
By californarrysun

20.1K 687 64

"I feel a feeling of extreme love...but it's so extreme I don't know how much more I can describe it." "Ther... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46

Chapter 45

78 7 1
By californarrysun

(A.N.)~I never would've thought this would get as many reads as it has right now! I never planned on writing a fic either but I came up with this random plot and had to put it in to a story. Thank you guys so much for all the reads!:)


You'd think that with all the days that I've been trapped here I would have thought of an escape by now. Since I sit in this cell non stop with nothing but my mind keeping me going, it feels like something would have crossed my mind already.

But this isn't just an escape for me and Lily, it's an escape for everyone else trapped in here.

First, there's Ryan. The man in his mid 40's. I never have really know his exact age. I haven't ever really spoken to him either. I've just caught his sad eyes every now and then when Nick would all bring us together for something important. I do know that he's a dad. He has two daughters, one who's fourteen and the other who is five. I'm sure they miss their daddy like hell and his wife must not be able to sleep at night. One minute you're sleeping comfortably next to the man you married and made a commitment to, the next day, he's gone to work and suddenly is "gone". Vanishing, like a vapor.

Then you have Gloria. What a sweet woman she is. I was able to speak to her once and her story was beautiful. Born in 1940, she met her husband in her senior year of high school and married him right after she graduated. Sadly, when her husband was fifty-two, he developed a brain tumor that destroyed him. He passed away but that didn't stop Gloria. She went on to help fundraise for people that had brain tumors. She visited patients in the hospital that were slowly dying, their brains deteriorating away. She said she had never seen so many smiles on people's faces and that the kids she'd visit would always ask when she was coming back. To me, Gloria was a hero and a hero to many, and they may think she's gone...but the great thing is she's not and I know her influence can still continue and touch people's hearts.

Lastly, Jackson. He obviously is considered the most important one. I'd be lying if I said that it never bothered me that I could never help Lily look for him or tell her where he was. She never understood that day why I got mad and seeing her afraid of me was something I never wanted to see again. I've spoken to Jackson quite a few times when I've gotten the chance and he was a cool kid. He would tell me about the things him and his sister would do and how they had such a close bond. But after every time he'd tell me about the great memories, his smile would fade and tears would appear in his eyes and he'd remember that all those times were gone and from the past. Those good moments with him and Lily weren't just memories, they were things he thought he'd probably never experience again. They were more than memories to him and they held a special place in is heart.

I think anyone can agree that you don't know what you've got till it's gone.

Finally I woke up one day and it clicked. My mind felt like it actually worked 100% again. I knew how to get out.

There's always a guard at the end of this hall of cells. Nick really doesn't want me to get out since I caused this huge mess so they keep watch on me practically 24/7. I got the guard to come over to my cell.

"I need to go to the bathroom."

"You can wait." The guard didn't care and started to walk away.

"Please? It's an emergency and I feel sick."






Hardly eating.

That's all I could ever do here. I feel like some days that my mind is starting to eat me alive. I get weird thoughts I never used to get. I stare at a blank wall in front of me and images appear on it. They appear to be so real that I walk up to the wall and try to touch them. Sometimes it's images of my family. One day we could be happy and being a normal family, then one day my mind puts these images on the wall of me slaughtering everyone I know. I guess that's the mentality of an insane person.

I've never had these thoughts but it's true that if you keep a sane person locked up for a while with nothing but their mind, they'll eventually hit a breaking point and become insane. I've become one of those people. It's like my brain doesn't filter anything anymore; like this isn't even my brain.

What if Nick did some weird experiment on me and this actually isn't my brain, what if it's the brain of a killer?

That's how bad it's gotten.

But then the cell got completely dark, darker than it has ever been. A familiar face and black figure showed up at my cell right after that.

It was Harry.

"Harry? What are you doing here?!" My heart was racing and I could barely speak.

"I'm getting us out of her, right now."

"B-but how? You don't have keys to unlock me?"

Harry immediately smiled. It was almost completely dark but I could still see his white smile. He held up the keys he needed to get me out of this place and I grinned as wide as I could.

"Where did you get those?"

"I'll explain later, right now, we just need to go!"

I nodded my head and let Harry do what he had to. He obviously had a master plan and whatever it was, was working so far. He fiddled with the keys and finally got my cell door open.

"Harry, we did it!" I jumped in to his arms and kissed his perfect lips. He held me tight for a split second then pulled away.

"Well, we haven't quite made it all the way out! Come on!" He smiled and grabbed my hand and I followed after him. The halls were so dark that you couldn't see much, to the point where you almost couldn't see your hand in front of your face. Harry knows this place better than I do. I have faith that he knows what he's doing.

We arrived to the front doors of the warehouse. I could tell it was the evening because the sky was dark and overcast. It looked like it had rained, too. This was it. We're escaping. It all felt like slow motion as Harry pushed the doors open and we bolted out of there. We were still holding hands, tight as ever, so we wouldn't lose each other. He stopped at a little black car and Harry unlocked it and opened the passenger door for me.

"Who's car is this?" I didn't understand how he got keys to some car and I was afraid of getting in a random vehicle.

"Just get it! It's fine! We need to go, I'll explain in a minute!" Harry ran around to the driver's door and got in as I got in the passenger's side. I buckled my seatbelt but realized something was missing...or it was someone.

"Where's Jackson!?" I stared at Harry and waited for an answer.

"We are coming back for him." Harry pulled out of the parking lot as fast as he could, like he was driving a race car.

"Why isn't he with us now!?"

"Because I'm coming back for Jackson, Gloria, and Ryan!" His voice was loud. Harry was speeding and going at least 20 miles per hour over the speed limit.

"Harry, stop the car."

"What?" He looked over at me.

"Stop the car!" I demanded.

"Lily, we don't have time for th-"

"STOP THE DAMN CAR HARRY!" I shouted. Harry slowed down and pulled over on the side of the road. I unlocked the passenger door and got out, the car door slamming behind me.

"Hey! HEY! Where are you going?!" Harry shouted as I paced away from him.

"To the warehouse, where else?" I kept walking but I heard the car door shut behind me and foot steps as Harry ran up to me.

"You're not going back there, are you insane?!" He grabbed my arm and tried to pull me backed but I pulled my arm out of his grip.

"Yeah, I am insane actually, and you are too, you know that?" I stood there and crossed my arms, standing directly facing him.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Harry, I trusted you."

"Lily, I told you, I'm com-"

"Why couldn't you have gotten Jackson now? HUH? WHAT IF WE CAN'T GO BACK?" I pointed towards the direction of the warehouse as I yelled and started to cry. Harry came over to me and wrapped his arms around me, my head lying against his chest, and my breathing uncontrollable.

"Hey, calm down. When have I ever let you down?" He had his chin on my head and talked slowly and quietly.

"But you said you'd help us escape and right now you're only helping me!" I cried harder.

"I told you already, I'm going back to get him. You've trusted me so many times and right now is another time where you should trust me, and you're going to trust me." I looked up at Harry after he spoke reassuringly. Harry always comes through and I know right now it's just so much to take in that I can't fathom everything being ok when recently...nothing has been ok.

"Ok. I trust you." I collected myself.

"Ok." Harry grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me. "Let's go." I grabbed his hand as we walked back to the car.

"Hey, who's car is this by the way, you never told me." I watched his face waiting for a reply. We got to the car and Harry went to the driver's door while I went to the passenger's door.

He looked at me over the car.

"It's Nick's."

I frowned.

"Wait, how do you have his keys?" I was in shock.

"He's dead." Harry spoke.

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