When Stars are Hidden

By farslimah

283K 20.9K 1.1K

COMPLETED ✔️✔️ Excerpt. *** "I won't bite. . .yet. . .I promise" He said with a teasing smirk. Walking in t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
The Ring
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (Part A)
Chapter 40 (Part B)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55(The Beginning of The End)

Chapter 32

3.8K 323 17
By farslimah

Tawfiq shouldn't have let his guard down. He thought the family was over that issue.
What was this now?
Why kill John and target Harriet?
But if they were targeting Harriet it meant Alfonso wasn't aware.
They had to call him. Let him know people were targeting his daughter. And find the people who had killed John. And if he couldn't, Tawfiq would find them himself.

Tawfiq didn't know what to say to Dean. He was lost of words
Dean handed him his phone but Tawfiq couldn't watch it, mostly because Naima was there and he didn't want to do anything rash, yet.

"I will watch it later. I'm going to get discharged, so wait here okay? Habiba, I will be right back." Tawfiq said to both of them. He couldn't stay in the hospital for this. He had to leave now.

In the hospital room, Dean was thinking deeply.
He did not want to put anyone in danger. Especially his mother and Tawfiq. . .even Naima, Belinda and Hasia were family now.
And if anything happened to them because of his stupid extended family, he didn't know what he'd do.

Tawfiq had already done so much for their family. He was like the angel they needed at the time.
He wouldn't survive if Tawfiq got hurt or worse, because of his family issues. He loved Tawfiq too much to see him suffer because of him. He wouldn't allow it.

It was time he did something right for everyone. Right for his mother.
Right for Tawfiq.
Right for Layla.
And right for him.

He stared at Naima standing there, trying to look at him from the corner of her eye. She cared a lot about other people.
He smiled tightly at her.

"You know you can look at me, little N. I'm not going to break down and cry again. Cross my heart." He drew a cross on his heart. "Let's keep that part to ourselves? It's a big turn off for girls." Dean chuckled and Naima did the same ergo it felt forced.

"I don't think it's a turn off. A guy who can show his emotions is one of the best guys around." Naima sincerely said.

She meant it. She did not want to get married-If she ended up getting married-to someone who didn't show any emotion.
She wasn't going to marry a rock.

"Hmm. . .you are really cool, ya know?" He smiled. "Don't give Tawfiq a hard time? Take real good care of him for me, will you? I know you will. Make sure he eats well and keeps warm whenever he has a cold. Even if you have to force a turtleneck down his neck." He lightly cackled.

"Tell Belinda, I will miss her so much. And Hasia too. . ."

Naima didn't know what he was talking about. What was he doing? Was he going somewhere?
He sounded like he was saying goodbye.

"Where are you going? You are speaking like you are going far away." Naima shakily said.

"You have to understand me. I'm doing this for everyone. For my mom. For Tawfiq. So please. Please don't try and stop me." Dean said.

"But. . .B-but. . .Let's wait for Tawfiq. You guys can solve everything together. Right? You both always do." Naima tried to persuade him.
Dean took a paper from the clipboard and started writing on it.
After a while of writing, he gave it to Naima.

"You know how stubborn he can get. He won't let me go alone. I want to do this on my own. I know he won't take it well so give this to him. I have explained everything to him. I'm sorry, Naima." Dean walked out of the door quickly before he could change his mind.

He had to get very far before Tawfiq realized he was gone or else Tawfiq would catch up with him. He jogged out of the hospital, flagging down a taxi and headed straight to their loft to get a few important things. He had to leave today, no matter what.

Naima couldn't do anything but cry when Dean left. Somehow she understood him. He wanted to do good for his family. All she could hope for was, he did it the right way.
But this was the mafia. Good wasn't a common word.

She knew Dean wouldn't hurt anyone intentionally but even the holiest of saints could do something wrong.

It took a while for Tawfiq to get back to the room. They had given him some medicines for the headache and the cold.

When he entered the room, Naima was sitting there with her head on the bed. Was she tired already? He looked around the room.
Where was Dean?

"Habiba, wake up. Where's Dean? I just got discharged. We can leave." Tawfiq walked towards her.

She got up and fresh dried tears were on her face. Was she crying? Why?

"He's gone. I couldn't stop him. . .I'm sorry. But I couldn't stop him. . ."Naima cried as she stared at him.

He looked confused.

"Who's gone? Habiba, who's gone?" Tawfiq was looking at her expectantly.

No no no. . .He couldn't leave. Tawfiq hoped it wasn't what he was thinking.

Naima gave him a paper. He took it and started to read it


I know before you will read this letter you already know what's going on in that brain of yours. But you may not know why.

Truth be told, I'm doing this for everyone and most especially myself. You have taught me a lot and I want to use everything you have taught me to help mom and you and everyone else.

What about school? You might be thinking. I am still an MIT student, don't worry. Just I will be doing long distance learning. I don't want you to send me to kindergarten when I come back.

If everything goes on well, I will be back alive and well. Don't blame Naima. She tried to stop me but couldn't. I know you can't even blame her. Don't let her go, T. She's good for you.

Please don't try and contact or track me. I know you can. I know you can find my by the end of the month if you wanted. But please don't. Let me do this. I will contact you once in a while to let you know I'm alive, so don't worry. Tell Belinda and Hasia I went on a family trip but I miss them already.

I hope you forgive me one day for leaving. I owe everything to you.
Peace out.


Tawfiq was angry. Whether at the people who killed John or for Dean going off alone to solve the problem, he did not know.
His eyes started to fill up with tears.
He didn't want to cry but everything was hitting him at once.

Naima started to cry when a tear fell from Tawfiq's eyes. He was hurt and his pain was emanating out of him. Naima could feel his pain in her soul.

Tawfiq run his hand through his hair. He inhaled and exhaled deeply from his mouth and turned away from Naima.

He was very hurt. Naima could clearly see that. He really cared for them. Especially Dean.

Naima walked closer to him.
To console or maybe talk with him to lessen the pain.
"Tawfiq,. . ." Naima was cut off when Tawfiq abruptly turned and pulled her towards him into a hug.

(GIF up top. Imagine Naima's hands are just behind him)

Saying Naima was shocked was a huge understatement.

It's like the pain of losing John and Dean leaving, hit him all at once. He was holding her tightly, not so much that it would hurt but tightly.

Naima had her hands down and was about to move away from Tawfiq when he began to cry harder.
He was crying so hard into Naima's neck that Naima's dress was getting wet. But she didn't mind. This was her first hug with someone who wasn't her family. She stood on her toes and hugged him back as he continued to cry into her.
Tears fell from her own eyes.

She knew if it wasn't because he was sad he wouldn't have hugged her. He had a lot of morals. He was just in so much pain.
'Pain demands to be felt.'
She had heard from the movie "The Fault In Our Stars"

"It's okay, Tawfiq. He will be back. In Shaa Allah." Naima soothed him as she ran her hands through his hair.
He was crying lightly now. But he did not speak.

He was holding unto Naima like she was his lifeline. Like he'd fall and break if he let her go.
He never wanted to let her go. He wanted to stay like this with her forever.

Just then the nurse at the desk-Grace-came in. She coughed awkwardly to get their attention.
Tawfiq still held on to Naima.

"Umm. . .Sorry for interrupting." She tried to hide her smile. "You left your wallet there so I brought it to you." She said and handed the wallet to him and left without another word.

Tawfiq let go of Naima.
Had he just hugged Naima?
He massaged his forehead.

"Habiba. . .I'm so so sorry. I just. . Tawfiq was trying to explain himself but Naima stopped him.

"There's no need to apologize. I know how you feel. Losing those dear to you. Just next time don't let it be so abrupt. I might kick you for all we know." Naima chuckled to lighten the mood and Tawfiq smiled.

"Thank you. For not pushing me away." Tawfiq muttered quietly.
Naima smiled and nodded.

"Umm. . .if you want I could drop you off. I'm sure. . .Umm. . .I have the car keys in my pocket."
Did he lose his ability to form sentences?

Tawfiq picked up his winter coat from the couch.

"If I say no, you would become stubborn and persuade me. So why not?" Naima said.

"You seem okay with what happened before." Tawfiq said curiously.

He had thought she would have run off or gotten angry at him for hugging her without notice but she was actually calm.

"Oh, trust me, you don't know. I just don't want things to be awkward."
Naima said whiles packing up the lunch bag.

"Can I get the rest of the soup? I will bring back the bag tomorrow. Promise." Tawfiq wanted to drink more of the soup than take anymore medicine.

"Sure. Why not?" Naima replied.

Tawfiq was trying so hard to trust that Dean knew what he was doing. If he realized something was off, he would track Dean down as soon as he wanted. He could even ask for it to be done right then.
But Dean had begged him not to do that.

And he was going to allow him to stand on his own. He was old enough. He didn't need Tawfiq always looking out for him.

Tawfiq just he had to place his trust in Dean.

Tawfiq excused himself into the bathroom to wash his face.
Dean was smart enough to get a room for him. He wouldn't know how all that happened would have gone down if they were in an open place.
He came out to see Naima standing there awkwardly waiting for him.

"Let me." Tawfiq offered to help Naima hold the lunch bag.

"You are still sick." Naima opposed.

"I'm okay. It's not that heavy from what I can tell. And I will take it to my dorm in the end. " Tawfiq took the bag from Naima before she could fight against it.

She just smiled and shook her head.

They walked in comfortable silence to the car. And in comfortable silence towards Boston University.

When they got there, Naima got down from the car before Tawfiq could open the door for her.

"Jazaka' Allah for everything today." Tawfiq gave her an appreciative smile.

"It's not a problem." Naima said.

It was almost 6pm already.

"I will be going to Valley View during Thanksgiving break to see Harriet. If you are up for it we could go together." Tawfiq offered.

Naima wanted so badly to see Aunt Faiza and also to see Harriet and give her condolences. But she didn't have enough money to be going back and forth to Valley View. She had to save up.

" I'm not sure I can. It's a short break and I don't want to waste money. Sorry." Naima muttered sadly.

"It's not a big deal. Don't worry."

Tawfiq knew she would say that. He would have to ask Belinda to ask her to go. If he were to pay for her she wouldn't be happy with that. And she would get defensive if he offered it.

He had to solve some problems in Valley View. He just hoped Harriet knew and was dealing with the pain right. If she hadn't heard, he would have to tell her when he got home.

"Goodnight, Habiba." Tawfiq winked at Naima who was trying not to smile as her cheeks were heating up.

This isn't the time for this, Naima.

"Goodnight, Tawfiq." Naima said as she quickly made her way to her room.
Every time she thought about the hug she would get goosebumps all over. Astagfirullah
What was happening to her?

Why was Tawfiq having so much effect on her?


If you didn't know I got the name Dean from Supernatural.
Any supernatural fan here? 💃💃💃😂 I even got a character for John💃💃
I just couldn't get a character for Sam yet. But no worries. The story has just reached it's peak. I'm wicked I know. 😈😈😈😈
I will try and update early next week. Just pray hard that I don't get caught up with school.
Salam 🙂
Kk.... Byeee

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