This Game Called Life

By Enejiang

159K 12.5K 16.1K

A drunk Russian communist warrior. An angry Rogue cursing in Cantonese. An Italian who would sooner shoot p... More

[1] My First Mission...Just WTF!?
[2] Golfing style
[3] The tutorial of hell
[4] Turnaround
[5] Result
[6] Me IRL
[7] Surprise
[8] New party members...And doubts
[9] A slight disruption
[10] Side quest
[11] Boar fighting
[12] Hiding
[13] Confessions
[14] Guild
[15] In a place, far far away...
[16] The hunt for dinner
[17] Hunted
[18] New moon
[19] Peace, bread and pizza!
[20] On patrol...
[1K] Reads Hall of Honours
[21] Bad timing
[22] One sided bet
[23] LV 20 Priest vs LV 102 Archmange
[24] Happy birthday
[25] 12 years ago...Yesterday
[26] Through the gates...
[27] Briefing
[28] The hardest skill
[29] Full party
[30] Preparation
[31] Are you kidding me...
[32] Attack on Catobplepas (Front side)
[33] Attack on Catoblepas (Rear side)
[34] Race for days
[35] Aftermath
[36] 12 years ago...Today
[37] LV 50...Now what?
[38] Shopping
[39] When your AI carries you...
[40] My mana bar disappeared...
[41] Questions for later, dragon for now
[42] Team strategy...None
[43] So...What now?
[3K] Reads Hall of Honours
[44] Holy...
[45] Not quite prince charming...
[46] Uhhh...I don't know what to say
[47] About time now
[48] So you want to start a guild?
[49] Names, names, names...
[50] Recruitment
Game sign up (Part 1) [CLOSED]
Game sign up (Part 2) [CLOSED]
[51] It's a small world...
[52] Well...That escalated quickly...
[53] LV 222 Crusader VS LV 110 Knight and LV 101 Battlemage
[54] Well, I guess that's that...
[55] The new team
[56] The next step
[57] I have no idea what to say...
[58] Oh no...
[59] Breaching the gates
[60] A few hours ago...
[6K] Hall of honors
[61] Kagami yo kagami yo kagami san...
[62] The choke point
[63] Fire, fire, fire...
[64] Game over...The 3rd time?
[65] Huh...So that's what happened...
[66] Hot spring (Arrival)
[67] Hot spring (Guys talk)
[68] Hot Spring (Phase 1...)
[69] Hot spring (Abort mission)
[70] Base talk
[71] Knock, knock...
[72] It's definitely getting crowded now...
[73] The big 5
[74] Meanwhile outside...
[10K] Hall of Honors
[75] At the end of meeting...
[76] Compromise
[77] A brief history class...
[78] Oh my oh my...
[79] A day ago...Before the meeting...
[80] It's a honey trap!
[81] At the heart of enemy...
[82] Before the march...
[83] Divide and conquer
[84] Meanwhile in the south...
[85] Trapped...From above...
[86] Meanwhile in the north...
[87] Lv 333 Demon Tamer VS Lv 354 Phantom Slayer
[88] The dragon lord
[89] A pro montage basically...
[90] Onslaught
[91] Reaper's grin
[92] Not quite gg...
[93] A toast to the random stranger who saved the day...
[94] A quick report...
[95] Tengen Toppa Magic Lagann!
[96] Discussion in the sky
[97] Destiny in a vial
[98] The ultimate 'chicken' game
[99] HAHA! Oh no wait...
[101] Through sword and fire
[102] Round 2
[20K] Hall of Honors
[103] Dead end
[104] Free fortress
[105] ENNNNNNN!!!???
[106] Through the eye of the hunter...
[107] Under the moon...
[108] Kimotameshi
[109] Traps for dayz
[110] Happy hallow...
[111] Just...
[112] Flip out
[113] New dark plans brewing...
[114] Communist legend
[115] The four horsemen
[116] Unexpected msg...
[117] Starbucks and chill...
[118] Oh...I did not quite expect that...
[119] OwO
[120] Well that went surprisingly well...
[121] Not again...
[122] Weighing the odds
[123] LV 444 Reaper VS LV 402 Night weaver
[124] Oh man...
[125] Getting dunked
[126] Ashes
[127] From bottom to top...
[128] A bad dream...
[129] Unexpected guest...
[130] Not so lonely Christmas...
[131] Repetition, repetition, repetition...
[132] Near the top...(1 year timeskip)
[133] Oh...
[134] Fall
[135] Literally in hell...
[136] Blood and evil
[137] It's on me
[138] Giving it 100%...and MORE!!!
[139] HFS...
[140] Motive
[141] I have a bad feeling about this...
[142] Not the 'dare' now...
[143] The next 'bet'...
[144] Challenge...Accepted
[145] Grand entrance
[146] Blood and dragon
[147] CAN YOU FEEL IT!?!?!?
[148] Congratulations
[149] Meanwhile in Legionnaire...
[150] Meanwhile in Chaos...
[151] "It"
[152] The answer
[153] Showdown
[154] Camp
[155] The angel of blood
[156] Cutting butter
[50K] Hall of Honors
[157] This is madness!
[158] PANZER VOR!!!
[159] Sheep and lion
[162] Moving on
[163] When you come in without knocking...
[164] Go forward
[165] LV 865 Assassin VS LV 1000 Sage
[167] The one at the top...
[168] REEPS vs "The strongest"
[170] Move like Jaggerrrrrrrrrrrr!~
[171] AGRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[173] Aftermath...(1 week later)
[174] Capture the flag
[175] Death flag
[176] Jabaited
[177] After party
[178] Secret plot twist
[179] Je t'aime
[180] Afterwards...
[GRAND] Hall of honors

[166] Death knockin...

453 34 33
By Enejiang

Gabriel and 5 of the other holy knights of order, stood guarding at the front of the throne room door. Excluding Micheal who guarded the king personally within the throne room. The 6 knights stood side to side as an impenetrable wall of sword and might. Whether the intruder be as minor as a fly or great as an army, and neither would find their chances optimistic.

The door at the very end of the hallway suddenly creaked open. And like a slippery eel, a single figure managed to slip past the doorway. It's dark robes gliding behind him gracefully like a shadow in the night, and around him, carried the certain scent of death.

Gabriel feared no men, but this was no men, this was death.


He shifted in his armour uncomfortably, and the rest who shared his discomfort shifted uniformly.

Death strode forward for about another 30ft and stopped at the centre of the hallway.

Silence, like the dead of night it's self. Then all of sudden in a religious fervour the 6 knight slammed the sheath of the sword against the ground and began to chant in union:

"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

Which to death's response, he slowly lifted up both sleeves, and from his long dark sleeve he produced two bony middle fingers.

Outraged, the holy knights began to let out a series of battle cries, as they drew out their swords.

"Non nobis domine!"

"Ave Maria!"

"Call the pope!"

"DEUS VULT!!!" On that sentence, all the holy knights lunged forward at once, in which Death responded with a graceful side step back.

Two more surged forward, with blades coming in at the side, to which Death countered by leaping into the air, jumping on one of the swords, and propelling himself further into the air. And while airborne, he did one of those unnecessary 720 degree slow motion somersault from kung-fu movies, before gravity took over again.

A cruel grin grew across death's skull, literally skull (not sure how skeletons can even grin) as he used one of the knight's face as a landing pad, and instantly slamming the rest of his whole body onto the ground. And before his companion could react, Death got into a pivot stance and sent him back into a pillar with a Bruce lee style round house kick.

Another knights rushed forward with shield held in front, but instead of dodging, Death stood in his spot, unfazed and unmoving. And at the last second of the collision, he ducked forward and pressed his fist against the knight's armor plate:

"One inch punch."

The sheer impact of the punch was able to send the knight flying back 30ft and crashing into two more in mid-run knights, turning all 3 of them into a jumble of steel mess.

Gabriel was the last one standing.

Good heavens!

He thought, as Death walked toward him with ease and relax, the complete opposite of what Gabriel was.

Taking his time with the approach, Death equipped his scythe out of nowhere.

"Lord give me strength..." Gabriel muttered as his whole arbor vibrated with fear.


"My Lord give me confidence!"




"Have mercy on your servant!..."


Death passed by.

There was a moment of pause, followed by a heavy thump as Gabriel fell knees first to the ground, as his body disintegrates into a million red shards.

"God only saves those who can save themselves."

Death commented as he looked to the spot, where Gabriel's body just disappeared a moment ago, then up again towards the doorway.

The rest is all in your hands Riga...

Q: Do you consider yourself a religious person?

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