When Stars are Hidden

Por farslimah

282K 20.9K 1.1K

COMPLETED ✔️✔️ Excerpt. *** "I won't bite. . .yet. . .I promise" He said with a teasing smirk. Walking in t... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
The Ring
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (Part A)
Chapter 40 (Part B)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55(The Beginning of The End)

Chapter 37

3.8K 315 32
Por farslimah

Saying goodbye to Hasia and her friends was the worst. Naima had grown so fond of them that saying goodbye after 4 years was really hard for her.
But they promised to keep in touch. It wouldn't be the same though.

Naima remembered when she and Hasia went for the hiking quest after their graduation ceremony.

"What's that on your hand?" Hasia craned her neck to see what was glittering on Naima's hand.

Naima had forgotten to tell her about it before they started the quest.
They were now looking for a red flag in the big forest.
She wanted to just go to bed.

"Umm a ring?" Naima questioned.

It hadn't clicked in Hasia's head yet.

"Oh okay. . .wait what!? Why are you wearing a ring." Hasia eyed it carefully. "Specifically an engagement ring!?" Hasia eyes opened even wider as she took hold of Naima's hand.

Naima herself took time to analyze the ring.
Her ring.
She was engaged!? How!? That simple!?
Was that all it required?

The ring was beautiful. It had one huge princess cut diamond in the middle and little diamonds embedded in the band of the ring.

She took it off her finger to look at it carefully and maybe pinch herself to see if it was a dream or not.

She was analyzing the ring when she saw some writings on the inside.

"Forever together, Never Apart." She read.

It was written so small she couldn't make it out at first until she squinted.

The words kept ringing in her head.

Forever together, Never Apart.

"Earth to Naima. . .Naima?" Hasia snapped her fingers in front of her

Naima came back to her senses and wore the ring. She didn't want to lose it in a forest.

"When did you get engaged?" Hasia asked curiously.

Because for all she remembered, Naima was definitely not engaged that morning.

"Today?" Naima muttered.

"Today? When? how... Wait a minute. Who did you get engaged with? I want details." Hasia said all at once.

"One question at a time." Naima pouted. " First off, Err I got engaged to Tawfiq. Before I came here?" Naima didn't know why she was questioning her own statements.

"Tawfiq? As in the Tawfiq we both know. The Tawfiq? You got engaged to him just today? You sly girl. I haven't seen you talking to him in almost 3 years and you get engaged to the freaking guy?" Hasia screamed.

"Yes. Something like that. He actually proposed a few years ago. I just accepted it today." Naima said with a smile she didn't know she had put on.

"Awwnn. . .My little Naima is all grown up. See that big smile on her face. So. . .When's the wedding?" Hasia said in a sing-song voice.

When was the wedding, really?

"I don't even know. He just proposed. He hasn't even seen my parents. But I think he's scared." Naima laughed.

Tawfiq definitely was scared.

"Of course he would be. Even the strongest guy on Earth is afraid of his future wife's parents. They decide whether they agree or not. That's something to be scared of." Hasia said.

"You have been saying some sensible things this year." Naima chuckled at her friend.

"Of course. I'm going into a new phase." She flicked her non existent hair. "We need to tell Belinda and plan a Bachelorette party. Anyways the ring is so beautiful. I can't get over it!" Hasia said excitedly.

"Thanks." Naima smiled.

"Now let's get back to searching before we lose the prize." Naima said quickly.

They could win if they looked harder.


They ended up not winning in the end but it was still fun for both girls.
Naima missed Hasia and her friends already.

She hadn't told anyone else about her engagement yet. She wanted to tell them when it was all settled.

Tawfiq would come by her house that afternoon and boy was she nervous.
Her father was home for the week so that was the perfect chance before he flew back out to Dubai.

She prayed so hard to Allah to let her father be calm and not over react.

She had told Aunt Faiza that Tawfiq would be coming but she didn't tell her about accepting his proposal yet. Her father on the other hand had no idea that anyone was coming here.
He had just arrived a few days ago and Naima hadn't found the courage to tell him of Tawfiq's visit.

Zain-who had already finished his degree- had been pestering her since she came home.

She literally threw a book at him and hoped that their dad didn't see or he would have her head for trying to hurt his beloved son.
Zain wouldn't allow it though.

She had just greeted her father when he had arrived and no other words had been shared between the two.
She made Zain go away by telling him she was on her period. He left faster than lightning.


She needed to speak with Tawfiq to calm her nerves. Maybe if he was also nervous she'd feel it was normal and calm down herself.
So she picked up her phone and called him.

They had been doing that for a while now since she came home. Calling each other. It was nice.

He was probably still at home because he had a few hours before he would come there.

She called.

"Salaam mu Alaykum." She said first when he answered.

"Waa Alaykum Salaam. What's up Habiba? Wait one second." He said quickly and the call disconnected.

A few minutes later, he called again using video call.
He never let her use her airtime to talk to him. And he always wanted to see her face so preferred FaceTiming her

When Naima answered the FaceTime, she beholded him sitting in what seemed to be his living room couch in his home alone house.
She had still not been there.

"What's up, babe?" He said as he put cheerios in his mouth and chewed.

Oh and the babe thing had become something he used when he wanted to tease her.
'Habiba' was still used but he used it when it was most appropriate.
But it still made her cheeks heat up.
Why did he find it necessary to get her face hot with blood?

Why was he eating cheerios at 8 in the morning?

"Nothing." She lied. She wanted to see him freaking out like she was. But there he was, enjoying a pack of Cheerios like nothing was happening.

"Just felt like talking to someone other than Zain."

"Why are you eating cheerios so early?" She asked.

A cheerio dropped on his white t-shirt and he picked it up to eat it.

Naima gave him a disgusted face.

"What!?" He whined. "It's my shirt. And I'm eating cheerios because I don't feel like making any food. I'm too tired." He pouted at Naima.

"You could have called me. I'd have fixed up something for you and let Zain bring it over." Naima said.

"You'd do that?" He stared at her in awe.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" Tawfiq added with a smile.

How could she be so good to him?

"Of course. If you want food anytime, just call me." Naima managed to say even with her cheeks heating up from being called beautiful.
Why did that keep happening?

She knew she wasn't ugly. She was well. . . not a supermodel. She could be with a lot of touching up and other stuff supermodels did to look like they did.
Basically she was in a gray area between Ugly and Supermodel.
But being called beautiful by Tawfiq did something to her brain.

"You are just so amazing, you know that?" Tawfiq smiled at her.

Naima couldn't stop herself from smiling.

"Now that's the smile I've been missing all day. Smile, Habiba. It's sunnah." Tawfiq said.

She knew that. But she had a lot going on in her mind already. And he didn't seem to have any problems at all.

"I know. But you are coming here today and I don't want my dad to make a scene. I just got a lot on my mind." Naima sighed.

"Is that why you are so worried? Calm down, baby. It's me that's coming to see your dad not you. If anything I should be shivering by now. But I am optimistic." Tawfiq said.


You know what?
All the vessels in her face should just go ahead and burst.

"Why do you have to be the sensible one?" She frowned. That's when she remembered that Tawfiq's uncle would be coming.

"Is your uncle still coming?" Naima asked.

Tawfiq had told her that, he would be coming with his uncle and Harriet.
His parents couldn't make it though. According to him.
Naima was sad that she couldn't meet them. But Tawfiq had told her they'd come later on.
They're very busy.
He said.

"Yeah, he's arriving in a while. I will pick him up from the airport and come straight to your place." Tawfiq said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

It was true his parents could not make it but he hadn't told Naima why.
And he hated himself for that. He would tell her eventually.

He had a really good relationship with his dad so he had already told his dad he was going to get married and his father had given him his blessing.
Salim also knew and so did Farhana.

But not his mother. She wouldn't be told about the wedding yet until it was signed and sealed.
She had a knack for spoiling stuff.

His dad had sent one of his far cousins in his stead. Since he couldn't possibly come himself.

His dad had promised him that he would find a way to let Salim come with Farhana for the wedding without Tawfiq's mother finding out about it.

"Okay. But promise me that I will get to see your parents when we get married."

"I promise you, dear Habiba. I might even bring Salim and my sister to the wedding. They're the only family from back home I can bring. My parents are very busy with their work so I don't know if they will make it but you will get to see them. Very soon." Tawfiq assured her.

He wasn't lying. They were busy.
He was just omitting some key facts.

"Thank you. I gotta go prepare for a few guests. I think they are coming to ask for my hand in marriage. You better hurry up." Naima said in a teasing voice.

"Well babe, they'd have to get through me first." Tawfiq smirked.

Tawfiq knew how much saying babe messed with her thinking and made her cheeks heat up.
She claimed that she couldn't blush but she just couldn't see how red her face could get. Not as bright but Tawfiq could see some particular parts of her face going red.
He liked it.

"Umm. . .okay. . .Err. . .Bye." Naima stuttered.

"Bye, Babe. See you in a few hours." He smirked and the call was disconnected.


"No." Naima's dad said with finality.

Wait what!?
Everyone turned to look at him. Aunt Faiza was even staring at him. Shocked. She couldn't hide her joy when Tawfiq's uncle had revealed they were there for Naima's hand. She was already planning a wedding in a head and Abdullah just decided to say no.

"Why no? Think this through, Abdullah. He's a nice boy. I've known him for a while so I know. He will take good care of our Naima." Aunt Faiza said calmly.

Naima didn't know why her father was being stubborn. It's not like he wanted her here.
So why not just let her go when the chance arrived? What did he want more now?

Tawfiq hadn't said a word since her father started talking. He just had an unreadable look. But Naima could tell he was fuming quietly on the inside.

"My brother, just consider it. My nephew is a really good guy. He won't hurt your daughter if that's what you are thinking." Tawfiq's uncle, Ismail said.
He seemed like a nice man. Soft spoken too.

"I don't care. And we're not brothers. I don't even know you." Abdullah frowned at the unwanted visitors in his house. "I have already promised her to my friend's son. So no, this marriage can't happen. You can leave my house now." Abdullah got up and left to the kitchen.

No one said a word. Naima looked at Tawfiq with sad eyes and followed her father.
He couldn't just give her out to someone without her permission.

She saw her father opening the fridge and he closed it when he noticed she was there too.

"What do you want, girl? My decision is final. You are not marrying that boy." Abdul stated firmly.

"Why, Baba? I've never done anything wrong to you. I just ask you for one thing, just give me your blessing. Just say yes so I can marry Tawfiq, is all I ask." Naima said sadly.

What did her father want from her again?
She was just asking for his approval because it was right not because she craved for it.
Far from it.
She just wanted to leave from under him forever. Be with someone who cared for her. Someone who would never hit her.
Not a monster like her father.

"I said no! You need to get married to who I want." Abdullah growled.
"If your stupid mother's family hadn't been so foolish to leave you that fortune for only when you got married, I wouldn't care. I would have had the fortune by now." He added angrily.

He knew? Naima gave him a fake confused look when she remembered her mother's warning.

Never let him know.
Never let him even think about it.

"Oh, so Alima didn't tell you?" He grunted in distaste.
"Her rich beloved uncle left her future children a fortune. Just because she was dear to him and he left no heir. He left her with millions of dollars that the first daughter would get only when she got married. So she could freely use it on her own. The first son, on the other hand. . ." He chuckled darkly. "He would get more and he'd take over his business with the daughter on board. But that stupid mother of yours never gave birth to a boy. And all I had was you. You insolent ungrateful female child."He paused.

"That's why you have to get married to someone of my choice so I can get the money. I already got the house but I need the money. " He snarled.

"So, all this was just for money? You want to take my money? You can't just be a normal father who supports his children? Why are you so cruel?" Naima glared at him in disbelief.
"I've never asked you for anything in my life. Then. Why do you do this? If you wanted the money, you could have just asked me and I would have given it to you without a seconds thought, because you are my father and that's what family do for each other." Tears were now streaming down Naima's face from all her pent up pain and anger she had received from him.

But she wouldn't stop. She still continued to speak to him with just as much anger.

She glared.

"But now, I'd never give you a single cent. Even if you begged and groveled for it. You're not a father. You are just cruel and wicked and. . ."

Abdullah had had enough of Naima insulting him. He raised his hand to hit her.

But before he could even touch her, Tawfiq appeared behind Naima and caught his hand midair before it could even come close to Naima's shadow.

Tawfiq was looking straight ahead and from the way he was breathing right behind her. Naima could tell he was still fuming with anger. But way worse than before.

Naima moved aside.

"I respect you, sir, because you are Naima's father and only because of that. But if you ever raise or think to even raise your hand at her again, I will not be as respectful in dealing with you." Tawfiq gritted his teeth.

Holding himself from beating him up from killing the man who had hurt Naima for so long. He hated his guts.

"Who do you think you are to tell me what to do!?" Abdullah growled at Tawfiq as he tried to remove his arm from his grip.
But he couldn't.

Tawfiq just chuckled menacingly with anger in his eyes.
Naima had seen him this angry, once.
When he came to save her from Lacey back in high school.

The way Tawfiq chuckled sent shivers down Naima's spine but she wasn't scared of him. She was scared for her father.
She knew Tawfiq would never hurt her so she wasn't afraid of him even with the maniac way he was behaving.
But she couldn't guarantee he wouldn't do anything to her father.

"Habiba, can you give me a minute with your father?" He said father with contempt.

Naima didn't want to leave Tawfiq with her father. What if they fought and her father became dead set on never allowing her to marry Tawfiq? Or what if Tawfiq hurt him badly.
And worst of all what if her father hurt Tawfiq?
She'd claw his eyes out if he touched him.
She wouldn't even hesitate.

"But. . ." She tried to get Tawfiq to reconsider his request.
She wanted to be there as well.

"Naima, please?" Tawfiq pleaded quietly.
"Don't worry, he will be fine. I will be in my best behavior." Tawfiq said.

"I don't care what happens with him. I don't want you to get hurt." She muttered.

"Trust me. I'll be okay. We're just going to talk. No fighting."

He hadn't even looked at Naima since he started talking and he even called her by her name. He was being serious. He didn't want Naima to be there.

Naima reluctantly left the kitchen without any argument.

Tawfiq didn't want to look at Naima. He couldn't.
She always had a look that could let him do whatever she wanted, no matter what it was.

But not that time.
He wasn't going to beat him. He wouldn't stoop so low and whether he liked it or not the man in front of him was still his future father-in-law.

"Who do I think I am?" Tawfiq arched a brow. "That's a really big question. But since you want to know so badly, I will tell you my secret. I will tell you who I am." Tawfiq spoke in a menacing voice.

He had been put in the army for some months right before coming to the States. He wasn't keen on going at first but he decided to go for the training at least.
And trained he was. In every single possible field. Combat, guns, covert, you name it.
And best of all.
He knew how to put the fear of God in people.

The man before him was scared and he could see it written boldly on his face.

Tawfiq dropped Abdullah's hand, moved closer to him and whispered the one thing only a few people knew, to him.

Abdullah stepped back in shock.
It wasn't possible.

"You are lying! It's not possible." Abdullah couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me I don't remind you of someone. I may have grown up and changed a few features but you know it's me. You can tell it's me by just looking closely. Look at me!" Tawfiq ordered through his gritted teeth.

Abdullah looked at him for a while and he realized it was indeed true.
He had just dyed his hair black but it was naturally coffee brown.
His mother's hair was brown. His hair was a mix of his dad's jet black hair and his mom's brown hair.

"It's you! You're. . ." Abdullah was about to shout but Tawfiq muffled his scream with his one hand and another hand wrapped around his neck but not tightly enough for him to squirm.

"Shhh. You better keep your voice down. We don't want the others to think you're in danger. You know me and you know what I can do. You know what I can do to your little family back home. And I won't hesitate."

Abdullah shook in fear.
He knew he could.

"I just have a few things for you to do from now on, so we don't have any problems between us." Tawfiq said with a fake smile.

Abdullah still had his mouth closed by Tawfiq's hand so he just nodded.

"Agree to the wedding. I'm marrying Naima whether you like it or not."

"And oh. Don't fucking tell anyone what you know about me because you won't be ready for what will happen next."

"Don't you ever raise your hand again at Naima. I won't even allow that opportunity to be created for you. But if your hand ever lands on her for whatever reason. I'll break every single bone in your body one by one, slowly." Tawfiq threatened.

"Don't you also act all kind and lovable to her because I know she will realize something is wrong. Just act normal and a little bit caring to her. And me being the generous son-in-law, I will give you an amount if that's what you want. You understand? " Tawfiq questioned.

Tawfiq released his hold from him and let him speak.

"I do. And I promise I will do everything you ask." Abdullah said almost in tears.

He was afraid of what Tawfiq could do to him and his whole family if he wanted. He didn't want that. He wasn't going to risk his family for a dumb girl like Naima.

"Aren't you a good lad?" Tawfiq patted his head like a dog.
"Now let's go and don't forget to act normal. We don't want to blow any alarms." Tawfiq said with an emotionless smile and left the kitchen.
What wouldn't he do for Naima? He'd threaten everyone who stood in their path and he'd go through with his threats if necessary.

Naima saw Tawfiq coming out, smiling.
Why was he smiling?
What happened?
She walked to him.

"What happened in there? I thought I heard shouting." Naima whispered wearily.

"Nothing happened. I just gave a promise to your father." Tawfiq lied.

Her father was the one doing the promises.

"Okay. . ." Naima was skeptical.
She didn't know whether to believe him or not.
But she trusted him and he didn't seem to be angry anymore too.
Which meant everything was good.

"Don't worry about it, Habiba. Everything is going to be fine. Let's go." He said.

They made their way to the living room where everyone was sitting, giving them questioning looks.

After a while, Abdullah came in with a smile of his own.

Why were they both smiling after coming from the kitchen?
What really happened in there?

"I give you my blessings." He said out.
Without even looking at Naima.

"Really!?" Naima and Aunt Faiza asked at the same time.

"You heard me, didn't you? You can get married to him." Abdullah mumbled.

"Jazaka Allah khair." Ismail exclaimed.

Harriet smiled at Tawfiq and rubbed his shoulder in support.
She hadn't said a word since she came. She didn't even know what to say. She had just come because Tawfiq insisted.

"Thank you. Father." Tawfiq said with a smile that did not reach his eyes but Naima didn't notice it.

"There's no need. You can plan everything out with my wife. If you need me, you know where to find me." Abdullah said and quickly got up to leave.

Naima looked at Tawfiq and smiled at him.
Zain had left before so he wasn't present then. Which was good because he'd tease her the whole time.
Aunt Faiza gave Naima a hug and Harriet and Ismail congratulated her.

"So. . .Where's the engagement ring?" Aunt Faiza asked Tawfiq excitedly.

Naima put her hands behind her.

Tawfiq just smirked and winked at Naima whose cheeks heated up instantly.

They both knew where the ring was.


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