Grey// On Hiatus

By amytstories

480 15 6

Onyx High, not an ordinary school, but are the people ordinary? Are they the ones you should fear? Are the... More

A Busy Day
We Must Find Out The Truth!
Something Weird
Secrets Revealed
Rumors And Stuff
The Post
Silent And Yet Threatened
Back To School
What A Mess...
A Mystery
The Book
Getting Answers
Dun DUn DUN!!!
The Truth
I Can't Explain
It's You
I Can't Believe It
I had To Avoid The Inevitable
Do As Your Told
Kiss From A Rose With Thorns
Codes Broken
She Can't Be..
Who Are You?
The Sides
The FIRE God
The Story
The Story Pt.2
Reunited With FEAR
Who's Back?
How Did You...
I Got You
A Perfect Shenanigan
The Rest Of Us
The Library


6 0 0
By amytstories

Darkness needs a little light


Joan's POV

As we were searching in the forest for the said tree house, a scream was heard. A scream so helpless that it caught our attention. The wolf inside me told me that it was close by. My wolf side emerged. Genesis looked at me and nodded. I was in my wolf form. I led him to where the scream was heard.

At the middle of the forest, a tree house in tact was above us. I returned to my former human form. Genesis looked a little determined to find out what was wrong or who that scream belonged to.

"Avenir wake up!!!." a scared and worried voice shouts.

Quickly, Genesis and I went up to the tree house. As we reach the top, we opened the little trap door and saw a bleeding woman and a vampire covered in blood.

"Avenir... Please..." The vampire said crying her eyes out.

We ran as soon as possible. Genesis took action and tried to check the vital signs of Avenir. Sandy on the other hand, had scratches, or in other words were deep and painful scars. Sandy is a strong girl I admit, a smart one yet. She can be a bit stubborn but she is quite emotional.

"Sandy.. Let me fix you up.." I said calmly and she nodded.

Thank goodness Genesis has powers, because her just proofed up some medical supplies. I bandaged Sandy up. She winced a little.

"Careful..." Sandy said trying not to scream.

"Sandy in my ways of knowing how to aid people, It can be a little painful. I know engulfing all this pain is sickening you...but you have to be strong. Besides you're all fixed up." I said finishing up the bandages.

"Thank you Joan... I may have not been nice to you from the start but, atleast you gave me a chance." Sandy said rubbing the back of her neck.

I smiled at her. Then a small heavy breathing was heard.

"Avenir!." Genesis said in a surprised tone.

We all took our attention on them. Avenir was bleeding yes, but why?

"huh? W-what happened?." Avenir asked but it seemed like her vision was still blurry.

"guys? What the? What happened?..... To me?." Avenir asked as if she wasn't in her body.

"we don't actually know yet... But you have some bleeding scars." Genesis said.

Avenir's POV

I nodded and sat up. I looked at everybody with sympathy. Genesis and Joan helped patch my wounds. Sandy stood up with her blood stained clothes. She sat at the chair quietly. A secret must be hidden.

I felt my skin burn a little."Argh!." I hiss at them. "Careful..." I said as I see them applying alcohol on my wounds.

I then turn my attention back to Sandy.
"Tell me." I said staring daggers at Sandy.

"Zip it." Sandy said avoiding eye contact.

"I want to know.. It seems like you know something.." I said

"You will know in the future. I promise. I will tell, not..just.. Not now.." Sandy said rubbing her arm in discomfort.

I nodded. I needed to respect her ways. She can be full of mysteries. Despite her good looks and stuff, she does have things that she has to keep for herself.

I'm also surprised she didn't suck my blood while I was knocked out or something. Ironic isn't it. For a vampire to not drink blood. I guess she has some kind of blood transfusion. Maybe, some kind of blood diet. Maybe.

I then heard a snap of two fingers. We were magically back at the base. My clothes were clean too.

"Hey*coughs* guys.. You're back.." Shiny said smiling weakly.

"Shiny! Good gracious!! You're sick!! Let me help you get home and maybe I'll stay with you and watch over." Sandy said with a little worry.

"N-no.. *coughs* I'm fine.." Shiny said not wanting Sandy's insisted care.

"No. you're. not." Sandy said glaring at her.

"T-thanks... " Shiny said hugging Sandy weakly.

Sandy was filled in comfort. She smiled lightly then disappeared with Shiny.

"guys!!!!." Genesis whines.

"what?." We turn to him.

"I wanna have fun today." He said

"Oh shut up its been a long day. So we need rest. Now go to your room and take some rest!." Joan said rolling her eyes.

"You're not the boss of me." Genesis said crossing his arms.

"Fine. Then you'll have the whole base to yourself today. Byez!." Joan said pulling me out of the base to my house.

"Here ya go. Take some rest and I'll see ya later." Joan said turning into a wolf and running away to the shadows.

I shrugged it off. I went in and saw I was engulfed by hugs.

"I missed you.." Ace said hugging my leg.

"I was gone for how long again?." I asked.

"24hrs. To be exact." Zein said annoyed that I'm back.

"meh.couldve been worse right?." I said hugging Ace.

Oh family, always was the light in my darkest days... Or are they??

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