My close friend

By ChanPiece

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you are close friends with Chanyeol; you guys enjoy each others' company very much and both of you are passio... More

My close friend
Lost in Thoughts
Dinner time
Mutual Feelings
A movie plan
The Horror Night
A Calm Morning
Crazy Afternoon
Author's note
Natural Instincts
Our Relationship
For You I Care (1)
For you I care (2)
The Aftermath
A Walk Down Memory Lane (1)
A Walk Down Memory Lane (2)
Silence (1)
Silence (2)
Bed stricken...?
A Day At The farm
Back In Class
Uncle Eric
You are allowed to
Good Times
Getting ready
We Are EXO
At Last
The calm before the storm
A Long Night (1)
A Long Night (2)
What has become of this world ?
Back to normal
The Massacre Continues
Fiction and Reality
Challenge (1)
Challenge (2)
Nothing Really
Spooky Night
Fear The Unknown
Fear The Unseen
! Warning !
Almost Dawn
50 Already!
The New Word
The New Guy
The Amusement Park (1)
The Amusement Park (2)
After The Ride
Impact Of Death
Another Shutdown
What If
Tea Time
The Shower
The Dream (1)
The Dream (2)
The Evening
The Girl
The Rachel Chenings Case
... ruined
Current Situation
This is Good Bye... For Now

And Then

9 1 0
By ChanPiece

Handcuffs... Handcuffs... Handcuffs! HANDCUFFS!? I heard that well, right...!? Where in the world would he get that!? OHH! He was going to tie my hands...? Yeah, that made more sense! How silly of me..! Hehehe... Where would he get a handcuff anyway...? Really, how silly of me...!

All night long, I kept thinking about how easily he got toppled over by me. The other day, I was pushing him, with all my might! And he had barely moved a centimetre...! How the hell did I manage to do such a feat!? My instincts were way stronger than I thought it would be...!

"You better get to know yourself better girl! Oh and while I'm at it, keep that wild instinct of yours on leash, babe! You may end up more surprised than you actually are right now..!"

Was that actually a warning...? My sub-conscious self would definitely know more about that topic than myself, so I had better listen to it. But giving in to those instincts felt SO good!! It was as if all the feelings that were concealed deep down in me, were unleashed, all at once! I guess there were things about myself that I was yet to be aware of...! I had the feeling that I was not the only one surprised by that, and I was not going to be alone when I would get to know more about myself; Chanyeol would be here too...! Well, if I happened to go overboard and somewhat, ended up losing control over myself, he would be there to stop me and calm me down. And hence, with that thought in my head, I drifted to the dream world...

.........THE NEXT MORNING......... 

"Wake up... up you sleeping log... WAKE UP!"

I heard a voice on the distance, telling me to wake up. A deep, hoarse voice... It had to be Chanyeol. I half-opened my eyes and saw his face, full of excitement, hovering over mine. Hmm... Him being already at home, and waking me up enthusiastically like that... Yeah, something was fishy. He might have thought of a thousand of ways to pester while I would have my hands tied, literally.

"What is it Chan? Let me sleep in peace...!"

"Oh no no no, you are getting up, my dear! And right now! Look at the time, it's 9.00-"

"Still early. Now let me sleep!"

He pulled off my blanket and threw it down. He knew all too well that I could not sleep with the blankets off me. And he also knew that I was not actually going to fall back asleep too; I never did, at least not so easily... Hehehe... 

"Get up. If you don't, I'll drag you off bed..!"

Could he get any cheesier here!? But I knew that he meant it, and I did not want to be dragged so early in the morning...!

"Okay, okay! I am awake now...! What is it you want?"

"Get up and get dressed. You have to be handcuffed, remember?"
And how could I forget that...!?

"Yeah yeah. Wait for me downstairs then."

"Yeah so that you procrastinate on bed...? You are not fooling me here babe. Now get up."

How much did he know me anyway!? Or, I guess it was a natural thing to procrastinate in the morning. I got out of bed, took my clothes and headed down while the giant was following me as if he feared that I would run away. HA! Where would I run to anyway...!? To his house..!? 

I had a bath and did my morning routine and all, while Chan was patiently waiting for me while watching the TV. Since when was he here by the way!?

"Have you had breakfast yet babe?" I asked while going to prepare my morning coffee.

"Yeah I did. I wouldn't mind a coffee thou- WAIT! Wait for me!"

Oh, he had to 'handcuff' me... He was really serious about this after all, maybe a little more than me...!

"Pull out your wrists!"

And so I did.


WHAT THE...!? I actually had a genuine handcuff on my wrist!! Where did he get that from!? And damn it was heavy...! It was seriously not like in movies, where people would be easily doing stunts while being handcuffed; I could barely lift my hands as easily as before...! Where did he get that anyway!? 

"Don't give me the surprised look, I warned you yesterday. And if you are wondering where I got it, then don't worry, I will be telling you when the challenge is over. Hehehe..."

Damn, the handcuffs were itchy; I wanted it off me already...!! I soon started to feel restricted, and it was annoying me, greatly

"Now you may proceed with the coffee. Be careful...! If you need any help, I'll be in the living room." 

'I'll be in the living room' ey...? HA! He was already enjoying it...! But I lost yesterday, fair and square. Plus, that would teach me good; and if it could cure me of my childishness, that would be great too..! 

I carried on with the coffee. I managed add the coffee powder and sugar just fine; but adding the hot water from the thermos and stirring it all up were the difficult part! I spilled some water and had to move both of my hands while stirring. But to be honest, I found it a bit funny. I guess that my childishness was not going to disappear that easily after all...

After being done with it, I went straight in the living room, where I found a Chanyeol completely lost in a documentary on wild life. 

"There you go, sir."

"Thank you."

I sat next to him and I soon got engrossed in the documentary too. Of course, to drink, I had to move both hands, but so far, I was adapting to the situation quite well. We became so engrossed in the program that we kept watching for almost an hour, without even moving from our initial positions. Ahh... If only the whole day could pass just as smoothly as right now, that would be great...!

"Don't worry. I'll get serious soon. Let me just finish with my coffee", he said with a grin.

Did I think it out loud!? I had no memories of having opened my mouth and letting any words out..! But it would seem that it was too good to be true...! Ah, what did he have in store for me..?

We finished up with breakfast and I headed in the kitchen with our cups.

"Again be careful with the cups. If you need help-"

"Yeah yeah. Thanks but I will be just fine. I'll be with you in a second."

I heard him chuckle in the distance. He was really having a lot of fun..! Well, I had my fair share too. Washing the dishes was not so bad either, except that I was beginning to feel REALLY restricted! I didn't like this feeling at all! And to top it all, the challenge had just started; I had to bear with it a whole day...!

"Have you finished yet?"
Being impatient now ey...?

"Yeah, I'm done. Now what do you want me to do?"

"Huh? Nothing..."

"WHAT!? Then why did you say that you are going to get serious?"

"I was just messing with you, hehehe... I just wanted to handcuff you and see your reaction."

"And THAT was it...!? You know, you are beginning to behave a bit like a sadist person...! And it's scaring me a little, to be honest."

"We all have a little sadistic side to our personality babe. Its intensity just varies from person to person, that's all."

"Yeah, true. But you are showing a bit of the 'Christian Grey' kind of sadistic trait...!"

"Maybe I am a little bit like him after all hehehe.. I'm only joking, relax."

"Okay. So what? We going to sit here and watch TV all day...?"
This could be good for me after all...!

"HA! You'd wish! No. Hmm... For starters, let's play cards. Then we shall see what to do."

I nodded and went to fetch my deck of cards. I sincerely prayed that the day would end up already; I was really feeling limited in these handcuffs; it was almost driving me crazy!! I was feeling weak for some reason, but I would have to hold on...!

"There you go!"

We began by playing Rummy. One benefit of having those handcuffs on was that I did not have to do the shuffling. But on the other hand, I could not really keep my cards hidden, as each time I was going to pick up or get rid of a card, my hand of cards would be revealed a little. And he would usually seize the opportunity to naughtily take a peek, not that it mattered that much in that particular game though but...

"Hey I'm tired of playing Rummy. Let's play Cheat! That shall be interesting now...!"
Indeed, that would coarse up things for me.

 Let me do a resume of that game first; the deck of cards is to be dealt out evenly between the players. And the centre of the table will be the discard pile, which will be empty at first, obviously. What is important to point out in this game, is that the cards are placed face down. There are many variants in which this game can be started. In this particular variant, the one having a Two of the Diamond symbol is the first to start. The next player then, is to put either Twos or Threes, and has to say out loud what card number and how many cards the latter has put on the discard pile. And the next player may put either Twos, Threes, or Fours. Basically, the game consists in lying if you did not have the required card in your hand, and it is the other players' job to try and unmask your lie, hence this game's other name : I doubt it. If a player doesn't believe the announcement made by one the players, the latter has to say 'I doubt it'. If the latter (the challenger) is correct about the bluff, the lying latter (the challenged one) has to pick up the entire discard pile and add it to his hand. If not, the challenger is the one who picks up the discard pile. And the one who gets rid of all his cards first, wins. (For more information, go and check it on the net. And I GREATLY recommend it! It is really fun to play, especially with a lot of friends!!)

He shuffled the deck and dealt them. He was the one to start. I put down my deck of cards and placed two cards on the discard pile. The fact that I had to put down my hand of cards each time before I had to play, was really frustrating. Agreed that it seemed funny at first and all, but I was starting to feel itchy..! And it was starting to mentally affect me too! I wanted to stretch my hand so bad...! It was really mentally tiring; I had to play with my fingers in an attempt to forget the gnawing feeling that I was having. I felt helpless... Weak... Annoyed... Limited... Cramped... I was really having a hard time in dealing with it!

"What is it? Feeling uncomfortable? Hehehe..."

"Laugh, laugh all you want! You jerk-"
Wow! It had affected more than I thought it would...! But could I be blamed here? I had never been in such a weak and vulnerable situation before, it was starting to get the better of me..!!

"So I am a jerk huh... It's staring to get the better of you I see... Hehe-"

"Look, it just slid out of my mouth. Please, I have had enough of this all. I am feeling all weak and fragile."
Without noticing it, I had started breathing hard, as if I was starting to choke.

He immediately dropped all of his cards with a bang on the table and pushed me down on the sofa. He was angry... Really angry...! 

"You have no say in it remember..!? You HAVE to keep up with it for today."

"I understand but I am feeling really weak here and-"

"THAT was how I was feeling when I yearned to hold you in my arms... When I yearned to kiss you fondly...! And I had to bear with it for SO long...! And you!? You can't deal with it for a day..!"

"Look. I understand  you but TRUST me! Experiencing it is a whole other thing...! Please! Free me from those..!"

"Hmm no, not yet."

He suddenly crashed his lips on mine. He was grabbing my hair tightly and I...!? I couldn't do anything... ANYTHING AT ALL!! I was really so vulnerable...! So fragile...! So confined...! I did not kiss him back, hoping that would hint him about my discomfort...! But instead, he kissed harder! As if he wanted me to feel more cramped, weaker...! I felt that I would crack up soon...! I really wanted to grab his hair, feel every inch of his face with my hands SO BADLY!!

"Chanyeol..Chanyeol... stop...! Please!!"

I managed to let out between the kisses. But he completely ignored me...!! I was starting to feel numb. 

"Chanyeol, stop!"

Ignored again.

I was feeling really weak. My hands felt so weak; it felt as if I just got wounded and I had lost a lot of blood. As if I was on the verge of falling unconscious. I was tearing up; that feeling of vulnerability and restriction combined, was taking a toll on me. It was unbearable...!

"Please... free me..! Please! Please! Please!!"

I was crying at this point. He seemed quite surprised and still a little angry, but on seeing my tears, he soon got worried. He hugged me tightly and looked for the keys in his pockets. He then freed me immediately. My first reaction was hugging him tightly, while crying a river.

"Hey, I didn't mean to hurt you..! In any way! Please believe me...!"

I did not respond; I could not respond. I just felt like hugging him and crying... I missed those hugs, even if I had not been handcuffed for long..! I missed feeling him into my embrace..! I missed him so much! And I could not tell him any of it. I just felt like crying all day..!

"Shh shh... It's all over now. Shh... Hey, stop crying. I promise I will not do it again..!"

Again, he got no response from me. I kept on crying.

"Oh babe, please stop crying. I feel like I will cry too...! Hehe.."

I did not respond this time either. But I managed to look at him, giving me a reassuring smile. I just cried harder.

"Okay, okay. Cry as much as you want."

Hence, I kept crying, for 5 whole minutes. I finally calmed down, but I was still sobbing a little, and managed to let some words out.

"I was feeling SO confined you know? Please, don't do this to me again. PLEASE!"
And there I went crying again. What a cry baby honestly...

"I promise I won't do it again. You have my word. This is the last time I am making you cry. If I break this promise, then I will be staying here, at your place, for a whole week, and do all the house chores there is to do... How does that sound? Now don't go crying over petty things too... hehehe..."

He made me laugh. I loved him SO much...! He always knew how to make me laugh in such situations...! I hugged him tightly, but soon realised that the weakness had not completely gone.

"Chanyeol, I am still feeling a little weak. Can we... stay in this position for a while? Just enough time for me to feel better a -"

He pulled me into a tight hug and stroked my back. I closed my eyes, and did not get to know when I fell asleep in his arms...

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