It's Not Over Yet (the sevent...

By arias3

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It's not over yet. Though I often wish it was. This is m... More

Part 1
Chapter 1: Reunion League Tour Rehearse Coffee Dad
Chapter 2: Need Some Lovin'
Chapter 3: Perfect Shell
Chapter 4: The Wrong Time
Chapter 5: Baby Blues
Chapter 6: Exposed
Chapter 7: The Biggest Blessing
Chapter 8: Quadruple Babies
Chapter 9: Waiting
Chapter 10: Night of Shameless Fun
Chapter 11: Real Friends
Chapter 12: The Phoenix
Chapter 13: Mommy Booster
Chapter 14: Twitter Warzone
Chapter 15: 500
Chapter 16: A Christmas Eve Story
Chapter 17: Midnight
Chapter 18: Telethon
Chapter 19: Don't Say Anything
Chapter 20: Hand In To The Flame
Chapter 21: Pretty Boy
Chapter 22: If You Don't Believe Me
Chapter 23: The Decision
Chapter 24: We Need Each Other
Chapter 25: Something's Gotta Change Around Here
Chapter 26: Kill Em... With Kindness
Chapter 27: Fellow Nancy Drew-ers
Chapter 28: If You're So Recovered
Chapter 29: You're So Bad For Me
Chapter 30: Afraid To Catch Feels
Chapter 31: Five Little Dots
Chapter 32: Crime's a Crime
Chapter 33: I'm In Trouble
Chapter 34: I'm An Addict
Chapter 35: Folie Γ  Deux
Chapter 36: McKinley
Chapter 37: The Longest Chapter So Far
Chapter 38: These Are My Confessions
Chapter 39: Farewell, Crystal Army
Chapter 40: The Last Year
Part 2
Chapter 41: Now That We're Done
Chapter 42: Entertain Us
Chapter 43: Ha Ha Ha
Chapter 44: Look What You've Done
Chapter 45: You Look Pretty Sinking
Chapter 46: Haunting Me, Taunting Me
Chapter 47: Bury Me In Memory
Chapter 48: Keep It Together
Chapter 50: Take My Pain For Me
Chapter 51: Like We're Supposed To Do
Chapter 52: The Spectrum
Chapter 53: Going All In
Chapter 54: Socks
Chapter 55: Fear Of Falling Apart
Chapter 56: You're A Lonely Soul
Chapter 57: Nice For What
Chapter 58: A Good Place To Start
Chapter 59: It Happened In New Year's Eve, Part 1
Chapter 60: It Happened In New Year's Eve, Part 2
Chapter 61: SuperBowl
Chapter 62: When A Female Fires Back
Chapter 63: This Is Why I Came To You
Chapter 64: Drama and Singing About It, Part One
Chapter 65: Drama and Singing About It, Part Two
Chapter 66: Honestly, I'm Freaking Out
Chapter 67: The Wedding Zinger
Chapter 68: You're In Over Your Head
Chapter 69: I Know What You're Going Through
Chapter 70: Were They Right?
Chapter 71: The Art of a Diss Track
Chapter 72: Fix It Somehow Or Just Move On
Chapter 73: Viva Cozumel Day 1
Chapter 74: Just About Anything Goes
Chapter 75: Who's Molly?
Part 3
Chapter 76: We're All Addicted To Something
Chapter 77: Another Round Of Being Broken
Chapter 78: Another Really Long Chapter
Chapter 79: She Was Back
Chapter 80: There's No Place To Fall
Chapter 81: I Don't Take The Blame
Chapter 82: Pride Through Music
Chapter 83: Lights Out Part 1
Chapter 84: Lights Out Part 2
Chapter 85: Checkmate
Chapter 86: VMAs 2028
Chapter 87: What Happened To John?
Chapter 88: Rinky Dinks

Chapter 49: There's Something I Need To Say

299 14 44
By arias3

There's a mistake in the charts because 16 is higher than 17 and I know how numbers work but ugh, guess who's too lazy to fix it. 


["Too Good At Goodbyes" by Travis Hilton, from his upcoming fourth studio album. Original artist: Sam Smith.]

Travis: 'Cause every time you hurt me, the less that I cry. And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry. And every time you walk out, the less I love you. Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's true. I'm way too good at goodbyes...

Travis took a quick bow and followed Tenesha's lead to the Starstruck main stage. He took a seat beside her and she said, "Travis Hilton, everybody! That was his new song Too Good At Goodbyes. He is back, he is here, he is huge, and he's keeping things fresh."

"Thank you so much for having me," Travis said respectfully.

Tenesha grinned, perhaps herself a little starstruck. "I am loving this new song. You're known for sort of coming into each new album with a new or altered sound, switching things up on your fans all the time. But this one really caught them off guard."

"Yeah," Travis nodded. "I don't really like to feel boxed into any genre so I do bounce around and try out new sounds every album. But this one... I think what's shocked everyone who's followed my career is that it's just something I've never done. I've always released singles that are more... explosive. Club bangers, some collaborations, raps and all this other stuff but... This one's another side of me."

"It's a sad song," she pointed out.

"Yeah," he sighed. "It is. It came about after a big breakup and I really wanted to open up to my fans more and... I think I accomplished that."

Travis went through the rest of the short interview as best as he could. He still had to keep doing this at The Late Late Show and The Tonight Show. Plus there were all the radio shows. It was gonna be a packed week for sure but at least it was a great distraction.

Still, the more and more he had to sing the song, the more it ached for him to remember the pain it took to write it.


"I feel like I'm not doing enough," Sam said as he sat at the kitchen table with Quinn, feeding Lyn as she fed Seth.

Quinn examined Lyn's lips, making sure she was actually sucking on the bottle. "You took the kids to school today," she told him.

"Not at home," he clarified. She glanced up and he explained, "Look, what happened to Tyler... It's been on my mind a lot."

Her face softened and she said, "I know."

"I promised to live my life to the fullest," he continued. "Back when I recovered. And... With everything that's gone on, I realized just how much I've been holding back. I love being here with you and the kids and it's everything I could've asked for but... I think I'm ready to start getting into the studio. If that's okay with you, given that the twins are still so young."

Quinn's lips curled into a thin smile. "Sam, of course that's okay," she told him. "I'll be fine if you're at home just a little less."

"Good," he let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Because I think right now is the best time to start planning. John and Alex are doing so well and I feel like I'm being left behind here. Did you see Alex announced his album this weekend, officially?"

"Yup," Quinn sighed. "It's gonna be out just a month after John's."

"I see their music and the artwork and the titles and release dates and..." he shrugged. "I don't know, I guess I just really miss being a part of all of that. It's been a few years. I think it's finally time I get ready for something of my own."


"I can't believe I'm finally releasing new music," said Dean, nervously pacing Santana's office at JV Records. "I spent so long working on this album and I just... I really want my follow-up to succeed but... I just have this feeling that it won't."

His fingers were shaking as he came to a stop in front of Santana, tugging at his shirt.

She watched him, a bit concerned, and said, "Why would you say that?"

"Because," he answered, "in the last few months... Well, you've gotta admit that in the grand scheme of things I've becoming pretty irrelevant. Alex has taken over the rock charts and that's supposed to be my niche so it's like... the spotlight just won't be on me at any point."

"I guarantee you that the rock world is still waiting for your return," Santana shook her head. "They haven't forgotten you at all. In fact, the label's official Twitter page is always being harassed by your fans asking when you're returning. Plus, on top of all of that... This song is so good. Dean, it's gonna be talked about. Just wait and see. You're a Grammy winner and people aren't just going to forget that. On Friday, you're gonna have yourself a critically acclaimed new single, commercial success or not."


"That should be everything," said Peyton as she finished setting up the tripod in front of Luke's couch. Luke took a seat and took a deep breath. "You ready?" she asked him.

"Yup," he said anxiously. He shook out his hands and said, "It's gonna be a big deal."

"I know," she nodded, turning the camera on. "But you said it's something you needed to do, right? So let's not waste any more time. Has anyone reached out to you about Travis's song?"

"Oh yeah," he laughed awkwardly. "Every outlet in the world wants to know what I think. And that's why I need to do this vlog now rather than later."

Peyton smiled. "I agree," she said. "And I'm ready to get started if you are."


"She's so funny," Ryder said as he sat in Jake's living room the next morning, letting Troy play with his shoe laces like a kitten. "You never would've guessed it from looking at her. She's so pretty and reserved and serious but then you spend a little more time with her and she starts cracking jokes."

"Uh huh..." Jake responded, nodding. "But..?"

"What but?" asked Ryder. "There's no but."

"Oh come on," Jake rolled his eyes. "I know there's a but coming somewhere in there. You've talked about how great this woman is for the last fifteen minutes. There's gotta be a reason you're here and not at home doodling about her in a notebook."

Ryder made a face but said, "Okay, fine... There's a slight issue..."

"I knew it," Jake smiled knowingly. "Lay it on me."

"She's, like," Ryder began. "This is such a stupid thing to complain about. But she's a really dry texter."

"Huh?" Jake wrinkled the corners of his eyes.

"You know," said Ryder. "When you're texting someone and the responses are just... dry. Like, they neither give you one-word answers or don't respond all day and... I know it's been just a couple of days."

"You said it's been four, I think," Jake noted. "So two couples."

"But ever since our date," Ryder ignored him, "which I thought went really well, it just feels like she's gone cold me."

"Maybe the date didn't go as well as you thought," Jake suggested. "Maybe you went wrong somewhere."

"I swear I didn't," sighed Ryder. "I wasn't out of line or anything like that. I keep going over it in my head and... There really wasn't much to complain about."

"Oh my goodness," groaned Leila, descending down the staircase with messy bed hair. "I seriously can't take any more of your whining, Ryder."

"Leila!" Jake exclaimed incredulously.

"No, she's right," Ryder shook his head. "I should stop complaining. There's probably a reason Jackie hasn't reached out, right? Like that rule women have, where they wait after a date or something like that?"

Leila rolled her eyes and lifted Troy from the floor as she said, "Jackie this, Jackie that. Ryder, women aren't as mysterious as you think. There's nothing wrong with just calling and finding out what's wrong."

"I know, I'm just nervous and desperate for answers," Ryder sighed. "This is the first time I've liked anyone like this in a while. I'm terrified of screwing it up."

"Maybe worrying so much is what's gonna screw things up," Jake suggested. "You won't always have all the answers."

Leila gasped and turned back to Ryder wide-eyed. "No, wait," she said. "Oh my gosh. I can't believe I didn't think about this earlier. I could've shut you up ten minutes ago... Ryder, I know exactly what you need to do!"


When Riley opened the front door and saw Dean standing there with his hands in his jacket pockets, she wasn't sure what to say to him.

Tensely, she moved aside and let him walk in.

"Where is he?" asked Dean.

"Freddie," Riley answered, "is right over there."

She indicated to the living room. Dean kept walking and saw his son in a bouncer on the floor, looking up at the toys that hung from it in wide-eyed amazement.

As Riley approached, the baby glanced up at her and said, "Momma. Look."

Freddie pointed up at the toys, showing his mom with a big smile. Dean stared at him with both fear and wonder. "Since when does he talk?" he asked.

Riley glared up at him. "Oh, I don't know, about five or so months. He's just starting to form sentences so..."

She picked Freddie up from the bouncer as Dean said, "Oh. That's great then. Good for him."

Turning to Dean, she held her son in one arm and put the other's hand on her hip. "So why'd you show up here today? Did you need something?"

"No..." said Dean, staring at Freddie. "I just... I don't know. I've been thinking about the two of you a lot. I'm about to release my new song and hit the road and... I thought I'd come by."

"To say goodbye?" Riley asked. "Because it's not like you were around much before you started releasing music so why should things change now?"

"Riley, I'm trying here," he said. "I know I've missed a lot."

"You've missed everything, Dean," she shook her head at him. "At least pretend to love your son."

"Of course I love him," he said.

"Then you have a funny way of showing it."

She took a big pause, collecting her emotions as she remembered the innocent child in her arms.

Shifting in place, she said, "Dean, it's not Freddie's fault that you have... Issues. He can't keep suffering because you can't put the bottle down and come see him."

Dean grew angry at that final remark, saying loudly, "You're the one who decided it was a good idea for us to get drunk that night. This is all because of you. I was handling it until then."

"Seriously?" asked Riley, putting a hand on the side of Freddie's head to cover his ear. "Dean, I tried to help you feel better but you were already screwed up when you came to me. I tried to help. And I was homesick and sad and just as vulnerable as you."

"Oh spare me," he rolled his eyes. "I knew I shouldn't have come."

"I mean it," she insisted, following him to the door. "Stop playing the victim, Dean. I didn't plan for what happened to happen but it did. So quit whining about it and blaming me for your screw up. This isn't about me. And this isn't about you or what happened with Xavier or any of that. This is about your son. Man up and be here for him or don't bother showing up again."

He walked out the front and she slammed the door shut after him, whispering a little more calmly to her son in hopes that he didn't start crying. But the fact that he seemed unaffected by Dean's arrival or departure said it all.


"So here's what I'm thinking," said Julie, handing Charlie a magazine. 

He stared at it in confusion. "That's..." he said, pointing at the cover.

"My ex-husband and his ex-girlfriend out and about," she nodded, not looking down at the magazine at all. She hated seeing those pictures of Alex and Kara at the beach. 

"Why are you showing me this?" he asked.

"Because," she explained, her voice a little shaky. "When I first saw this... I felt so many things and I've been wanting to write about it. But... I've been working with a producer who isn't exactly the best to talk about this with and... Well, I need to write this song that I have in my head. But I work better when I have someone to bounce ideas off of."

"And that someone needs to be generally unbiased about the personal details of the situation," Charlie said with understanding.

"Bingo," she nodded. "I need someone who won't crucify me for any of the things I reveal as I'm drafting this. A fresh set of eyes and ears on the topic. So... are you in?"

Charlie pressed his lips together. Writing anything with Juliet Vasquez was something he couldn't possibly pass up. But how ready was he to hear about intimate details in her life?


"Thank you everyone and have a goodnight!" Kitty waved as she got into the back of her car. Her mother was already inside, waiting with notes.

"That went very well," said Patricia.

Kitty took a deep breath of relief. "I thought so, too," she said. "Honestly I was so nervous because this debate really had the impact to make or break the entire election. I'm so surprised Leo didn't even show up."

"Oh, about that," Patricia frowned. "I didn't want to spook you or interrupt the debate but I have some news on him. I thought it was odd that he didn't show up to such a major event so I made a few calls, fearing he could've been mugged again or worse. And it turns out... Well, it may be worse depending on your view of it."

"What?" Kitty asked. "What happened to him?"

"He was arrested," her mother revealed. "On charges of cocaine possession. Horrifying isn't it?"

"Wait, what?!" Kitty exclaimed. Her mother kept detailing what she'd been able to find out but she couldn't pay much attention to the details. Leo, a user? It just didn't make any sense.


"Hey, get in here!" Santana exclaimed when she saw Riley passing by her office, looking down in the dumps. She had her computer open, her eyes wide in amazement.

"I was just going to meet with—" Riley began, stepping inside.

"Who cares," Santana stopped her. "You won't believe what I just saw. Come 'ere."

She urged Riley to her side and the latter did so with very little interest, walking behind the desk to stand by Santana.

"Ready?" she asked. Riley nodded so Santana went to a tab, where YouTube was open. She scrolled to the beginning of a video titled "So... There's Something I Need To Say (BIG NEWS)" which Riley noted was posted by Luke just two hours earlier.

In the video, Luke sat on the couch at his house, a serious look on his face as he began, "So there's something I need to say... Over the last couple of months, I've been posting less because I've had a lot going on in my personal life. A lot of changes were keeping me busy. My girlfriend and I moved in together and we were figuring a lot out about what we wanted for our lives and a few months later, it turns out we wanted what we already had. Which was each other."

Riley made a face and turned to Santana, who was grinning ear to ear with excitement.

"Wait!" exclaimed a voice off camera. A few seconds later, Peyton appeared and took a seat beside him, as he watched in confusion.

"What?" he asked. "Do we need to start over? Was there something on my face?"

Peyton laughed but said, "No, there's nothing on your face. You look handsome as always. I just... I wanted to take this opportunity to show you something."

"Why are we watching this?" Riley asked.

"Shh, just..." Santana hushed her, her eyes on the screen.

"What is it?" asked Luke.

Peyton reached under the couch and pulled out a small gift bag. "Open it," she said.

Luke laughed in surprise. "Did you hide that there? When?"

"Just open it," Peyton responded, urging him.

Luke hesitantly reached into the bag in anticipation. Then he pulled out what was inside and let out an audible gasp. Peyton couldn't stop smiling at him, waiting for a response. He looked up at her in shock. "Really?" he asked.

Peyton nodded, clasping her hands together, then braced herself as he reached over to pull her into a tight hug. After pulling away, he turned to the camera and lifted up a pregnancy stick. "We're having a baby!" he exclaimed, nearly teary-eyed. Peyton was definitely about to start crying tears of joy.

"Oh my gosh," said Riley.

"Wait for it, there's more," said Santana.

The screen faded to black as Peyton and Luke celebrated the news, hugging and kissing each other in their happiness.

Then text appeared: 10 weeks later...

Luke was sitting on his couch again, nervously jumping up and down at the edge of his seat. "Ready?" Peyton said from the other side of the camera.

He gave her a nod and Peyton appeared once again, this time far more visibly pregnant, and taking a seat beside him. "Okay," Luke began, talking to the camera excitedly. "So it's been almost two months and we're so excited to finally be able to share the news with all of you. We're having a baby!"

Peyton giggled with elation and said, "Keeping this a secret has been one of the hardest things I've ever done. I'm so bad with secrets. But we couldn't say anything, of course, because the first trimester you aren't really supposed to. But now we think it's time to tell the world. And it's such a big relief to be able to share this, finally."

"We've literally worked so hard to keep it a secret," added Luke. "We had to keep denying requests to do things with our friends or publicity stuff because we didn't want anyone to see how far along she was or notice that she couldn't drink or anything like that."

"It was the hardest part," Peyton admitted. "Having to stay in so much so nobody would see. Juliet Vasquez sent us VIP passes to her concert not that long ago and I had to pass those along to another friend because I just could NOT risk it."

"But finally, all that is behind us," said Luke. "Over the last few weeks, we've revealed the news to our families and friends and we've gonna compiled their reactions into this video, capturing the start of this journey forever. Take a look."

The video faded again and they were suddenly taken to a different place. A kitchen table neither Santana nor Riley recognized.

Peyton was sitting down, wearing a coat, and eating with an older couple and Luke was the one holding the camera, standing just a few feet from them.

"And this, everyone, is where my in-laws eat every day," he was saying mischievously.

Peyton's father glanced up at him and made a face at the camera. "This is why you took so long to come down for dinner?" he asked.

Luke flipped the camera over and began filming them directly, getting out of the way. Peyton's mother stared into the camera and waved, a big grin plastered on her face. "Hey everyone!" she exclaimed, posing a bit unnaturally.

"Sorry, we'll get right to dinner in a second," said Luke. "I just wanted to shoot this quick video for my fans. Can I get you two to say hello?"

"Hello," said Peyton's parents in unison, cheesing at the camera.

"Perfect," Luke told them as Peyton watched anxiously. "Can you say... we're in Ohio?"

"We're in Ohio!" they announced.

"Can you say... We're so excited!"

"We're so excited!" they repeated.

"Because we're going to be grandparents!"

"Because we're..." Peyton's mother began, while her father turned to her in shock.

"Is this a prank?" he asked.

"Oh my gosh!" exclaimed her mother, getting up as Peyton got up, too, and finally removed her coat.

Luke continued filming their reactions, congratulations, and everything in between, even as Peyton's dad choked up and began crying in all his bliss.

"Okay, this is kind of cute," Riley admitted.

"Wait, there's more," said Santana. The clip faded and text appeared on the dark screen again:

[x] Her Family
[ ] My Family
[ ] Her Best Friends

[ ] My Best Friends
[ ] Rest Of Friends

Then it faded back into a clip with a hidden camera. In this one, a plant just barely covered the corner of the screen as Luke sat down on the couch with his mother.

Santana smiled, a little bittersweet, as Luke said, "My girlfriend's pregnant" knowing how strained his relationship was with his parents ever since he had come out to them some ten years prior. 

Even now, she knew that was the reason only one parent was in the video. Luke had mentioned that his dad still hadn't come around and it didn't help that he thought Luke settling down with a woman meant he could completely erase his attraction to men.

But regardless, the clip with his mother was really cute.

[x] Her Family
[x] My Family
[ ] Her Best Friends
[ ] My Best Friends
[ ] Rest Of Friends

The next clip showed Peyton holding a camera as she filmed herself at dinner in Carrie's house, along with Kara, Carrie, and even Alex.

As they ate together, Peyton said, "Say cheese everyone!"

Her friends shifted in their places for a picture, and just as they were putting on their best fake smiles, Peyton smiled and cleared her throat.

"By the way, I'm pregnant," she told them.

Carrie and Kara looked at each other as Alex leaned forward and said, "Wait, what?"

Kara put her hands to her mouth and Carrie said, "You are? Really?"

Peyton beamed, nodding in confirmation and Kara joked, "Is it Luke's?"

"Of course it is!" Peyton laughed while Alex immediately went up to congratulate her with a hug.

"My god, beaver," said Alex, pulling her in and making the camera move and hide her face. "That's amazing news."

Kara and Carrie came along to hug her as well, with Kara even getting a little emotional. "I'm so excited to be an auntie!" Kara exclaimed.

The video faded once again.

[x] Her Family
[x] My Family
[x] Her Best Friends
[ ] My Best Friends
[ ] Rest Of Friends

"Okay, okay, look," Santana nudged Riley as the next reveal began.

This time, Luke was sitting down in front of the camera at Santana's house, with her, Shana, Kayli, Leila, Jake, Zoe, Dani and Albany all sitting around in a half circle. 

"So we're doing, like, a challenge," Kayli was saying. "And Luke's basically gonna have us draw names and we'll take turns picking out famous people and doing our best impressions."

"Which is really unfair," said Albany, "considering you're all professional musicians."

"Points for effort," Dani assured her jokingly.

"You go first," Luke handed her his jar with little slips of paper inside. Albany dug into it and pulled out a slip.

She read out, "Do your best impression of Luke saying, 'I'm gonna be a dad, y'all'."

She looked up at him as though to say 'seriously?' but the look on his face said it all.

"No..." said Albany, gasping and smiling wide. "Are you really?"

"I am," Luke said. 

Everyone else erupted into shock and congratulations. Their reactions were perfectly captured, including Santana thrusting her head forward as she swung in her seat, covering herself and trying not to get too emotional for her friend.

As they hugged him and cheered him on for the news, the video changed to a variety of shorter clips with reactions from other people.

[x] Her Family
[x] My Family
[x] Her Best Friends
[x] My Best Friends
[ ] Rest Of Friends

There were a few from other family members, including Luke's grandmother, Peyton's sister Becca, and a few of her cousins.

Then there was a clip with Julie recorded over FaceTime, in which she talked so fast subtitles were needed, "That's so amazing! Oh my gosh! Since when did you know?"

"Like eight weeks ago," he answered.

"How far along is she?"

"Almost twelve weeks!"

"Do you know what it's gonna be yet?"

"A human baby!"

The video showed a few more clips, then the rest of the checklist.

[x] Her Family
[x] My Family
[x] Her Best Friends
[x] My Best Friends
[x] Rest Of Friends

 After that, it was back to Luke and Peyton on their couch.

"We've had two months now," said Luke, "to think about all of the different possibilities for our lives moving forward. And they're all so amazing that we really can't contain ourselves."

"Neither of us ever knew how much we wanted this," said Peyton, looking over at Luke, "until it happened and now we're so thrilled for this huge change in our lives."

"To our future son or daughter," said Luke, turning back from her to the camera, "if you ever decide to watch this... First of all, please stay away from the rest of my channel until you're thirty. And secondly, we want you to know how much we love you. How excited we are for you. And how surrounded you are by people who are going to adore you and shower you with love your whole life."

"Mwah," Peyton blew a kiss at the camera.

Luke glanced down at her stomach and put a hand on there gently. "We'll see you in, like, six or so months, kid."

"Thank you everyone who was a part of this," Peyton added to the camera. "Your support means the world to both of us."

"And thank you to everyone at home in advance for your congratulations and wishing us well," Luke added preemptively. "You all are a big part of my life as well and I'm very glad I could finally share this with everyone. Thank you."

The video ended and Santana looked up at Riley, beaming until she saw the big frown on her face and the watery eyes.

"You alright?" Santana asked.

Riley nodded and looked away. "Yeah, but I have a meeting to get to. Thanks for sharing."

She hurried out of the room and Santana sighed. She knew at least one person who would be even more upset than her after watching this.


"Here he is," said Jake as he led Kitty to Leo's jail cell, where he had the misfortune of spending the night. He looked like hell.

"Thanks, Jake," Kitty responded with a heavy sigh as Leo glanced up at her in surprise. "Can we have a minute?"

"Of course," Jake nodded, heading out.

Leo walked up to the bars and grabbed onto them as he said, "I wasn't expecting you of all people."

"I thought I'd come by and see you for myself," she said. "I had a hard time believing when I heard the news."

"It wasn't me," Leo assured her immediately. "Those drugs must've been planted in my car or something. That cop made an unfair traffic stop and I was sure I was gonna have myself a racial bias story to tell but instead I got arrested for having cocaine in the glove compartment. It all happened so quickly. But nobody believes me. I called my roommate, the one you met the other day, to bail me out. And he's so upset he said he'll 'think about it' and let me sleep here."

Kitty watched him for a moment and then nodded. "Well, I believe you," she told him. "If that means anything."

"You do?" he asked, surprised.

She nodded again. "I know a few coke addicts, actually," she admitted. "And I can tell what they act like. You're not one of them... So I'm gonna fix this. Starting by bailing you out. So come on. You're going home."


As Sam paced around the living room trying to come up with something to write about and get his creative juices flowing, he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

He rushed to get it, fearing that the babies would be woken up if he didn't get there soon enough.

When he opened the door, however, he wished he would've just risked it. With a bodyguard just a couple of feet away, Tracy stood at his door, her hands on her hips and a smile on her face.

"Sam!" she exclaimed. "It's been a really long time. Care to chat for a bit?"


When Travis saw the news, he was so surprised that he couldn't help pulling out his phone to call Luke. In his dressing room at The Late Late Show, he paced back and forth waiting for him to answer.

"I figured you'd get in touch soon..." Luke said the moment he picked up. "Hi."

"I can't believe you," Travis shook his head angrily. "The nerve. I mean... God. I feel like such an idiot right now, Luke."

"Sorry," was all Luke could say.

"I just need to know," said Travis, feeling his eyes stinging. "Why was the mere possibility of having a baby so impossible when you were with me... but after just one year with her you're already at that point?"

Luke exhaled loudly and then began to explain. "Travis... Having a baby with you never scared me off. It's just that... Everything you wanted for us was traditional and by the book and it made me realize that our relationship was never going to make both of us happy. One of us always had to sacrifice something for the other. With Peyton..."

Travis closed his eyes, bracing himself.

"It's just different," said Luke. "She gets me and we want the same things. We're better aligned. I'm sorry that my news may have caught you off guard and that I wasn't able to give you what you wanted but... I hope that this provides you the much needed closure and that all is—"

Travis hung up, tossing his phone on the couch beside him. He couldn't listen to it any longer and he had a show to go film for. It was time to get himself together again.


After bailing Leo out of jail, Kitty returned home feeling completely beat. She was looking for someone to vent to but Amity was out doing god knew what, Riley had a meeting, and the only adult at home was Shannon, who for some reason had no problem becoming the house's nanny. Patricia always said it served her well, as she lived there free of charge and didn't have an actual paying job.

Now she was the only person Kitty could talk to, so she rushed in there and took a seat beside her. "I need some advice," she said immediately.

Shannon looked up at her, surprised. Everyone in the house was usually too busy to talk to her. "Sure," she said, bracing herself. "What is it?"

"Okay," Kitty took a deep breath. "It's about Patricia. My mother. She's a very smart but terrifying person who has been managing my mayoral campaign over the last year. And despite giving her the job, I'm not sure I trust her..."

She squinted her eyes but Shannon didn't seem to get it yet.

"Like," said Kitty, elaborating. "One of my opponents was really gaining traction online and I complained about it to her and then he gets mugged before an event he was doing. And now, I'm anxiously preparing for my debate and just before it he gets a rando traffic stop and they find drugs on him and arrest him, so not only did he miss the debate but he got slammed by the local media."

"That's horrible," Shannon frowned.

"But I don't think he did it," Kitty shook her head. "I'm pretty sure my mother is responsible. And she was responsible for the mugging, too. She denied it and I told myself that was enough but I think I was just lying to myself so that I could ignore all her... evilness. I don't know what to do. Tell me what to do. Please."

Shannon bit the corner of her bottom lip and then said, "Well... If you're sure she's doing things that are wrong then I think you should want to protect yourself and the good in you. I always tell people to cut ties with all who make their souls darker."

"Meaning... what?" asked Kitty, making a face. "Like, fire my own mother?"

"Family ties are strong," said Shannon, shrugging. "But when family is pushing you to become someone you can't be proud of, someone who puts negative, dark energy into the world... Then you can't keep them around."

Kitty considered this and stood up as she said, "Thank you. I'll need some time to think this all over."

Shannon nodded in response, "Any time."

Hurrying to her study, Kitty shut the door and thought about what the best choice actually was. She couldn't actually be sure that her mother did all of that. But if she didn't trust her gut feeling that told her she was, she was letting an innocent man's life be messed with, winning the race via fraud, and just letting herself be a horrible person like in the past.

But... this was her mother she was talking about.

Surely, she owed her some benefit of the doubt. Some sympathy. Some mercy. Then again, every time she trusted her mom and let her back in, she betrayed her or hurt her somehow, and maybe it was time to break that cycle.

"Ugh," Kitty groaned. "Why can't this be easier?"

She took a deep breath and glanced at her desk, where a picture showed her at her college graduation with her mom. Her father hadn't bothered to show up, as was typical. When she felt alone, her mother always seemed to show up. How could she push her out of her life now?

["Patricia" by Florence + The Machine.]

Kitty: Oh Patricia, you've always been my North Star. And I have to tell you something, I'm... still afraid of the dark.

She admired the picture. The smile on her face was so wide, so happy to have made her mom proud. That's all she ever wanted.

Kitty: But you take my hand in your hand. From you the flowers grow. And do you understand with every seed you sow you make this cold world... Beautiful.

She took a look at another picture. From her communion back in elementary school. Her parents were both with her but it was Patricia who she remembered helping her study and pick out her dress for the ceremony. 

Kitty: You told me all doors are open to the believer. I believe her, I believe her, I believe her. You told me all doors are open to the believer. I believe her, I believe her, I believe her.

Then one of her riding one of her favorite horses from her childhood. Back when her parents cared about her enough to be around and supportive. Now her father hardly called and her mother only showed up when she wanted to make a power play with her.

Kitty: Oh Patricia, you've always been my North Star, oh. Oh Patricia, you've always been my North Star, oh.

She took a seat behind her desk and slumped down, resting her elbows on the surface and putting her chin on one of her palms.

Kitty: Drink too much coffee and think of you often. In a city where reality has long been forgotten. 

Then she put her arm down and leaned back. Bree was so busy with her family and Julie with her career... Vince didn't want to see her anymore after she slept with John. She'd lost her best friends and the man she loved over the last year. She just wasn't sure she could afford to lose another person.

Kitty: Are you afraid? 'Cause I'm terrified. But you remind me that it's such a wonderful thing to love...

The love in her life was draining little by little and though her mother's wasn't exactly warm, it was the first one she'd ever felt. She didn't know how she was going to let it go.

Kitty: It's such a wonderful thing to love. It's such a wonderful thing to love. It's such a wonderful thing to love. It's such a wonderful thing.

But if she wanted to be someone her own daughter could be proud of, she was going to have to do it somehow.


"She wants to do a song with you?" said Quinn incredulously while preparing coffee. "Why?"

"That's what I was wondering, too," said Sam, shrugging. "She said it's because she wants her big comeback to be even bigger and she sees the biggest potential with me. But I feel like there's gotta be an angle. I mean, she despises Julie. So that seems like a good enough reason to try to dig her nails into me."

"I agree," Quinn nodded. "A collaboration with her would definitely tick off Julie, possibly cause a strain in your friendship with her. Which you've worked hard to maintain."

"Exactly," he agreed. "But..."

"But it would be a huge opportunity for you," Quinn sighed. "Tracy may have taken a few hits over the last year for her comments against Julie but right now Julie's reputation is suffering from all this Alex and John stuff. It's a great time for Tracy to sway the public in her direction which means a lot of people will get behind her song. And if you can be a part of that, it'll have a big impact on your own upcoming music. You need a way to get buzz without jumping into war against your ex-bandmates. This is a great way to do that."

Sam sighed, "I'm so glad you can read my mind."

She smiled and said, "But I can't make decisions for you so... It's your choice. Do you think a song with someone you don't even like will be worth pissing off Julie, who we know has a thing for holding grudges?"

He put his face in his hands. "I don't know," he said. "I hate making decisions."

"Think about it," Quinn put a mug of coffee on the table in front of him. "And let me know. As your label, your manager and wife, I kind of have to know what you decide."

She patted his shoulder and carried her own mug to the living room, letting him ponder on that on his own.


"Just one rule," said Leila as she led Ryder inside a small shop downtown. "Don't be rude. Don't mock her practice, don't condescend, don't joke at all. Got it?"

"Got it," said Ryder. He still couldn't believe that Leila had convinced him to see a psychic but there he was now, entering her shop like it was completely normal.

"Magdalena, hi!" Leila beamed as she saw the woman, who was dressed exactly how Ryder expected. Bohemian dress with a kimono robe over it and a boho headband that covered part of her forehead. He struggled not to make any comments that broke Leila's only rule.

"Leila, darling," said the psychic, giving her a set of air kisses. "I was elated when I received your message. Please, please. Have a seat."

Leila pulled a chair for herself as Ryder reluctantly sat down beside her. "Ryder, this is Magdalena," Leila properly introduced them. "She is the greatest psychic in all of Ohio. Trust me. She's never been wrong with anything she's told me. Ever."

Magdalena smiles softly and Ryder forced himself to say, "That's good to hear. It's very nice to meet you."

"Come, let's not waste any time," said Magdalena, putting a palm up over the table and indicating for him to hand over his own. "Let me see those lines."

"Uhh..." Ryder hesitated. Leila nudged him so he put his hand in Magdalena's and let her examine his palm.

"Mmhm..." was all she said.

"Is that bad?" he whispered to Leila, who quietly responded, "Shh. Let her work."

Magdalena continued looking at the palm as she said, "You have a very nice heart line. Very defined, beautifully curved."

"Uh, thank you," Ryder stammered.

"But," said Magdalena, startling him. "Your sun line is absent."

"Sun line?" asked Ryder. "What does that mean?"

"You have really bad luck," Leila answered sympathetically.

"Precisely," said Magdalena. "The absence of a sun line signifies a difficulty being successful, even in the things you try your hardest in."

Ryder stared at her, wondering if he should be genuinely concerned or if this was all too ridiculous to care.

"Fantastic life line, though," Magdalena congratulated him. "I bet you take very good care of yourself."

She let go of his hands and from under the table pulled out a set of cards. Ryder turned to give Leila a look but she didn't notice, playing close attention to the psychic's hand with wide-eyed wonder.

Magdalena shuffled her deck twice and then laid them all out across the table, facing down.

"I would like you to select six cards from this deck," Magdalena urged him. "Slide them gently towards you."

"Any six?" he asked.

"Whichever six speak to you," Magdalena nodded.

Ryder took a deep breath and began picking out the cards. He really hadn't expected to be this involved for some reason, but here he was going along with all of it. This is how desperate he'd become.

Magdalena flipped over one of his cards and revealed... the fool.

"Tsk, tsk," she looked up at him. "You view yourself as a fool."

Leila snickered beside Ryder and he did his best to ignore her.

Magdalena continued, "What do you see here?"

She pointed him to the card and he examined it for a few seconds. Glancing up at her, he said, "That I'm always embarrassing myself, making the wrong choices..."

Nodding, she said, "Take a second look, Ryder. The Fool isn't just someone who lives in embarrassment, for the entertainment of someone else. The Fool is daring, a learner. The Fool isn't afraid to take risks. I sense you are on the verge of entering a new situation, one which frightens you."

"I guess so," said Ryder, shrugging.

"Let's have a look at what you really desire," she said, turning over the second card. It was the queen of hearts. "Very good," Magdalena smiled at him. "You came here looking for your queen, did you not?"

"Something like that," answered Ryder, staring at the card.

"Well, this is a great answer to that question," Magdalena assured him. "It means that she who your heart truly wants must be near. You have the energy of a queen all around you."

"But who is she?" asked Ryder.

Magdalena shook her head. "Only you truly know. But the card signals that she's someone sensitive. Someone vulnerable. And someone willing to give you her unconditional love as you are willing to give to her. She is exposed to you now more than ever."

Ryder turned to Leila, who offered him a smile.

"The queen," Magdalena continued, "has a hard time knowing what's best for her as she thinks of what others desire. She's a goddess, filled with spirits, even when she seems overwhelmed or untidy. Now, your next card..."

The next card flipped over was of a tower. Ryder admired it with a creased brow, getting an uneasy feeling.

"Interesting..." said Magdalena. "You fear your life is changing too fast. You're not pleased with the disruptions around you. A new beginning is upon you but you don't know how to handle it."

She flipped over the next card, to what was a priestess.

Pointing right at it, she looked up at Ryder and said, "Here you have it. Open communication between your mind and your gut. That's your biggest ally right now, trusting that inside you know what is right and following that. Listen intently to what your body is telling you, to what your soul demands of you. Only in that way will you get what you desire most and find happiness."

She flipped over the fifth card and Leila muttered, "Of course."

"Judgement," nodded Magdalena while the card displayed a roman gladiator. "That's what's standing in your way now. Your fear of change, your fear of what others think of you. It's constantly making you lose out on new opportunities, in life, in your career, in love."

She revealed the final card. Magdalena glanced up as Ryder saw that the card was a Jack of Spades. 

"The answer to your question," she said, letting Ryder admire it and answer for himself.

"The Jack of Spades..." he muttered. Turning to Leila he added, "Jackie..?"

Leila shrugged. "I guess the mystery's solved," she told him. "Jackie really is who you're meant to be with."

Ryder smiled, kicking himself for not just trusting in that all along. Jake was right. He just had to be patient and it would all fall into place.


When Julie walked into John's office at the studio, she seemed to be in a hurry. She didn't bother removing her coat as she put a folder down on the desk in front of him.

"Hello to you too," he said. "I was just in here listening to my album."

"I don't care about that right now," she shook her head. "I need you to produce this. ASAP."

He looked down at the folder and asked, "What is this?"

"My new song," she told him. "It's one of the best songs I've ever put together. Ever."

He made a face. "New song? We haven't written together in a while."

"I've been writing alone," she shrugged. "And with Charlie."

"With who?" John said.

"Charlie," she repeated. "You know. That guy from The Lima Bean."

John laughed.

"I'm serious!" Julie exclaimed. "He's really talented. He wrote half of the hook and part of the pre-chorus and he gave me a killer line for the second verse. Just listen to it and I'll come in and record it when you aren't too busy."

John grabbed the folder and said, "You're really not kidding..."

"I'm not," she assured him.

He glanced up at her with a smirk on his face and asked, "Isn't he a bit too young for you?"

She rolled her eyes. "I don't sleep with everyone I make music with," she told him. "Despite popular belief. And if I did it still wouldn't be any of your business."

"Yeah, but he's a kid..." said John.

"He's like twenty-four actually," Julie said. "I'm not sleeping with him. Listen to the song and tell me that it's not worthy of being my next single. That's the song from the album so far that gets me a Grammy. I guarantee it."

She gave him a look then hurried away, annoyed at how difficult that simple interaction had to be.


"You wanted to see me?" Patricia asked nonchalantly as she entered Kitty's study later in the day.

Kitty nodded, sitting behind her desk and saying, "Shut the door all the way please."

Patricia closed the door and walked towards her daughter. "What is it now?" she asked. "You want to start prepping for the final debate?"

"I know you're the one doing these terrible things, mother," Kitty said sternly.

Confused, Patricia began to open her mouth but Kitty didn't give her a chance.

"I talked to Leo," she continued. "He's no coke head, mom. He's certainly not dealing. Somehow you had those drugs planted in his car. And I'm sure you had an easy time calling in a favor from corrupt officers to get that traffic stop. Now I don't doubt you had him jumped and then you lied to my face about it. Go on, try to lie to me again. I dare you."

Patricia stared at her again and after a few seconds rolled her eyes. "Well, you weren't going to do anything about it," she said.

"Oh my god," Kitty said, repulsed as she covered her face, feeling nauseous about the whole thing now that she had the confirmation she needed.

"I'm sorry," Patricia said sarcastically. "I guess practically handing you the win on a silver platter and giving you everything you ever wanted makes me the bad guy."

Kitty shook her head. "I wanted to be the mayor," she said, "but not like this. I don't know how, but I'm gonna make sure I clear Leo's name and you're gonna help."

"Why would I do that?" Patricia scoffed.

"Because if you don't," Kitty braced herself, "I'm dropping out of the race. And every disgusting thing you've done the last few months will have been for nothing."


Down at Adonis, Dean sat at the bar, unable to stop thinking about Riley's words. He'd been so harsh and defensive and now he got to be all alone feeling horrible about it, even worse when he coped with a few drinks.

As he ordered vodka, however, Xavier slid into the seat next to him.

"Funny running into you hear," he said.

Dean tensed up, glancing up at him briefly and then looking straight at the bar.

"I guess things haven't changed," Xavier added. "Bartender, I'll have whatever he's having."

The new bartender nodded at him and began preparing a separate drink as she handed Dean his.

Dean stared at it and told Xavier, "I'm really not in the mood for this right now."

But Xavier simply responded, "Well, I wasn't in the mood to be cheated on but that happened. Sometimes we just have to suck up the things that are out of our control."

Dean turned to him and said, "I'm getting pretty sick of carrying the blame for the whole situation."

"Is it anyone else's fault?" asked Xavier. "I wasn't there, so I can't see how I'd be to blame. Or Riley, the naive girl who wasn't even of legal drinking age at the time... I'm not sure it'd be wise for you to blame her either."

Xavier bitterly reached for the drink as the bartender set it in front of him.

He smelled it and laughed. "Wow, you're really not holding back anymore, huh," he said, taking a gulp.

"You're responsible for my relapse, too," Dean told him. "You're the one who had me around alcohol constantly. You're the one who started the fight with me that night. I may be the most to blame for everything but I'm not the only one."

He grabbed the drink and stood up, taking it with him and disappearing into the crowd.

Xavier watched him go. "Well, that could've gone much worse," he said, taking another gulp of his drink.


The next morning, the Adonis staffed prepared for the day's work and Jackie walked in carrying a box. Ryder was at the stage, setting up while Leila stood beside him, but the moment she appeared he rushed to her side and took the box.

"Thanks," he told her.

"Why do you need so many napkins?" she asked. "Stefan insisted I come drop these off."

Ryder set the box down by the door and said, "Honestly we didn't really need them. He was just doing me a favor to get you over here."

Confused, Jackie followed Ryder's lead towards the stage. A single chair was set up on the dance floor.

"I have a little surprise for you," said Ryder.

"I'm Leila by the way," said Leila with a wave. "I'm married to his best friend."

Jackie smiled at her and said, "I know who you are. Rhythmix is awesome."

"Thanks," Leila grinned.

Ryder joined her on stage and said, "Just take a seat and uh... Listen. This is kind of how we do things around here."

He cleared his throat and looked over at his DJ, who looked too sleepy to be there that early but hit play anyway. Leila took a microphone and handed Ryder another.

["Vision of Love" by Mariah Carey.]

The song began and house lights dimmed. Jackie looked around, a bit startled, but then Leila sang a beautiful melisma and she turned her attention back to the stage.

Leila: Oh woah... Oh... Hmm yeah.

Ryder took the microphone to his mouth and sang to her.

Ryder: Treated me kind. Sweet destiny. Carried me through desperation. To the one that was waiting for me.

Jackie blushed, putting a hand over her heart. She wasn't expecting this at all.

Ryder: It took so long. Still I believed. Somehow the one that I needed. Would find me eventually.

Ryder turned to Leila, singing with her for a moment and then turning back to Jackie.

Ryder (with Leila): (I had a vision of love.) And it was all that you've given to me.

From the bar, Joyce watched with another bartender. Addison wasn't lying when she told her how much singing there was for everything in this town.

Leila: Prayed through the nights. Felt so alone. Suffered from alienation. Carried the weight on my own. Had to be strong. So I believed. And now I know I've succeeded. In finding the place I conceived.

Ryder was grateful to Leila. Serenading Jackie would've seemed like a dumb idea a week prior but the last few days, she'd been guiding him and assuring him to just do the things he wanted.

Both: I had a vision of love. And it was all that you've given to me. I had a vision of love. And it was all that you've given me.

And seeing the look on Jackie's face now as he sang to her, the blush spread across her face, he knew he'd chosen correctly.

Ryder: I've realized a dream. And I visualized. The love that came to be. 

Leila was glad to be there harmonizing and singing the harder notes Ryder couldn't reach. He understood why he wanted it to be this song regardless of difficulty.

Leila: Feel so alive. I'm so thankful that I've received. The answer that heaven. Has sent down to me!

So she stood there pretending to have some connection to the girl they were serenading and sang all the high notes.

Leila: You treated me kind. Sweet destiny. And I love that you did.

As Ryder continued singing, she did the ad-libs second to him, singing and belting while he stayed in a lower register.

Ryder: And I'll be eternally grateful. Holding you so close to me. Prayed through the nights. So faithfully. Knowing the one that I needed. Would find me eventually.

She even pulled out one of her highest falsettos to date, the kind that typically went to Kayli when they were recording songs for the group.

Leila: I had a vision of love. Ahhhh...

And Ryder seemed pleased, even if she took a bit of his spotlight.

Ryder: And it was all that you've given to me.

Because after all, this wasn't about showing off his voice. This was just about making the girl he liked feel good.

Leila: I had a vision of love. And it was all... Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.

And the big grin on her face suggested it had worked out perfectly.

Both: That you turned out to be. Yeah. Mmhm...

When the song ended, Ryder looked down at her and said, "This may be a peculiar way of leading up to my question here but... I wanted to know. Would you like to go on another date with me?"

"This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me, wow," said Jackie. "Yes, of course!"

Ryder hopped off stage to hug her and Leila thought she should get used to any simple interaction in Lima being this extra. But nevertheless she was happy Ryder had gotten the end result he was looking for.


As the afternoon came upon Lima, Kitty sat in her kitchen preparing a speech she was giving soon. There was a ring at her door which she ignored, knowing that someone else would get it.

A few seconds later, Shannon emerged leading none other than Leo Sisneros inside.

"Leo, hi," said Kitty, quickly getting up. "You're here."

"I came to thank you in person," said Leo as Shannon retreated. "The charges were dropped and I have a feeling you had something to do with it."

"I may have made a few calls," Kitty nodded. "Let's just say I knew who to talk to to clear your name. And I called my reporter friend Peyton. She's going to print a story clearing your name. So no worries."

"Thank you," Leo sighed, pressing his lips together. "I think maybe I misjudged you before but... You're a good person." He put a hand out for her and said, "To a fair and clean race."

Kitty smiled, taking his hand and shaking it. "May the best candidate win," she said.


On Friday morning, Dean stood on the Adonis stage. His new song was out and while it hadn't crossed into the top 20 on iTunes yet, it was in the top 40. And that was enough to feel a little hopeful about the future.

Now, he got to debut it on one of the only stages he trusted, while several familiar faces watched on during their usual Friday night partying.

["Thought Contagion" by Dean Monroe (2027), the lead single for his second studio album. Original artist: Muse.]

Standing on stage, he closed his eyes while the guitar began. Then when the beat of the drum kicked in, he opened them and glanced around. He had some fans in the audience, clearly, because they rushed his way to cheer him on and jump to the beat.

When it was time to begin singing, he took a few steps to lean against the microphone stand.

Dean: Strung out falling from the big time. Welcome to the infinite black skies. 

Up in the VIP section, Xavier leaned against the balcony railings and watched.

Dean: Brain cleansed fractured identity. Fragments and scattered debris.

At least his disease wasn't hurting his art. In fact, he seemed far more into his rockstar persona on stage now than ever.

Dean: Thought contagion... Thought contagion...


At home, Kitty lied in bed with her laptop beside her, scrolling. She clicked on a link and opened up a brand new article titled, "Leonel Sisneros Wrongfully Detained -- How The Politician's Name Was Smeared Unlawfully!" (written by Peyton Carson)

Dean: Fall down, learn when to count it out. Prop me up before I black out. Withdraw before you're out of time. A clean slate and buried war crimes.

She scrolled down, landing on a photograph of Leonel as he shook hands with another man, smiling into the camera. 

Dean: You've been bitten by a true believer. You've been bitten by someone who's hungrier than you. 

Kitty pursed her lips, hoping at least her attempts at being a good person would mean something positive for someone. Even if she was going to suffer for it. 

Dean: You've been bitten by a true believer. You've been bitten by someone's false beliefs.


Down the hall, Riley was in her bedroom rocking Freddie to sleep, a serious look on her face. How had she gotten herself into this situation? How was this her life now?

Dean: Thought contagion... Thought contagion...


Across the street from Adonis, Ryder sat at a table with Jackie, enjoying a meal with her. He couldn't wait for their official date, which he was going to make sure went even better than the first.

Dean: They'll never do what you want them to. Give it up and watch them break through. It's too late for a revolution. Brace for the final solution.


At home, Leila and Jake cuddled in their bedroom, with Jake sitting up between them watching the television.

Dean: Thought contagion... Thought contagion...


Similarly, Peyton and Luke were in their bed, watching the positive reactions coming in nonstop to their pregnancy news, their video now officially viral. They smiled at each other and exchanged a kiss, awaiting this brand new chapter of their lives.

Dean: You've been bitten by a true believer. You've been bitten by someone who's hungrier than you. 


Travis walked inside yet another hotel room on the other side of the country, blocking his face from all the paparazzi who were harassing him now. He ignored all the questions, especially when he heard the words "pregnant" or "Luke" in any of them.

Dean: You've been bitten by a true believer. You've been bitten by someone's false beliefs.


In his office, with earphones on, John stared into the distance and listened to Julie's demo, a song written entirely without him and revealing so much more than she'd been willing to do while working with him. He thought he was making her even better but maybe he'd been holding her back all that time.

Dean: Thought contagion... Thought contagion...


As Quinn finished putting Nate to sleep, she walked by Izzy and Gaby's bedroom and checked on them, making sure they were already sleeping.

Dean: Strung out falling from the big time. Welcome to the infinite black skies. 

Then she returned to her bedroom, where Sam was sitting on a chair with a contract on his lap. He glanced up at her briefly and forced a smile before looking down at it. The name Tracy Moore was so big on the top it was hard to miss it. He hesitated and then put his pen over the paper on top, quickly signing and handing it to Quinn. She sighed and put it aside, giving him a reassuring nod.

Dean: It's too late for a revolution. Brace for the final solution.

It was all for the best, at least they kept telling themselves.

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