Daily Devotional: Closer to G...

By kdoublek

157K 2K 315

These devotionals are designed to help you in your walk with God. I am very honest with my writing, and I fee... More

Day 1: One Direction
Day 2: GOD spelled backwards is DOG
Day 3: God loves it when I'm hungry!
Day 4: Hello? Is anyone there?
Day 5: Let Go and Let God Be God
Day 6: Warning: Emotions are evident
Day 7: Trust God
Day 8: I Knew There Was Trouble When I Walked In
Day 9: Clique
Day 11: Never Go to Bed Angry
Day 12: Bold Statements by Bold Writers
Day 13: Adios, Cancer!
Day 14: Military or Model?
Day 15: O Romeo, O Romeo, wherefore art though Romeo?
Day 16: Pray: Anywhere, Anytime
Day 17: Shine On!
Day 18: Year 3000
Day 19: Thank you, Jesus
Day 20: Stop Complaining!
Day 21: A Confident Heart
Day 22: Step Out and Find Out
Day 23: The Walking Dead
Day 24: Hard Week Ahead
Day 25: Wanna be a warrior?
Day 26: Do It Afraid!
Day 27: We Can't Stop coming in like a Wrecking Ball
Day 28: Breathtaking View
Day 29: True Beauty
Day 30: I'm A Single Pringle
Day 31: Power Down
Day 32: Keep Your Focus
Day 33: Oh, well
Day 34: Better Than Valentine's Day!
Day 35: The Courage to Say No
Day 36: Peace, Man
Day 37: What the Devil Means for Harm, God Will Use for Good
Day 38: "Just Trust Me"
Day 39: God's Will (1)
Day 40: All Ya Need is Love!
Day 41: Complete in Christ
Day 42: Big Bear Hug
Day 43: Oops I did it Again
Day 44: Counting Sheep
Day 45: Dream BIG Dreams
Day 46: I've Got Sunshine
Day 47: Limitless
Day 48: Faithful to the Finish
Day 49: Teeny Tiny Specks
Day 50: Stay Supernaturally Relaxed
Day 51: God's Will (2)
Day 52: Daddy's Sunshine
Day 53: A Little Bit Longer
Day 54: Pray at All Times
Day 55: I want to hear from YOU!
Day 56: Down in the Dumps
Day 57: Book to Consider (1)
Day 58: Book to Consider (2)
Day 59: Book to Consider (3)
Day 60: Book to Consider (4)
Day 62: We're All Hester Prynne
Day 63: NFL, NBA, NHL
Day 64: "I have a crush..."
Day 65: Schemin' Up
Day 66: The Importance of Family
Day 67: A Quick Reminder
Day 68: How to Unleash Your Spiritual Power
Day 69: The Courage to Believe
Day 70: No roadmap or anything???

Day 61: AND...WE'RE BACK!

559 11 3
By kdoublek

I feel like it has been an eternity since I have talked to you all, and in retrospect, it has been. I can't make any promise as to how often I will be able to post. I might post once a week, multiple times a week, or go weeks without posting. Trust me, I want to talk to you all so much, but time unfortunately does not give me the opportunity. Luckily, I am here now. So without further ado, let us cath up!

First of all, I wanted to thank you for all the kind words that I have received regarding my devotionals. Having pretty much abandoned my other projects (novel work), any writing on Wattpad will more than likely be dedicated to you guys: my devotional readers. I'm not sure if I will be able to respond to all of my new comments, but I will give them my best shot. 

Second, it is the start of a new school year! Although I started school on August 21, it still feels like my body needs adjusting to the frantic rush of school year stress. With time, I know I will adjust by at least the smallest percentage! Summer was somewhat difficult because I felt myself falling away from God. I didn't talk to Him near as much as I did during the school year. I will address this more later, but for now that is all you need to know. As the school year has picked up (along with the infamous debate and rigorous classes), many of the frustrating emotions from last year have tried to place themselves on me once again. Day and night, I continue to fight the power of Satan. In fact, I have actually had some pleasant success. I will talk about this in future devotionals!

For now, I would love to hear from you. Talking to all of my readers over the course of the devotional has been a spiritual journey of growth for me. I am ALL IN with God and hope to solidify my relationship with Him again. The thing that makes my situation unique is that I have all of you to work with me. I vow to continue to be as honest as possible. Honestly gives me a release and and spiritual healing. I can't wait to talk to you all more. 

If you're reading this, feel free to comment how your relationship with God to change this year. You obviously don't have to, but I know it would encourage me to know that others are striving for progress as well. I'll do mine: I will focus on God and his promises of hope, peace, and joy whenever I feel earthly thoughts and struggles creeping into my thoughts. It's as easy as that! Can't wait to hear from you. 

Love, love, love. -Katelyn 

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