The Other Brother (SLOW UPDAT...

By jaykaygcf

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Justin Adams- sexy, cute, popular. Would get just about any girl if he wanted to. Just one little flaw, He ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 22

498 14 35
By jaykaygcf


"Im sorry, that came out a little weird," she let out an awkward laugh and i exchanged the weight on the leg i was leaning on, not knowing what to do with my body. The past few days have been confusing enough, now i have to listen to a strange woman talking to me about my real parents.. "Im guessing you already know about your real parents, considering what Selena told me?" She continued.

"Selena? What exactly did she tell you?" My sister hadn't told me much about my real parents, so hearing that she was telling people like 'Natasha' about it was weird in my books.

"That doesn't matter." She quickly brushed me off. "But, your real family has been looking for you, for quite some while now." She explained. I huffed.

"How long?" I asked. Clearly they haven't been trying that hard, I thought but kept to myself.


"Then why give me up in the first place?" I questioned with a frown. I felt terrible and pathetic asking this to some stranger but she knew more about them than i did. I couldn't help but think she was judging me however.

"Uh, i think that's something you should ask them." She answered.

We just stood there in awkward silence for a few seconds. "Right, sorry." Obviously Sofia, how would she know why they didn't want you?

"So would you like to meet them?" She asked after some while.

I hesitated. "No."

Natasha widened her eyes in surprise and i immediately felt bad. She went through all the effort..

"I mean-" i started again before she could decide to leave. "Not right now atleast." I laughed awkwardly and twisted a piece of hair to distract from my sweaty palms. "I only found out about them a few days ago so.."

She smiled sympathetically.

"Well, if you ever change your mind then I'll give you my phone number." She said as she started writing it down on a piece  of paper.



"Are you going?" Justin asked as we walked to Maths. A class that we had together.

"To what?"

"Didn't they say we had to stay after school for an extra hour to study for finals?"

"Fucks sake." I groaned, extremely exhausted and ready to go home. I was so conflicted thinking about all that has been going on recently I forgot i still had school responsibilities to live up to.

"Well are you?" He asked, noticing my tensed up posture and leaning a hand over to massage in between my shoulder and neck.

My body went stiff at the gesture, tensing up even more with goosebumps decorating my skin. I was ready to shake it off when his hands worked their magic and started unwinding at the knots under my muscles. My body went limp and i let out a groan in appreciation. I almost forgot to answer his question until he removed his hands away and I recovered from my trance.

"N-no," i cleared my throat.

"I can study at home, no need to spend more time in this hell hole." I explained.

"Okay, cool. Well, you just got yourself a new study partner." He grinned.

"Great." I replied sarcastically.

"Oh shut up, you know you love me." He winked. "It's a date!"

"Alright class, settle down!" The teacher shouted as she entered the room.


"Awe come on, it'll be boring if we just study. Let's make a challenge out of it!" Justin said excitedly.

We were currently studying on the floor, with our textbooks in front of us when Justin suggested that we should hit each other if we got questions wrong.

And look at his arms. I do not want to be hit by that boy.

"Listen, i know you just love bringing yourself pain by doing the most stupidest things, but no."

"Pleasee." He pleaded and pouted.

"No, Justin. We actually need to study, stop distracting me."


"She seems pretty selfish to me." He repeated for the fifth time.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically. "I wouldn't have guessed the first hundred times you said it."

"So, she tells the bad guy 'it's always gonna be Steven'," he said in an exaggerated voice.

"Stefan," i corrected him.

"Whatever," he continued. "So she tells him its always gonna be Stefan. A few episodes later she leads on Demon and still says she's better than Katherine," He rants.

"Damon," I corrected him again.

"Whatever," he repeated. "Shes a brother hopper!" Funny, brother hopper. "Atleast don't judge the girl if you're gonna do the same, you know. Why confuse them both if it was such an 'epic love story'. Just say you like them bad and go-" I couldn't help but giggle at his aggravation. For someone so against the show, he seemed very into it.

"I don't know Justin. Maybe Stefan was the safe choice and she didn't wanna get judged by being with Damon?" I suggested.

He snorted, "Selfish brother hopper."

"Katherine did the exact same thing, but you love her?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but shes hot." He answered.

"They're both played by Nina Dobrev Justin, they're the same person." I told him.

"Yes, but you see, Katherine admits shes the bad guy. Elena just acts like she isn't. I dont like hypocrites." He explains. "Plus i just like them bad." He winked and i pinched his shoulder.

"Alright! It looks like you're enjoying 'The Vampire diaries'." I laughed a little.

He shrugged. "It's better than twilight."

"Twilight wasn't that bad." I frowned.

He raised an eye brow.

"Yeah and I'm Jimmy Neutron." He scoffed.

I laughed. "I bet you would like that."

"He's my idol, did you not know?" He joked.

"Your hair does look like his." I stated.

He touched his chest. "How nice of you."

"I missed you 'Fie." Justin said all of a sudden, vampire diaries long put away and now just simply laying next to eachother on the couch in silence.

I raised an eye brow. "It was only a day dude, didn't realise you were so sentimenta-"

"No, not that stupid," he rolled his eyes at me "When i went to New York. I missed you. I never understood why, but now I realise it's because i need a complete loser to change things arou-"

I pinched his arm again.

"Im the coolest person you know, shut up."

"You're the coolest person i know if there was no one else left on Earth baby."

Ignoring the pet name he called me and the flaming cheeks that accompanies it after, i grumbled, "Well I definitely didn't miss you."

"Wait, really?" He asked quietly.

I looked up to see that he was being serious.

"Well, I didn't miss the guy that would call me a nerd in the hallway every single day but.. I guess did miss the guy who would come to my house everyday and help me with my homework cause my mom would never listen to me." I corrected myself.

He winced. "Yeah im sorry about that. I wanted to seem cool," he swallowed hard. "I was in a bad crowd and was going through some shit at home. I just took it out on the easiest person. Didn't even run through my mind once that you were the best friend i had back then." He tried saying but there was more to it, i could see it on his face. His eyes looked down when he spoke and his fingers played with the hem of his shirt, he was clearly feeling guilty. Nonetheless, i didn't ask about it. Atleast he had the decency to realise he was in the wrong.

"I appreciate your apology, and i accept it since im so nice," i grinned hugely at him and he gave me a small smile back, ruffling my hair before i slapped it away and fixing my hair. "..but you do realise Justin, it doesn't make this okay, right?" I continued. I almost felt bad saying that because i could see the way his face fell but i had to get it off my chest.

"If you ever disrespect me that way again, I'm never talking to you again. And i mean it." I had changed the playful mood earlier into a more serious one and i kind of regretted it but if i didn't atleast say something to make up for all the tears i spent on him while i was younger, i would've disappointed fourteen year old me.

"Of course 'Fie, I understand." He nodded his head, looking down at his hands. "I was a childish idiot then, I wouldn't do anything like that again."

I smiled. "Good. Now go back to saying how cool i am and how i'm your bestest friend."

"Im kind of rethinking saying that now.."

"Ha ha." I sarcastically laughed. "..i missed you too, by the way." I quietly added.

"Awh, you're adorable," he ruffled my hair again.
Grabbing his hand, i quickly bit on the side of his palm before he had a chance to react.

"Ow, ow, ow, Sofia let go what the fuck-"

"Don't touch my hair again ugly." I replied after letting go of his hand.

He rolled his eyes at me before running his hands through my hair, ignoring my comment completely and tugging at some pieces until he had it all wrapped in his hands like a pony tail. "You're pretty even with your hair messy I don't know why you make such a big deal." I could tell from the burning tips of my ears that i was definitely blushing at his words, not knowing what to reply to that.

Thankfully i didn't have to, as he put his hand forward, palm facing up, waiting for my to give him the hair tie wrapped around my wrist. I took it off and handed it to him, letting him play with my hair in whichever way he wanted while i worked my hardest to get off the permanent blush i seemed to have whenever i was around him.

He let out a proud little 'done!' When he was finished and i was shocked to see he had actually done a pretty decent job at giving me a neat bun. Even let out two front pieces of hair to frame my face.

When i asked him how he knew to do it, he said "My friend back in New York used to make me do her hair all the time while she'd paint," He blushed and ran a hand through his hair. Her. Thats definitely his ex girlfriend he's talking about.

Embarrassingly enough, that put me in a sour mood. I didn't understand why him talking about another girl weighed on my stomach like that but i didn't have time to think about it either because then he'd realise i was bothered, too. That was the worst thing that could happen to my in the moment. Instead, i hummed in reply and plucked one of the abandoned study books off the floor.

"We should try study some more," i tell him to change the subject. "We barely did any."

He looked into my book and bumped his shoulder with mine.

"Hey, Sofia?" He started. He said my full name. He didn't normally say my full name, and it sounded so pretty coming from his full lips that i almost started blushing again. But i didn't.


"Is that a nice book youre reading there?" He asked with an amused smile.

"Yes? Why wouldn't it be," I chuckled awkwardly and i hated myself for it.

"I dont know, i just assumed reading a book upside down wouldn't be all that nice." I instantly looked down to realise that he was right and i was, in fact, reading the book upside down.

Cursing quietly, i just closed the book and threw it on the couch, more embarrassed than ever. Justin was laughing his annoying little ass of so i kicked him with my foot in the shin.

"Shut up, you're so annoying Adams." He still didn't shut up, obviously. So i sat up to avoid being laughed at anymore and stomped to the kitchen.

He was calling after me, in between laughs ofcourse, but i ignored him until he came in after me, laughs now controlled and simply just a smile on his face.

"Okay, im sorry, i wont make fun of you again."

I continued ignoring him, focusing on pouring cereal and milk in my bowl.

"'Fieeeee i'm sorry," he continued, coming up next to me and poking me with his finger. "You would've laughed too if it were me!"

"If you keep poking me, im going to bite your finger off."

"Jeez, you love to bite Sofia, how kinky of you."


"Ow! Stop hurting me, please." He whined as he hopped on one foot.

This time i laughed and he instantly stopped, looking at me and smiling.

"Okay, you can kick me if it means you'll stop being all moody." I gave him another kick, but softer this time when he grabbed my arm and stuffed me in a tight hug.

"Ew Justin let me go, i can't breathe under your smelly pits!" They weren't actually but being hugged by Justin Adams wasn't good for me and i needed him to let me go.

"Never! You're my precious fake girlfriend, why would i ever let you go!" He shouted dramatically, swinging us back and forth.

It was that exact moment my best friend decided to walk in.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two idiots?" Beth asked with a raised eyebrow.

I elbowed my fake boyfriend in the stomach until he let me go while he laughed at Beth's question.

"Justin is just being annoying." I grumbled, taking a huge spoonful of the cheerio cereal i had forgotten about.

"Both of you are, fuck you for leaving me alone at school. I was in after school hours all by myself because no one informed me we were skipping." Beth complained as she smacked both our heads.

"Sorry Beth, you know i love you really." Justin shot her another one of his charming smiles. Sneaky bastard, how could anyone be mad at him when he does that?

My best friend proved my point right my sighing and nodding her head. "Right, you're forgiven. Fuck only you Sofia."

Beth had left halfway through one of our movies saying she was sleepy while Justin and I laid cozily under a blanket.

I had received many judgemental stares from Beth that i knew i would hear plently about some other time but right now i didn't care, my tired eyes closing by themselves.

I sighed sleepily and rested my head on his chest.

"Can you spend the night?" I asked and yawned. It had been so nice with him today, i didnt wait it to end.


That was the last thing i heard before i closed my eyes.

And im pretty sure i felt him kiss the top of my head.

I smiled a little at that.


Beth POV

I sighed at my poor excuse.

Sleepy? Seriously? Im getting worser and worser at this.

I should tell them the truth, tell them why i keep sneaking away. But I don't want them to get involved in this.

Alec's onto me. He keeps telling me that im acting weird, which is true.

I sighed and placed my hands in my pockets, clutching the small bag of white powder tightly.

This was terrible, what i was doing.

But i had to. My mom needed me.

I stepped into the abandoned house and waited for the guy to arrive.

After some time, he finally appeared.

He was wearing a black hoodie over his head.

"You got what i need?" He asked.

Well then,

I quickly took the small bag out and handed it to him.

He took the hoodie off of his head handed me the money.

I frowned. He looked so much younger than expected. I wouldn't be surprised if he was my age.

"What did you say your name was again?" I asked.

"I didn't." He answered.

"Well, what is you name then?" I asked.

"It's none of your business...but it's Isaac."




Do y'all remember who that is? 😂

Im alive, im alive! I didn't die.

Its just, right now my school is having the Christmas exams and those are the most important tests of the school year so I didn't really get much time to spend on my phone.

Im sorry for the boring chapters, I'll make it up to you. Promise :D

Thank you guys for 1.6K reads 😪 we're nearly at 2K WHAT?!

Thank you loves.

I shall see you all next time.


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