It's Not Over Yet (the sevent...

By arias3

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It's not over yet. Though I often wish it was. This is m... More

Part 1
Chapter 1: Reunion League Tour Rehearse Coffee Dad
Chapter 2: Need Some Lovin'
Chapter 3: Perfect Shell
Chapter 4: The Wrong Time
Chapter 5: Baby Blues
Chapter 6: Exposed
Chapter 7: The Biggest Blessing
Chapter 8: Quadruple Babies
Chapter 9: Waiting
Chapter 10: Night of Shameless Fun
Chapter 11: Real Friends
Chapter 12: The Phoenix
Chapter 13: Mommy Booster
Chapter 14: Twitter Warzone
Chapter 15: 500
Chapter 16: A Christmas Eve Story
Chapter 17: Midnight
Chapter 18: Telethon
Chapter 19: Don't Say Anything
Chapter 20: Hand In To The Flame
Chapter 21: Pretty Boy
Chapter 22: If You Don't Believe Me
Chapter 23: The Decision
Chapter 24: We Need Each Other
Chapter 25: Something's Gotta Change Around Here
Chapter 26: Kill Em... With Kindness
Chapter 27: Fellow Nancy Drew-ers
Chapter 28: If You're So Recovered
Chapter 29: You're So Bad For Me
Chapter 30: Afraid To Catch Feels
Chapter 31: Five Little Dots
Chapter 32: Crime's a Crime
Chapter 33: I'm In Trouble
Chapter 34: I'm An Addict
Chapter 35: Folie à Deux
Chapter 37: The Longest Chapter So Far
Chapter 38: These Are My Confessions
Chapter 39: Farewell, Crystal Army
Chapter 40: The Last Year
Part 2
Chapter 41: Now That We're Done
Chapter 42: Entertain Us
Chapter 43: Ha Ha Ha
Chapter 44: Look What You've Done
Chapter 45: You Look Pretty Sinking
Chapter 46: Haunting Me, Taunting Me
Chapter 47: Bury Me In Memory
Chapter 48: Keep It Together
Chapter 49: There's Something I Need To Say
Chapter 50: Take My Pain For Me
Chapter 51: Like We're Supposed To Do
Chapter 52: The Spectrum
Chapter 53: Going All In
Chapter 54: Socks
Chapter 55: Fear Of Falling Apart
Chapter 56: You're A Lonely Soul
Chapter 57: Nice For What
Chapter 58: A Good Place To Start
Chapter 59: It Happened In New Year's Eve, Part 1
Chapter 60: It Happened In New Year's Eve, Part 2
Chapter 61: SuperBowl
Chapter 62: When A Female Fires Back
Chapter 63: This Is Why I Came To You
Chapter 64: Drama and Singing About It, Part One
Chapter 65: Drama and Singing About It, Part Two
Chapter 66: Honestly, I'm Freaking Out
Chapter 67: The Wedding Zinger
Chapter 68: You're In Over Your Head
Chapter 69: I Know What You're Going Through
Chapter 70: Were They Right?
Chapter 71: The Art of a Diss Track
Chapter 72: Fix It Somehow Or Just Move On
Chapter 73: Viva Cozumel Day 1
Chapter 74: Just About Anything Goes
Chapter 75: Who's Molly?
Part 3
Chapter 76: We're All Addicted To Something
Chapter 77: Another Round Of Being Broken
Chapter 78: Another Really Long Chapter
Chapter 79: She Was Back
Chapter 80: There's No Place To Fall
Chapter 81: I Don't Take The Blame
Chapter 82: Pride Through Music
Chapter 83: Lights Out Part 1
Chapter 84: Lights Out Part 2
Chapter 85: Checkmate
Chapter 86: VMAs 2028
Chapter 87: What Happened To John?
Chapter 88: Rinky Dinks

Chapter 36: McKinley

482 17 105
By arias3

So here's what you missed on Glee.

And that's what you missed on... Glee!

Now onto our chapter.


When Julie woke up, John was fast asleep beside her, lying on his stomach and facing away from her. She caressed his hair and sighed. What had she done?

She searched around for any piece of clothing that she could throw on before she got out of bed but her eyes caught something else. A picture on the nightstand, of her and Alex, at the JV Records party about a year ago.

She got up abruptly and stumbled toward the bathroom, feeling the need to throw up. Her rush woke up John, who felt his head pounding as he tried to sit up.

"Fucking hell..." he muttered, rubbing his temples. 

He could hear Julie throwing up and recovered memories from the previous night in quick flashes. What had he done?

"You good?" he called out to her, feeling like he might throw up too.

"I'm great," she responded before throwing up again.

As he got up and tried to collect his clothing, he heard the front door open, but Julie was still gagging in the bathroom.

"Julie?" Alex called out.

"Shit," said John, searching for his things a lot faster. "Shit, shit, shit." 

He collected as many of his things as he could at once, kicking some of it under the bed. His shirt and Julie's pants were downstairs.

"Shit," he muttered. "I'm so dead. We're so dead. Shit."

"Julie!" Alex called out again, coming up the stairs.

Julie flushed the toilet and hurried to the bedroom in a panic. "Oh my god," she whispered. John gave her a look and ran into the closet, shutting the door just as the bedroom door opened and Alex walked inside.

She turned around, standing naked as he looked on in shock.

"I, uh..." he began, flustered. "New look?"

Her face growing so hot she was sure she was breaking a brand new sweat, she rushed to the bed and picked up her blouse, slipping her hands into the sleeves and buttoning it up.

"Sorry," she said as she dressed herself. "I didn't expect anyone to show up..."

"Yeah..." he nodded, looking around the room at the mess and then spotting the hole in the wall. "What's up with that?"

As he walked towards the closet, she blocked his way and said, "I just, um, got upset and threw my phone at the wall yesterday. I was drinking and... I shouldn't have been. Clearly. But it's not a big deal. Um... Why are you here?"

"I was worried," he admitted, taking her hands. "I can't tell you how glad I am to see that you're ok. I came by and you were gone and... You weren't answering. I couldn't sleep just wondering if you were safe or not..."

"Yeah, I'm ok," she nodded, feeling her throat tense up and pulling away from him. "I'm ok. I went out for a little while to get some air and then I came back and drank and..."

"Did you really take Kara's cocaine the other day?" he asked.

"What?" she responded. 

"She said she saw you at her table slipping it out."

Julie gaped, not sure what her reason could be to explain that. Her eyes unintentionally drifted towards the desk, where the evidence was laid out. 

He followed her gaze and upon seeing it there said, "Are you serious?"

"It's..." she began, but didn't have any more excuses left. "I can't even..."

He seemed angry at first, but he held it all back. "It's ok..." he said, putting his hands on her shoulders. "I spent all day yesterday thinking about it. About us and you. I know that you don't wanna admit it yet but your problem with self-medicating and these drugs... It's dangerous Julie. And I shouldn't have run from it. I'm sorry."

"What?" she said. "You're sorry?"

"I love you so much," he said. "And I was so scared that you had hurt yourself yesterday and... I can't lose you, Julie. It was so stupid for me to say all that stuff about taking a break. I don't wanna take a break, especially not when you need me. Even if it's hard, I'm gonna be here by your side and we're gonna kill these demons together. Ok?"

"Alex, I..." she shook her head, confused and nauseous. "No. You said that..."

"I know I said a lot of things," he continued. "And I really regret them, ok? I don't wanna get a divorce. In fact, I... I wanna get our marriage license confirmed. I want us to get the original date legalized."

"Alex, I don't know if I can," she said, walking away from him as he tried to touch her again. "I... I'm really confused and umm... And I am struggling with some things and..."

"We'll get through them together," he assured her, moving towards her and putting his arms around her. "I promised you that I would make us right again and I know that I've screwed up, in so many ways... But I'm going to keep my promise, ok? I'm going to fix us."

He hugged her tightly and she felt no other option but to hug him back, despite having the touch of another man, the absolute worst man, all over her.

She looked down at the ground, saw his boxers sticking out from under the bed, and subtly kicked them in all the way.

Alex pulled away from her and said, "I get that I screwed up. This is all my fault."

"No," she said.

But he nodded and said, "It is. So I understand if you want to take some time and take it all in... I told Sam I'd go down to McKinley today. It's the last day and he really wants all of us there to say goodbye to the school together. I'd really like it if you came with me."

She thought about John, hiding in the closet right now and listening to everything. "Um," she said. "What about Rosie?"

"She's with my parents," said Alex. "I'll bring her home after today, I swear. But they're doing well with her and I really think we should go to this."

He leaned down and tried to give her a kiss but she dodged it, moving away. "Sorry," she said immediately.

"No, I get it," he sighed. "It's... understandable, I guess. After what I've put you through. I really am sorry."

All she could do was nod.

He forced a smile and said, "We're actually running a little late already but... If you wanna hit the shower, I can make you breakfast and... We can talk for a little bit."

"No," she said immediately, startling him. "What I mean is that, um... I'm not hungry. And... we can talk later. Why waste time now, right?"

"Right..." he said slowly, confused.

"Why don't you start heading out?" she suggested. "I should probably change and make myself look a little more presentable but it should only take me a few minutes."

Alex stared at her for a few seconds and she wondered if she'd been too obvious. Maybe he was suspicious now. But he really seemed to be trying to make her happy again, going along with her plan with no protest or questions.

"Ok then," he said. "I'll be downstairs."

"Outside," she corrected him.

"Sure," he nodded. "I'll get the car started. See you in a bit."

"Ok," she faked a grin as he left and she pretended to grab clothes from the dresser. As soon as she heard him going down the stairs, she stopped faking anything and listened closely, waiting until he had left the house.

"Oh my god..." she muttered, covering her mouth as soon as the door downstairs had shut. She walked to the closet and opened the door, shaking her head at John, who was there with one of her dresses wrapped around his waist.

"That was terrifying," he said, walking out. "I really thought we were about to go into a full-out R.Kelly opera."

"What?" she said, her eyes tearing up. "What the hell are you talking about?" She quickly grabbed some clothes and started to throw them on. "Don't even say anything else. And stop looking at me. Turn around."

He looked away, rolling his eyes and saying, "Not like I didn't see everything yesterday."

"You're not helping," she said, her voice cracking as she nervously put the new clothes on. "I'm freaking out. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna say?"

"Well you can't tell him," he said, grabbing his boxers from under the bed and putting them on, along with his pants. "Obviously."

"John, didn't you hear him?" she asked. "He wants to reconcile. How can we do that after what we did?"

"Just don't say anything," he said. "It's that simple. Think about it. He loves you and I'm his best friend. He'll be wrecked and... You heard him. He wants you back and that's great. Right? That's what you wanted? We were drunk and it was just a one time thing. He just doesn't need to know."

"It's adultery, John," Julie said spitefully, slipping into a pair of boots. "I can't believe I cheated on him. Oh my god, I screwed everything up. I'm such an idiot and a terrible person. I cheated on him."

"You didn't cheat on him," John shook his head. "You were broken up. Weren't you?"

"We were on a break isn't a great excuse," she responded. "It was still wrong and we knew it was wrong all along. God, I feel sick."

"Look, we can talk about it later but right now he's waiting for you," said John, taking a deep breath. "You can do this. Just go be with him and... don't say anything. I'll leave as soon as you're gone and you two can go back to repairing your relationship."

"How can you think it's just that easy?" she said. "John... I'm sure I don't even have to say it but... Obviously, you um... This feels stupid but I have to make sure it's clear that... We had a lot of fun... A lot... but... I love him."

"Oh my god, Julie," he rolled his eyes. "I'm so serious. You don't even have to go there. Trust me, I know what this was and I'm ok with it. Just go. He's waiting."

"Ok," she nodded, heading towards the door.

"Wait, wait," he stopped her, going to her and fixing up her hair quickly. "There, now you look a little more presentable."

"God, this is so wrong," she told him, shaking her head and hurrying away.

As she left, he took a deep breath. It had taken all his energy to be the clear-headed one and get Julie out of this mess. At least one of them had a chance at coming back from this.


["Younger Now" by Miley Cyrus.]

Sam: Feels like I just woke up. Like all this time I've been asleep. Even though it's not who I am. I'm not afraid of who I used to be.

Kitty swayed in her seat and turned to Bree, who was tapping her leg and smiling. After their girls' night, they felt so rejuvenated.

Sam: No one stays the same, oh, oh. You know what goes up must come down, oh, oh. Change is a thing you can count on, oh, oh. I feel so much younger now, oh, oh.

Their good feelings increased when they saw Alex and Julie arrive at the entrance. 

Sam: Feels like I've been living in a dream. But never make it to the end. 

Seeing all the eyes turn, Sam turned, too, continuing to sing while smiling at them.  

Sam: My eyes open when they feel the light. It's always right before I'm about to scream.

Alex gave him a nod and, holding Julie's hand, led her a little further inside the room where other people without seats were standing. Others were on the floor. The whole room was packed. Sitting in the very front, Marley looked over at Julie and Alex, together and safe, and smiled. 

Sam: No one stays the same, oh, oh. You know what goes up must come down, oh, oh. Change is a thing you can count on, oh, oh. I feel so much younger now, oh, oh.

Julie met her gaze and immediately looked away, feeling sick once again.  

Sam: Oh... What goes up must come down. 

She knew John was too smart to show up at this thing, but still a part of her feared that he might.

Sam: Oh... What goes up must come down. 

Truthfully, she hadn't thought much about Marley, who brought a whole other dimension into the web she had created. She and John had just had a baby. Even if they had broken up, the truth would probably shatter her.

Sam: Oh... What goes up must come down. Oh... What goes up must come down.

Sam belted out a note that made Julie snap out of it.

Sam: Yeah...!

She watched him sing, wondering what he would think of everything. He was the least judgmental, most compassionate person on the planet. Maybe he wouldn't hate her. But everyone else surely would.

Sam: No one stays the same, oh, oh. You know what goes up must come down, oh, oh. Change is a thing you can count on, oh, oh. I feel so much younger now, oh, oh.

Alex put an arm around her and pulled her in closer. She just shut her eyes, unable to push him away or leave or stay and forget about everything.

Sam: I feel so much younger now, oh, oh. I feel so much younger now, oh, oh.

When Sam stopped singing and strumming, the room filled with applause. There were at least fifty people crammed there, alumni from every year New Directions was active, its current members, friends and of course its teachers.

"Ok," said Sam as the clapping faded. "Thank you so much for hearing me out. Finn?"

"Right," Finn came out from behind the standing crowd. "I guess that concludes our week. But... I'm not ready to go yet. I was supposed to get everyone out of the building by noon but... No one said anything about the outdoor part of campus."

"What are you saying?" asked Santana. "We're all just supposed to go out to the field and sing around a campfire."

"Something like that," Finn shrugged.

"Wait," said Artie, "I thought you said they were gonna start bulldozing the school today." 

"They are," nodded Finn. "Look, you're all free to go home and get back to your lives whenever you want. But the fact that you showed up at all tells me that you don't wanna do that. You want to be here for this."

"I've always wanted to watch a building get torn down," Kitty whispered to Bree.

"Weird desire," Bree responded. "But now that you mention it... Same?"

"Finn's right," said Will. "We should all be here until the very final minute. And since we can't stay in the building, that means sitting outside and continuing this thing... until we sing our very last song."

"Who's in?" Finn asked.

"Yeah!" Sam exclaimed, and the room filled with noise. 

"Follow me!" Finn led the pack.

Everyone started to move around so Julie took advantage of the commotion to get away from Alex, blending in between the much taller people around her and getting out through the opposite door.


"Brunette Julie is back," said Bree as she took one of Julie's arms on the way out of McKinley.

"And apparently, so is Julex," Kitty finished, taking her other arm.

Julie kept walking, trying to loosen their grips.

"What?" Bree asked her. "Nothing to say? Give us at least a little something."

"How did it happen?" asked Kitty. "Last thing we knew he was searching like a mad man for you."

"Where were you and when did he find you?" asked Bree. "I'm sure the makeup sex was incredible."

"Or maybe," Kitty suggested, "it was breakup sex which led to a reconciliation which led to makeup sex."

"Also likely," said Bree. "But you definitely had sex. I mean, look at you. You smell of it."

"Ew," Kitty laughed but Julie pulled away from them, hard, and walked faster. They sped up to keep up with her and Kitty said, "What the hell. We're just trying to be here for you, Julie."

"You did get back together with him, right?" asked Bree.

Julie stopped walking, watching as the other alumni and their friends walked out of the school. Somehow it seemed like there were even more people than when they were in the choir room, all trying to get out of the building as orderly as possible.

"I don't know," she told them. She saw Alex walking out and he spotted her immediately, too, but because she was talking to her friends, he decided to keep going with the crowd.

"You don't know?" said Bree, confused.

"He wants to," said Julie, shrugging.

"And you don't..?" asked Kitty.

"No, of course I do," she said.

"Then what's the issue?" asked Bree.

"It's really more complicated than that," Julie told them. "And I don't wanna talk about this right now, ok? Sam!"

Bree and Kitty watched as Julie slipped away, chasing after Sam, who was carrying his guitar in one hand and holding Quinn's hand with the other.

"Sam!" she said again, catching up to him.

"Oh hey," Sam smiled at her. "Glad you made it."

"We were so happy to see you and Alex were ok," added Quinn. "Sam mentioned that there was some trouble but... We knew you'd work it out."

"Word travels really fast in this town," Julie briefly complained before turning her attention back to Sam. "When are the twins back? I miss them and I could really use their company."

"We're going to pick them up tomorrow," said Sam. "Thanks again for being ok with my parents taking them for the week. I talked to them just this morning and they're still over the moon from getting to spoil them. Apparently they've been blabbing like crazy so I can't wait til they're back here talking and talking and talking."

Julie nodded, taking in all of that, and prepared to respond but Marley tapped her shoulder and said, "Hey can we talk?"

Turning to her but avoiding eye contact, Julie said, "Uh, actually, right now isn't a great time. I'm uh..." She turned back to Sam, but he and Quinn had kept walking and were joining the larger group in the courtyard.

"It'll be just a minute," said Marley. "I promise. I was just wondering if you'd talked to John at all."

"Um..." Julie said, scratching the back of her head. She could see him in her mind, flashes of him touching her and kissing her.

"I couldn't reach him all day yesterday," said Marley.

"I'm sure he's just holed up at home," said Julie, shrugging and trying to clear her had. "Keeping his distance from the world."

She tried to walk away but Marley kept going, "No, I went by his house last night and he wasn't there."

"You went inside?" Julie asked nervously. "Like at around what time?"

"Pretty late," she answered. "But I checked inside and there was just so much alcohol. Kai was there just a few days ago... And it's like... Was that there when Kai was there? I'd like to think not. But then I'm worried that he drank all of that in just one day by himself."

"I'm sure it's not as bad as either of those explanations," Julie assured her.

"I wish I could've asked," Marley frowned. "He wasn't there so I left but he won't answer his phone at all and I've left a ton of messages and I'm just worried that something bad's happened to him."

"Marley, breathe," Julie stopped her. "I assure you that wherever John is... He's fine. He probably needed to... clear his head or something."

"I just have this weird, bad feeling," said Marley, clutching her stomach. "Maybe we should be out looking for him. Should I call the police?"

"Ok, I did talk to him," said Julie, finally. "You don't have to keep freaking out."

"You did?" Marley's face lit up. "Is he ok? Where is he?"

"I can't say," Julie shook her head. "Best friend secrecy and all that."


"But I promise you that he's fine and safe and... He's fine. It's all fine."

Marley pulled her into a hug and said, "Thank you for telling me." She pulled away and said, "I know that things are a little awkward because you're so close to him and he and I are going through so much but... I'm just glad he has someone like you in his corner."

"Uh-huh..." said Julie, not knowing how else to respond.

Their conversation was finally broken up by Finn, who gathered everyone's attention so that their singing could continue.

"If anyone else wants to sing," he said, "that'd be great. Or we could play some music and hang out and dance."

"And drink," added Puck, who was sitting on one of the two coolers set out for everyone. He gave it a pat and a few people were already approaching, so he had to get up and open it for them.

"Actually," Alex said from his place on top of a table. "I have something."

Julie's eyes widened in anticipation of what that was, wishing she'd been one of the few to reach for Puck's booze, while Will stepped up and said, "Alex, I'd been wondering when you would sing. We haven't heard your voice all week."

"I guess I was trying to figure out what to sing," he told everyone as Sam brought over his guitar. "And today, I finally know what I want."

"Great," Finn told him. "Please, whenever you're ready."

Alex nodded and people took their seats or chose a place to stand with their loved ones and watch. Alex remained on top of the table, while Sam took the seat below him and started to play for him.

["I'll Make It Up To You" by Imagine Dragons.]

Alex: Took your heart, took your hand. Promise you all that I had. Hoping that you understand. I'm far from a perfect man.

Just as Julie had feared, Alex looked her way, which meant that dozens of other people there would do the same. She tried to keep her poker face but inside she was screaming.

Alex: 'Cause honey it's been a hard year. It seems like we're going nowhere. You're crying inside your bedroom. Baby I know it's not fair.

At least now, she thought as she listened to him sing, it would be an acceptable moment to cry it out a little. But she couldn't do just 'a little' at this point. If she started, she was going to go straight to sobbing.

Alex: Lay with me, for one more night. I promise you, I'll make it right. I'll make it up to you. Every night. I'll make it up to you. Every night. I'll make it up to you.

As Alex sang, he regretted not playing the guitar himself. It would've given him something to keep busy with. He looked down at the tattoo on his wrist and then turned his hand around so that he couldn't see it anymore.

Alex: I know you don't understand. The vices that follow a man. And in your eyes I can see. The places that you'd rather be.

Then he looked back at Julie and continued singing, knowing what he had to do eventually. He had to tell her the truth. No more secrets.

Alex: 'Cause honey it's been a hard year. It seems like we're going nowhere. You're crying inside your bedroom. Baby I know it's not fair.

But for now, he had to make her feel safe again. After everything he'd put her through, and his cowardly attempt at ending their relationship and pushing her away, he owed her that much.

Alex: I'll make it up to you. Every night. I'll make it up to you. Every night. I'll make it up to you.

While Alex kept singing, Julie felt the pressure of her own secrets and lies, and of all the eyes currently focused on her, and looked down at the ground. Her eyes were burning.

Alex: In my darkest hour, in the dead of the night. I'll make it up to you. Your hands are mine. I'll make it up to you. Promises are nothing more than fleeting thoughts. But you, you are my lifeline...

And Alex's eyes as he finished the song, burned through her too. She wished he would just look away. How could she have done this to him? How could she have been such a monster?

Alex: I'll make it up to you. Every night. I'll make it up to you. Every night. I'll make it up to you. Every night. I'll make it up to you. Every night. I'll make it up to you. Every night. I'll make it up to you.

When the song ended, she remained frozen in place. Everyone clapped, a slow and weak applause that indicated they were all uncomfortable thinking about what Alex had been through in the last couple of months.

But Alex just jumped off the table and rushed to her side, not caring about everyone around them as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

Seeing this, their friends cheered with far more energy and enthusiasm, like their discomfort was appeased by the knowledge that everything was ok now and the two were happy.

But they didn't know all the things that Julie had done to screw that up.


"This is so good," said Tina, biting into a sandwich. "Thank you for the food Stefan. What a nice little surprise."

"Actually," said Stefan, putting an arm around Rory. "It was my man here who slaved in the kitchen making food for everyone. Just the kind of treat you can expect when you eat at our diner."

"Actually," said Sugar, her high-pitched voice ringing in people's ears as they ate, "I'm the one that whipped out all the money to cater to us out here a few days ago. So I'm the one you should thank." When people were all smiles and no words she said, much louder, "Thank me!"

"Thank you Sugar," came out of a lot of different people's mouths but Rory said, "I'm just glad we're all here together to enjoy the food and each other's company."

"Aww," said Shana, walking up behind them. "It's so weird to see all these other generation of glee clubs here, right?"

"I would've thought you were used to it," said Kitty. "Since all you ever do is ditch us for the older groups."

"Yeah, traitor," said Stefan.

"Hey," Tina said. "I'm here. And Sugar counts as our generation too."

"Sugar's more in between," Kitty shook her head. "She gets to bounce around."

"Who decides where the cut off even is?" asked Shana, confused. "I just considered everyone before us to be good and everyone after us... to not."

"Even me?" asked Stefan, pointing to himself, confused.

"No, you guys," Kitty shook her head again. "You're not getting this. Let me explain."

"Please," nodded Tina.

"Your generation is you and the class above you and below you," said Kitty. "And one more class forward or backward can count but that's really up to you. So we start with 2012 and they get claims to 2013. 2014 can go with whoever they want."

"That's me," Sugar said proudly.

"And then us, 2015," said Kitty, "we start a whole new official generation. And we take 2016 and some of 2017."

"Me," Stefan said, offering Kitty a high five.

"Only because you married one of us," Kitty assured him.

"This is all so stupid," said Shana. "We're all free so why can't we be equal?"

"Because we're not," Kitty said. "The other generations can't relate to us. They weren't trapped in school during a shooting or held at gun point. I nearly pissed my pants that day but survived it so it puts us above them."

"I disagree," said Shana, taking another sandwich. "And I'm rebelling against your made-up rules by going to sit with some of the Class of 2012."

"AKA your wife and her friends," said Kitty as Shana walked away. "Who all hang out together. You're just proving my point Shana!"

"Whatever," Shana responded.

When she was gone, Sugar said, "Now I just feel like a floater. I'm the only member of my class."

"That's not true," said Tina. "You have John and Joe."

"Do you see them here, Tina?" asked Sugar, looking around dramatically. "I didn't think so."

"Joe is right over there," Kitty rolled her eyes, pointing across to another table where Joe, Amity, Dan, Harmony and Bree were all listening to Mercedes and Chad telling them an anecdote. "And John..." she looked around some more and realized for the first time that he wasn't there. "Oh he really isn't here."

"Exactly," Sugar nodded.

Kitty turned to her and says, "That means you have to go hang out with Joe and leave us. Oops."

"Don't listen to her, Sugar," Tina rolled her eyes. "We can all hang out with whoever we want. Kitty just hasn't grown out of high school."

"Oooh she burned you, Wilde!" Stefan exclaimed. "What are you gonna do now?"

Kitty responded with a fake laugh, not really paying any attention as she continued searching around for John. Then, by some force of God, she looked to the corner of the building just in time to see him rounding it, wearing dark sunglasses while carrying a sack bag in one hand and drinking from a 'Gatorade' with the other.

"Excuse me," she told the people around her as she got up and walked through their little circle to get to him. But as she approached, she saw Julie rushing to him and slapping his arm as soon as she reached him. 

Kitty laughed at this, but when Julie grabbed his arm and walked back around the corner with him, her curiosity took away her smile and got her feet moving.


"What the hell are you doing here?" Julie asked as she dragged John towards the parking lot. "You need to go. Now."

"What?" John responded. "No. I was invited to this thing too and don't you think it'd be a little suspicious if I decided not to show up?"

"No, nobody has even noticed your absence," Julie lied. "Now go."

"Wait, wait, wait," he stopped her as she continued ushering him forward, searching around for his Mustang. "I did bring you something." As he reached inside his sack bag. "I went home to shower and I was thinking about last night."

"Oh god," she cringed.

"Not in like a pervy way, calm down," he rolled his eyes. "I just figured we should cover our bases so..."

He picked out a small box and handed it to her. As she read it, she rolled her eyes and then glanced up at him. "Plan B?" she said. "Really?"

"Well, I didn't wear a condom," he responded, shrugging. "Forgive me for not wanting a string of unplanned babies." She looked back down at the box so he added, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be judgmental about you... I just... I don't want that to happen again."

"Hey I already had kids with half of your band," said Julie. "Why not give the other half a go?"

"Let me just tell Tyler," John joked.

She tried to laugh but couldn't. "Here," she said, holding the box back for him. "I'll take it but not right now."

"Why not?"

"Because, John," she said. "There are side effects and I feel like enjoying my afternoon. Not going back there to cramps and headaches and cravings and basically feeling pregnant because I took that."

"Hey guys!" Kitty hurried over to them, making Julie turn quickly and drop the box to the ground, in an attempt at getting it back in John's bag. Kitty picked it up and read its contents.

She turned to look at them suspiciously and John said, "We can explain... It's a long story, really, and um, there are all these, uh, details that maybe you just don't wanna know the full story or even the short one for why we have one of those here..."

"I had sex with Alex!" Julie exclaimed.

John turned to her and said, "Right... Your boyfriend. That's a pretty simple explanation, actually."

"Yes," said Julie, looking at Kitty and nodding. "You and Bree were right. We, uh, had sex yesterday and... I wanted to make sure I didn't get pregnant since I just had a third baby so John was kind enough to buy me this on his way here."

"Yup," John nodded. "That is what happened. You know Julie and Alex... Just can't keep their hands off of each other."

Kitty didn't say anything so Julie nodded, "Yup. We... love sex." John made a face at her and she shrugged, not sure what she expected him to add.

Kitty looked from Julie to John and then back at Julie to say, "I knew it!" John and Julie collectively sighed with relief as Kitty continued, "You're back together with him, aren't you?"

"N-no," Julie stammered. "No, I meant what I said. I'm not... We haven't gotten the chance to really talk about it and I don't know what I'm gonna do."

Kitty frowned but then her face lit up and said, "Was it at least a good time?"

"Yeah," John laughed, turning back to Julie. "Was it at least a good time?"

Julie scowled at him and then said, "I don't know, John. I sort of wish he'd lasted longer. He usually does."

"Ok, gross," Kitty said as John smiled, recovering from that burn. "I don't wanna know those details. But I'm glad you finally got some lovin'." She turned to John and said, "This girl was going on and on about how horny she was the other day."

"Kitty," Julie tried to give her arm a slap.

"What?" Kitty said, dodging the slap "We're your best friends. You can be open about this stuff."

"Open in all sorts of ways," said John under his breath.

Julie glared at him again and said, "Anyway, you were leaving, right?"

"Right," said John, handing her the bag. "There you go."

Julie took it but Kitty grabbed John's arm and said, "No, you're already here and the festivities are ongoing. We have like three hours until they start taking the school down so... You're staying."

"Kitty, he really can't," Julie insisted as Kitty pulled John back towards the right side of the building.

"He can and he will," Kitty insisted, taking him with her.

Julie watched them go and groaned, looking down at the bag in front of her, a bag which was symbolic of her shame and secrets, and hurrying towards them.


"So there I am," Matt was saying as Kitty led John and Julie back to the alumni. "And who was it kicking the back of my seat? Beyoncé."

Everyone around him gasped.

Then he added, "...'s driver's... wife's niece."

"You're so lucky," said Sam.

"Don't you know Beyoncé?" Blaine asked him.

"Well yeah," said Sam. "But I've never been kicked by her driver's wife's niece."

Blaine looked at the others hoping for someone sane to speak up but they all seemed to be just as enthralled by Matt's story as Sam.

Alex, who had been listening in quietly, saw Julie and John and stood up, walking away from the group to greet his friend just as Kitty was leaving them.

"Hey, I didn't realize you were here," he said, putting out an arm for a handshake. 

John weakly returned it and said, "I just got here. Looks like I missed all the singing."

"No," said Alex. "There's still gonna be more singing. I guarantee it."

John nodded and none of them said a thing. Then Julie cleared her throat and said, "Did I hear them talking about Beyoncé?"

Before John could stop her, she walked away from them, leaving him alone with Alex. John laughed awkwardly as Alex said, "What's up man? I haven't talked to you much this week."

"I've been pretty busy," John shrugged, swinging on his heels a little.

"What's with the...?" Alex indicated to the shades.

"Oh," said John. "Uh, just a little hungover honestly."

Alex nodded and then said, "Hey, you should talk to Marley. She was pretty worried about you last night."

"She was?" said John.

"Yeah. She even went by your place looking for you."

"She did?" John looked around for a few seconds and then spotted Marley, talking to Unique and Jake. "The place was a mess. She probably freaked out. If she wasn't already pissed enough before, she sure is now."

"But she cared enough to check in on you," said Alex. "That's a positive sign, right?"

"A positive sign that she's still a good human being," said John. "She'd check in on a total stranger. She has checked in on total strangers."

"I think you should talk to her," Alex insisted. "She's obviously been thinking about you and... It's never too late to recover, right? Maybe she just needed some time to cool off."

John looked past him at Marley. It was easier to watch her like a creep than to look Alex in the eye.

Noticing his discomfort, Alex said, "Look, I don't know how much Julie told you about our issues lately but... We're putting ourselves back together after a really tough patch. I'm sure you and Marley can pull through."

John nodded, still not looking at him. "I think I'm gonna go mingle for a little bit," he said. "Catch you later."

"Sure..." nodded Alex, watching him leave before he could even get another word in.


"Only two more hours left!" Rachel announced to everyone.

Julie instinctively reached down to her pocket for a phone she didn't have. She looked around. A lot of people had left and a couple new had shown up.

She searched around for Kitty, hoping to use her phone, but instead met Marley's gaze from across the courtyard. Panicking, she continued to look around until she spotted Dean, on his phone, and hurried to him.

"Quick, pretend we're talking," she told him.

He looked up, confused, and said, "If I pretend we're talking, it's not pretending anymore. 'Cause now we really are talking."

"Yes, that's perfect," she nodded, looking back quickly and then at him again. "Ok, she saw me with you. There's no way she's coming this way."

"Who?" asked Dean.

She took a moment and then admitted, "I may or may not be avoiding Marley."

"Ahh..." Dean smiled. "And I'm Marley-repellent. Got it."

"Pretty much," Julie said apologetically. "No offense."

"Nah, it makes sense," he shrugged. "So what are you avoiding her for?"

"You don't wanna know," she shook her head. "Believe me. So what are you even doing here?"

Dean rolled his eyes and signaled to Kayli, Riley, Isaac, Sarah and Jeremy, who were a couple of feet away laughing. "They dragged me into this. And didn't tell me how long it would last."

"Oof," Julie laughed. "That's rough. Yeah, these things last pretty much all day."

"So I've figured out," said Dean.

Julie saw Alex pass by with Bree and Stefan, deep in conversation as they made their way to the cooler, so she widened her eyes at Dean and said, "Again, pretend you're talking to me."

"We were talking..." he said.

"You're so good at this," she told him.

He made a face at her but continued being her shield. Nobody came over to talk to them for a while.


About thirty minutes later, Julie and Dean were still deep in conversation, or so it seemed to Alex, who was looking for ways to kill the time after exhausting himself talking to almost everyone.

One of the last few people left for him to 'hang out' with was Kitty, so tired of just walking around doing nothing, he spotted her grabbing a little bag of Doritos and joined her.

"Hand me some Cool Ranch," he said.

She grabbed the blue bag and tossed it into his arms, saying, "I haven't seen you with Julie much. You still fighting?"

Alex shrugged as he opened his bag of chips. "We're alright," he said, a hint of a smile on his face.

Kitty squinted at him and then said, "You're an idiot. Obviously she already told me."

"Did she?" asked Alex. "What did she say?"

"She told me how you were in the process of making up," said Kitty. "I'm so happy for you. I knew this whole fight would blow over."

"Yeah..." Alex nodded. "Honestly, I'm glad I listened to you. After this, I want to go home and have dinner with her, just the two of us, and then..."

Kitty gave him a small push and said, "Look at you! I don't need any more of the details though. Julie already spilled too much about last night."

"Last night," Alex repeated, narrowing his eyes a bit in bemusement.

"About how you made up," she laughed. "I would've suggested talking first and then having sex but this method works fine too."

Alex opened his mouth, confused, but Kitty looked past him at Unique and Tina, who were waving her over.

"Gotta bounce, Alexis," she told him. "But you go get 'er tonight... Again!"

She skipped away and Alex watched her go, still trying to make sense of what she was talking about. He searched the courtyard for Julie and found her still talking to Dean, so he decided it was time to interrupt.

"Hey," he said once he reached them, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Sorry but I need to steal Julie away for a little bit."

"Oh but we're talking about something really important," Julie said, pulling away from him.

"Yeah," Dean said, monotone. "Riveting stuff."

"You'll have plenty of time to continue," Alex told him, once again placing an arm around Julie and leading her away. Once they were far enough from other people, he said, "I have a really big question to ask."

"Ok..." she nodded hesitantly.

"I wanna know," he began, "why Kitty seems to be under the impression that we had sex last night."

Julie froze, her eyes broadening as she tried to come up with a response.

"She said it came from you," Alex continued. "And that's a really weird thing to make up, even for Kitty."

"She didn't make it up," Julie shook her head, looking down at the ground. "I told her we had sex."

Alex crossed his arms and laughed. "Why?"

"Because..." she bit her lip, searching her mind for excuses. "She, uh... Wouldn't stop bothering me. And... Look, it doesn't matter. It was a dumb lie for reasons that are hard to explain but... I just need you to go along with it. Ok?"

He laughed again and said, "Ok..? It's not really a tough lie to sell but... I guess."

"Great, thanks," she said, quickly attempting to leave.

"Julie, wait," he stopped her. "You're acting weird and I get it. I was really unfair to you the other day. But I really want us to move past it and... We can't do that if you don't even try."

She looked back at him but didn't say anything.

"What do you say to dinner tonight?" he asked. "At the house. My parents will surely be fine with keeping Rosie a few more hours and... We can talk. About everything."

"Sure," she said because she couldn't think of any reason why that wasn't a good idea. At least, not any reason that she could share with him.

He smiled and said, "Awesome. I can't wait. I'll let you go back to your very important talk with Dean now."

As he walked away Julie rolled her eyes at herself but didn't go back to Dean. She saw Ryder sitting by himself on a table, glancing around in complete bliss, and sat down beside him.

"Pretend we're talking," she said hopelessly.

He made a face, taken aback, but just as she wanted her engaged in conversation with her, and she wasted away another fifteen minutes there with him.


About forty-five minutes before it was time for them to leave the premises, their celebration was interrupted by a man in a hard hat and orange vest, who asked Kayli and Jeremy for the person in charge and was directed to Finn.

"What's going on?" Finn asked him.

The man looked down at his clipboard and said, "The building is scheduled for demolition. We've got the machines all ready but we can't start until you clear the lot."

"What?" said Will, approaching from behind Finn. "But we've still got over half an hour."

"Until we start," nodded the man. "But we have to set up and we can't have people still clearing out when we begin. It's dangerous."

"Can't you just give us a little more time?" Finn asked. "We're allowed to be here. We're not done."

"Sorry, but no can do," said the man. "If we push the demolishion, we're going to lose light and be doing this into the night. We can't do that. Every single person here needs to go. For your own safety."

Emma came up to them and said, "Will, maybe we should just clear out. Let them do their job."

The man thanked her but Finn said, "No. We were told we could stay here until four. We will stay here until four. What time is it?"

Will looked down at his watch again. "Three-seventeen."

Finn crossed his arms and said, "We're not leaving until four."

"Look," said the man. "We really don't wanna start doing all of this with you people here. We're tearing down this building one way or another."

"Then you'll have to go through us," Finn said.

Kayli made a face and said, "Speak for yourself."

"Yeah," agreed Emma, "that's a bit extreme."

"It's just a building," added Unique.

"It isn't," Finn shook his head, turning to everyone. "Look around. Look at how many people showed up for just a building. This place means something to us."

Rachel looked down at the ground. Finn was fighting harder for a set of walls than he had for her.

"We need to stand our ground," said Finn.

"Until four," Will told him.

"Until four," Finn repeated back to everyone.

"If we wait, we'll have to do this tomorrow," said the man in the hard hat.

"That's perfect," Finn nodded. "Do it tomorrow."

"But that's not what we're being paid to do!" said the man, getting frustrated. "You know what? Do whatever you want. But we're bringing in the machines."

He walked away and Quinn asked, "Are we really going to stay here and get bulldozed over a building? You people are seriously nuts."

"This is where we met, Quinn," Sam reminded her, taking her hand and pulling her towards Finn. "We have to stick together and stand by our friend."

"Thanks," Finn smiled at him. To the rest he said, "Well, who's with us? We resist and the school gets to stand one more day."

"Or..." said Jake, sitting at a table with his arm around Leila. "Just spitballing here... We follow orders, don't get into trouble, and just leave half an hour earlier than planned."

"I like that plan better," nodded Leila.

But Puck turned to them and said, "Didn't take you for a chump, little bro."

"I'm not a chump," Jake rolled his eyes. "I just don't wanna make a fuzz when we could just comply and be better off."

"Whoever wants to leave now," said Finn, "can go. But I say we stay and give the school another day. Who stands with me?"

He looked around at them, then turned to the school and sang.

["One Day More" from Les Mis.]

Finn: One day more. Another day, another destiny. This never-ending road to Calvary. These men who seem to know my crime will surely come a second time. One day more.

Puck stepped up and joined him, putting a hand on Finn's shoulder.

Puck: I did not live until today. How can I live when we are parted?

Surprised that he was the first to stand with him, Finn smiled at his old pal and sang again.

Finn: One day more.

Feeling the euphoria of such a grand moment, Harmony pulled Dan towards them and the two sang as they stood in line next to Puck.

Harmony and Dan: Tomorrow you'll be worlds away. And yet with you, my world has started.

Rachel stepped up, taking a stand next to Finn.

Rachel: One more day all on my own.

Finn smiled down at her as Riley forced Dean with her to the line. 

Riley and Dean: Will we ever meet again?

Then he looked away and Rachel did too. It changed nothing between them.

Rachel: One more day with him not caring.

Will and Emma came up beside her and Will put an arm around her, providing her comfort, though he didn't know just how much.

Will and Emma: I was born to be with you.

Kitty put down her doritos and made her way towards them, shrugging. Sure, she had time for a small revolt.

Kitty: What a life I might have known.

Jake sighed, getting up and leading Leila to the line they were forming. He couldn't just stand there and look like, as Puck had said, a chump.

Jake and Leila: And I swear I will be true.

As they joined Kitty's side, she smiled up at the couple and they turned to the building together.

Kitty: But he never saw me there...

John watched as Sam and Quinn walked towards the line.

Sam: One more day before the storm...

Marley followed their lead, taking Unique with her.

John: Do I follow where she goes?

Quinn stood next to Emma, Sam stood next to Quinn, Unique stood next to Sam and Marley fell in line at the end.

Sam: At the barricades of freedom.

John wondered if this was his chance to hurry and stand at Marley's side.

John: Shall I join my brothers there?

On the other end, Ryder and Julie were lining up.

Sam: When our ranks begin to form.

He could go there, too, and it would be just as weird.

John: Do I stay; and do I dare?

But Alex came up beside him, putting a hand out in front of him indicating for him to lead the way.

Alex: Will you take your place with me?

As the people in line sang, Alex urged John forward and he was forced to walk with him. Alex took his place next to Julie, in between her and John, not knowing how much they wished to be anywhere but there in that moment.

All: The time is now, the day is here.

As the rest joined in, a few men came around but on foot, with no machines.

Finn: One day more!

Finn smiled, seeing how everyone stood together and kept their school from being taken away from them. 

New Directions: We will join these people's heroes. We will follow where they go. We will learn their little secrets. We will know the things they know.

Surely, those men who were approaching had realized the force they were dealing with.

Will: One day more!

They were all singing over each other, excited by what they were accomplishing.

Santana and Brittany: Tomorrow you'll be worlds away.

Even Amity, who had considered not showing up, had found herself up there, not sure why exactly she was fighting other than everyone else was doing it.

Amity: What a life I might have known.

But then as they stood so proud and confident.

Bree and Stefan: And yet with you my world has started.

They heard the sounds from the other side of the building.

All: Tomorrow we'll be far away. Tomorrow is the judgement day.

"Oh oh," said Emma, though everyone else stood their ground and kept singing.

All: Tomorrow we'll discover what our God in Heaven has in store. 

They heard the machines getting louder.

All: One more dawn.

And louder.

All: One more day.

And then finally, the dust hit the air from the other side of the building.

All: One day more.

"Everybody out of the way!" Will urged them.

"Well," Puck said as people began to scurry away towards the parking lot. "It was a nice thought, wasn't it?"

Disappointed, Finn looked around. Nobody was staying anymore.

"Don't take it personally, Finn," said Quinn as she and Sam walked away. "We just don't wanna die. That's all."

She offered up a smile and hurried away with Sam while Puck went to save what was left in the cooler and Shana, Tina, Unique and Joe helped Rory collect the food.

Little by little, the courtyard cleared out, til it was just Finn and Marley.

"It's over, Finn," she said, urging him away. "We should go."

He turned to her and nodded, though once he looked back at the building, slowly crumbling, he couldn't look away.

"Come on," she tugged on his arm, using her other hand to cover her mouth as she coughed.

He started coughing too and said, "Yeah, ok. Sorry." Quickly, he followed her lead to the parking lot. From there, he and the others watched as the buidling was torn down, leaving nothing but debris behind.


"Well that was a really depressing end to our day," said Alex as he kicked off his shoes in the living room. "It felt like a funeral by the end, didn't it?"

"Yeah," Julie agreed, shutting the door.

"So what do you wanna eat?" Alex asked, turning to her. "I can cook or we could go out or order in or..."

"Actually," she said. "Dean mentioned he was gonna go play at the club tonight. I kinda wanted to go watch..."

"Oh," said Alex, masking his disappointment. "Yeah, ok. We can do that."

"Sorry," said Julie. "A bunch of people were gonna head over there anyway so I figured... We may as well."

"Yeah, no, I get it," he nodded.

"I'm just gonna shower and then we can go," she said, heading up the stairs without another word. As she left, he took a deep breath. She was gonna make him work for this.


["Mary Go Round" by The Struts.]

Dean: I took our pictures off the wall today. 'Cause I can't stand it when you look at me that way. I won't sleep in that bed anymore. I'd rather be lying here on this hardwood floor.

As Julie and Alex arrived at the club, Dean was getting started on his second song of the night.

Dean: I found your jacket with your front door key. You took the shoes I bought to walk away from me.

"Jeez," said Julie. "He couldn't have picked a less depressing song?"

"All of his songs are pretty depressing," Alex pointed out.

"True..." she responded as they walked to the bar, where Marley was sitting talking to Ryder. 

Dean: I can't even pour myself a little wine. 'Cause every glass is stained in your lip stick shine.

"Oh hi guys," Marley told them. "How are you?"

"How are you?" asked Alex, taking a seat beside her and nodding towards the stage. "This can't be fun."

Dean: How long? Before my little pill starts kicking in. How long?  Before your broken heart starts giving in.

"You mean hearing a song my ex is singing about an ex?" Marley asked, forcing a smile. "Nope. Not weird or uncomfortable at all."

Dean: Here we go up, here we go down. Mary go round and round and round. Mary go up, Mary go down, Mary go round.

"What'll it be tonight?" Ryder asked them, waving the bartender over.

"Oh I'm not drinking tonight," said Alex immediately, then turning to Julie.

Dean: I tell myself that you can be replaced. I try with someone else but it's you that I taste. 

"An Old Fashioned," said Julie. "Go easy on the sugar and heavy on the bourbon."

Dean: We go in circles on this rusty old ride. Maybe it's our time to say goodbye.

The bartender nodded and began to prepare the drink.

Dean: Maybe it's our time. Yeah.

"I feel so bad for Finn and Mr. Schue," said Marley. "They gave everything to McKinley, you know?"

"They were gonna have to let go eventually," said Ryder. "It was hard but necessary."

"Yeah, their attachment is just plain unhealthy," agreed Alex.

Dean: How long? Before my little pill starts kicking in. How long? Before your broken heart starts giving in. Here we go up, here we go down. Mary go round and round and round. Mary go up, Mary go down, Mary go round.

Julie kept her attention on the stage, even as her drink came.  

Dean: Yeah! Oh no...

There was a brief instrumental break that she wished had lasted longer.

Dean: Oh...

But then Dean started to sing again and she was hearing the words that resonated a little too much for comfort. Alex, Marley and Ryder were still talking about Finn and the school, topics she frankly didn't care about at this time.

Dean: How long? Before my little pill starts kicking in. How long?  Before your broken heart starts giving in. Here we go up, here we go down. Mary go round and round and round. Mary go up, Mary go down, Mary go round.

So she took sips of her drink and pretended to listen until the song came to an end.

Dean: How long? Before my little pill starts kicking in. How long? Before your broken heart starts giving in. How long? Tell me, tell me, tell me, right now. How long?  

Then as Dean transitioned to his final song of the evening, Julie turned to Alex and said, "Actually, I'm not really feeling great right now and I... I think I'm gonna head home." Concerned, Alex started to get up but she said, "No, you stay. Have fun. I'm gonna call a cab."

She hurried away without a word to Ryder or Marley, leaving her drink behind and only briefly waving a hand at Dean on her way past the stage and out the exit.

"Hey, wait up!" Alex caught up to her as she realized she didn't have a phone to call a cab with. This was really becoming an issue.

"Alex, I really don't wanna talk," she shook her head at him, walking across the street carelessly.

He followed after her and said, "What are you doing? Julie, stop. I'll take you home."

"I don't want you to," she said once they'd made it to the sidewalk. "Alex, I wanna be alone, ok? That's all."

"I thought we were going to talk," he said, confused. "What changed today?"

"Nothing changed," she said, shaking her head. "Not today and not with us. You just decided you didn't want me anymore and then changed your mind and came back. And that... You ruined everything. We both did."

She started walking again and he tried to keep up with her, saying, "Julie, I know I screwed things up. But we can work through this, I know we can."

"We can't," she shook her head. "There are too many lies and secrets and pain and... I don't wanna talk about this, Alex. I'm done. I wanna go home."

"Fine," he pulled her back, stopping her. "Just let me take you home. Ok?"

She hesitated but her feet were already hurting and she hadn't even made it a block yet. "Fine," she agreed. "Let's go home."


Taking a break from cleaning, John sat on his couch and picked up his new phone. His old data had just finished syncing and unread messages were coming, making it buzz and buzz and buzz until he got annoyed and set it down.

He looked around at all the mess he still had to clean up. There was no way he was calling a cleaning service and letting a stranger see his house, not when they could sell that story to the press.

Not ready to clean again, he picked up his phone and started going through those missed messages. Most of them were from Alex and Marley, from the previous night.

He let the phone fall on the seat beside him again and wondered if Julie had gotten her a new phone yet. He could use someone to talk to.

The bell rang and he snapped towards the door, bewildered. "The universe is paying attention," he said sarcastically as he got up to open it.

But he was surprised when he saw that it was Marley paying him a visit. "Hi," she said. "Can I come in?"

"Of course," John nodded, moving aside. She had already seen the mess anyway.

"Thanks," she said, walking past him and taking in the sight of his boozing. "The place looks different," she joked.

"I've been redecorating," he responded, clapping his hands together gently and waiting for her to say more.

"I had kind of expected you to, uh," she began, "try to talk to me at McKinley today."

"I didn't wanna make things awkward or uncomfortable," John told her. "I know I should've at least said hey but..."

"No, I'm not blaming you," Marley said quickly, shaking her head. "Not at all... I guess I just... You were gone yesterday and I came here to all of this so I freaked out a little. When something bad happens, you sort of start to think of all the things you wish you could've done or said and... My mind went to that place. In a panic."

John took a step toward her and said, "Marley, I'm really sorry for worrying you. Really. I was handling everything poorly but... I thought about things I'd do differently too. I know I've already taken back a lot of things but I'd honestly do anything to have us back as a family again."

Marley forced a smile and said, "We never stopped being a family, John."

"Right," he agreed. "Yes, exactly."

"I just thought..." she sighed. "Hey, maybe if I'm this worried, it means something. I should forgive him. Because what if something bad happens and we're apart and I can't do anything to help him."

She made a half-circle in the area, looking around at the place once again, and then turning back to face him.

"But then I remember," she said, "that it's not my responsibility to take care of you. Or to make sure you're okay. My job is to protect my sons. And myself."

"Marley, I'd never—"

"Please, let me finish," she said, looking down at the floor for a moment and then regaining the courage to look up again. "John, I know that you love me and that you love our son. And Ben, too. And I know you're capable of changing and getting sober. But... You don't want to. And that's the worse thing because... It's out of my control. I can't make you do it."

"Marley, I'll do it," he interrupted. "I'll change. I'll stop drinking. Just give me a chance."

"I don't think you really mean it," she shrugged. "I think you're scared that you're really losing us and you'll say whatever you think I need to hear for me to stay but I can't... I won't do that to myself or to my sons. And I can't wait around and hope that something changes. So... I think that I need to move on and I think you need to know, and hear it from me that... It's over."

"But why can't we at least try?" he asked.

"Because I have to do make the healthy choice," she said. "And that's not making commitments to someone who I frankly just don't have any faith in."


"No more, John," she shook her head. "No more words. It ends here. I won't get in the way of you being Kai's father but when it comes to the two of us... Everything's been said. Goodnight."

She walked past him, despite his attempts to get at least a word in, and left, shutting the door behind her.

John hadn't even made it back to the couch when the doorbell rang again. This time he got up quickly and opened the door as fast as he could, but it wasn't Marley.

"Hey," said Alex. "Was that Marley that just drove out of here?"

"Yeah," said John. "What's up? You need something or..?"

"Actually yeah," Alex took a deep breath and pushed the door open all the way, revealing a suitcase. "I need to crash."


"You let him stay in your house?" Julie exclaimed as John paced his bedroom, holding his new phone to his ear. "What were you thinking?"

He shook his head and responded, "You shouldn't have kicked him out in the first place. What was I supposed to do? Send the brokenhearted man away?"

"Yes!" Julie said. "Did you at least clean?"

"There are no traces of your presence if that's what you mean," he said, holding a ziploc bag with the pieces from her phone inside it. "When are you getting a new phone anyway? I thought you weren't gonna use this number anymore because what's his face had it too."

"What's his face is dead," said Julie. "And at this rate I'm changing my number every two weeks so I'm getting a new phone tomorrow. That's not the point though. You have to tell Alex that he can't stay with you. Tell him to go stay with his parents again."

"He doesn't wanna do that," said John. "He told me that he's picking up Rosie in the morning because some family friends are staying with your in-laws next week and he doesn't seem to like them so... I doubt he's gonna be up for it. Besides, he's my friend. I can't turn him away like that."

"Some friend you are," she said.

"Hey, it takes two to do what we did," said John. "Don't try turning this all on me. Besides, this is your fault. You should've let him stay there. In his house."

"He left on his own," Julie said defensively. "All I said was that I wasn't ready to get back together or talk about it and that he should leave me alone. He could've gone to another bedroom or the living room or the kitchen. He didn't have to leave the house. That was his choice."

She fumed and they sat in angry silence for a few seconds, before John calmed down enough to say, "Sorry. I'm just... annoyed. Alex showed up at the worst possible moment and I had to say I'm hiding away in my room. Marley came to see me just before he got there."

"Really?" said Julie. "I take it that didn't go well?"

"She basically re-broke up with me," he said. "This time with the added twist of, 'You're a lost cause. I have no faith in you.'"

"Ouch," she said. "John, I'm really sorry. I know how much she means to you."

"It just sucks," he shrugged. "If I'd just agreed to stop drinking when she first asked, this could've been avoided... Or maybe, she would've told me what she said today. That she didn't believe I would really try. And I guess she's right. I wasn't even really considering it."

Julie didn't say anything.

So he added, "But your situation is different. Alex wants to be with you so... What's the hold up?"

"The hold up," she began, "is that... you and I had sex."

"And we agreed it was a one-time thing," he said, looking up at his door as though he could see through it and find Alex there, holding a cup to it and listening in.

"Right," Julie agreed. "But I don't think he's gonna care if it was one time, two times, ten times, a hundred... He'll just care that it happened. And I know you said I just shouldn't tell him but I have to, John. I wouldn't be able to get back with him and hide that from him. I just can't do that to him. If I'm gonna get back with him, I have to tell him."

"Fine," John said. "If you have to then do it. Don't hold back on account of me. He's gonna hate me but... If it'll help you get back together..."

"If it'll help," Julie repeated. "Because if I tell him, we won't get back together. So I'll have hurt him for nothing, John. It's an impossible situation."

"Maybe he'll forgive you," said John. "I mean, he did break up with you. And he seemed apologetic enough to me."

"Maybe," she agreed, "but maybe not. And I'm just really freaking out because if I let him back in... What's to stop him from leaving again? Whether it's because of last night or any other reason he can come up with."

John thought about his conversation with Marley and said, "No, Julie... You have to try harder than that. Right? You actually stand a chance."

She sighed, "I should let you go... He's there and in need of a friend so... Go be his friend."

"I don't know how you expect me to look him in the eye now," said John, standing up. "Especially knowing you plan on telling him everything but... Regardless, I'll support you. I'm here for both of you."

Julie took a deep breath and said, "Thank you. You're a really good friend."

"To one of you, at least," he said. "I'll talk to you later, I guess."

As he walked to his door, she said, "Don't be afraid to send him to Sam's or Tyler's."

"Right, like that's happening," said John with a laugh. "Quinn and Morgan don't deserve that. I'll keep you posted though."

"Good luck," she said, ending the call. He put his phone in his pocket and rolled his eyes at his own anxiety about having to spend time with Alex. But he put all that aside and said, "Here goes nothing."


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