Best Friend's Lover

By DrippingFantasies_

197K 9.8K 1.8K

Feelings come whenever they feel, no time limit or warning. Sometimes those feelings can become chaotic , sti... More

1. Family Issues
2. They Don't Know
3. Tutoring ?
4. The Nerve
5. On the Low
6. A Bunch of BS
7. First Session
8. Progress
9. Livid or Digusted?
10. Morning Drama
11. Connecting too Well
12. Party Dramatics
13. You've been Distant
14. Not Me
15. Wasting Time
16. Harsh
17. I Miss You
18. Body Shots
19. Cant Keep Doing This
20. Thanksgiving Brawl
21. Breaking Point
22. The Truth is Gonna Come Out
24. Winter Ball pt.1
25. Winter Ball pt.2
26. A Bitch is Blocked
27. Christmas Day
28. Christmas Day Pt.2
29. Talk
30. Disloyalty
31. Mixed Emotions
32. Exposed
34. Prom Proposal
35. The lake
36. Talk About What?
37. Birthday Celebration
38. Arguments
39. He trippin'
40. Crossing Boundaries
41. Shopping Trip
42. Prom
43. Its Always Something
44. I didnt know how to tell you
47. Date night
48. Ronnie
49. Talking to an Angel
50. Final Goodbyes
51. Its okay to not be okay
52. Last day
53. Tapes
54. The Tour
55. Stay the night?
56. Who's this?
1. First Day (Pt.2)
2. Things Change (PT.2)
3.Sneaking Out (Pt.2)
4. Regular Days (Pt. 2)
5. Peeped (Pt.2)
6. Spending time (Pt.2)
7. Spending Time (PT. 2)
8. Ice Pack (Pt.2)
9. Do Not Disturb (PT. 2)
10. We Won (Pt.2)
11. Meeting the new sibling (Pt.2)
12. Nothing Matters (Pt.2)
13. Let loose (Pt.2)
14. Chillin (Pt.2)
15. Dumber and Dumber (Pt.2)
16. Who couldve did it? (Pt.2)
17. You've been blowing me
18. I'll regret it later (Pt.2)
19. Broken (Pt.2
20. Let It Go (Pt.2)
21. Big Brawl (Pt.2)
22. In a Tight Space (Pt.2)
23. Suspended?
24. Im disappointed
25. Yall Just Kissed... (PT.2)
26. Im not ready (PT.2)
26. Coming to my senses (Pt.2)
27. Prom preparation (Pt.2)
28. No Need To Thank Me (Pt.2)
29. Will You Go To Prom With me?
30. Closure (PT.2)
31. Walking Temptation (PT.2)
32. Making Amends (Pt.2)
33. Final Goodbyes
My Peace
New Book!

23. Relationship Probs

2.8K 152 43
By DrippingFantasies_


Almost every seat in the cafeteria was full with someone from all grade levels. There were trays scattered across the tables full of untouched pizza and empty plates scrapped from bottom up. The main topic was dated for the dance that was happening later this week and I was excited. Christmas break was around the corner meaning two weeks of not touching anything school related.

I stared at my freshly icy blue nails that I recently got done to match my dress. Later today I have an appointment for my sleek low ponytail.

"I can't wait to show off my bomb ass dress. Ju and I finna pop out for real" Ronnie hyped up, jumping in her seat. She held a smile like she just won a trophy, that's been her mood all week.

Aubrey nodded, stuffing a tater tot in her mouth. "You know I might be coming with Jeremy, don't know"

      Making a straight face, I turned towards, slapping my knee. "I know y'all not still arguing over that lil Timmy situation. Move on"

   She shook her head, quickly putting an end to that thought. "No but he's been pissing me off lately"

      Smiling, I clasped my hands together, pressing them lightly on the table. "I'm going with Johnny y'all" I announced earning a squeal from the table. That alone would be a surprise for every outsider looking in, football wise. Some people knew about us talking and some didn't like the idea of us even being in the same room. It was only because he's on the rival team but that didn't stop me from being attracted to him. "Icy and silver baby"

     Ronnie clapped her hands together. "Y'all finna be cute"  she got up, grabbing her belongings. Her eyes set on the table that was in further in the back of the lunch room. "Let's go to the table back there"

     Aubrey and I sighed loudly as she rushed hurriedly almost dropping her tray. She forced herself in between Brent and Julian, laying on him. Sitting in front of my brother, I took out my phone. "Hey Brent , bro, Jeremy, Ju" I greeted, waving.

Jhon💘: what color shoes you wearing?


       This alone was already stressful and imagine having to repeat this process again for prom. My dress wasn't expensive though, it only looks that way because the way I accessorize. If you know how to put simple pieces together it's easy to seem like a bag of money.

       "Hey lil sis" Brent responded, holding his hand out for a dab. I politely pushed his hand out my face, in disgust. "Uh uh I'm not touching that after what you posted earlier on Instagram"

     Aubrey's head popped up from her phone. "Right, you mad nasty basically implying that you had sex last night"

     He shrugged. "The dick be having bitches go crazy. You know if the punani good, I gotta post about the experience"

"So your the kiss and tell type" I assumed and he waved me off.

"I'm not, that post didn't expose who I slept with, it just mentioned that I fucked someone's daughter last night" he mentioned nonchalantly, reaching to steal a tater tot out my tray. "Mind your business and stop questioning daddy Brent"



Ronnie's arm was wrapped around my waist line, she laid her head on my shoulder. I lightly rubbed her back, listening to the conversation between Natalie and Brent. Them two by themselves were hilarious but together was a heart attack waiting to happen.

"Hey Nat" I waved at her and she smiled at me in return. Feeling someone eyes, Ronnie gave me a look of disapproval, turning my head to look her instead. "Give me a kiss" she demanded in a stern manner, catching me off guard. I shook my head no, I didn't wanna get her more attached than she already is. Another thing I've noticed is that when she feels threatened, she'll reach up for a kiss or do something affectionate in general.

That alone annoyed the hell out of me because I'm not a fan of PDA. The most you'll get out of me on a good day is a hug or maybe a few kisses, that's only if I feel the need to just be under you. "Imma pass on that"

"You always actin' funny when other people come around"

      Jeremy looked over at us and tilted his head. "Girls get the dick and don't know how to act"

    I slammed my hand on the table. "Objection, that never happened between us" I quickly responded in a hurry. "We don't even see each other like that"

      Everyone at that table let out some form of laughter. Aubrey and Natalie's quickly stopped once they say the expression on Ronnie's face. She wasn't happy about me denying sexual intercourse or speaking the truth about what's really happening. Her body heat increased ten times more, she instantly took out her stood up from the table. Grabbing my arm, she pulled me towards the exit of the cafeteria in front of someone's classroom.

      "What are we" she questioned, crossing her arms. "I don't think I can keep doing this"

  "We're cooling"

        She scoffed. "You can't keep leading me on like this , it's not fair."

        The irritation was starting to get to me but calmed myself down surprisingly. "You only kiss me on the cheek, we haven't really been out on dates besides one, we barely talk outside of school, and that's that" I answered in annoyance. "No one is leading you on but yourself, you keep trynna force something that's not there"

     "Then when we get around other people, especially your friends, you wanna do the absolute most"

       I wasn't attracted, pleased, or impressed by her behavior. Although, I'm trying to soften the blow lightly, it feels good to finally get this off my chest.

Fucking great.

      "So you still wanna go to the dance together or no"

    "We can but if your on that extra shit, I will leave you"

       I leaned against the locker, waiting for her to finish another thought of hers. She kept opening her mouth like she wanted to say something but decided against it. Taking a few steps closer to me. "I do extra because I feel like ever since the body shots thing, Natalie has been real bold"

     I stared at her oddly. "Bold as in"

      "First off she was real bold for even agreeing to do some shit like that. Secondly, that stunt she during lunch by saying hey to you in that way. Then when you replied she smiled like what type of shady shit is that"

       "Then her and Aubrey gone laugh when you made that's embarrassing statement"

      I leaned against the lockers in utter confusion. It amazed me that she felt this way but I wasn't surprised. Ronnie has always come off as the overly possessive type, I could barely talk to my homeboys in peace when she's around. She was needy and always needed some form of attention to keep her sane.

     "If something's funny they have the right to laugh at it. No ones trynna make you look stupid"

     "Natalie is a good friend and would never try some shady shit like that. I know that and we're not even close."

       She won't even take me seriously because I'm talking to yo ass.

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