" by Tracy Moore featuring Alex Zimmerman. Original artist: Maren Morris feat. Hozier.]

Tracy: We're in the homestretch of the hard times. We took a hard left, but we're alright. Yeah, life sure can try to put love through it, but we built this right, so nothing's ever gonna move it.

Tracy stood next to Alex, who was playing the guitar beside her. The engineers were doing their thing and they were on their fifth take together. 

Tracy: When the bones are good, the rest don't matter. Yeah, the paint could peel, the glass could shatter. Let it rain 'cause you and I remain the same. 

It was rare to be able to record a song like this. One full take, all parties present, playing instruments live. It helped it fill more authentic.

Tracy: When there ain't a crack in the foundation. Baby, I know any storm we're facing will blow right over while we stay put. The house don't fall when the bones are good, mmmm.

When Alex joined it, it was like magic. His voice could go as high as needed when in pop or rock music. 

Alex (with Tracy): Call it dumb luck, but baby, you and I. Can't even mess it up, though we both tried. (No, it won't always go the way we planned it. But the wolves came and went) and we're still standing.

But he had a way of making it deeper and huskier when he sang country songs. Smooth and almost jazzy, like a pop-rock Sinatra.

Both (Tracy): When the bones are good, the rest don't matter. Yeah, the paint could peel, the glass could shatter. (Let it rain) 'cause you and I remain the same.

And Tracy sounded better than ever. She wasn't too convinced this was the sound her next album would have, but it was surely the sound she wanted to end her last era on. 

Tracy: When there ain't a crack in the foundation. Baby, I know any storm we're facing. Will blow right over while we stay put. The house don't fall when the bones are good. When the bones are good (Mmm)

And what better way to make some noise before her next, new era than with a country duet with none other than Alex?

Both (Tracy): Bones are good, the rest, the rest don't matter (Baby, it don't really matter) Paint could peel, the glass could shatter (Oh, the glass, oh, the glass could shatter) Bones are good, the rest, the rest don't matter (Ooh) Paint could peel, the glass, the glass could shatter (Yeah)

Alex wasn't even thinking about whether or not the song could be a hit. All he cared about was that when the song came out in a week, he could turn to Mabel with a song that the prospect of a future with her had inspired. That he no longer needed Julie for his art and that he had finally moved on. For good.

Both (Tracy): When the bones are good, the rest don't matter. Yeah, the paint could peel, the glass could shatter (Let it rain.. Let it rain, let it rain). 'Cause you and I remain the same. When there ain't a crack in the foundation (Ooh). Baby, I know any storm we're facing. Will blow right over while we stay put. The house don't fall when the bones are good.

And this song was going to prove it.

Tracy (Alex): Yeah, ooh (Ooh).


All day, Sebastian was running on high, throwing demands in every direction. It was the day. He and the team were in Los Angeles, where Santana was launching her first solo single in years and the first one since her divorce. It was a big deal.

She hadn't chosen the song he'd pushed on her as the lead single but it was fine. He had restructured the whole era to appease her and still get the big hits out of her he knew he could.

But there were other Wasted Zombies imports whose music mattered to him now and the rest of those artists were being flaky. Julie was off causing media havoc. She'd been spotted with Skye, Tracy, and Austin in New York which caused a commotion. 

Then she was in DC with a mystery man who turned out to be Christopher and outlets were calling left and right to confirm a relationship. He wanted to do it just to mess with her, but first he needed time to take into consideration the repercussions. 

A big one was that Christopher would shut it down and one or two calls later publications would be exposing them as liars and publicity-thirsty. Another was that they were actually dating and the reveal could happen in a much more extravagant way. 

Plus, he'd rather push Julie into publicly dating with someone just as rich or famous as her. Someone who could create chaos with her. Christopher was only slightly popular among social media fandoms and that was thanks to his relation to Julie and Amity. Nothing else.

Julie needed to be seen with someone huge, who would cause a big conversation while Alex was moving on with Mabel. And if she wasn't planning on dating now, she would soon. He had to throw someone her way before she found someone herself and ruined all plans to make a big splash with this.

And Julie wasn't the only problem he was facing. Damian turned down the SuperBowl and now they were moving on. Sam was still only one foot in with the touring process. And John's tour had been announced without the man stepping foot or being seen in two months. Where was he? 

His biggest artists were hard to keep a hold on and his attention was gonna have to go to Santana now. How could he keep tabs on all of the others, all the time, if he didn't even know what they were up to now?


Mandy had been hiding John in her apartment for almost five weeks now. It had gone on long enough. And she could tell every day he was getting angstier about it. 

So on Thursday night, after finding out that Santana's single release party was in Los Angeles, she decided the city was empty enough to take John out for some air. 

"Let's go," she said, already wearing a black leather jacket and heading towards the door with her keys in her hand.

"Where to?" he asked, already getting up. He'd be going regardless of what she said.

"To find your car," she said. "You were somewhere in the city."

"Yeah, I think so," John nodded. 

"Then we'll find it," Mandy said. "Come on. Let's go."


"Hey, Kayli, I just wanted to call before my show tonight. I heard about the whole fiasco with the tour. I just wanted you to know that I had no idea that you were even an option. My team pitched Shana to me and I approved it. I didn't know you were interested and they really pushed me into bringing Shana on board without the full story. I'm sorry that I didn't talk to you earlier. We could've hashed this out but I've been so busy with tour and the craziness of everything else happening and... I wish we could make some changes and bring you both on and even Zoe, too, but the team already promised a solo Shana opener to promoters and we can't really back down much after that. Still, I'd love to have you on as a guest. Whenever you want. Every night if that's what you'd like. Just please don't be upset. There will be many tours to come and I'll open for yours when you're a huge solo star. I love you so much, Kayli. Don't let this bring you down, please. Enjoy the last few days with your girls before hiatus. Big things are headed your way regardless. Call me back please."

Julie ended her voicemail just before it cut her off. She wasn't sure if any of that would help Kayli feel better or not but at least she could say she tried. 

She was anxious about her second show in DC. She'd hung out with Christopher out in the city earlier and now she was going to to put on a show. By the time she was out, Santana's song would be out. There rumors floating around that it was dragging Julie. So she was naturally worried.

But all of that put aside, Marley had called her. Asked for a donation. Julie gave 10 million dollars. And then Marley asked if she'd heard from John.

Everyone was looking for him. 

What happened to John?


"Lyric called a bunch of times," John said as he rode in Mandy's passenger seat. "I guess Marley is hysterical about my whereabouts."

"I told you to call her back," she said. "You seem to be in a better place now."

"I know but..." John shook his head. "The pressure of pleasing her is still there. You know? I feel like she'll have questions and she'll figure me out and then... I don't know. I don't wanna be judged."

"Well tonight you won't have to worry about that," Mandy said. "Apparently she's at her mom's. Julie is in DC. Half of the label is in Los Angeles. And Lyric... Did you wanna see her?"

"Honestly?" John asked, turning to Mandy. "No, not really. I mean, I do miss her. But I just don't feel like I'm ready to see anyone. I wanna be but... Right now this is exactly how I need things to be. Just us and a fairly empty road."

"It really is empty," Mandy said. They were driving through downtown. There were usually people walking around and cars everywhere. But the city seemed to be asleep. "Here. I'm pulling over."

She slowed to a stop at the curve. They were parked just a few feet away from The Lima Bean, which was already closed for the night.

"Are we going to break and enter somewhere?" John asked. "Or walk around?"

"No," Mandy laughed, unbuckling herself. "You're going to drive."

"Really?" asked John. 

"Really," she smiled, turning to him. "If you want."

"Hell yeah, I want," John said, excitedly getting out of his own seat. He loved to drive and Mandy knew that. He was usually too drunk or lifeless to do so. And other people rarely let him borrow their cars. He had wrecked his own too many times.

Yet here Mandy was, trusting her with his. He'd trust her with anything.

When they'd traded places and he set off on the road again, he began to feel more relaxed than before. He was driving faster than she had been. And she was clearly nervous, gripping onto the support handles but not trying to stop him or make him slow down.

And that was enough for him. Just the road, the speed, and the feeling of freedom, even if he wasn't actually free. There was a lot holding him down but tonight, tonight he could do as he pleased.


Kayli played Julie's message over and over again. She wasn't sure if she believed that Julie had no idea she wanted the spot on the tour. That it was all a decision made by her team and it was out of her hands.

She wanted to believe her, but she just had a nagging feeling that Julie had chosen Shana over her. Maybe it was because that's the thought she'd ran through her head all week.

But she didn't want to feel that way. And she'd been treating Shana unfairly as a result. It was time to stop. So if she had to trust Julie's words to do so than so be it.

She walked out of her hotel room and to Shana's, ready to swallow her pride and apologize.

But she knocked and knocked and nobody answered. So she went to Zoe's instead. Zoe wasn't in her room. Neither was Leila.

Confused, she was headed back to her room, about to shoot a message their way to find out where they'd gone. But once she was on there, she got her answer pretty quickly.

The girls had posted a photo of all of them hanging out at the pool. Right there, in that very hotel. Without her. She'd pushed them away and away they went, happy without her. 


"You know," John said as he and Mandy walked back into her apartment after hours of aimless driving. "I'm glad we didn't find the car. And we could just keep on driving together like that. I was scared that we weren't gonna have this anymore. You and me."

"What do you mean?" Mandy asked, taking a seat on the couch and kicking off her boots. She was more exhausted than she thought she would be. 

"When you and Damian got together," John began, "we didn't hang out as much. I know I had my own stuff going out. All kinds of drama with Marley and Alex and Julie and then even my therapist... But I wanted to keep being with you and he sucked up a lot of your time. Is it bad to say that I was a little glad you two broke up?"

Mandy made a face. "Yes," she said. "But it makes me feel better about being a little concerned when you said you and Lyric were back together."

"We're not back together," John rolled his eyes. "We're just friends. Who have sex again. She's a badass girl and I like spending time with her but... I guess I just don't really have the capacity to get into something like that again. At least not with her. It would be too much effort, honestly."

"I know what you mean," Mandy sighed. "All my relationships have always felt like too much effort."

"Every single one," John nodded. He turned to her and said, "That's why I was saying this was such a good time. Even under the circumstances. Trying not to drink is less effort than trying to keep Marley or Julie or Lyric or Leila or whoever happy with me."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that with me," she said. "You know I'm always good around you."

"And that's another thing," he said, taking in a deep breath. "I just... I'm so grateful to you and all you've done fore me. Not just tonight. The last two months. Hell, the whole time we've been friends. You stand by me whenever. Thick and thin. And I don't have anyone else like that. Thank you, Mandy. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you."

She nodded, pressing her lips into a thin smile. Then she reached over to hug him, squeezing him tight. She'd been so scared of what could happen to him that she'd been walking on egg shells. 

But he looked so good now. She wanted him to stay in this solid, stable place forever. It wasn't realistic that he'd never fall again, but she'd do whatever she could to help him back up if he did.

"How about you sleep in your own bed tonight?" asked John with a short laugh, pulling away. "I'll sleep in the spare room."

"I don't know..." she said hesitantly. 

John shook his head, "No, no. It's not negotiable. You haven't been getting very good sleep on that reclining chair for weeks. You shouldn't have to watch over me every night, Mandy. Get some rest. I'll be fine. If I feel any type of way... I'll go wake you."

"You promise?" she asked.

"I promise," he nodded. "Get some rest."

She sighed, forcing herself off the couch with a yawn. "Okay, yeah," she said. "I do miss my bed. Goodnight, John."

"Goodnight," he smiled, waving at her and watching her go. "Goodnight," he repeated again, shaking his head at himself and leaning back on the couch.


"So what's all this about?" Kayli asked as she walked into the pool room, where the women were hanging out.

Leila was sitting at the edge of the pool, splashing her feet while the other two were completely in the water. And they all glanced up at the sound of her voice.

"Oh hey girl," Zoe said. 

"No, don't hey girl me," Kayli said, her eyes stinging. "So this is what happens now, right? You three against me?"

"What are you talking about?" Shana asked.

"No, don't," Kayli shook her head. "Not you. I was going to apologize to you for pushing you out. I thought I made things weird and I wanted us all to be together again. But you did all get together. And you didn't feel like you had to include me because my absence didn't matter at all. Did it?"

"Kayli, that's not the case at all," said Leila as Shana made her way out of the pool.

"Then why post this?" Kayli asked, showing them the picture they had uploaded. "Did any of you read the comments? You knew exactly what you were doing when you chose to exclude me."

"We didn't purposefully exclude you," Shana said.

Kayli rolled her eyes and walked away. But Shana went after her. "Wait, Kayli, don't be like this," Shana said. "We didn't mean to hurt you."

"Oh right," Kayli turned around to face her. "Just like you didn't mean to get that slot on Julie's tour, right?"

"I didn't," Shana said. "I had nothing to do with that."

"Of course you didn't," Kayli scoffed. "And it wasn't you who released a dozen different songs outside the group in the last year. Or who performed without us at award shows and promoted singles while we had singles on our own. Face it Shana, you already have one foot out of this band. All you need is to kick off this hiatus so that you can see your way out without making a big deal out of it."

"That's not true at all," said Shana. "Kayli, I don't wanna be a solo artist. Why are you so insistent on this? Who's been filling your head with ideas about this? Is it Sebastian?"

"Sebastian?" Kayli scoffed. "No. In fact, Sebastian has been the only one working hard to make sure there's a band to come back to next year. While you're already planning your big moves."

"Kayli, it's not like you didn't make any plans," Shana shook her head. "You've got your movie and you wanted the opening spot."

"But not to take it from someone else," Kayli said. "And that's the difference between us. I do what I can to get my moments never at the expense of the band. All you do is put yourself first. I guess Santana was right to doubt you after all. That's why she was so miserable."

Shana's mouth opened but no sound came out as Kayli turned and left with that final dig at her failed marriage.

Shana turned to the other women, mouth still ajar. 

"She didn't mean that," Leila said.

"Or maybe she did," Zoe said. "But you know she can be dramatic."

"She's just scared," Leila continued. "She doesn't know if we're gonna make it through a hiatus or what this all means for her and her future."

"But why does she take it out on me?" Shana asked. "It's always me she wants to fight with about these things. Why?"

"Because," Leila said, "you're the one with the brand deals and the solo singles and the big buzz around you. You're the biggest threat to us as a band, Shana. And Kayli may be the one to villanize you for it, but she's not the only one who sees it."

"Whether Rhythmix lives or dies," Zoe agreed, "is really in your hands. And Kayli seems to already have her mind made up about what choice you're gonna end up making."

Shana stood shivering and confused. The other women all felt this way about her. They all thought she was going to betray the band for a solo career and the spotlight only on her. 

What could she do to prove them wrong?


Mandy woke up around midnight. She had a strange feeling of emptiness. Something was missing.

She shot up in bed and went to look for John. He wasn't in the other bedroom, but the moment she went to the living room, she saw him, on the ground, against the couch. It was dark and kind of unnerving walking up to him with just a shadow indicating his location.

"John..?" she asked.

John didn't move. He didn't make a sound.

"John," she repeated, approaching him.

His arms came up, covering his head. She could hear his heavy breathing.

"John, are you..?" Mandy asked.

John glanced up, moving his arms away. On his lap, he revealed, was a bottle of Bourbon. Mandy's heart sank. 

"John, you didn't," Mandy quickly joined him on the floor, pulling the bottle away from him. He weakly let go of it, revealing that the bottle was still sealed shut.

She sighed a breath of relief after he said, "I played you, Mandy. I never intended to go to bed. The moment I made it outside I knew that I was gonna find a way back to a drink."

"But you didn't have one," Mandy said. "Right?"

John didn't answer the question. Instead he said, "I wanted to. So badly. And that's just the same as if I had."

"No, it isn't," Mandy disagreed, putting the bottle aside and reaching for his hands. "John, you're so strong. You relapsed. That happens. It doesn't mean your fight is done. You coming here last month was part of your fight. You going out, buying this, and then coming back here without even opening it... That's your fight. I'm so proud of you, John."

"I can't do it alone, though," he shook his head. "That's why I came here. Because if I didn't... If not for you... I'd be passed out somewhere already. And I tried to fall asleep every night in the other room. Every night. But unless I was there on the couch with you by my side, I couldn't."

"And that's fine," Mandy existed. "You can be here for as long as you need to be. And I will be here for you as long as you need me to be."

He looked down at their hands, interlocking his fingers into hers. There was nothing else for him to say. All he knew was that he was feeling something electric and he couldn't explain it. He'd felt it before and back then he'd had more self-control than he did now. Back then he still hadn't been able to resist. And now...

He didn't care about anything else. For a few minutes, he forgot about the burning feeling in his throat, begging him for the Bourbon. Instead he had a different fire in him, longing for the touch of the woman sitting beside him.

And she didn't move away, not when he locked his fingers with hers or when he leaned his forehead against hers.

All she did was shut her eyes, squeezing hands. It felt so intimate and wrong and right at once, all the things that made John want her even more.

So he moved his head, tilting it just enough to brush his lips against hers. And all it took was that minor touch to reel her in. She moved with him, kissing him hard and inviting him to do the same back. 

He grabbed her by the waist and brought her closer to him, questioning whether this was reality or some fever-induced dream. But it was real. It was very real.


In Los Angeles, Santana's comeback party was attended by several notable A-listers and other friends and labelmates from Lima. 

["Mother's Daughter" by Santana Lopez, from her upcoming 2028 album. Original artist: Miley Cyrus.]

Santana: Hallelujah, I'm a freak, I'm a freak. Hallelujah. Every day of the week, I'mma do yeah, like I want, ah. I'mma Nile crocodile, a piranha.

She premiered her brand new song, which was fierce and powerful. It was very different from anything Santana had done in the past.

Santana: Oh my God, she got the power. Oh look at her, she got the power!

Lyric and Damian were both there. Lyric had no idea whether John, whom she'd begged to make it, would show up. And Damian was glad to be confident Mandy wouldn't be there. 

Santana: Don't fuck with my freedom. I came up to get me some. I'm nasty, I'm evil. Must be something in the water or that I'm my mother's daughter.

The two hung out together, completely unaware of what was happening back home.

Santana: Don't fuck with my freedom. I came up to get me some. I'm nasty, I'm evil. Must be something in the water. Or that I'm my mother's daughter.

They didn't know that as they hung back and watched Santana perform for a hundred people, John and Mandy were all alone, giving into the chemistry and tension that had built up between them for over a decade.

Santana: So back up, back up, back up, back up, girl, ooh! Back up, back up, back up, back up, girl, ooh hey!


And John had been wanting it to happen. Even at times when he didn't think about it or he ignored it. Even when he pretended those feelings were gone or was distracted by feelings for someone else.

Santana: Hallelujah, I'mma witch, I'mma witch. Hallelujah, swish, swish. I'mma three point shooter. I blow through ya. Like a hot wind out in the bayou, yeah.

Mandy had always held a part of him. And now she was doing more than holding.

Santana: Oh my God, she got the power. Whoa look at her, she got the power!

The thought of being with anyone else was washed away. This was what John wanted. He knew in that moment as they undressed each other that nothing no one else would ever do now.

Santana: Don't fuck with my freedom. I came up to get me some. I'm nasty, I'm evil. Must be something in the water. Or that I'm my mother's daughter. Don't fuck with my freedom. I came up to get me some. I'm nasty, I'm evil. Must be something in the water. Or that I'm my mother's daughter.

There on her living room floor, he had Mandy pinned down on the floor, taking over their spontaneous tryst. She wasn't holding back either, kissing his neck until the skin beneath her open lips pinked up. And with every nibble and bite across his body, John fell more and more into her. 

Santana: So back up, back up, back up, back up, girl, ooh. Back up, back up, back up, back up, girl, ooh. Back up, back up, back up, back up, girl, ooh. Back up, back up, back up, back up, girl, ooh.


As Santana danced around stage in matching leather pants and crop top, Lyric grabbed her phone and called John. He hadn't given her a direct answer about showing up to this thing. Where was he?

Santana: My mama always told me that I'd make it. That I'd make it, so I made it. I put my back into it, my heart in it. So I did it, yeah I did it.

The call rang and rang, but it went to voicemail. She called again. And then again.

Santana: My mama always told me that I'd make it. That I'd make it, so I made it. I put my back into it, my heart in it. So I did it, yeah I did it.


But John's phone was under the couch, kicked there at some point of him and Mandy rolling around the ground. 

Santana: Don't fuck with my freedom. I came up to get me some. I'm nasty, I'm evil. Must be something in the water. Or that I'm my mother's daughter. 

The faint light as the calls came through was barely visible, but the tunnel vision of their sex made it impossible for either to notice it.

Santana: Don't fuck with my freedom. Oh my God, oh my God. Don't fuck with my freedom. Oh my God, oh my God. 

And just as Mandy thought nothing could spoil this amazing moment, filled with passion and the beauty of pent up tension being released...

Santana: Don't fuck with my freedom. Oh my God, oh my God. Don't fuck with my freedom. Oh my God, oh my God.

John looked her deep in the eyes and whispered, "I love you."

Santana: Swish swish, motherfucker.

And she realized then that they had made a terrible mistake.

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*Warning there is going to be swearing. I don't own glee. I own the plot and other people that I add. Rating is T-M COMPLETED* I will never stop beli...
31.9K 677 20
-------- 𝑪𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒘- TV girl "𝐖𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐲 𝐁𝐞�...
38.5K 547 30
Season 1-6 oc x oc just skip to my writing for season two, more coming soon
1.6K 9 64
*Warning going to be swearing. I don't own glee. I only own the plot.Rating is T to M. COMPLETED* I been standing here waiting for you. You found out...