It's Not Over Yet (the sevent...

By arias3

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It's not over yet. Though I often wish it was. This is m... More

Part 1
Chapter 1: Reunion League Tour Rehearse Coffee Dad
Chapter 2: Need Some Lovin'
Chapter 3: Perfect Shell
Chapter 4: The Wrong Time
Chapter 5: Baby Blues
Chapter 6: Exposed
Chapter 7: The Biggest Blessing
Chapter 8: Quadruple Babies
Chapter 9: Waiting
Chapter 10: Night of Shameless Fun
Chapter 11: Real Friends
Chapter 12: The Phoenix
Chapter 13: Mommy Booster
Chapter 14: Twitter Warzone
Chapter 15: 500
Chapter 16: A Christmas Eve Story
Chapter 17: Midnight
Chapter 18: Telethon
Chapter 19: Don't Say Anything
Chapter 20: Hand In To The Flame
Chapter 21: Pretty Boy
Chapter 22: If You Don't Believe Me
Chapter 23: The Decision
Chapter 24: We Need Each Other
Chapter 25: Something's Gotta Change Around Here
Chapter 26: Kill Em... With Kindness
Chapter 27: Fellow Nancy Drew-ers
Chapter 28: If You're So Recovered
Chapter 29: You're So Bad For Me
Chapter 30: Afraid To Catch Feels
Chapter 31: Five Little Dots
Chapter 32: Crime's a Crime
Chapter 33: I'm In Trouble
Chapter 34: I'm An Addict
Chapter 35: Folie ร  Deux
Chapter 36: McKinley
Chapter 38: These Are My Confessions
Chapter 39: Farewell, Crystal Army
Chapter 40: The Last Year
Part 2
Chapter 41: Now That We're Done
Chapter 42: Entertain Us
Chapter 43: Ha Ha Ha
Chapter 44: Look What You've Done
Chapter 45: You Look Pretty Sinking
Chapter 46: Haunting Me, Taunting Me
Chapter 47: Bury Me In Memory
Chapter 48: Keep It Together
Chapter 49: There's Something I Need To Say
Chapter 50: Take My Pain For Me
Chapter 51: Like We're Supposed To Do
Chapter 52: The Spectrum
Chapter 53: Going All In
Chapter 54: Socks
Chapter 55: Fear Of Falling Apart
Chapter 56: You're A Lonely Soul
Chapter 57: Nice For What
Chapter 58: A Good Place To Start
Chapter 59: It Happened In New Year's Eve, Part 1
Chapter 60: It Happened In New Year's Eve, Part 2
Chapter 61: SuperBowl
Chapter 62: When A Female Fires Back
Chapter 63: This Is Why I Came To You
Chapter 64: Drama and Singing About It, Part One
Chapter 65: Drama and Singing About It, Part Two
Chapter 66: Honestly, I'm Freaking Out
Chapter 67: The Wedding Zinger
Chapter 68: You're In Over Your Head
Chapter 69: I Know What You're Going Through
Chapter 70: Were They Right?
Chapter 71: The Art of a Diss Track
Chapter 72: Fix It Somehow Or Just Move On
Chapter 73: Viva Cozumel Day 1
Chapter 74: Just About Anything Goes
Chapter 75: Who's Molly?
Part 3
Chapter 76: We're All Addicted To Something
Chapter 77: Another Round Of Being Broken
Chapter 78: Another Really Long Chapter
Chapter 79: She Was Back
Chapter 80: There's No Place To Fall
Chapter 81: I Don't Take The Blame
Chapter 82: Pride Through Music
Chapter 83: Lights Out Part 1
Chapter 84: Lights Out Part 2
Chapter 85: Checkmate
Chapter 86: VMAs 2028
Chapter 87: What Happened To John?
Chapter 88: Rinky Dinks

Chapter 37: The Longest Chapter So Far

561 17 133
By arias3

So here's what you missed on Glee.

Alex broke up with Julie but then he was all like:

He wants to get back together but she just wants to tell him she had sex with John, who was like:

Also, he doesn't wanna be the next baby daddy so he brought Julie a present at McKinley:

But Kitty caught them so Julie said she had sex with Alex, so then Kitty told Alex who was all like:

Then everyone at McKinley was supposed to leave but Finn was all like:

And everyone else was like:

But then they saw the big machines and were like:

Marley went to see John and was all like:

And John was kinda like:

Then Julie told Alex she didn't wanna get back with him yet and he went to stay with John, who was like:

And that's what you missed on (not) Glee!

All of that was so unnecessary lol. But then again so is this.

Fantasy League Rank.

1(=) Kitty/Julie - 10754.35
2(=) Stefan/Crystal Army - 9912.6
3(=) Marley/Travis - 7468.1
4(=) Bree/Santana - 6003.3
5(=) Harmony/Amity - 4461
6(=) Kara/Rhythmix - 4065.55
7(=) Jeremy/Tracy - 3266.55
8(=) Charlie/Lyric - 3143.55
9(=) Luke/Mercedes - 2766.6
10(=) Peyton/Dean - 2111.5
11(=) Artie/Sarah - 2110.3
12(=) Rory/Xavier - 1780.75
13(=) Ryder/Riley - 277.75


"If you stick with what we talked about for your initial investment," said Mandy as she walked into the elevator of a building holding a laptop up for John to see, "then we can expect a profit immediately in the second month. Especially because we have a wide list of contacts who I'm sure would like to work here. You may have to do some poaching to get producers here and not at Blackbird but... I'm sure you can manage that part."

John ignored the charts and figures on her screen, trusting that she was smart enough to handle that. "Ok," he said as the elevator opened to the third floor, "so why this space? What happened to the McKinley?"

"I tried to put in a bid for that space," said Mandy, "but apparently the lot is just too big for what we need so... I figured we'd just have to go around town looking for other places until we found one that felt right to both of us."

"I'm fine with whatever choice you make," he shrugged. "I trust your judgement. So do we know what's happening to the McKinley lot?"

"Funny you should ask," she said.


An hour later, John and Mandy finished their Lima open space tour by arriving at the McKinley lot. Most of the big structures had been taken down over the weekend, but now there was debris everywhere and a crew currently cleaning up the lot.

"There you are!" said Kitty, approaching them with Christopher at her side. "We were getting worried you'd never show up."

Confused, John watched Mandy and Christopher greeted each other with kisses on the cheek. "Sorry," Mandy told them. "We got held up at this one place but... Do you have news?"

"Yes!" Kitty exclaimed. "We drafted the proposal. Just came by to have my guy get measurements for us but... Everything looks ready to go."

"Sorry, what's happening?" asked John.

"I know that a big part of you wanting to jump on board with my studio project," Mandy explained, "is that I said it should be on this lot. And while we can't do that anymore, I figured we should still do something else that's even better on this huge lot."

"We want to build a theater," said Kitty. "For concerts. A place for local and global musicians to be able to play in Lima. It's not fair that having two successful in labels in town doesn't bring the city the revenue it should as far as live shows go. And we can't keep doing everything in Adonis or the rec center... We need a good place for these shows. Something small, but big enough to host a tour stop for passing musicians."

John considered it and then looked around at the messy lot. "And you think this is the lot for it?"

"It's good enough," said Mandy. "And taking into account the football and soccer fields, that gives us plenty of space to build a small arena."

"I've been working with the city planner," said Christopher. "And I pitched the idea this morning so... We could be seeing this project start in the next couple of months if it gets approval."

"And it will," said Kitty. "Now more than ever is the perfect time to seize this opportunity."

"This sounds great," said John. "But it also sounds really expensive. The state shut down a bunch of schools in the region and businesses and... They clearly wanna save money. Not spend it."

"Those shutdowns," Mandy shook her head, "were for the purpose of reallocating funds for projects that bring the city and the state money. And what's more profitable than a small arena for the Travis Hiltons and Juliet Vasquez's of the world to play a few shows?"

"Just think about it," Kitty put an arm around him and pointed at the lot. "Right there. Why go on a tour for five months away from your family when you can do three months and then spend the other months here, doing a string of shows in your own personal residency close to home."

"Ok, there's just one problem left," said John. "This lot is in a residential zone, isn't it? Nobody wants to live right by a noisy arena."

"Sound proof arena," Christopher connected.

"Get with modern times, John," Kitty smiled at him. "This is so happening."

They all grinned at each other excitedly except for John, who still felt weird about the whole situation. A bunch of kids and teachers had lost their school just so he could have another place to play his guitar? That didn't seem right.


"I'm home," John called out as he walked into his house.

Alex was on the floor behind the couch, playing with Rosie right where he had been drinking with Julie just four days earlier.

"Oh," said John, seeing him. "I figured you'd be upstairs or something."

"Nope," said Alex, getting up carefully with his daughter. "I wanted Rosie to take a nap but I think she knows that that's Kai's crib somehow because she does not feel comfortable. Like she doesn't wanna take over someone else's space."

"I think you're being dramatic," said John. "Maybe she just doesn't wanna take a nap." He headed for the fridge and asked, "So, uh, is Julie coming by to pick her up later or..?"

"No, I'm dropping her off," said Alex. "Julie's doing a Skype meeting with her team."

"Oh yeah?" said John, grabbing a can of Sprite from the fridge and opening it. "Anything exciting?"

"Apparently she's eager to get back out and promote her album," said Alex, shrugging. "I don't know though. You would've thought she was over this but... She wants to film another music video and prepare to go out on tour and... Get back out there, I guess."

"Really," said John, taken aback. "That seems sudden."

"She's just running away from all this," Alex said, bouncing Rosie in his arms. "I think she thinks since we're in limbo right now we can stay in limbo forever if she just takes off."

"What about...?" John signaled towards the baby.

Alex shrugged once again. "I need to fix things with her so that we don't even have to start having that conversation. I know I'm the one who suggested time apart first but when I really think about it I can't imagine it. You know? Visitation agreements, living apart..."

"Yeah," John nodded, sipping his drink. That was the life he was living. And Sam. But he was in no position to bring that up right now.

Alex looked at him abruptly and asked, "Have you talked to her? Has she told you anything? About us? What she's thinking?"

"Man..." John stretched back his shoulders in discomfort. "There are a couple of things but... I can't tell you."

"Seriously?" Alex said. "Dude, I'm hanging on by a thread here. If you can help me in any way..."

"I don't think it would help," John said. "Genuinely. I really think you just need to talk to her. But I'd really rather not get in the middle... More than I already have... You know. 'Cause you're here and you're both my best friends and... It's too complicated."

"Yeah, you're probably right," said Alex. "I bet now you're wishing we listened when you warned us not to date."

John smiled but shook his head. "No, actually, I think you make a good couple. You're just going through a rough patch. I'm sure that, uh, it'll work out in the end. Everything happens for a reason, right?"

"Right," said Alex.

His phone buzzed on the counter and John read the screen quickly. "Why is Carrie calling you?"

"Oh ignore that, please," said Alex. "She's been bugging me to let her interview me about the stalker and the time behind bars and the trial and... I told her I don't wanna talk about it. Peyton too. And I've had to dodge so many calls from Starstruck and E! and 60 Minutes. It's ridiculous."

"60 Minutes wants the exclusive?" said John, raising an eyebrow. "Wow. Maybe you should go for it. And then release a single and boom, straight to the top 10. Top 5 maybe if you cry."

Alex laughed but said, "Maybe if I had any music ready. But I don't. I'm in the middle of negotiating my contract with Warner Bros. since Columbia ditched me and I probably should have new music ready but right now there's just so much going on. Everything I've written so far is just... Not good enough. I haven't had time to really get into it."

"Speaking of," said John, checking his watch. "I'm supposed to meet Travis for a writing session so... I'll see you later. Good luck with everything."

Alex nodded, waving goodbye with Rosie's hand as John grabbed his drink and his keys and headed back out. Once John was gone, Alex looked down at Rosie again and asked, "So what do you wanna do the rest of the day?"


"Ugh, can someone please get me in touch with Alex?" asked Carrie, turning to Kara and Addison, who were watching a baking-based reality TV show. She didn't get a response from them so she blocked the screen and snapped her fingers in their faces.

"Dude!" Kara complained, tossing popcorn from her bowl at Carrie. "Move!"

"I'm trying to talk to you," said Carrie, turning around and quickly shutting off the TV, despite protests. "I could use your help for my career. Both of you."

"Me?" Addison frowned. "I don't represent Alex."

"You represent his wife," Carrie said. "You need to reach out to either of them and get at least one of them to help me out." She looked at Kara and added, "You need to get off your ass! You're not staying at my place for free forever, Kara."

"I got a job," said Kara.

"And you got fired," Carrie rolled her eyes. "Come on. I'm not asking you to pay rent. Just get Alex to sit down for an exclusive with me. Please."

"Dude," said Kara, stuffing popcorn in her mouth and quickly crunching and swallowing it. "If he doesn't wanna talk, he doesn't wanna talk. You'd probably have a better chance at getting through to Julie."

"Nope," Addison disagreed. "Because you have to go through me and I already told you she's not doing that. I'd be the world's worst publicist if I let you do a random tell-all. Sorry."

"Fine," Carrie rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna go meet Peyton for drinks and dance until we figure out a way to do it without you guys. And don't bother coming because we're gonna have fun that doesn't include watching a wannabe Chef Rory yell at people on TV all day."

As Carrie grabbed her purse and stormed out, Kara laughed and said, "Why do we need the TV when she can do all the yelling for us?"

"I know, right?" said Addison, looking down at her phone. She suddenly sat up and said, "Oh shit. I was supposed to be at Julie's. I'm so late for this meeting. Ugh... Without me that woman makes terrible choices."

"Probably with you too," Kara joked.

Addison gave her a look and stood up, searching for her shoes. "Well, this was fun," she told Kara, who lazily got up and set the popcorn aside. "But alas, my job awaits me. And probably getting yelled at by a very high-strung popstar too. Fun."

"Good luck," Kara said. She leaned forward and Addison instinctively did too, but Kara went right past her to grab the remote.

Embarassed, Addison said, "Um, I should go."

Kara had failed to notice anything and just said, "Yeah. You said that weirdo. Go. I'll be fine alone, trust me."

"Alright," Addison said. "Um... See you later then. I guess. Um. I'll call you. Or I don't have to. I can text or... Nothing. Anyway I'm rambling."

"Oh my god, are you that nervous about your meeting?" Kara laughed. "The longer you wait here the more late you'll be. So go!" She ushered her to the door playfully saying, "Git!"

Addison laughed nervously and made her way out the door, while Kara returned to the couch.


"This verse is so terrible," said Travis, shaking his head and looking up from his notebook. "So... You really had sex with her then? No joke?"

John sat across the living room, holding his guitar, and said, "I shouldn't have told you... I just felt like if I didn't tell someone it was gonna come out randomly. Which is an issue since the guy is living in my house."

His phone buzzed and Travis asked, "Who was it this time?"

John checked the screen and shook his head. "Alex," he answered, ignoring the text after a quick glance. "Wanted to let me know he's going out of town in the weekend. I just know that sooner or later, Julie is going to tell him the truth and... He's gonna hate me. Even if her forgives her, he's gonna hate me, so I'm totally fucked either way."

Travis took a deep breath and said, "There were no feelings involved, right?"

"Right," John nodded. "We're just friends."

"Ok, great," Travis said. "I think that saves you a lot of issues. If you can convince her not to tell him, you'll be fine."

"I've tried," John shrugged. "Believe me. It's all I've done."

"Then try harder," said Travis, looking down at his phone which was now buzzing. "And speaking of... That would be Miss Rowena Fitzpatrick..." He ignored the incoming call and explained, "Damian had a song coming out with Pharrell or Zayn or JT or JB or... Someone. I don't really know. But the singer backed out and they want me to fill in."

"That'd be huge," said John. "What's the issue?"

"I'm on my own album cycle," said Travis. "I'm probably gonna have to do another tour soon and... I can't afford for them to stack anything else on my plate right now. I've pretty much learned to take advantage of any downtime I have. If I'm gonna do a side project, it's gotta have my name on it as the main credit. No featured track."

"I guess that makes sense," said John. "Man, I'd give anything for more to keep me busy right now. That's why I'm doing this whole thing with Mandy and the studio she wants to open."

Travis gave him a look. "And not because she's a hot blonde model you've always wanted to get with? And you happen to be single now?"

John rolled his eyes. "No, it's not like that. Trust me when I say that the last thing I want right now is to sleep with another girl I shouldn't sleep with. It's just that I wanted to leave the band so I can do my own thing and so far I've done nothing towards that. I have songs... I just don't have a full project. Not even working towards anything yet. So come on, let's get back to this song because it's not gonna write itself."

Travis wasn't too eager, having much more fun talking about other people's drama, but the whole point of the evening was for them to write, so he forced a smile, prepared his guitar, and nodded.


["Saved" from Nashville.]

Riley: I'm out here, alone and treading water. The clear air, tells me there's a storm coming.

When Kitty arrived at the club Riley was playing in Columbus, she tried to sneak through the crowd. She was so late, caught up in business with Christopher and Mandy all day.

Riley: I'm not afraid of the dark cloud, gonna wait it out. Got me racing my heart now and I'm fading out. I'm waiting to be...

She found Dean watching from a table all alone and took a seat beside him. Riley was killing it.

Riley: Saved. By a tidal wave. Take me away t-t-take me away. Saved. By a tidal wave. Take me away t-t-take me away. I'm caught up in the current. Knowing that I'm certain to be. Saved.

Kitty watched proudly as her daughter sang with so much concentration that she probably hadn't noticed her late arrival.

Riley: Knowing that I'm certain to be. Saved. Knowing that I'm certain...

Dean noticed her, but just gave her a look and then turned his attention back to Riley.

Riley: I'm out here, like a message in a bottle. Can't breathe, I'm sinking down to rock bottom.

Riley was standing on the stage with just a microphone stand and the band behind her. No dancers or special effects. Just her voice and the sound of pop, rock, and even a little bit of country perfectly blended into one.

Riley: I'm not afraid of the dark cloud, gonna wait it out. Got me racing my heart now and I'm fading out. I'm waiting to be...

Kitty had heard the song before, though never live. Riley had played it for her when she first wrote it, wondering if Julie might have a problem with the ocean metaphors.

Riley: Saved. By a tidal wave. Take me away t-t-take me away. Saved. By a tidal wave. Take me away t-t-take me away. I'm caught up in the current. Knowing that I'm certain to be. Saved.

And since the song had made her short EP, Kitty could only guess Julie didn't have a problem with it.

Riley: Knowing that I'm certain to be. Saved. Knowing that I'm certain to be... Saved.

After the song was over Riley mingled for a while and then made her way to Dean and Kitty. "Hey!" she said. "Sorry it took me a while to get back here. People kept coming up to me as soon as I left the stage."

"Yeah, that's what happens when you kill it on stage," Kitty told her proudly. "You did an amazing job. Seriously. That song is easily my favorite on the EP."

"Same," agreed Dean with a quick nod.

"I'm so glad to hear that," Riley said, scowling at them. "After we've already chosen the other song left to be the next single. Music video getting filmed this week. Artwork already done."

Dean and Kitty exchanged looks and then the latter said, "Well, the entire EP is amazing. The other song is great too."

"Yeah, uh huh," said Riley, grabbing a chair with them. "Doesn't matter. It'll probably tank too. From what I've heard, Julie's trying to film a music video soon which means all the money that could've gone to my promo... is going to her. Again."

Kitty frowned but Dean said, "Who cares about the promo and the charts? You get to play on a stage and this is your day job. That's pretty great."

"Yeah, I know," Riley rolled her eyes. "I shouldn't complain. She handed us our careers. But hey, for the record, I really do think she could be pushing us harder. Maybe for the album."

"Ok, enough career talk," Kitty shook her head. "I wanna know what you wanna do tonight. I want to have some mother-daughter time."

"Then you should've brought Alexa," said Riley. "Because I made plans with Dean."

"We're going to a laser tag place," Dean nodded.

"Ew," Kitty cringed.

"And that's why you're not invited," said Riley. "But I'm really glad you came by tonight."

She stood up and Kitty asked, "Wait, that's it? I drove for almost two hours to get here and you're leaving already?"

"You should've gotten here early," said Riley. "Yeah, that's right. I saw you sneaking in last minute. But we're even." She turned to Dean and said, "I'm gonna pee but I'll be back and we can leave right after. K?"

She hurried away before Dean could respond. Once they were alone, Dean said nothing to Kitty, pulling out his phone and entertaining himself for a couple of seconds.

Bored, Kitty said, "What are you even doing here, Dean? Are you and Riley... dating?"

Dean looked up from his phone and said, "Riley and I are friends. Haven't you ever had one of those?"

"Listen, if you're trying to sleep with her," Kitty began.

But he stopped her, "I'm seeing someone, Kitty. Riley's my friend and... Your daughter and you're Marley's friend. I'd rather stay out of the Lima love web."

He saw Riley stepping back out of the restroom, quickly pulling down the bottom of her dress and then tripping on her heel. She recovered without anyone noticing and Dean wasn't going to point it out.

He stood up and said, "Friendship is a wonderful thing, Kitty. You should try it sometime."

Kitty squinted her eyes at him, annoyed as she watched them leave. She saw a passing group of friends, all holding colorful drinks in their hands, and considered going to the bar to get something for herself.

But this place probably wasn't as great as Adonis and she had no reason to stay in the city any longer now that she had been ditched. Back to Lima it was.


The next morning, Julie danced around her living room, the music sent over by the film studio blasted from her stereo as Rosie looked up at her from her portable, amused.

She was filming a music video within the next month, her tour was in talks to resume at the end of the year or beginning of next year, and Disney had contacted her about a sequel to the hit film, Cursed.

She was getting her life back.

There was still, of course, the pesky little issue of Alex. Was she going to accept his proposal for them to get back together? He wanted her to do rehab. And while she wasn't that frightened by the idea—how hard could it be to do a week or two of therapy and then get out of that—she was more concerned about the secret she was harboring.

But for now, she was going to get Rosie ready because it was time for the Vasquez women to get to work.


"Ladies, sorry I'm late!" Julie exclaimed as she walked inside Adonis, where Santana, Quinn and three women she didn't know were waiting on her. "Infant to look after."

Quinn said, "Don't worry about it. We're just glad you could make it."

Julie took a seat up front with them and placed Rosie in her portable on the floor, using her foot to rock the baby as she continued to sleep with her tiny earmuffs on.

"We're ready to hear what you've got ladies," Santana told the three women who were waiting on stage.

"Ok," said the one standing in the center. "Our names are Nelly, Jessica and Kimberly. And we are Ebony Lips. We'll be singing a song by Rhythmix."

She signaled the girls and all three turned around. Santana leaned to Quinn and whispered, "The name sucks."

"But we can always change that," Quinn quietly agreed just as the music began.

["Not In Love" by M.O. featuring Kent Jones.]

Jessica: You're always drunk when you come around. I know you think that you got me down. Funny 'cause you couldn't be more wrong. I fought you right back, I bet you hate that.

Julie closed her eyes and focused on the voices, while Santana was paying more attention to their stage performance. Nelly in particular had the kind of fire she wanted in a group's leader.

Nelly: I'm done tryna talk with your speakers loud. You don't give me love, you give me nothing. And it feels so good as I'm walking out. Out of your house, I'll be screaming.

But when the chorus came around and someone was belting out some high notes, Julie opened her eyes to see who it was. Kimberly.

Kimberly: I'm not in love, I'm not in love no more. And I wanna shout it and tell the world. I-I-I love it, I'm not your girl. No, I'm not in love with you.

Quinn tried to stay objective. She had already heard the song performed by Rhythmix and it was really difficult to meet those standards, but these girls were younger and just starting out.

All: I'm not in love, I'm not in love no more. And I wanna shout it and tell the world. I-I-I love it, I'm not your girl. No, I'm not in love with you, in love with you.

Santana had no problem comparing them to Rhythmix.

Nelly: Here we go, another six missed calls. I'll be a hypocrite and miss them all. I gave you me, but you pay me no time, no time. No love line, now you wanna turn tides.

These girls were doing a decent job, but none of them had Shana's stage presence, Zoe's moves, Leila's stamina or Kayli's voices.

Kimberly: So I hope you have, have a lovely night. With your video games and your excuses. Boy, it feels so good as I'm walking out. And slam the door, 'cause I need it.

However, she could see the potential.

Jessica: I'm not in love, I'm not in love no more. And I wanna shout it and tell the world. I-I-I love it, I'm not your girl. No, I'm not in love with you.

When they all sang together, Julie closed her eyes again, trying to hear the harmonies that just weren't there.

All: I'm not in love, I'm not in love no more. And I wanna shout it and tell the world. I-I-I love it, I'm not your girl. No, I'm not in love with you, in love with you.

She tried not to let it show in her face that she just wasn't feeling this, looking down at Rosie to give her more reason to smile.

All: I'm not in love, not in love, not in love with ya. I'm not in love, not in love, not in love with ya. It'll make my day that I'll be seeing no more of ya.

Kimberly delivered the last line, showcasing her lower range as well as she had already shown her higher range.

Kimberly: I'm not in love, not in love, not in love with ya.

Quinn and Julie clapped, while Santana stared at the girls and asked, "So where are you ladies from? How old are you?"

"We're from Dayton," said Nelly. "And I'm eighteen. Kim is twenty and Jessica is twenty-one."

"Wow," Quinn said, brows raised. "That's young." She looked at her business partners, who shrugged, and then said, "Well thanks for coming by. We will be in touch as soon as we can be."

The girls waited for something else. Santana made a face at them and said, "You can go now, ladies."

They quickly hurried down the stage and towards the club exit. "So what did we think?" Quinn asked.

"I think that Nelly girl's the only one I wouldn't get bored watching," Santana said. "And she's the youngest one."

"Yeah, she did seem to be the leader," Quinn agreed.

But Julie shook her head. "She's got the attitude, sure, but not the talent," she said. "I can't be the only one who noticed the other girl outsinging them."

"Kimberly," said Santana.

"Yes, that one," nodded Julie. "She's someone I might want. Not the other two. A group works when every member is on the same level. Rhythmix have success because they work even better as a package than they do individually. I just didn't see that here."

"Kimberly was dead on stage," said Santana. "The other two can use playback but we can't do anything about low stage presence."

"Give her a drink before every show," Julie said, half-jokingly.

"Well, the fact of the matter," Quinn drew them back into focus, "is that we need a group. And I agree with both of you. None of the girls had all of it. They could be decent soloists but we're here to get us a great group so... Next?"

"Yeah, I guess," Santana shrugged. She turned to the entrance and instructed the guard there to let the next auditionee in. This could be a very long day.


"So they want you to help write the music then?" asked Sam, watching the twins and Nate play in Julie's backyard as he, Julie, Quinn, and Santana had lunch there together.

"Yup," said Julie, taking a deep breath. "Which is great but... It's also a lot of pressure to write something worthy of Let It Go. Frozen kind of ruined it for everyone, you know? That song is iconic and did so well. Cursed didn't have a song that was at that level, so they're hoping the sequel will but... The sequel is always a little less awesome than the original."

"Often it's a lot less awesome," said Santana.

Julie gave her a look and said, "That's very helpful, thanks. Anyway, I've already gotten a text from Nick. He wants us to get together and write some of the music."

"What's the sequel about?" asked Quinn.

"Unclear," said Julie. "Which is a bit of an issue for me because I was hoping to start working on ideas as soon as possible. But I do think that I can probably come up with a generic sort of inspirational song if I get enough information from the studio. I guess for the rest of the week I'm stuck studying Disney princess movies and hearing soundtracks..."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," said Sam, giving her a look.

She smiled up at him and said, "Ok, yes, it's a fun way to do spend my afternoons. It's just that I don't really have time for it."

"Well, you know the girls are gonna be with me so," said Sam, shrugging. "We'll give you time and space to get work done. No big deal."

"Hey everyone," Alex interrupted, walking out from the back door. "I saw all the cars parked outside and figured there were visitors."

"Alex!" exclaimed Gaby, running to him with Izzy and Nate trailing behind.

"Hey kiddos," he bent down to hug them. "I hadn't seen you in like... a week and a half. How are you?"

"Daddy's taken swimmin'," said Izzy proudly.

"He's taking you swimming?" Alex asked.

"We're doing lessons this week," clarified Sam. "They're kicking butt."

"Next year, they're gonna start on gymnastics," said Julie, looking down at the girls. "They already decided."

"Yeah!" Gaby and Izzy cheered, jumping up and down.

"Mommy," said Nate, "what's germantics?"

"Gymnastics," said Quinn, "is when someone does cool tricks and flips and splits." He seemed confused so she added, "I'll show you some videos at home, sweetheart." Checking her watch, she said, "Speaking of which... We should get going. Got a long day of more auditions tomorrow."

They all stood up and Santana said, "Yeah, I should go too. I'm staying in with Val so Shana and her friends can hit Adonis tonight. And if I'm late, I think my wife will murder me. I'll see ya."

Julie started saying goodbye to everyone, exchanging hugs and kisses on the cheek. Sam gave her a hug and said, "Good luck with the writing. I'm sure you'll come up with a really cool ballad to give Let It Go a run for its money."

"Ambitious," she said with a laugh. "Ok, time to go girls. I'll see you soon. Listen to your father."

"Yes mommy," said Gaby as Julie bent down to hug both girls.

She watched as Sam led everyone out, leaving Julie alone with Alex. "Where's Rosie?" he asked.

"Sleeping," she said, holding up the baby monitor. "Here."

She handed it to him, showing the small camera installed in the nursery and facing right down to the sleeping baby.

As he gave it back to her he said, "Sorry I came down unannounced. I realized I left a couple things here that I really needed."

"No problem," she shrugged. "This is still your house. And you know, you can come back here whenever you want."

He gave her a look and said, "We both know that's not really what you want me to do though."

She didn't respond. He wasn't wrong.

Clearing his throat, he said, "Uh, anyway, I'm going down to the club tonight. In all the craziness I didn't get to tell you that I'm signing with Warner Bros. officially and I invited some people to Adonis to hang and talk business and... the future, I guess. Basically contract negotiation. Bree's coming along for it 'cause she's making this big deal out of it and... Anyway."

"Really?" Julie raised her brows. "Wow, that's awesome. I thought you didn't want Warner Bros. though."

"That was just cause they technically own Blackbird," Alex shrugged. "But I wanted Columbia, who turned their backs on me with the whole scandal and now they're ringing me up along with all of Sony and... I just figured that I should go a different direction and not deal with them at all. So that leaves Warner Bros."

"There's still a spot for you on JV if you should ever want it," Julie said, smiling. "We could use a punk rock act. Or... alternative or whatever it is you have planned."

"Thanks but no thanks," Alex shook his head. "Besides, Warner Bros. will be a great fit for me. They had Green Day, MCR, Linkin Park, The White Stripes..."

"Paris Hilton," added Julie jokingly. "Blake Shelton."

"Not exactly what I pictured for going solo," laughed Alex. "Though I must say I'm tempted to do a country album down the road so don't egg it on."

"Yeehaw," she nodded approvingly. He laughed but it died out and silence filled the yard. "Umm," she began again. "So... How are things over at John's? Aside from cute pictures of Rosie and Kai posted on social media, I haven't heard much from either of you."

"It's pretty peaceful," he shrugged. "John's hardly there so it's just been Rosie and me but now that she's here... it's just me."

He nodded, she nodded, and no one seemed to have anything to add.

"Um, so," she said, "Cursed is in pre-development for a sequel. They've just asked me to come back which is pretty... cool. I just have to get started on some songs. They want to put me in charge of the main theme from the movie and the soundtrack overall so..."

"Oh," Alex nodded. "That is pretty cool."

"Yeah, Nick's coming over in a week or two to work with me on that," she said.

"Oh," he said again. "That's... a little less cool."

"I'm not gonna sleep with him," she rolled her eyes.

"I never meant to imply that," he assured her. "I just think it's less cool. That's it."

She nodded once again and the silence returned. "Hey, um," she started. "If you want... Well... I should probably have some ideas by the time he comes by since he's coming all the way here. Maybe... you and I could work on something?"

"Really?" he was surprised. "You'd want to do that?"

"Sure," she shrugged. "Um, come by tomorrow and we can get started?"

"Um, yeah, maybe," he said. Her expression fell and he added, "Well, I'd say just yes but I'm leaving for the weekend, probably tomorrow. I got asked to audition for a movie."

"What?" said Julie, surprised. "That's awesome."

"Yeah, it was kind of random 'cause I don't have an agent for that stuff," Alex nodded nonchalantly. "But there's this scifi, action thing that... I don't know much about it to be honest. There's a lot of secrecy surrounding the project and I guess casting started in October but they haven't found their male lead so... I don't know, it could be great."

"Yeah," Julie nodded, smiling. "Wow, that's so cool. I'm really excited for you. It sounds like you have a lot of great things coming your way."

"It's just an audition," shrugged Alex. "But yeah, it's supposed to be really gritty, gruesome action stuff, like Kick-Ass, and I haven't read the script yet because I guess they don't want it to get out but my team is telling me that it's gonna be a big film if it gets made. So I hope it goes well."

"So cool," she said again. "I hope so, too. That it goes well, I mean. Um, so,  I guess since tonight you're meeting about your music and for the weekend about the movie... I may not see you until next week?"

"Depends on when I get back, yeah," he said. "So I'll see you when I see you then...? I'm gonna go grab what I came for and get out of your hair. It was really nice catching up and... Well, I hope we can have some time to do so again when I get back."

"Yup," she said, watching as he headed back inside the house. She held onto the baby monitor, watching as just minutes later Alex went into the nursery and spent quick, meaningful seconds with their daughter before leaving.


"So is it a date or is it not a date?" asked Bree as she and Alex were served drinks at the bar.

"I couldn't tell," said Alex. "Doesn't matter 'cause I told her I probably couldn't come by. It's just a little weird to be put in this position again. Where I don't know where we stand and... I'm getting nervous about us hanging out. It feels like we took ten steps backward."

"Well, at least you seem to be moving forward now," said Bree, taking a sip of her drink. "Ugh, this is so strong." She set it down and said, "She invited you over to write. Writing will lead to talking and talking could lead to making up and making out and all the good stuff."

"Yeah, I guess," Alex nodded. "But who knows if I'll get the chance to make it. I have to be ready to head out tomorrow and then I don't know when I'll be back. Imagine though. Tonight I land a great contract with a great label. Then I land a lead role in what could possibly be a huge movie. And finally, I fix my marriage. The slightest bit of optimism left in me wants to believe that's how it'll go."

"It will!" Bree assure him.

"Enough about that, though. Stefan's really cool with being benched tonight?"

"He's fine with it. I told him I needed a night out and that Mia was randomly saying 'mama' all day today so he believed it and predictably thought it meant she wasn't seeing enough of him. So I get a free night with the greatest babysitter."

Alex laughed. "I wish I could have your kind of marriage," he admitted. "It sounds so... breezy."

"It's not as drama-free as it appears on the outside," Bree said. "But I guess when you're comparing it to your relationship..."

"Yeah," Alex pressed his lips together.

"Anyway, enough chit chat," she said. "We are here to woo some label executives and land you the best producers and collaborations for your first album. I'm great at wooing so the fact that you got me here for this tonight is already putting you like one hundred steps ahead."

"Yes," he said, trying to mimic her enthusiasm. "Let's... do this thing."

"Come on," she gave his arm a push. "Get pumped! After you talk to these guys, we are going to party. So come on."


"Looks like Alex is here tonight," said Peyton, watching from downstairs as Alex and Bree led a group of professionals up the stairs to the VIP area.

"So I noticed," said Carrie, sipping from the straw in her drink. "Let's give him some time. When we see him getting a little drunker, we ask him about the exclusive and get him to agree to it."

"If he gets drunk," said Kara, directing their attention back to the rest of the table. Addison was there, too, though she was busy texting away.

"Why else would he be here?" said Carrie, rolling her eyes.

"Obviously he's meeting important people," said Kara. "Don't ruin his night."

"We just wanna talk, pressure-free," Peyton assured her.

"But maybe you can help us," Carrie added. "Work your charm on him and make sure he keeps the drinks coming."

"Ooh, that could work," Peyton agreed.

Kara made a face at them. "I'm not whoring myself out for you two to get an exclusive on our friend. That's not fair to me, Alex or his wife."

"Actually," said Carrie, "from what I've heard they're not even living together. That's just a rumor right now but... I think they're on the outs."

Kara hesitated but still said, "That doesn't change anything."

"It could change that our boy might be single again," said Peyton. "Which could mean interesting things for you."

"Yes!" Addison exclaimed, finally setting her phone down. "Oh I am so getting a raise!"

"What's the big news?" Peyton asked, laughing. "You were glued to that thing for the last hour."

"Just a little back and forth emailing," said Addison. "And I just worked with Julie's management to score her a huge opportunity. She is about to make a huge splash in the media this fall. Just you wait."

"Is it true about her and Alex?" asked Kara curiously.

"So you are interested," Peyton teased.

"No," Kara rolled her eyes. "I'm just concerned about his well-being as a friend."

Addison shifted in her chair uncomfortably and said, "Well, two of you are members of the press and... I can't discuss my client's private life with you. Sorry."

"You don't know, do you?" Kara raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I really can't disclose much but I don't know myself what's true and what isn't," Addison admitted. "I've heard whispers but I've tried asking Julie about it and she refuses to talk to me about her personal life. So I couldn't tell you anything even if I wanted to. Which I don't. I've been busy trying to make sure no matter what's going on with them, she gets back to the top this year."

"Ok, new plan," Peyton told Carrie. "I'm gonna get up to the VIP lounge. I'll see who he's talking to, try to get involved in the conversation and... We'll see where that takes us. Pretty soon we'll be partying and squeezing something juicy out of him."

"And I," said Carrie, "am gonna go hit on that really juicy guy I spot at the bar."

Peyton laughed and the two broke into their separate directions. Kara turned her attention to Addison and asked, "So are you doing more work or finally gonna enjoy tonight?"

"Oh I'm done for the day," Addison put her phone away. "Officially. Sorry if I've been a bore so far."

"No worries," said Kara. "As long as I've got your attention now... I mean, because Carrie and Peyton have just ditched us."

"Right," Addison laughed nervously.

It was then that they were approached by a pretty woman carrying a set of flyers. "Hi," she said to them. "I'm, uh, sorry to bother you. I'm just trying to spread the word about a general meeting we're having tomorrow morning for this humanitarian program that's launching on Friday."

She set a flyer on their table and while the women looked down at it, began to explain.

"We do this trip to Costa Rica every summer," she said. "It's for animal conservation so basically we arrive there, break up into teams, and take care of animals under wildlife protection. Among other things."

"That sounds cool," said Addison, while Kara wasn't very interested.

"Are you over 18?" the woman asked her.

Addison laughed, flattered. "Oh I'm way over 18."

"Great," said the woman, smiling back at her. "We take anyone from the age of 18 to 70. I normally would already have everyone registered but some people dropped out last minute and this is our smallest pool of volunteers in recent years so... We're hosting last-minute interviews this weekend before we take off next week."

"Oh, next week?" Addison said, pulling away. "Yeah, that's not really something I'd be able to do. I have a full-time, very demanding job."

"That's too bad," said the woman, reaching into her bag and pulling out a business card. "Well, here's my info. We accept other forms of help and there are many ways that you can get involved locally. I have to keep making the rounds but if you have any other questions or are interested in any shape or form... Feel free to contact me."

She began to walk away and Addison smiled down at the card, putting it away and then reading the flyer again.

"Oh my god," Kara rolled her eyes.

"What?" Addison glanced up at her.

"That was the most obvious flirtation I've ever seen in my life," said Kara. "She didn't even ask me if I wanted to participate."

"Well, do you?" asked Addison.

"No," Kara scoffed. "But she still could've said something to me. She was just hitting on you."

"I didn't notice," Addison shrugged, putting the card away.

"Yeah, right," said Kara, grabbing the flyer and standing up. "I bet this isn't even real. She's just picking up women with a fake charity."

"That's a little extreme, don't you think?" asked Addison. Kara folded up the flyer, stuck it in her pocket, and began to walk away so Addison asked, "Where are you going?"

"To have fun," Kara said. "Not to sit there, invisible, while you hit on random girls. It's kinda pathetic."

Addison's jaw dropped in disbelief as she watched Kara leave. "Is she serious..?" she muttered. She couldn't tell what was more difficult anymore—working for Julie or being friends with Kara.

But while Julie's actions made her work life feel out of her control these days, she wasn't willing to let Kara screw up her personal life, too.

"Hey," she called out as she followed her. She caught up to her on the dance floor, about to start dancing with a guy. "Hey, listen to me," she said.

Kara turned around, annoyed, and asked, "What do you want?"

"I don't like to let things bottle up," said Addison. "So if you have a problem with me all of a sudden, please tell me so that we can find a solution and fix the problem."

Kara stared at her, raising an eyebrow and then saying, "Addison, we're friends. I don't have a problem with you. Now please, let me dance with a hot stranger."

She waved her away and turned to the guy, who was all too ready to start grinding on her. Addison watched them for a few seconds, a sour look on her face, and then walked away.


"Alex!" Amity exclaimed when she saw the man walking downstairs from the VIP area. "Hey!"

"Amity, hi," he stopped and looked back to find Bree slowly coming their way. "What are you doing here?"

"Drinking," she said, deadpan. After a big pause, she laughed, "Just kidding, obviously. I came down here with Shana and Zoe. They're out dancing right now and, of course, my feet are killing me already."

He forced a smile.

Hers faded and she asked, "What's wrong? You don't look too happy. Did something happen?"

Bree came up behind him and put her hands on his shoulders. "He just secured a better deal than what he had for his first album thanks to my incredible schmoozing so he's doing great. And now he's gonna come get shots with me and run drunk lines for his big audition, ain't that right, Alex? Come on."

She patted him and dragged him with her towards the bar, leaving Amity to talk to herself and making her vulnerable to—

"Hi," said a woman carrying dozens of flyers. "Do you have a moment for me to talk to you about a charity group that... Wait. I know who you are. You're Amity Hills."

Amity's blinking face didn't have a response.

"Sorry to ambush you," said the woman, embarrassed. "I'm just really trying to gain some very last minute support for a charity group that leaves to Costa Rica in a week. We help with ecosystem preservation, specifically by helping protected species. It's like... volunteering at a really cool zoo."

"Oh," said Amity. "And what exactly is it?"

"Well, I'm sure you're too busy for a two-to-sixteen-week trip to Costa Rica," she said, nervously grabbing a flyer from her stack, "but if you're interested in other ways to help, we're part of a larger charity that helps different groups around the globe. There are literally hundreds of ways that you can help us save the planet. Active volunteering, spreading the word, fundraising, donating... You name it."

"Oh," Amity said again, accepting her flyer. "This actually sounds really nice... One Love Global."

"It's a great charity," the woman said. "Not only do we get to help thousands of people and creatures in need, but healing the world helps us heal the self too. I was really lost and admittedly a mess when I joined the group. I had just graduated college and an old professor recommended it and... I've been doing this for seven years now."

Amity nodded, then said, "Um, sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"Shannon," the woman put out a hand. "Shannon Mayweather."

"Nice to meet you," Amity shook her hand. "Shannon... So tell me more about this project you want volunteers for..."


"Here's to you," Bree put a glass in the air and immediately after began to drink. "See how great it feels to get your life back? Plus, I'm pretty sure you're gonna get compensation from the state for your wrongful conviction so once that's done and your records are wiped and hopefully you get to marry Julie for real and release new music and star in a blockbuster, everything will be on the track that it should be."

Alex forced a smile. "Yeah, it feels pretty great."

Bree frowned and asked, "But..?"

He shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

As they drank, Addison took an empty seat beside them and ordered a cocktail. As soon as she had, she noticed Alex and Bree and rolled her eyes.

"Great," she muttered. "You're here."

Bree made a face and Alex said, "Nice to see you, too."

"Don't even try to be friendly," said Addison. "You and Julie have made my life a living hell. Do you know how many articles I've had to shut down speculating on your marriage troubles?"

"A lot?" Alex guessed.

"Adorable," she responded spitefully.

"Hey, don't act like we personally write the articles," shrugged Alex. "There will always be rumors."

Addison forced herself to nod as she received her drink. She took a big gulp, then proceeded to chug the rest as Bree and Alex watched on.

Then she turned to them and said, "Sorry. I'm just... cranky. This was supposed to be my big night out to release stress and hang out with my friends... But Carrie ditched us. I have no idea where Peyton went. And Kara is being... Kara. I'm sure you know what that's like."

"I don't follow," said Alex, shaking his head.

Addison asked for a refill of her drink and said, "You know. She wants all the attention on herself and acts out when she doesn't get it. Like, some ecology chick was talking to me for like five seconds and she got all mad."

"Ahh..." Alex nodded slowly, smiling a little. "Yeah, I do know what that's like. Kara can be... pretty jealous."

"More like self-centered," Addison scoffed.

But Alex shook his head. "No, she's not self-centered," he disagreed. "In fact, she's pretty selfless most of the time but... She is the jealous type. When we were together, she was always concerned with how much time I spent with Julie or when I was talking to Amity or... Anything, really. It all set her off."

Bree listened with curiosity as Addison tried to piece together what Alex was saying. "So..." she said. "Kara's mad because she's jealous... Oh. Do you think she wanted the girl to talk to her?"

She started drinking her new cocktail and Alex laughed, "Maybe. But considering how much time she spends with you, I'd say you weren't the one she was jealous of."

"Wait," Bree cut in. "Is she gay?"

Alex made a face. "Well, I slept with her. Like. A lot. So... No. But Kara is nothing if not open-minded." Bree made a face, confused. "Fluid," Alex reiterated. "She's fluid. Bi or pan or... I don't know. She's never really stuck to a label, that one."

Bree gasped. "You never told me that!"

"I didn't think it was important," shrugged Alex. "What's it to me if my ex likes to try all kinds of flavors at the ice cream shop? More power to her."

"I don't think that's the expression you're going for," said Bree. "But I think it's hilarious that two of your exes went from you to girls. At least this one wasn't with your sister." Alex winced and Bree turned to Addison and asked, "Are you into girls?"

"I don't really like labels," Addison answered coyly.

"That wasn't a label," said Bree, smirking. "But I got my answer. And lucky for you, I'm a great matchmaker. Kitty always says it's her but she's lying to herself. I have a talent for putting people together and ripping them apart."

"Very true," Alex said. "She's helped me out with both."

"Oh no," Addison shook her head, getting up a little shaky. "I'm not asking for any help... No. It's not even like that and she's too much drama for me. Clearly. I don't like games. Never have. I'm very direct."

"Then be direct," said Bree. "But in this town everyone's feelings get out one way or another so... If you're gonna be here, you may as well go for it."

Addison hesitated and then glanced to the dance floor. Kara and Peyton were together, dancing in clear view.

"You know what," said Addison, chugging the rest of her drink. "I think I'm just about buzzed enough."

"Oh?" said Bree, surprised it had worked so easily. "Um. Yeah. You go girl." As Addison walked away, she told Alex, "This will either be really cute or a disaster. I wasn't expecting her to go talk to her now."

She and Alex turned to watch but Addison wasn't heading for the dance floor. She was headed for the stage.

"Oh, ok," Bree narrated. "So this is going to be a disaster. Our naive, passive-aggressive publicist is doing an open mic number. She probably can't sing. She's a little bit drunk. And we're not actually sure that Kara likes her. She's talking to the DJ... He's nodding... She's grabbing a microphone..."

"I'm seeing everything you're seeing," Alex stopped her.

"Sorry, I'm a little anxious," said Bree. "Besides your drama, this is the most interesting thing that's happened to me." She paused for a moment and then said, "Oh my god. I need a life."

"Yeah," Alex said quietly.

The music transitioned into Addison's song without any introduction. Not a name, the song, a dedication. Nothing. Just the song.

["Only Forever" by Demi Lovato]

But it wasn't until she started singing that Kara realized it. Realizing it was a slow tempo track, many dancers fled the floor and couples began to sway along with the romance.

Addison: I've been thinking 'bout the future. And I've been thinking 'bout the now. I know we're gonna be together. I just don't know how.

Peyton and Kara swayed together, playfully, as Kara directed glances at the stage. Addison was looking right at her, so every time she looked up, she immediately looked away in discomfort.

Addison: You know when we get close. Can't deny the tension between us both. And I don't wanna pressure you, but I think you need to make a move.

On stage, Addison could tell she had killed a lot of people's buzz. They were previously grinding to an upbeat song, sweating on each other, living their best lives. And here she was, bringing down the mood.

Addison: I've been waiting... And I'll keep waiting.... Only forever, only forever. Only forever, only forever. Only forever, only forever. Only forever, only forever.

As she sang through her chosen song, however, she realized that she was putting herself in the most uncomfortable position she could. Kara and her friends were the only friends she'd made in over a year of living in Lima.

Addison: What if I told you it's too late? What if I say that I can't wait? What if I meet somebody else who doesn't leave me on a shelf? I'll give you one more chance, but it only lasts...

If she went up to Kara after the song and confronted her about their relationship status, it could ruin everything.

Addison: Only forever, only forever. Only forever, only forever. Only forever, only forever. Only forever, only forever.

But still, she had to do it.

Addison: Only forever.

As soon as the song was done, the DJ transitioned into a different song until the next karaoke singer came up. Addison couldn't stay alone on that stage doing nothing forever, so she gathered the courage to go down and approach Kara on the dance floor.

"Is it happening?" asked Bree, tugging on Alex's arm. "I can't see."

"Neither can I," he said, his back facing them as he focused on the bar and drinking.

But Bree didn't notice, getting up and on her toes so that she could witness Addison arrive at Kara's side.

"Not bad," Kara told her, while Peyton took a step back. "So, uh, we're gonna go home now. We're pretty tired."

"Yup," Peyton said, unenthusiastically. She faked a yawn.

"First you need to answer me," Addison said. "No lies. No games. I'm tired of tiptoeing around this and I just need to know... What are we?"

Kara faked a laugh but couldn't hold onto it, getting really serious and turning back to look at Peyton briefly, though the latter had nothing to offer. She turned back to Addison and shrugged, "I don't know what you mean."

"You're really smart, Kara," Addison shook her head. "I don't believe for a second that you mean that. I know that there's something going on between us and I can't keep waiting for it to just come up so here I am, bringing it up. What is this? What are we? That jealous stunt earlier, I mean... Clearly, this is something. Right?"

Shrugging again, Kara said, "I don't need this right now. We're leaving."

"Kara..." Peyton said.

But Kara ignored her and said, "Come on. Let's go get Carrie and leave."

Peyton sighed and looked at Addison apologetically before following her friend away. Addison watched them leave, stomping a foot and shouting, "Kara, stop!"

Other people around them turned their way but Kara didn't, content with just walking away and leaving Addison behind.


"Thank you for letting me crash," said Alex as Bree helped him to her couch. "I was not expecting to drink that much."

"No worries," said Bree, dropping him there. "I need to go check in on the girls. Are you gonna be ok?"

"Oh yeah..." Alex muttered, lying down and clutching onto a throw pillow. "I'll just sleep this off and deal with the hangover tomorrow." He began closing his eyes but then opened them, "Tomorrow... Maybe I should go by Julie's in the morning and just talk before I go."

"Then you better get some rest," Bree smiled. "And good luck. I'm really rooting for you. And please, I know Kitty has already talked to you about this but... Don't just have sex. That's not gonna solve anything. Talk to her."

Alex slowly sat up again. "Oh we didn't have sex," he shook his head. "That's just, like, a lie Julie told her or something. I don't even know. I didn't get it."

"A lie?" Bree made a face. "Why?"

"I don't know," Alex repeated.

"Why would she have to..." Bree said, confused as she remembered what Kitty had told her. Her eyes widened and she took a few steps back. "Um, rest up, Alex. I'm gonna go sleep with my husband and um... Yeah. Goodnight."

She hurried away and Alex didn't have the energy to stop her and ask for an explanation of her sudden weirdness. Too tired, he closed his eyes and drifted into sleep.


When Kara woke up the next morning, she was lying on Carrie's couch, face down, with the fabric's pattern marked on her cheek.

She sat up searching her pockets for her phone, and pulling it out along with a couple of dollars, a dime, and the flyer from the previous night. The latter item solidified her suspicions that her 'fight' with Addison had been more than just a dream.

She sighed and unfolded the stupid flyer, reading its contents and then tossing it aside. She blamed the ecologist for everything.

On her phone, she expected to find a message from Addison. An invitation to talk and hash things out. Maybe even an apology for putting her in a weird situation or embarrassing her with a song in front of all the locals she interacted with at the club at least once a week. Anything like that would suffice.

But there was nothing other than notifications warning her that she only had 5% battery left and it was time to backup her phone.


"Hey!" Travis exclaimed merrily as he walked inside John's house. "Look at you! You look... sober."

"I haven't had a drink in a few days," John nodded, shutting the door behind his guest. "So yeah. I am sober."

"Color me proud," said Travis, heading for the couch. "Where's your laptop? I gotta show you something."

"And what would that be?" asked John, grabbing his computer from the desk in the back corner of the living room.

"Just wait..." Travis said, grinning from ear to ear. As John booted up his laptop in front of them, Travis hooked up his phone to it. Shortly, he pulled up a folder and opened a video file.

A window opened up and showed Travis sitting in an empty restaurant.

"Hey Luke," the video Travis said, approaching the camera. "You may or may not recognize this restaurant. We came here together about a year ago. When we were touring. It was during this dinner that you said to me—"

John hit the spacebar and said, "Man, tell me this isn't what I think it is."

"You haven't watched it," said Travis, confused.

"It looks like it's gonna be a proposal video," said John.

"Not exactly," said Travis. "It's a video... for before the proposal."

He smiled but John said, "Travis, take it from me... You shouldn't propose to someone who doesn't wanna marry you, ok? You need to wait."

"It's not the same," said Travis, disconnecting his phone.

"I know that," said John. "And I also know from what you've told me Luke doesn't want to be pressured into this, Travis. I tell you this because I care. And since you're the one who told me, you should know this, too. So don't do it until you've sat down and gotten him to talk about it, Travis. He's like a fifteen year old in an adult body, ok? You're gonna push him away."

"I came to you because this was something I was excited about," said Travis, standing up. "And I wanted to share it with my friend. Just for your support, not your unsolicited advice. But I guess I should've gone to Jake with this. He gets it. He's actually married and in a successful relationship, unlike you."

"Ok, uncalled for," said John.

"So were all your comments," Travis responded. "Have a good day, Johnny."

Swinging the door open, he stormed down the front yard without shutting it. John stood at the entrance and shouted, "Jake just married the girl that I..." But Travis had gotten in his car and slammed the door, unable to hear him anymore. "Whatever..." John rolled his eyes, pushing the door close as he returned to the couch. 

Why could nothing ever go right for him anymore?


As Amity walked into the private room at the rec center, she had expected to see far less people in attendance. 

She also hadn't expected that even as she showed up early she was getting there so late compared to everyone else, to the point that when she walked in, all the attention was taken from the volunteers at the front to her.

Shannon, the woman from the previous night was there, standing at the very front. When she saw Amity, she smiled and indicated for her to take a seat.

"So as I was saying," she continued, "there is a participation fee of 500 dollars but we cover accommodations, food, transportation to and from San Jose and travel health care. Plus, we also provide a one-week Spanish course during orientation which is a pretty cool opportunity."

Amity raised her arm in the air and when Shannon looked her way, so did everyone else, it seemed. With about sixty eyes on her, she cleared her throat and asked, "What would our free time look like during the program?"

"Well, it is work that keeps you pretty busy during the day," Shannon nodded. "It's five days a week, however, so the weekends as well as the nights belong to you. You can use that to explore the area or get some rest but... This is work. Not a vacation."

Amity saw some people making faces in her direction so she quickly said, "Oh no. I wasn't saying it for, like... I didn't mean what's our leisure time like. I just meant... 'Cause I have a job here and if I take off for a few weeks I need to know how much I would be able to continue working from over there. That's all. Really."

The sour faces did not disappear and Shannon explained, "This program is pretty extensive. We take our work really seriously and we think that what we accomplish over there really makes a difference. So if there are any commitments that will get in the way of that then... Maybe this isn't the right program for you."

Amity remained silent, asking no further questions. She had not expected to be shut down like that for a simple concern, or at least something that seemed simple to her, but maybe they were right. 

Maybe this just wasn't something feasible for her, so why had she even shown up?


"Good morning, I'm home!" Alex exclaimed as he walked into John's house and tossed his keys and jacket by the entrance.

Nobody responded, so he assumed he was all alone and went to the living room. Upon arrival, however, he realized that John was in the backyard, sitting on a patio chair by himself with a blunt in hand. The smoke flying towards the glass tipped him off.

He stepped outside with him and said, "Nice day out for weed in the morning?"

John glanced up and said, "It's been stressful."

"It's not even noon yet," said Alex, taking a seat beside him.

"Well, the rest of the day can get even worse then, I guess," shrugged John. "It's just... It's like everyone has made it their mission to hate me."

"I don't hate you," said Alex, offering some encouragement.

"Hold onto that," said John, not adding any explanation. "I need to just throw myself into the music and Kai and work projects or I'm gonna be out here every single day, drinking or smoking."

"Yeah, I've noticed you've done a lot less of that lately," said Alex. "Good for you. I went drinking last night and... it just didn't feel the same anymore. Maybe we're finally growing up."

John didn't agree but he said, "Yeah, maybe."

Alex looked down at the time on his watch and said, "Julie wanted us to hang out today."

"Really?" John looked up, more interested. "Any specific reasons? Did she, like, wanna talk or something..?"

"She wanted to work on some music," said Alex, alleviating some of John's worries. "But I don't think I'm gonna go. I'm heading out of town tonight. But I thought about it on my way here and I think it'd be better to just give us a little more time and distance and then come back fresh knowing what it is I want to tell her. Obviously I screwed up but I think there's a lot she did that we need to address too and I don't know how to talk to her about that."

"Yeah," John agreed. "That makes sense. Yeah, you should go do what you gotta do and... Give her time to think, too. About what she's gonna tell you, that is."

Alex nodded and stood up. "Well," he said, "I guess I should pack. My flight's not for a few more hours but I did wanna drop by and say goodbye to her and Rosie."

"Of course," said John, watching him walk to the door. "Keep it brief." Alex stopped so he said, "Your talk with Julie. So... You can think about it. Like you said."

Alex nodded again and returned indoors while John stayed outside, smoking and hoping he could make use of Alex's time away to finally convince Julie not to say anything about them.


As Julie received incoming themes for the Cursed sequel and tried to work them into early ideas for a song, she impatiently awaited to get a call or visit from Alex but neither came.

When the doorbell finally rang, she rushed to open it, leaving Rosie there by the couch strapped to her bouncer on the floor, watching her leave anxiously.

"Hi," Julie opened up eagerly, only to find that her visit was from Kitty.

"Please explain something to me," Kitty began.

"Sure..?" Julie said, watching her walk inside and then shutting the door. "How can I help?"

"Tell me," said Kitty, "why as soon as I get back to town I get a call from Bree. Who says that Alex told her you didn't have sex last week and it was just a lie you told me. But I clearly saw John giving you Plan B. So unless you planned from the start to get me to follow you and see it somehow... It doesn't make any sense."

"Kitty..." Julie shook her head. "I..."

"Is what I'm thinking true?" said Kitty. "You had sex with someone else, didn't you?"

"Well..." Julie began.

"Ugh, Julie."

"You can't tell him," Julie said quickly. "Or Bree because then she'll tell him. I have to do it and I have to think about how I'm gonna do it and he just told me he's coming by in a little bit but he's got a big weekend ahead of him and I don't wanna screw that up for him. So I have to wait until after his trip. Please, please don't tell him."

"Ok, calm down," she rolled her eyes. "I don't want him to hear it from me either and I'd never betray you like that. But just tell me... who was it? Obviously John knows and hasn't told Alex so it's either really, really bad... like Sam or Charlie Sheen.... or actually pretty forgivable, like Idris Elba or Bradley Cooper.  Or maybe John also thought that it was Alex in which case you should not be letting Alex stay with him. You're in dangerous territory."

"No, John knows the truth," said Julie, looking down at the ground. "He's not telling him. He doesn't want me to tell him. Ever."

"And I hate to be on his side but he's right," said Kitty. "If this person you slept with isn't gonna say anything, then you shouldn't either. Take it to your grave. People already call you a slut as it is..."


"Not me," she clarified. "I defend you. But other people say it. Don't you remember the crowds at the Crystal Army concerts when they took you on tour with them? Imagine if the public finds out you cheated on your husband."

"I didn't cheat, necessarily," said Julie. "He dumped me and left and I was with someone else and... It happened. And Alex and I are still not back together."

"So who was it?" Kitty asked again. "I'm not leaving here until you tell me. I already got shoved aside by Riley and Dean this week. I don't need to get shoved aside by you, too. Please, Julie, involve me. I will help."

Julie looked around nervously, not sure what to do. She'd been wanting to tell someone other than John, to confide in another person and get their advice. But Kitty? Somehow that didn't seem right.

"It was John," she said, crossing her arms.

Kitty laughed. "No, it wasn't."

Julie stared at her, blinking. She could feel her eyes burning.

"No, it wasn't," Kitty said again, this time stone-faced. "Julie... It wasn't, right? You're joking. Right?"

Julie stared at her once again and said, "It was stupid. Reckless. The worst thing I've ever done, probably. And that includes trying to steal a song from Santana's album for my movie."

"Oh my gosh," Kitty gasped. "You're being totally serious, aren't you? I... Was it really good? I've always guessed he's fantastic."

"Kitty!" Julie exclaimed. "Look, I don't want to get into details with you but I am freaking out. I can't tell Alex yet but I know I have to tell him eventually. And I'm scared that John's gonna freak out and tell him before I can because he has him living with him and it's just one really big mess."

Kitty thought about it for a second. "Ok," she said. "We need to figure this out once and for all. Grab your kid and let's go."


Amity returned home with all the paperwork provided for her at the meeting, but knew that she had only received it as a courtesy. They didn't want her to come along, not anymore. It was just three sheets of paper. The rest was digitally filled out. But she didn't expect to receive the email for that anymore.

And that wasn't so bad since she hadn't really been strongly considering it. She just wanted to keep an open mind and not make the girl from the club feel like she'd wasted her time. That was all.

But now, as she came back home and tossed the paperwork in the wastebasket, it was more than clear that she had wasted Shannon's time. And paper. For a trip meant to help the ecosystem.

 As she tried to ignore the unpleasant experience and return to her day, she received a call from Blackbird. When she saw that it was from Rowena Fitzpatrick, she instinctively rolled her eyes. That woman had been nothing but cruel to her since they had met.

Still, she put on a smile and her happy voice to answer, "Hi, Rowena, it's so nice to hear from you."

"I only have a couple of quick seconds to chat," said Rowena nonchalantly. "I know we talked about getting you a slot on the FairyFest next month but we talked to the promoters and organizers and they're looking for someone to do a five-song-set. Practically a headliner."

"Wow, that's huge," said Amity. "What's the problem?"

"The problem is that you'll be eight months pregnant, nearly," said Rowena, "and with no new music to promote. So we decided to give the slot to another artist. Travis Hilton is going to attend and headline and you'll get to rest and prepare for motherhood. It all works out."

"But this was gonna be my last major thing before I had my baby," said Amity, confused. "You can't..."

"I can," said Rowena, seeming unaffected by the melancholy in Amity's voice. "You are in no position to do a set that big and that important so you aren't going to do it, Miss Hills. Travis, on the other hand, is going to set off on another huge tour in the fall and this will be a great opportunity to promote him. And if he has to back out, we have Rhythmix and we have Damie B. and we have other acts more than capable and useful. Now if you'll excuse me, I must get going. Have a good day."

She ended the call before Amity could get another word in. This was the one thing Amity was looking forward to this summer and now it was gone, taken from her just like everything else.

Angrily, she grabbed her purse again and headed out the door.


"How could you be such an idiot?" Kitty exclaimed as she walked into John's house, looking around for any signs of company. "You're alone, right?"

"Yes and also what the fuck?" he responded.

She grabbed his chin and looked at him directly in the eyes. Letting go roughly she said, "Great, you're high right now."

"What are you talking about?" he asked her. The front door opened again and he was about to yell but saw that it was just Julie, who was carrying Rosie in her arms. 

"Kitty!" she hissed.

"Ok, what is this?" asked John, confused and a bit disoriented. "An ambush?"

"Yes," said Kitty but Julie said, "No, I tried to stop her but..."

"The three of us need to have a long chat," Kitty said, looking from one to another. "So go put the baby in Kai's crib and get ready."

Julie wavered before following instructions, looking at John apologetically and then walking towards the stairs. 

Left alone with Kitty, John said, "So I take it you know."

"Oh I know," said Kitty. "I was just with her and watched the most awkward interaction ever with Alex as he stopped by to say goodbye. And I know that she plans to tell him the truth when he returns so we have to stop her."

John raised his brow and said, "Yes. I agree."

"Good," Kitty nodded. "Then just follow my lead."

When Julie returned, the two were already seated and Kitty indicated for her to sit down next to John. She did so hesitantly, not meeting John's eye as she took a seat.

"So here's how I think this should go," said Kitty. "From what Julie's told me, this thing that happened between you two, the coitus," John made a face, "was a one-time, never-again situation."

"Yes," Julie nodded. John sat back, waiting for what was coming next.

"Which is why," Kitty continued, "I think we should talk it out here and then never talk about it ever again."

"What?" said John. "I'm not discussing this with you."

"And I'm going to tell Alex," said Julie. "I have to."

"You don't have to," John disagreed.

"And you do have to talk about it," said Kitty, getting both of their attentions. "Look at me. This is really serious. John, Alex is your best friend and currently your roommate. Julie is the love of his life. And she had a thing for you since the early 2000s."

"Kitty!" Julie exclaimed.

"Hey, this is why I insisted on coming here," said Kitty. "These things need to be said. They affect all of us, ok?"

"All of us?" Julie repeated incredulously.

"Yes, even me," Kitty nodded. "You tried to take John from under me when I dated him and now you've slept with him so this affects me, even if it's at a smaller scale. Besides, if you tell Alex, he will tell Bree and she will tell Stefan and then all of Lima will know. And once that happens it'll rip the very thin fabric that's holding all of us together in this town. It's very fragile, you know."

"Please," Julie begged. "Just agree not to say anything and we can move on. This is all so unnecessary."

"No," said John, to her surprise. "Kitty's right."

"I am?" said Kitty, pleased.

"Not about this affecting you," said John. "But this is something we need to talk about and get on the same page about." He turned to Julie and continued, "You chose to tell her the truth so now deal with the consequences. She's a part of this."

Kitty grinned from ear to ear, pleased, but Julie said, "Ok, but she pretty much figured it out all on her own. What was I supposed to do?"

"Not confirm it," said John. "Lead her to think she's just crazy, which she is."

"I'm still here," Kitty reminded them. "And what, you didn't say it to anyone?"

"Who would he have told?" asked Julie, squinting her eyes at her.

But beside her, John slowly leaned forward and said, "Well..."

"Oh my god," Julie sighed.

"It was just Travis," he said. "And he won't tell. Though... He is super pissed at me as of this morning so... But he still wouldn't tell. He's not like that."

Kitty rolled her eyes. "You're talking about the same guy who used a girl as his very public beard and then very publicly cheated on her with a man and ruined her life and reputation forever. I don't think you should underestimate his ability to be a jerk."

"He's not gonna put our business out there," John insisted. To Julie he added, "See, this is why Kitty was a wrong choice to confide in and Travis wasn't. You don't see him here trying to be our therapist."

"Because you just said he was pissed at you," said Julie, raising her eyebrows and then letting them back down exasperated. "Anyway, I should get going. This was... fun?"

"Wait," said Kitty, keeping her from getting up. "We're way off topic. You're right. We should get back to what we came here for."

"I came here to keep you from saying anything ridiculous," said Julie.

"And I live here," said John, shrugging.

Kitty ignored them and said, "First of all... The question that's been on my mind since Jules told me the truth... Do you have feelings for each other?"

"Kitty," said John, making a face at her as Julie said, "No, stop this."

"Ok, ok," Kitty said. "Just had to make sure. Because you know, and Bree would kill me for this, I think that true love is a great excuse for fucking up. Or fucking in general."

"Kitty, come on," Julie rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious," she continued. "That'd be a great defense. I mean, it would suck for Alex, of course, and Marley. But you could save your reputations down the line and be together and it would all feel worth it. Because otherwise, it's like... What were you thinking?"

She laughed but Julie and John just stared at her, uncomfortable and sullen. 

Kitty cleared her throat and explained, "Since that's not the case, I guess we're going with the intoxicated excuse. So when you tell Alex, what's your plan, Julie? 'Hey, welcome back, did you get the part? Oh BTW, I totally had sex with John last week and we've been keeping it from you ever since. And now Travis and Kitty know, too, so you're the fifth to know. What do you want for dinner?'"

Julie stared at her and said, "Obviously not like that."

"Do you wanna get back together with him?" asked Kitty.

"I think so," said Julie, nodding.

John turned to her. "Really? I thought you said..."

"I've thought about it," she shrugged. "And I miss him and I love him and... if he can forgive me and take me back then... Yeah, I'd want that."

"Ok, but see," said John, ignoring Kitty altogether now, "that's even more reason why I don't think you should tell him. If you want to be with him and he wants to be with you... It just seems pointless to ruin that possibly by telling him the truth, ok? And this isn't just to save my own skin. Yes, I do care about what'll happen to me once he finds out and if other people do, like Marley, but... I'm thinking of you, too. I don't think this is a good idea, Julie."

"And we're rarely on the same page," Kitty added. "But I agree with everything he's just said. It's not a good plan. And he's kept secrets from you, too. Big ones. Trust me. Don't tell him."

"What has he..?" Julie began to ask, confused.

"Just do what I say," said Kitty. "We've established that there were no feelings involved. I'm sitting here looking at you, too, and it seems normal. Not like you would be ready to take off your clothes as soon as I left the room. So I don't think we run a risk of it happening again."

"Obviously not," Julie rolled her eyes.

"Then don't tell him," she said again, smiling. 

She leaned back, giving John a look as the two waited for Julie's response. Finally, she said, "Ok. Fine."

"Wait, really?" John said, surprised.

"I'm not going to tell him," she nodded. "If you two agree not to say anything and you get Travis to agree to the same thing... Then I won't say a word either. And we can pretend like it never happened."

Kitty clapped her hands. "Well, my work here is done!" she exclaimed, getting up. Julie began to stand up but Kitty said, "No, no, I'll see my way out. I have a lot more to get done tonight. And because I'm marvelous and a natural problem-solver... Julie, you don't have Alex to help you write songs but you do have the best songwriter I know. You're welcome. Goodbye!"

 As Kitty hurried away, Julie leaned back on the couch and didn't say a word.

John turned to her when he heard the front door shut. "So..." he began. "Now that she's gone, I know it probably felt like we were pressuring you right now or ganging up on you but... It really is for the best."

"I know," she nodded. "It just feels wrong. Not only doing something bad but then lying about it."

"Think about it this way," he said. "Telling Alex wouldn't do him any good. It would just help you. With your guilt. It wouldn't make him feel better, it would just hurt him."

"Right," she said. "Still feels wrong."

John took a deep breath. Her conscience wasn't a bad thing. But it sure was annoying right now. 

"So..." he said once again. "You wanted help with a song?"


As Amity took a stroll down the park, attempting to calm down, she saw Kara sitting by herself on a bench, holding a cup of coffee.

"Isn't it a little warm out today for that?" she asked, approaching.

Kara looked up in surprise and confusion. Amity signaled to the cup so she said, "Oh, this. It's iced. I'm not even huge on coffee but it was either this or get super drunk. So I went with this."

"I can't drink that right now," said Amity, taking a seat beside her. "Or anything fun."

"You never seemed like much of a drinker anyway," Kara pointed out. After a short beat, she asked, "So what brings you here on this sunny afternoon? Are you enjoying the day?"

"I wish," said Amity. "I love days like these. Bright and warm but not too hot. It feels right out here. And yet I..."

"Feel like shit?" said Kara.

"Pretty much," Amity nodded. "This is my favorite park in the area. Not that we have many parks to begin with but this one's outlasted all the others over the years."

"Alex showed this park to me a long time ago," said Kara.

"Me too," said Amity, nodding again and then turning to her.

Kara stared at her and then they both began to laugh. "Oh, this is super weird for you, isn't it?" she said.

Amity shrugged. "I've gotten used to seeing you around," she said. "Plus, you're constantly with Peyton who is or at least used to be one of my best friends so... I have to see you all the time. I saw you at the club yesterday."

"Oh I saw you too," said Kara. "You were talking to that hippie bitch."

She scowled and Amity blinked hard, shocked by the anger. "Shannon? The woman from One Love Global? Whoa, what'd she do to you?"

"Nothing, just annoyed me," Kara rolled her eyes. "Her whole schtick is one big con. She shows up talking up pretty girls about the environment and gets their number and probably goes home with them. And then they never hear from her again because her fake charity does not exist."

"Oh, it exists," Amity nodded. "I looked them up and today I went to their meetings."

Kara seemed a little embarrassed but covered it up. "Well," she said. "Then they're a bunch of loser hippies."

"Was she really that annoying?" asked Amity. "I thought she was really nice."

Kara stared at her and said, "Not you, too. You thought she was hot, didn't you?"

"I didn't say that," Amity laughed. "I just mean that she clearly was passionate about her project. They go to Costa Rica for months and help the animals there. Endangered species under conservation. And she spends months ahead of time planning these trips with the organization. It's a pretty nice thing."

Kara stayed silent, choosing to remain bitter about it.

So Amity helped her out a little by saying, "But yeah, she was a bit bitchy towards me."

"Wasn't she?" said Kara, eyes widening. "I totally saw through her act. Sure, she was pretty. She had those striking blue eyes and I dig the short hair. But other than that, who gives a fuck? She went to a night club where she knows people with money hang out looking for donations. That's so sleazy."

Amity smiled and said, "I'm glad hating on charity is making you feel better."

"I wish it was," said Kara. "What about you?"

Amity tried to lie but she couldn't. "It's just..." she said. "Lately everything feels wrong. I feel like I keep giving up the best things in my life for things that seem great but turn out to ruin me. Like, I stopped hanging out with so many of my friends for Tracy because I thought she was cool and sweet."

"Ahh, Tracy," said Kara. "Yup, now that's a bitch. She hates my guts. When she was dating Alex, I was staying with him and Julie. And then she came by that Halloween and she clearly had a problem with me. And then next thing I know, she's breaking up with Alex. Not to flatter myself, but I do believe I had something to do with that."

Amity nodded slowly, remembering.

Then Kara said, "And there's also the fact that I suckerpunched her demon of a friend."

"Oh yeah," Amity gasped. "That was intense. They were gonna sue you over that, you know? And have you arrested."

Kara shrugged, not really caring. "Well, they deserved what they got."

Amity shook her head. "I don't think they've gotten what they deserve. And maybe they never will. All I know is I've taken several hits now thanks to them. And I don't hate them. I think they're good, deep down they are. But... I wasted my time with them and cut several ties over them. Lost people because of them. So I don't hang with them anymore."

"Then they are getting what they deserve," said Kara, offering a smile. "Amity, can I ask you something?"

"Sure," she replied.

"Why do you do that? Why do you give people a chance when they're only out to hurt you and hurt other people?"

"I don't know..." Amity said slowly.

"You did it with me," Kara admitted. "I was out to take Alex from you. From the start. And you just... let me. Why?"

Amity felt her throat start to restrict her voice but she cleared it and said, "I don't like confrontation. I don't like to take the harder road. And yeah, sometimes I let people have their way to make it easier on all of us."

"Well, I think you should stop doing that," said Kara. Shaking her head she said, "Never compromise. You're a good person and you should get to do things that benefit you and make you happy. No more letting the Tracys, or even the Karas, of the world step on you."

Amity nodded slowly, not really listening anymore. How many times had she told herself that's what she was gonna do? And how many times had she failed?

If it wasn't Kara it was Tracy. If it wasn't Tracy it was Rowena. Regardless, someone was always going to step in and get in her way. And she was going to move aside, like an idiot, and let them.

"Hey, I have an idea," said Kara, standing up. "You can't drink and I really want to. I need a sober buddy. So how about you and I get out of here? Lyric is playing a gig a couple miles from here at this theater. It's a private gig for lucky fans who won some contest or something. I don't really know. I had turned down the invitation 'cause I wasn't in the mood but I know that Dean is going and Peyton is going and I think that maybe Riley and some of the Rhythmix girls are going."

Amity looked at her, confused. She hadn't been invited but so many of her friends had been.

Seeing her hesitance, Kara said, "Oh come on. You'll be my plus one. And what better way to get back to being friends with all the people you regret growing apart from? Right? I'll help you out."

Amity was in no mood to be around so many people but also in no position to reject an invitation for friendship and making amends. "Fine," she nodded. "I'll drive."


"Ok, what if we just start with the chorus?" said John, looking up from his guitar at Julie, who sat cross-legged on his couch. He had dragged a chair from the kitchen to the living room and sat on it across from her, keeping a safe yet efficient distance from her.

"I don't think I can get anywhere on this song until I know more about our theme here," said Julie, shaking her head. "It's just a waste of time. I should be spending my time on something else, like my own album. I know I'll have my entire tour to work on that but still... I have so much material to work with after the year I've had."

"We can work on that instead," John shrugged. "I don't mind. I've actually been working on music of my own. I'd like to put out something this year or next. Even if it's just a song or two. Or an EP. Doesn't have to be the full debut yet."

"Hmm..." Julie thought about it, looking around. She stopped on the door to the backyard and said, "Or...?"

Signaling to the door, she turned back to John, who knew exactly what that meant. He rolled his eyes at her but said, "Yeah, alright. Let's do it."


"Hey!" Kayli exclaimed when she saw Riley finally arrive at the venue for Lyric's show. "Oh my gosh, you're finally here! I needed the company girl."

Riley came to a stop in front of her friends' table and that's when they noticed Dean coming in behind her.

"Oh and you brought him," said Kayli, grinning up at him forcefully. "Fantastic."

"I'm here for Lyric, calm down ladies," said Dean, grabbing an empty chair for Riley and pulling one over from a nearby table. "Place looks kind of empty though. For their to be a big show like this."

"They haven't opened doors to the general public yet," Sarah said, sitting a few chairs away with Isaac and Peyton. "It's a pretty intimate show to begin with though. Prepare to have to take pics with her fans. We're gonna stick out like sore thumbs."

"I never understood that expression," said Riley as she took her seat. "How does a sore thumb stick out? I don't look at people's thumbs."

"You know what expression boggles my mind?" asked Isaac. "When people say something sticks their throats. I get it, nobody wants to have sticks in their throats. But... Why is that a common saying?"

Peyton nodded and said, "Like stick in the craw."

"Exactly," Isaac nodded back.

"What the hell is a craw?" asked Lyric as she approached the table from the stage.

They all lit up with excitement upon seeing the woman of the hour. "We are so thrilled to watch you play!" said Isaac. "What songs are ya doin', eh?"

"A few lowkey ones," said Lyric. "Acoustics and piano ballads. Just chill stuff for everyone to relax and really get a feel for what the songs mean, not just wanna dance. Mostly because we won't have room here for dancing. Thank you all for coming, by the way. I know this was last minute and you all have things to do."

"Oh we're so glad to be invited at all," said Peyton. "I was honestly surprised since we don't hang out very often, though I always knew I liked you."

Lyric smiled at her and then glanced around the venue, noticing Kara arriving with Amity at her side. "Uh..." she began.

Everyone looked, making Amity feel even more uncomfortable than she already was. "Wait," Kayli whispered. "I thought we didn't like her. Do we like her again? I know we like her when Shana's around but..."

"We like her just fine," Peyton hissed. 

"I meant Amity," said Kayli.

"Oh," said Peyton. "Well, I like her just fine, too."

Lyric cleared her throat as the women came closer, saying, "Hi! I'm so glad you could make it! You can just, um, have a seat here. And I have to go get ready. They're opening the doors for the fans soon but for now just stay put. Drinks and snacks over there, on me. And um... Enjoy!"

As Lyric scurried away, Amity felt herself shrinking, but then Kara put an arm around her and said, "Here, I'll grab us some chairs."

"I got it," Dean offered, getting up and heading to the nearby table for more chairs to crowd together.

Kara smiled at him, saying, "What a gentleman..."

She made a face at the other girls, teasing them about Dean's presence for a second, before turning her attention back to Amity, who came closer to her and whispered, "This was such a bad idea. They obviously don't want me here."

"Remember when everyone hated me?" Kara responded. "Now I'm always partying with them. Just go with me on this, ok?"

"Ok," Amity said, nodding slowly.

Kara grinned, her face lighting up as they turned back to the others, chairs ready for them, and asked, "So what have we missed?"


"So there I am," said John, sitting in his backyard, which was now somehow filled with the faces of people he hardly associated with. "And I'm so nervous. Like I thought I might shit on myself from how nervous I got. And before I can even get the balls to talk to her, she turns around and waves me over for a picture. And I think that was the moment I realized, 'Yeah, I've definitely made it.'"

Julie took a seat on the picnic table beside him, a black solo cup in her hand, and asked, "What are we talking about?"

"When I met Nicki Minaj," said John.

"Oh yeah," Julie smiled. She then flipped her hair and said, "Some of us are good friends with her."

In front of them, Phil Lipoff was smiling away, cup in hand, and now asking, "What is she like? Is she as shady as she seems? What about her ass? That still look good in person or is that all Photoshop and it's nasty now?"

Julie made a face, turning to John for him to take care of that. "I don't see how either of those questions are appropriate," said John. "But she's a cool woman. I can say that for sure."

Phil seemed to guess he was screwing up his chances of remaining at this party any longer, so he didn't say much else other than it was time to go refill his drink.

Left alone, Julie turned to John and said, "This is so chill. And that's not a pun on the weather, though it is pretty cold for a June evening. Honestly, it's just the people. This is a lot less pressure than hanging out with our usual friends."

"Our famous friends," said John.

Julie nodded. "Whom I love," she clarified. "But there's no drama here. And none of them getting to use their phones out here was perfect."

"Except me," said John, smiling as he dug his phone out from his sweatshirt pocket. "My house, my rules."

"I have an idea," she slapped the table and sat upright. "When Alex gets back, we should do something like this again. With our usual friends and that includes Alex. Backyard chill session. Just friends, booze, and everyone writing songs."

"Everyone here writing music and getting drunk?" asked John, raising an eyebrow.

"Not everyone," she assured him. "Just, like, the inner-inner-inner circle. 'Cause this is really nice but let's be real. Alex would be better company than Phil Lipoff."

John stared at her for a few seconds and then said, "You miss him."

She nodded slowly. "Yeah..." she admitted. "I really do. That was never up for debate. It's just... Difficult. I mostly miss my friend. It feels like I lost that with him so long ago. You know?"

"Yeah," John agreed. "I know. But... Everyone here, hanging out together. It's a lot of pressure. And dangerous territory given how much we're hiding from him. And everyone else."

"Yeah, you're right," she said, dispirited. 

Phil returned, nearly spilling his drink on the table as he stopped to say, "Man, John, bro, your grass is dead as fuck. You fixing this soon?"

"I don't really spend much time back here, honestly," John told him, and Julie could tell he was really annoyed already. "But if it bothers you so much, you don't have to be here either."

Phil stared at him, dead serious, and then started laughing. "Man, you funny," he told him. Then turning to Julie, he asked, "Was he always this funny?"

"He's a jokester," she said through gritted teeth.

Phil walked away, laughing again, and John asked, "Ok, how did he get invited to this?"

Julie shrugged. "I thought he was here because of you."

"No," John shook his head. "I've always hated the guy."

"Then I don't know," said Julie. "He must've heard from someone else here. You invited really random people. I couldn't tell you most of their names."

John rolled his eyes. "Well, whatever. One more comment from that guy and he's out."

Julie sat silently for a few seconds and then said, "He was right about the grass, though." John stared at her, unamused, but she giggled as she lifted up her cup again, finally feeling like she could relax a little.


Lyric was two songs into her set when Riley's phone started to buzz. Because these were all acoustics in an intimate venue, the buzz was heard by most people around, and she quickly lifted the phone from the table to silence it.

It was a call from Kitty, who had already sent her three texts checking in on her. Riley hated leaving home for this reason. Kitty was relentless.

After she put her phone on silent, the screen continued to light up as Kitty continued to call. She looked around at her friends, embarrassed, and while they continued to listen to Lyric sing, she couldn't do the same.

"Excuse me guys," Riley whispered to them, getting up and walking around Kayli and Dean to get out and make her way to the restrooms.

Once she was finally there, in a stall, and had ensured that no one else was in the room, she answered Kitty, who hadn't stopped calling. 

"What do you want?" Riley answered. "I'm really busy right now."

"Calm down," Kitty told her. "I just wanted to make sure you were fine. I haven't heard from you since your show and I know you're not back in Lima yet. Just wanted to make sure you weren't murdered by Dean or something."

"We're fine," she responded spitefully.

"We?" asked Kitty. "Honey, you're still with him? Look, you can make all the friends you want but... Dean, really? He's a drug addict. You couldn't find anyone more sane?"

"You and all your friends are crazy," said Riley, rolling her eyes. "You're really not one to judge."

But Kitty said, "I'm your mother. Judging is my job. But at least you're fine. Where are you anyway? You know I hate not knowing."

"It doesn't matter," said Riley. "But if it'll get you to leave me alone, I'm actually not that far from home. Just hanging out with friends at Lyric's show."

"Oh yeah..." said Kitty. "That was today. Ok. Well, then, I guess that's fine. Call me when you leave, ok? Let me know who you're leaving with, where you're headed and when—"

Riley hung up, annoyed and tired. By the time she returned to her table, Lyric was ending an acoustic version of her song 'Cruel' which of course received the applause it deserved from her fans.

"Thank you so much," Lyric told them. "As some of you may have noticed, I have a couple of really cool friends here with me tonight."

She indicated towards the table Riley had just sat down at and the fans cheered them on.

"I'd like to thank them for coming as well," said Lyric. "They have really busy lives and yet here they are, supporting me like always. I'm about to take a really quick five minute break but I'd hate for any of my fans to feel bored or get too antsy so... Since you're all here."

She got up and walked towards the edge of the stage by where their table was. The fans cheered as Lyric extended her arm out, holding the mic above them for anyone to grab.

"Who wants to hold down the fort while I'm on break?" she asked them.

Kayli was about to volunteer when she realized she didn't know many of Lyric's songs. Singing her own songs seemed a bit odd.

Sarah was about to volunteer herself and Isaac when hands with black nails reached for the mic. Kara held onto it for only a second before handing it to Amity.

"Well, go on," she urged her.

Put on the spot, Amity grabbed the mic and stood up. Upon seeing her, the most recognizable face there, the fans went a bit wild. Amity had no choice but to go along with it now, going through Lyric's catalog in her mind as she walked to the stage.

Lyric gave her two thumbs up and then hurried backstage for her break.

Amity sat where Lyric had been and said, "Um, I guess since this is about Lyric and her new album, um... Well, one song that I really love from there that she hasn't already done for you tonight is um..." 

She turned to the pianist and guitarist. After mouthing a song name for them a couple of times, then whispering it audibly enough that the fans heard and started cheering, she realized now there was no way she could change her mind. That was the song she was doing.

"Ok," she laughed, turning back to them. "I guess we have our song."

She gave the pianist a nod and Lyric's ballad began.

["idontwannabeyouanymore" by Billie Eilish.]

Amity: Badadadada... Badadadada...

While Lyric's voice was a lot softer than Amity's, she hoped she could still do the song justice.

Amity: Don't be that way. Fall apart twice a day. I just wish you could feel what you say.

In the first couple of lines, she heard herself getting pitchy, but by the chorus she was where she needed to be.

Amity: Show, never tell. But I know you too well. Kind of mood that you wish you could sell.

The room was completely silent, as such a song demanded. She could already see some faces getting puffy, tears forming in some eyes on the fans. Lyric's music really meant a lot to them.

Amity: If teardrops could be bottled. There'd be swimming pools filled by models. Told "that tight dress is what makes you a whore..."

Kara sat back and listened. She'd never heard this song before. Or much of Lyric's music outside what played on the radio. It was beautiful and touching her in an unexpected way. She felt her stomach tightening. 

Amity: If "I love you" was a promise. Would you break it, if you're honest. Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before.

Sarah and Isaac, who knew Lyric best and were around for the writing of her album, were probably the most in control of their emotions at the moment. And even stone-cold Sarah was frowning, while Isaac struggled not to cry.

Amity: I don't wanna be you anymore... Ah...

As Amity continued to sing the chilling song, Riley turned to Kayli, who was just staring at the stage, and then to Dean, who was looking down at the table. 

Amity: Hands getting cold. Losing feeling's getting old. Was I made from a broken mold?

It was like none of them wanted to be seen getting emotional. She could only imagine what it would've been like if they were at a live award show, with cameras everywhere watching them.

Amity: Hurt, I can't shake. We've made every mistake. Only you know the way that I break.

Lyric stood backstage watching, a water bottle to her lips as she refreshed herself for the rest of her set. 

Amity: If teardrops could be bottled. There'd be swimming pools filled by models. Told "that tight dress is what makes you a whore..."

This was what she enjoyed best. Watching other people interpret her music, connect with it.  

Amity: If "I love you" was a promise. Would you break it, if you're honest. Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before.

And Amity had done a fantastic job.

Amity: I don't wanna be you... I don't wanna be you... I don't wanna be you anymore.

When she finished, Amity rose from her seat and welcomed Lyric back on stage. The two hugged, being filmed and photographed by the fifty or so fans in attendance. 

She knew their pictures would end up plastered all over the internet, as well as video of her. It was some of the only recent evidence of her pregnancy, since she'd been holed up for a while now.

But she'd kept it together for that whole song and was proving to everyone that she did at least seemingly have friends outside of Tracy and her squad. And according to Kara, that was a major first step.


"Ok, I think everyone is officially gone," said John, returning to the backyard and searching around for any distant acquaintances lurking around.

Julie glanced up from her phone and said, "Alex tells me he's in LA now. Bruno heard that he's there and invited him to stay in his house so..."

She put her phone down and John took a seat in front of her, setting down two refilled drinks. "So you're really not gonna tell him then," said John.

"I'm really not gonna tell him," she said. "You and Kitty are right that it'll only hurt him. So I'll have to suck it up and keep the secret, I guess."

John nodded, taking a gulp of his drink and then putting the cup back down, away from his hand. "There's one thing Kitty brought up earlier, actually," he said. "About us having feelings for each other."

She glanced up, panicked.

"No, no," he laughed, shaking his head. "Don't freak out on me. I just mean that... I do love you, Julie. You know that. I've known you for... what? 26 years now? Something like that?"

"Something like that," she repeated.

"And I guess with what Kitty was saying," he continued. "I wish that it could be like that. I really do."

"Like what?"

"That it could've been you and me," he shrugged. "That there was nothing else to keep us from just saying we wanna be together and then ride off into a delusional, carefree sunset."

Julie smiled. "Can you imagine?" she laughed.

"Actually, yeah," he nodded. "I can imagine it. It's nice... Unrealistic. But nice. And I think if I could go back to high school..."

Julie rolled her eyes and groaned.

"No, I'm serious," he laughed. "I was chasing after... Sugar... And Kitty? Like... You were right there and I was an idiot."

"I don't really think about that very much," Julie shrugged.

"I do," John admitted, nodding. "Because this..." He pointed to himself and back at her. "It could've gone down very differently. I could've seen you for what you were and what you would become back then. And said, 'Hey this thing I have for Sugar is... superficial. Here's my best friend. And she's a great kisser.'"

Julie laughed, blushing and covering up her face.

"And it would've saved us from all this drama now," said John. "And everything you dealt with... With Sam and Ryder and Jake."

"You with Sugar and Kitty and Marley," said Julie.

"I could've just admitted there was potential between us," he nodded. "All those years ago. It'd be something different. I mean, your dad loves me."

"True," said Julie. "Alex can't relate."

"My parents adore you," he continued. "They always wanted us to date."

"Yes," Julie nodded. "They did. Alex's parents... cannot relate."

"We wouldn't judge each other," he said. "We'd just help each other."

"And write really great songs about each other," Julie added.

"Yes, can't forget the music," he agreed.

She took a deep breath. "You know, actually, there is one thing I know for a fact would be better."

"The sex, right?" he joked.

"No," she laughed, shaking her head. Then she got more serious and said, "When I get... sick. You wouldn't try to lock me away like Sam until I'm all better and he handle me. Or... Think you can try to fix me... Like Alex."

"He's just not used to it," said John. "I've seen it happen to you. The changes. I learned at the same time as you did. Even though I can't ever feel what you feel... And I think that with more time, he'll get it, too."

"Maybe," she shrugged. Then she groaned, "Ugh, why couldn't you have just liked me and forgotten all about Sugar? You ruined it for us, John."

He smiled apologetically.

And she continued, "Instead I fell for a really sweet guy. Who likes to think he's the leader of a motorbike gang." She laughed. "But he looks like a Ken Doll."

"He really does," agreed John with a laugh. "Like, James Dean, the James Franco version." Then he pressed his lips together and said, "You have him. And I have... Well, no one at this point. Other than my son, but that's not the same."

"You've got me," she shrugged. "Always."

"Not in the same way," he shook his head. "I mean... In the way that our other best friend does. Or did. Will. One day you two are gonna pack up your house and get the kids and fly off to live in New York or Paris or... I don't know. An island off the coast of Australia."

Julie laughed. "What?"

"Really," John insisted. "You're too good for this town. I've always told you that."

"You wrote me a song about that my senior year," she smiled.

"And I meant every word," he nodded. "I still think you'll leave for good at some point. But that's ok. You both deserve to get to live that life away from all of this. Alex is a lucky guy. He really is, regardless of what's happened between us, he's still the lucky one. I will never think otherwise, no matter what you do."

Julie played with the full cup in between her hands, making its contents jiggle. She glanced up and said, "You're giving me a little too much credit."

"It's what a best friend is supposed to do," he said. "I've never felt closer to you, and I don't mean in the physical sense even if there's that too."

She laughed. "Still very weird," she sighed. "But not as weird as the fact that you've just admitted you wished you had fallen for me way back when. I waited so long to hear that, you know? It was like, my one big loss over my lifetime trapping men in my many, many webs."

He smiled. "Oh, so it's like that then?"

"Hmm..." she nodded.

He looked at the time on his phone's screen and said, "And it's getting late... I can drive you home. Or call a cab?"

Julie thought about it a few seconds. "I mean this in the least sexual or pervy way," she began. "But would you mind if I stayed the night? I do have Rosie in there to think about and I'm a little tired out."

He unlocked his phone and clicked an app on the first page, turning it around for her to see the baby cam in Kai's nursery. 

"Yeah," he nodded. "You're both welcome here whenever you want."


The following morning, Travis arrived back at John's house with a much different energy. He knocked and knocked til finally, someone came to the door.

But when it was Julie, wearing just a really long t-shirt, he was too caught in surprise to say anything.

"Come on in," she greeted him awkwardly.

"What's up man?" John emerged from behind the fridge with two water bottles. "Back for another round? Didn't get enough yesterday?"

"I'm here to say that I'm sorry," said Travis. "I overreacted because deep down I knew you were right. But I shouldn't have made you feel bad about that. Though I guess maybe this is not necessary anymore. You seem pretty happy."

He looked from John to Julie, who said, "Oh no, I'm just... Here writing." Travis raised his eyebrows. "And I know you know so I have no reason to lie."

"We've decided that what happened didn't ever happen," said John, offering Travis his own water bottle. "From now on we are well-behaved, model citizens. Best friends. And, currently, writing partners. You're free to join us."

Travis looked at them, so casual and seemingly comfortable, and said, "Ok, this is really freaky. I think I'll just go. But we're cool, right?"

"Right," said John. "And remember... Nothing I told you about ever happened."

"Got it," Travis nodded, indicating a zipper to his lips. He waved goodbye and headed for the door. 

Once he was gone, John and Julie returned to the couch with their water and John asked, "Ok, now where were we?"


As Amity prepared to leave her apartment, suitcase trailing behind her, she opened the door to find Kara there, holding breakfast in a paper bag in one hand and coffee cups on a cardboard cupholder.

"Decaf for the pregnant woman," she said, smiling wide. "And donuts and tacos for the both of us. No raw fish or anything like that involved. I looked up what you could and couldn't eat just in case."

Amity forced a smile as Kara looked down at her suitcases.

"Oh..." she said. "You're leaving?"

"Yeah," Amity nodded.

"When do you get back?" asked Kara.

Amity took a deep breath and answered, "Two-to-sixteen-weeks...?"

Kara wavered for a moment then said, "You're going on that crazy Costa Rica trip? I told you that was a scam."

Amity pulled her suitcase out as the cab arrived to take her to the airport. She shut the door behind her and said, "It's not a scam. I told you. I looked into it. I had my people look into it, too. It's legit."

"But why are you going?" said Kara, following after her as Amity moved towards the driveway.

"Because," said Amity. "Yesterday was a good reminder of what it's like to hang out with nice, grounded people. And it just made me realize that... if at any point I had been willing to trade that for people like Tracy and Francesca then... I'm just not the person I thought I was. Or who I claim to be."

"So you're not the best judge of character," Kara rolled her eyes.

Amity stopped walking and said, "It's not just that." Kara halted to a stop with her as she continued, "I became someone I don't want to be. And I wanna return to who I was. Or who I thought I was or was becoming."

"So you're gonna go do charity?" Kara raised an eyebrow. "Just like that?"

"I'm gonna go help people in need," Amity nodded. "And figure out what to do about my future because this road I've taken... I don't like it. Do you like the road you're on, Kara? Everything you've done? The things that have happened to you? Don't you want more?"

Kara thought about it. Everything was flashing in her mind, all the people she had alienated as well by being a general ass to her own friends. If Amity didn't think she was a good enough person... what did that make her? The devil?

"I have to go," said Amity. "I'm doing my interview and then assuming I get approved, we're leaving on Tuesday from Columbus so... I guess this is goodbye for a while. Good luck with everything, Kara. I really hope whatever's been bothering you... works out."

As Amity started to walk to the cab again, Kara's eyes widened. She gripped onto her breakfast and coffee and called out, "Amity! Wait!"


"Ooh this would sounds so great if we shifted the key, actually," said Julie, clearing her throat. She strummed John's guitar once and then hummed a note. "Like that?" she said. She continued strumming, humming along to lyrics she hadn't yet written but would one day fit that melody.

"I like that a lot," John approved. "If it's gonna be primarily on acoustic, there could be some snaps in there to give it a little more... umf."

"Umf," Julie repeated, laughing as she continued to strum.

Her phone rang on the table and she only briefly looked down at it. John gave her a look and said, "Just answer it. That's the fourth time he calls you. He's gonna get worried."

Julie sighed but did as he said, grabbing the phone and setting the guitar aside. Taking a deep breath, she answered the call, "Hello?"

"Julie, hey," said Alex. "Uh, I was just checking in. I tried you a couple times."

"Oh sorry," she said. "I didn't hear the phone til now. I'm, uh, at John's."

John made a face at her while Alex asked, "Again? I saw a picture he posted from some sort of party happening there yesterday. Wait til I get out of your hair to have some fun?"

Julie forced a laugh and said, "Oh yeah, that... Um, no, actually I was here but I just... I stayed the night." John shook his head at her and she shrugged, not sure what she was supposed to do.

"Oh," said Alex. "That's cool."

"Yeah, we're just writing," said Julie. "So I figured... Rosie's been here. She's really calm. She's napping right now but she hasn't been crying or sick or anything if that's why you were calling."

"Partially," he said. "But actually I was just gonna let you know that I just had my audition and I think it went pretty well."

"Oh that's great," she said.

"You know, they're still looking for a lead actress," he said. "It wouldn't be too crazy for you to audition. I'm sure the marketing team would love it if we were both cast."

"Oh, um..." Julie looked back at John. "That sounds interesting but... I don't know. I think I have a little much on my plate right now and... Besides, we haven't really talked so..."

"Right..." he said, his tone changing completely. "You're right. Um, we'll just talk about that later then. Among other things. Anyway, what I really wanted to tell you was that I'm gonna be doing some small press stuff over in Burbank for the label. Just some interviews about signing a solo deal and music I've been working on and the usual stuff, you know. So, I guess I won't be back til maybe next week. Mid-week or the weekend or something? I'll let you know."

"Yeah, ok," she said, afraid to say much else.

He waited for her to add to it but she didn't and the silence was going on for too long. "Ok," he said. "I'll let you get back to writing."

"Ok," she said. "Talk to you soon. Bye."

She ended the call quickly and put the phone aside. "What was that?" John said, half-laughing.

"I don't know!" she exclaimed. "I panicked. That was just so awkward and weird. I don't know. I'm acting like a fifteen-year-old, I know. I'm just... I don't know. It's weird."

"So you've said a million times already," John nodded, a little amused. "But you're gonna have to get used to it."

"I know..." she sighed. "This is so stupid. But you're right. I can't be weird with him anymore if I want our reconciliation to work. Oh god. What if he comes back and he doesn't wanna get back together? No... He just said I should audition for this movie, too. He wouldn't have said that if he didn't plan on us getting back together. Right? I don't know."

"Just chill out," he said. "You will be back to normal in no time. And then you can have your clean slate with him. As if we never happened and he never brutally dumped you while you were coming down from a high."

Julie thought about that for a second and shook her head. "No," she said. "There's one thing I have to do before he gets back. And you're gonna help me. But first we have to drop off Rosie with Kitty. Come on."


Kara almost didn't knock, but she couldn't leave now that she'd gotten so close. So she knocked, waited, and knocked again.

She was going to leave when the door opened and Addison looked her up and down, surprised to find her there.

"What do you want?" asked Addison.

"Ouch," Kara nodded. "I probably deserved that."

"Probably?" asked Addison, crossing her arms.

Kara rolled her eyes. "Ok, you're making it really hard for me to say what I came to say."

"And what's that?" asked Addison.

Kara bit her bottom lip til she got the courage to speak up again. "So..." she began. "Your song at the club and everything else you said... You meant that, right?" Addison didn't answer. "It... freaked me out."

"Ok," said Addison. "I guessed that much."

"It's just that," Kara continued, "you've become one of my closest friends here. Or anywhere. And... The truth is this has happened before. I get really close to someone and then we become more because they start demanding more from me and... I always let them down."

"Kara..." Addison shook her head.

"No, just hear me out," Kara sighed. "I like you a lot. I think you're smart and funny and you don't mind just sitting around doing nothing all day which is, like, my favorite thing to do."

Addison made a face, knowingly.

"But," Kara continued, "I also know myself. I know how I am and how I'll be and what this will become and I don't want that for you. I want to be a good person. Or to try to be."

"You are," Addison said, frowning.

"No, I'm really not," said Kara. Laughing she added, "In fact, it turns out I'm more like the devil. So... I have to make a change. And become someone better. So... I'm actually here to say goodbye."

"What?" Addison said, uncrossing her arms. "Goodbye? Where are you going? For how long?"

"Just... away..." said Kara. "Out of this town. For a while. Maybe forever. I don't know yet. All I know is that something's gotta give eventually and if that's me then so be it. But every time I've skipped town, the people I left behind found something or someone better for themselves and... If that's the pattern then I have to give you that chance."

"This is stupid," Addison told her. "You're being stupid."

She took a step forward but Kara stepped back. "Maybe," she agreed. "But this is me trying to make good choices. Bye, Addison Swanson. You deserve more. You really do."

She began to walk away and Addison stepped out into the hall, watching her leave. She wanted to stop her but she had gotten to know Kara well enough to know there was no stopping her now. 

This was just what she did. She was a runaway, through and through.

But in Kara's eyes, she wasn't running away. She was letting go. As she got went down the stair exit, all she could think was the many times she should've learned to just leave.

["Bad At Love" by Halsey.]

Kara: Got a boy back home in Michigan. And he tastes like Jack when I'm kissing him. So I told him that I never really liked his friends. Now he's gone and he's calling me a bitch again.

With every step she got faster, wanting to get the hell out of there until she reached the first floor and could leave the building through the side exit. All she could think was what's done is done.

Kara: There's a guy that lives in the garden state. And he told me that we'd make it 'til we graduate. So I told him that the music would be worth the wait. But he wants me in the kitchen with a dinner plate.


"Ok, you grab that end," said Julie as she tossed her sheets to the floor and began to pull the mattress from the bed frame. John stood at the entrance to her bedroom, concerned.

"Isn't this just a little extreme?" he asked.

"You said I had to get my clean slate, right?" she said. "I can't bring him back to this mattress where you and I... So help." John wasn't too pleased about this pointless plan, which he feared would make Alex suspicious, but he obliged.

Kara: I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe that we're meant to be. But jealousy, jealousy, jealousy, jealousy. Get the best of me. Look, I don't mean to frustrate. But I always make the same mistakes. Always make the same mistakes 'cause.


Meanwhile, Kara crossed the street from Addison's apartment, where a cab was waiting for her. She got into the backseat and scoot into place, slamming the door shut and leaning back.

"You good to go?" asked Amity.

Kara kept her song going, nodding and looking out the window at Addison's building. 

Taking that as their cue to go, Amity turned to the driver and said, "Ok. Now we can leave town. To the airport."

Kara: I'm bad at love. But you can't blame me for tryin'. You know I'd be lyin' sayin' you were the one that could finally fix me. Lookin' at my history. I'm bad at love.


As John and Julie finished pushing her mattress out to the hallway, she stopped for air and said, "Ok. Pause. I need to grab the sheets."

"What?" he laughed, then realizing she was serious. "Just wash them!"

Kara: Got a girl with California eyes. And I thought that she could really be the one this time. But I never got the chance to make her mine. Because she fell in love with little thin white lines.

"I already did and it's just not enough, John," she said, running back into the room. 

But as she picked them up from where she'd tossed them, she rose back up to face the hole in the wall John had made while breaking his phone. She'd picked up the pieces but hadn't fixed that yet.

There were just too many traces of their night in the house.

Kara: London girl with an attitude. We never told no one but we look so cute. Both got way better things to do. But I always think about her when I'm riding through.

She returned to John and said, "New plan. We're burning the whole thing down."

John laughed and followed her down the stairs, asking, "Ok, so what? We're just gonna get rid of everything I ever touched? Redecorate your house. 'Cause that won't be suspicious." 

Kara: I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe that I'm in too deep. And jealousy, jealousy, jealousy, jealousy get the best in me. Look, I don't mean to frustrate. But I always make the same mistakes. Always make the same mistakes 'cause.

She ignored him and hurried into the kitchen, then the garage, while he kept up behind her.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "You do remember that I spent more time here than any of my own homes over the years, right? It's ok if I've sat somewhere too long Julie. He's not gonna know unless we start changing things."

Kara: I'm bad at love. But you can't blame me for tryin'. You know I'd be lyin' sayin' you were the one that could finally fix me. Lookin' at my history.

"No," she said as she pulled out a few things from under the metal cabinet in the garage. "Not just things. Everything."

Kara: I'm bad at love.

He stared at her in disbelief. "You meant it literally."

She nodded, smiling.

Kara: Oh, you know, you know, you know, you know.

"Julie, you're crazy," he said as she walked past him and back into the house. "This is so unnecessary. Not to mention, dangerous. And costly."

Kara: I'm bad at love. I'm bad at love.

She stopped in the dining room and turned to him. "I'm a multi-millionaire. I don't care. Are you gonna help me or not?" He hesitated so she said, "Come on... Best friend?"

Kara: I know that you're afraid I'm gonna walk away. Each time the feeling fades. Each time the feeling gades.

He was hesitant but she was not giving up, so he decided instead to help because otherwise she'd do it alone and unsupervised.

As they finished grabbing the few things that Julie wanted to save, which turned out not to be much, they walked outside the house together, a living room window left unopen.

Kara: I know that you're afraid I'm gonna walk away. Each time the feeling fades. You know I'm--

"Let's hope this works," said Julie, walking to the yard and to the open window.

She put her hand out for John, who handed her the matches and said, "Let's hope it doesn't."

She rolled her eyes at him and struck a match, tossing it into the room and watching it blow out before even touching the bottom of the curtain.

"Don't toss it," he said. "Just drop it and we back away fast."

Kara: Bad at love! But you can't blame me for tryin'. You know I'd be lyin' sayin' you were the one that could finally fix me. Lookin' at my history.

She nodded and made her second attempt as he instructed. The match fell to the bottom of the curtain and in seconds a flame grew on it on the floor. She waited anxiously until, finally, it started to spread.

"Oh shit," she said, shutting the window quickly before he took her by the wrist and pulled them away from it. 

Kara: I'm bad at love. Ooh ooh. Oh you know you know you know you know..

Together they made it to the edge of the fence, by the gate, and watched until they could see a larger fire growing inside the living room. 

Kara: I'm bad at love. Ooh ooh.

John pulled her outside the gate and they walked backwards towards his car, watching the flames grow inside.

Kara: Oh oh...

"Congrats, Julie," he said, unlocking his car. "This is now the dumbest thing we've ever done together."

Julie seemed to regret destroying her home like this for just a second, but then she turned to him and said, "Good. Now let's get out of here."


Oh my goodness that was literally the longest chapter EVER. Took forever to write and forever to get through I'm sure.

Ok, next time on Glee...

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