By KawaiiExpertise

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Aurora has been an orphan her entire life with no clue of who she really is and where she came from. Aurora h... More



151 11 5
By KawaiiExpertise

Waking up, the apartment was quiet. Aurora went to see what Jungkook was doing. He wasn't there. Curious, Aurora looked around the living room and kitchen to see if he had left a note. Going to the fridge, she saw a purple post-it that was not there previously. It read, I'll be back in a few hours. My boss needed me to come in for an emergency.

Aurora shrugged, sticking the paper back on the fridge. She folded her arms, tapping her foot to a steady beat. "I'm tired of staying home..." She mumbled.

Ever since Aurora's been in this apartment, she surprisingly hasn't been outside. It was so deranged to her being that she was used to living on the streets, which meant that she was always travelling around to keep herself occupied.

"To stay in this cramped place every single day...?" She shuddered at the thought. "I'll just leave a note for Jungkook." Going back to the post-it, Aurora took it and went to grab a pen in her room. After writing her message, she returned it to the fridge and went about her business out of the apartment.

As Aurora exited, another boy was just exiting his apartment. Seeing her, he gasped and greeted her. "Hey, I've never seen you here before!"

Startled, Aurora left the door ajar with her hand attached to the doorknob. Before she fully closed it, she turned to look at him. He was a stunning white male with black hair and gray eyes. He was a few inches taller than Aurora, which intimidated her a little. He was basically the same height as Jungkook.

"Hey," He smiled kindly. "I'm guessing you're new here."

"Uh," Awkwardly, Aurora looked down at the hand he extended towards her. "Hi."

Logan waited for Aurora to shake his hand, but she didn't budge. Aurora's never shook anyone's hand before, and found it weird that a stranger like him would just willingly offer his to someone like her.

"Okay..." Logan retreated his hand and wiped it on his pants. "So, how long ago did you move here?"

"I've been here for a month..." Aurora cautiously replied as she kept her hand on the door tightly. She was anticipating his attack just in case she had to defend herself.

Locking his door, Logan glanced at Aurora, admiring how pretty she was. He smiled at her, earning an uncomfortable smile for her. "Well, I'll be going now. It was nice meeting you," He waves.

Aurora waved, but suddenly felt the need to be courteous. "Oh, I'm going in the same direction as you, so I, uh..."

"Oh? Are you asking me on a date?" Logan teased.

Aurora quickly said no.

Logan chuckled. "I'm just kidding. Sure, you can ride the elevator with me, I don't bite." He winks.

Blushing, Aurora quickly turned around and shut the door tight. Thinking to herself, Aurora reminded herself that Jungkook was going to have to open the door for her since she didn't have a key. "Well...I can't go back now." She mumbled.

Logan held the elevator for her while she hurried down the hall. Getting in, he pressed the Lobby button. Shrouding his hands in his pockets, he leaned to one side and smirked at Aurora. "What's your name?"

Aurora looked at him subtly. "Aurora."

"Wow, that's a gorgeous name." He complimented. "I hardly see any girls with that name. And it fits you quite well."

"Thanks," Aurora smiled. They both turned their attention back to the doors. Aurora began to feel somewhat warm inside. No guy has ever genuinely given Aurora a compliment like that. And not for her name. A random thought struck the tomboy's mind.

Maybe I can actually make a new friend...

While the elevator made its way to the first floor, Logan rocked on his heel back and forth for a few seconds. "Say, I don't wanna sound like a creep, but," He sighs almost nervously. "Would you like to hang out some time? It's pretty boring living in a condo by myself...I don't even have good friends, to be honest. It'd be nice if I can make some for once." Logan looks at Aurora hopefully.

"A condo?!" Aurora gawked in awe.

"Uh, yeah...?" Logan arched his eyebrow. "Why does that surprise you?"

Aurora had never expected that Jungkook had bought a place to live in that was this expensive. Aurora knew big money when she heard certain vocabulary. But in order to hide her true self, she fixed her sentence.

"Ah, yes...forgive me," She laughed hesitantly. "I never thought that a young guy like you would be living on your own...I mean, I am a bit young too, but..."

"How old do you think I am?" Logan questioned curiously.

"Um..." Aurora subconsciously examined his body. He was very tall and well built, but he looked very young too.

"Easy with the eyes, tiger."

Aurora's cheeks reddened. "I'm not looking at you in that way!" Aurora cried. "You're probably a minor!"

"So then, how old do you think I am?"

Aurora held her chin in deep thought. "I would say...seventeen."

"Wow," Logan held his chest. "I am flattered."

When the elevator doors separated, he made his way out. "That's cute, but I'm actually twenty." Logan winks at Aurora, earning a gawkily stare from her.

"Twenty?!" She gasped.

"You wanna come out the elevator before it sends you back upstairs?" Logan grinned.

"Oh, yeah." Aurora followed behind him through the lobby.

"Well, anyways." Logan and Aurora stopped in front of the exit and looked at each other. "I guess this is where we depart, Aurora."

Aurora felt a bit sad that they were already going their separate ways. "Oh," She muttered. "Right."

"What? You already miss me?"

"No, no!" Aurora yelped. "I just...never mind." Aurora scratched the back of her head. "I'll see you later."

"Oh...kay!" Logan snapped his finger at Aurora and clicked his tongue. "I'll catch you later."

Watching him go, Aurora folds her arms and shrugs. "I've never made a male friend before. Weird."

Going her on way out of the building, Aurora looked around at the scenery. Hundreds of people were passing by, going about their ways. From business men to business women, children with parents to teens going to school—this was the first time Aurora has stepped out of a real home—into the real world.

"...this is how it feels to be among wealthy people." Aurora whispers. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, absorbing her atmosphere. Do I really want to become like these good-for-nothings? She asked herself. It was something she had to consider. Looking around, everything started to overwhelm her. For the first time, Aurora didn't know where to go. She always started from the beach, or originally, the foster home. But now she has upgraded. From a peasant, to a homeless, to now a young girl that is camouflaging as a normal person in the presence of rich folks. Aurora still couldn't believe this was her reality now. There had to be some sort of catch to all this.

Looking left and right, Aurora dropped her shoulders in defeat. "I hope I don't get lost," She says as she takes her first step. Aurora felt a firm hand grip her shoulder. Frightened, she spun around, cocking her fist back.

"Master—" Jungkook blinked innocently. "What are you doing out here?"

"I-I" Aurora tilted her head and exhaled. "Forget it."

Jungkook sensed that Aurora was feeling some sort of stress and wanted to soothe her. Lifting his hand, he showed her a bag. "I brought home some treats again."

"Again?" Aurora lifts her head inquisitively. Jungkook was holding a pink and white plastic bag. By the way it looked, there may have been dessert in there.

"Let's go back inside." Jungkook suggests.

"But, I—" Aurora glanced back.

"What?" Jungkook questioned. "Did you drop something?"

"Eh...nothing. I'll just do this another day."

Jungkook abruptly stopped. "No, what is it?"

"It's nothing, Jungkook. I'll figure it out later."

Jungkook frowned. "Still trying to keep all your emotions bottled up, huh?" Jungkook walked ahead into the building.

"...huh?!" Aurora gaped. "What's that supposed to mean?!" Aurora followed after him into the elevator. Reaching the apartment, Jungkook used his hand to sign them inside. Jungkook settled the bag in the kitchen, inviting Aurora to come and take a look. Putting her hands in, she pulled out a plastic container. Inside it was a green-colored cheesecake. Looking up at the tall male, she questioned his taste in food.

"You won't like it 'til you try it," Jungkook challenged, folding his arms pridefully.

Rolling her eyes, Aurora popped open the container. She eyed it, very hesitant on taking a whiff of its scent. "Can you pass me a fork please?" Aurora held out her hand as the AI retrieved a fork from the draws. Gripping it, she took a little piece, allowing her tongue to poke at it for a bit. It felt soft and creamy. Giving it a lick, she closed her eyes and accepted the flavor. Aurora nodded her head in acceptance to what she just consumed. "Wow..." She looked at Jungkook. "What is this?"

"Green Tea Cheesecake." Jungkook puffs his chest out. "My boss introduced it to me."

"Well, aren't you getting along quite well with your boss." Aurora grins. "I need to meet this man some time."

"For what?" Jungkook questioned skeptically. "He already has a wife."

"You moron!" Aurora drops the cake and fork on the table. "Obviously, I didn't mean it in a sexual manner!"

Jungkook leans his head in his hand curiously. "Sexual?"

Aurora smacked herself in the face. "Gosh, did they not program you AIs to understand what sex is? Or anything sexual at all?"

"I can learn." Jungkook says confidently.

Aurora gave Jungkook a blank stare. A random dirty thought crossed her mind, but her conscious bombed the idea.

"I am a fast learner after all."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Aurora held her hip. "Yeah, but who is gonna teach you? Because I sure as hell—"

"Can't you teach me, master?"

Aurora lifted her face from her hand. "What? N-No! NO!" She stammered. "I'm not a—" Aurora had to think for a moment.

Technically, it wouldn't be prostitution, but there is no way I'm going to sit here and teach this AI about that...I don't even know all the roundabouts myself, to be honest. I didn't have a chance to go to school to have a Sex Education...but I sure as hell learned about it because of all the sluts that I lived with in the Foster home...they slept with every guy they can get their hands on. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them caught an STD. Heh...I'm so smart, at least I figured out that having sex with multiple partners can earn you a disease...

Jungkook snapped his fingers in Aurora's face. "Master?"

"Uh, yeah...?" Aurora looks up at the tall male.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I am." Aurora took the cheesecake in hand with her fork. "Thanks again for the cheesecake. You wanna eat it with me?"

"I bought it for you, though."

"Jungkook, I can share with you what you buy me, can I not?"

Jungkook didn't say a word.

Sighing, Aurora took his hand. "Just come." He followed her to the couch and sat with her. Crossing a leg over the other, Aurora sat the box on her lap and sliced another piece of the pie. Jungkook watched as she has done this. Aurora then lifted the fork to his mouth. "Here,"

Jungkook's eyes slowly diverted to Aurora's.

"Go ahead."

Gradually, the AI opened his mouth and took a bite. His system began to heat up as it processed the food he ate. He concluded that this cake was indeed good. "Wow, this is delicious."

"So, you've never actually had it for yourself?" Aurora scoffed. "And you just went by your boss's words? What if I could have gotten sick or poisoned or something?"

Jungkook's eyes lit up. "I've never thought of that!"

Aurora for the first time saw Jungkook jump up with excitement. He glared at the cheesecake with anger. Aurora pulled the cake out of his vision. "Hey, don't even think about it! The cheesecake is actually great!"

"But, what if it is poisoned?!"

"It's not, Jungkook! I was just exaggerating!"

Jungkook leaned forward to grab it, but Aurora pulled back again. "Stop it, Jungkook!"

"As your protector, I can't allow you to get hurt!" Jungkook tried to grab it again, but Aurora pushed him back.

"Jungkook, I said stop!!!" Lifting her left leg, she tried to kick him back without hurting him. Can AI's even feel pain?! She randomly thought. Why the hell does that even matter right now?!

Ignoring her, Jungkook pushed Aurora's leg aside and shoved her back by her shoulder, causing the cake to bounce out of her hand.

Aurora tried to turn, in hope of saving it, but Jungkook's weight collapsed on top of her. Aurora grunted at the abrupt feeling. Wincing, she opened her eyes slowly, seeing Jungkook stare intently at her. The room was for once silent, and neither of them said a word. Although he did fall on her, he quickly hovered himself to prevent further damage. Aurora felt trapped by his arms, and felt awkward. Jungkook took the time to examine Aurora, admiring her eyes. He knew that she was not an ugly girl, but she had such beautiful green eyes. Her hair was beautifully full and lengthy with volume. And her lips—they were full of life. He stared at them for a moment.

When Aurora caught on to Jungkook's silent treatment, she awkwardly placed her hands on her small breasts to feel some sort of protection from his intimidating stance. "Um...can you please get off of me?"

"Oh," Jungkook moved back from her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

Aurora pushed her hair behind her ear. "...yeah." She didn't know what else to say.

She's never had a guy on top of her like that. The only time that happened was when the boys in the foster home wanted to fight her, and they've managed to get on top of her to pin her down. Luckily for Aurora, she was an aggressive fighter who didn't hold back any rage or violence from those guys. If it weren't for her assertiveness and enduring personality, she could only imagine what they could have done to her.

Jungkook stood up and hurried back to the kitchen. Taking the bag, Jungkook stopped, and began to feel his chest. What is this feeling...? He wondered. His circuitry was speeding up, and his system was heating up more than usual. It's... He looked down at his left pec.

It's racing.

Sitting up, Aurora sat on the couch displaced. She didn't even know what to do now. Her cheesecake was on the floor, and she was very tempted to just forgive herself and pick it off the floor to eat it. "It was so good, too..." She lowers her head in defeat.

"I...brought an extra one." Jungkook announced sheepishly. He brought an extra fork with him and sat next to her.

"Even better." She smiles.

Handing it to her, Jungkook grabbed the remote. "Do you want to watch something on TV?"

"Yeah sure, why not?"

Turning it on, Jungkook questioned what Aurora would prefer watching. She told him that she didn't care, as long as it had nothing to do with politics. Surfing the guide, Jungkook chose a channel that Aurora hoped he wouldn't click on.

"...a soap opera?" Aurora frowned.

"I think you may like this one. My boss told me all about this."

"Seriously? Dirty Little Liars?"

Jungkook glanced at her and shrugged.

Aurora had to shake her head and roll her eyes. Laying back on the couch, she dissected the cheesecake. Jungkook looked at her. "Can I have another bite?"

"After what you did? Ha!" She laughed.


Aurora glowered at Jungkook. "Fine." Guiding the fork to Jungkook's lips, he devoured the cheesecake. Aurora was amazed by how much Jungkook enjoyed it. "You got some on your lips." She giggled at his cute behavior and wiped the cream off of his lips.

"Oh," Jungkook turned and leaned closer to Aurora to let her reach for it. Aurora yelped, her heart pumping a little harder.

"There's no need to turn so quick, Jungkook!" Aurora yaps.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Aurora wiped the residue on the plastic container. "It's whatever." Aurora stretched on the couch, lifting on leg on Jungkook's lap and the other dangling off the couch. Jungkook's eyes slowly migrated to her leg, then to the next, and then to Aurora's face.


"Nothing." Jungkook leaned back in the couch, and stretched his arms behind his neck to relax. Aurora was becoming more and more impressed by how normal Jungkook was acting. His actions just made him look more and more human.

"I must say, you've really gotten better with your movements." Aurora began.

Jungkook turned to her. "What do you mean?"

"You used to move so stale that anyone could have seen that you were an AI from six city blocks away," Aurora exaggerated. "But your movements are getting more and more fluent. They look natural, just like a normal guy's posture and attitude. You truly are a fast learner."

Jungkook smirks. "Thanks."

"Your welcome."

Getting tuned into the show, Aurora came to realize that Dirty Little Liars was just a petty drama of girls who can't keep their whatchamacallit in their panties.

Each day they watched it, Aurora became more and more triggered. Snapping to Jungkook, who was deeply intrigued by the show, as usual, Aurora complained. "These girls are just too petty—"

"Shh, shh!" Jungkook waved his hand in Aurora's face. "This is my favorite part!"

Aurora's lips opened a little. " saw this episode already?"

Jungkook hushed her again.

"Oh, you bastard..." Aurora grimaced.

Jungkook felt as though he was in touch with the characters in the show. Although he never let Aurora know, he'd let her go to bed just so that he can binge Dirty Little Liars, which had a lot of pretty interesting scenes going on in there.

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