
By _jooniee

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Much Phan, Very Fluff. Welcome to a book of Phan fluff oneshots! If you don't ship phan kindly leave by click... More

Thinking Out Loud
Always Have, Always Will
Coffee Shop
Star gazing
Don't imagine
Secret Admirer
Stage Show Incidents
Edit That Out
Accidents Happen
Little Ones
Tear In My Heart
Box Forts
7 Second Challenge
From Here, To Here
Post It Notes
Golden Whiskers
House of Memories
Scary Movies
Late Nights
Wrong Train
Broken Bones
Radio Show
Day in the Life
Baking Accidents
Lion Suit
Whose Name?
In Love
New Years Selfie
Candy Rings
Vegas Lights
Good Kisser?
When at Vidcon
Existential Crisis
I Miss You
Take Me Higher, Than I've Ever Been
Stood Up
Lie Detector
A Sleepless Night With Phil
Cold Night, Warm Cuddles
Hershey Kisses
Hobbit Hair
"You Weren't Yesterday"
They'll Never Believe You
We Will Be Okay
Something We Forget About
Cooking Fails
Just Make Up Already
G notes
Family Christmas
Hair Dye
Sleepy Children
Sleepy Comments
Slow Dancing
Something we wanted to tell you
Tumblr Tag
You're My Forever
Rude Names
The Blanket Fic
Run-Away Pup
Earthquake Or The Phandom
Kiss, Marry, Kill
Sleep Talk
Snooping On Each Others Phones
Soccer Dads
A Walk In the Park
Vlogging Friends at Parties
Heart & Love Eyes
Preparing For Children
Tatinof Tour Bus
Livestreams & Babies
Kissing a Plasma Ball
Phan Texts (Part 1)
Children & Birthday Presents
Phan Texts (Part 2)
Annoucing Marriage
Cereal Thief
"Know who else is beautiful"
A Live Mistake
FBI Phan
Make you Howell
Christmas Cuddles
Phan Vs. Troyler
7 Years
Phan Texts (Part 3)
Christmas Ornaments
"If I Never See You Again...."
Jumpscares and Concussions
Darkness & Jumpscares
Why is the phandom like this?
"What are those marks?"
Internet Support Group
I Blame Instagram
Christmas Proposal
Mistletoe Kiss
Don't Wake Him
Tickel Fight
Road Trip
Words Hurt
"Are You Drunk?"
Have You Ever Wondered?
Family Breakfast
First Argument
Coffee Mornings
We got a dog!


851 40 25
By _jooniee

S: Dan hides Phil's contact lenses because he loves how he looks in glasses

Dans POV:

I know this may be wrong but come on don't even tell me phil doesn't look good in glasses. He says he hates how he looks in them, but everyone of the viewers and myself thinks he looks perfectly fine.
He also may be a little mad at me for doing this but oh well.

"Dan have you seen my contacts?" Phil asks walking toward the bathroom, I rushed to put everything away and started messing with my hair. Yes I hid his contact lenses so he'd have to wear his glasses.

"Um nope, haven't seen them." I Said continuing to mess with my hair.

"Well if I can't find them I'll have to wear my glasses while filming." He explained.

"What's so wrong with wearing glasses." I asked now Turning to phil.

"I just don't know, I don't like how they look on my face." He said.

"Well I think you look fine, besides everyone loves your glasses." I Said, phil now felt more confident in the way they looked.

"Really?" He questioned and I nodded in response.

"Well, I'll look for them anyways just Incase you know." Phil said and I walked out of the bathroom so he could look for his contacts.

After about ten minutes of searching he gave up, so that means he's going to wear his glasses. I know that if he would have found them he probably wouldn't wear the glasses.

"Ready to film?" I asked leaning on the the doorway to the gaming room.

"Yeah." He replies moving a few things to the side.

I sat down in my chair next to Phil then set up the camera and phil did the introduction.

"So What're we doing today mr.philly." I Said turning my head a little towards phil.

"Well we're going to be playing the sims four. And check and see how Dil is doing." Phil explained.

We loaded up the game and explained what happened the last time we played.

"NO DIL! YOU CANT GO SWIMMING WHEN YOU STOVE IS ON FIRE!" I semi-shouted. Phil looked worried about the sim and I quickly rushed to get him to put the fire out.

"That was insane." Phil said after he virtual fire was out.

"Yeah, he almost lost his home." I said still a little in shock.

"This is almost as bad as when he set the pancakes bed on fire." Phil said as we both laughed back on the memory.

"When Eliza gets upsetti Dil makes spaghetti." Dan said causing both of us to burst out laughing.

We continued the game, until Tabitha almost electrocuted herself. We paused the game and saved it after that happened.

"We just haven't had any luck with this game today." I Said.

"Yeah really." Phil replied going into the end screen right after.
Once the end screen was done we stopped recording.

"Time to go look for my contacts again, we can edit later." Phil said but I stopped him before he could leave.

"I hid your contacts." I explained.

"You did what?" Phil asks.

"I hid your contacts." I Said again.

"Why?" He replies.

"You look good in glasses." I replied.
Phil just laughs and I went to go and help him find the contacts in the place where I hid them.

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