
By californarrysun

20.1K 687 64

"I feel a feeling of extreme love...but it's so extreme I don't know how much more I can describe it." "Ther... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 44

89 6 3
By californarrysun


How? How could Nick be such a nasty, deluded man. How could one be possessed with so much evil. It's like he stepped out the gates of hell, bringing all wickedness with him. He could possibly be satan the more I think about it. If anyone should be strapped to these beds, losing their mind, staring at a ceiling with thoughts scattered in your mind, it should be him. I've thought time and time again as to how to get out of here and save me and Lily and Jackson, even the others here, but I'm stumped. I've hit a "road block". I can't think anymore and it's like I've lost my ability to but this doesn't mean I'm going to give up. I'd never give up on Lily. I love her far too much to just betray her like that. I'll make she gets a better life than she ever had.



I missed Lily so much and I didn't really realize that until I saw her face to face for the first time in I don't know how long. I'm not sure I really know what month it is either. Seeing Harry was nice too. To think that he met my sister is crazy. It's a beautiful thing because without him, there'd be no hope. I would feel like I'd have no family or anyone left and that I'd never leave. He could've met anyone when he went back in to the world, when Nick released him, but he met my sister. It was meant to be. Harry's a smart guy. I know he'll get us out. It won't take long and we will bust out and be free, Nick will be exposed and arrested, getting what he deserves. I have extreme faith in Harry and I always have. It's never left.



I thought of ways to escape. That was the only thing I thought about in this little cell, this cage keeping me from the perfect world outside. The world may not be perfect in reality, but it's luxury compared to where I'm stuck now.

Knowing my mom is dead gives me the worst pain I've ever experienced. There's no one here to comfort me as I mourn. I know if Harry could be with me, he'd hold me and tell me everything's alright, but right now he can't be here. When you lose someone, there's pain and you can't get through the pain unless someone is there to help you and be a shoulder to cry on. Right now I don't have that shoulder to cry on. No one sympathizes for me.

First I lost my dad, now my mom. Who's next? Jackson's still here but what if it won't be for much longer. I've seen him once. I'm happy he's alive but I want to hold him; hug him. I want to sing at the top of our lungs again to our favorite songs. I miss being a big sister. Right now, I'm not a daughter. I've lost that title, but I know that I'm still a sister and I will always be there for Jackson. I won't leave his side. I never wanted to give up looking for him. Sure, this didn't turned out as how I planned, but I still have two people in my life that I could be here for and that could be here for me and no matter what, I can't loose them.

Days kept strolling by and the tray of food was always given to me. I'd eat the shit, feel sick, same routine every day. There was nothing new. I didn't know what was going on in the real world. For once I could say I miss watching the news. I want to know what had been happening in my community but who knows when I'll be caught up. For all I know, I could escape this hell hole and there could be a world war occurring outside of this place.

But it wouldn't be as deadly as Nick.

I must have dozed off for a while but I was awoken by the door rolling open.

"Hey! Get up." The security guard snapped at me. This time I wasn't strapped to the bed. That felt like freedom to me.

"Where am I going?"

"Good lord, girl, why do you ask so many questions?" The guard was still standing at the door and was waiting for me to get up.

"Sorry." I hung my head down and apologized. I put my hands in front of me to be handcuffed but that didn't happen.

"No, you don't need those today." I was confused. I always get handcuffed but why not today? What's going to be different? I just watched and followed the guard and I was led in to the elevator with him. The doors opened and we went through the doors of Nick's office.

"Take a seat, dear." My stomach flipped when I heard Nick say that. I walked over to one of the chairs in front of his desk and sat down.

"What do you want?" I glared at him.

"Lily, you can go home!" Nick smiled and waited for my response. I hung my mouth open.

"Are you kidding me? You're joking." I actually didn't want to go home. I couldn't leave without anybody being with me.

"What? You don't want to leave? Strange, I thought you might want to."

"I know what you're doing here. You kill my mom, knowing my dad's dead, you're not releasing Harry or anyone else cause they'd be in here right now. You're letting me go to have no one in my life."

"And how do you know that?" Nick chuckled.

"I know you. You're the most disgusting, twisted human being that I've ever met and that has ever stepped foot in this town."

"Do you really think I'm that mean?" Nick smiled like it was all fun and games.

"I'm not leaving. Not unless you release everyone else in this sick place!"

"I can't do that dear." He fiddled around with the pen on his desk.

"Fine. Then I'm choosing to stay here." I crossed my arms and leaned back in my seat.

"Ok. Then I'll schedule you to be sentenced for inhabiting tomorrow and sentence Harry to have his inhabiter removed."

"NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" I screamed and stood up.

"What's so bad with that?" Nick knew what he was doing and he knew that I knew Harry would be killed.

"Cause Harry would die if you took it out of him! Please!" My voice was loud and I was begging."Just do whatever you have to on me...don't punish him." My voice was more quiet, realizing that what I had just said was a major risk.

"Send her back to her cell." Nick picked up his pen and wrote something on a piece of paper. He didn't look at me either when the guards went to grab me.

"So wait, what's your plan? What's going to happen now?" Still no answer or acknowledgement. "Someone, please! Tell me!" I started crying, the pain of not knowing what's next was running through my body. My heart rate picked up rapidly and I started to feel extremely sick. I was placed back in my cell, the door rolling shut and my tears falling harder. Maybe I should have taken the offer and left. No. Not without Harry and Jackson. There's no way I could do that. I don't regret anything I said and there was nothing to regret. I'm risking my life by staying here and I'm doing it all for the ones that mean the most to me. It won't be much longer and we'll be free...I know it.

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