
By _jooniee

147K 5.5K 2.7K

Much Phan, Very Fluff. Welcome to a book of Phan fluff oneshots! If you don't ship phan kindly leave by click... More

Thinking Out Loud
Always Have, Always Will
Coffee Shop
Star gazing
Don't imagine
Secret Admirer
Stage Show Incidents
Edit That Out
Accidents Happen
Little Ones
Tear In My Heart
Box Forts
7 Second Challenge
From Here, To Here
Post It Notes
Golden Whiskers
House of Memories
Scary Movies
Late Nights
Broken Bones
Radio Show
Day in the Life
Baking Accidents
Lion Suit
Whose Name?
In Love
New Years Selfie
Candy Rings
Vegas Lights
Good Kisser?
When at Vidcon
Existential Crisis
I Miss You
Take Me Higher, Than I've Ever Been
Stood Up
Lie Detector
A Sleepless Night With Phil
Cold Night, Warm Cuddles
Hershey Kisses
Hobbit Hair
"You Weren't Yesterday"
They'll Never Believe You
We Will Be Okay
Something We Forget About
Cooking Fails
Just Make Up Already
G notes
Family Christmas
Hair Dye
Sleepy Children
Sleepy Comments
Slow Dancing
Something we wanted to tell you
Tumblr Tag
You're My Forever
Rude Names
The Blanket Fic
Run-Away Pup
Earthquake Or The Phandom
Kiss, Marry, Kill
Sleep Talk
Snooping On Each Others Phones
Soccer Dads
A Walk In the Park
Vlogging Friends at Parties
Heart & Love Eyes
Preparing For Children
Tatinof Tour Bus
Livestreams & Babies
Kissing a Plasma Ball
Phan Texts (Part 1)
Children & Birthday Presents
Phan Texts (Part 2)
Annoucing Marriage
Cereal Thief
"Know who else is beautiful"
A Live Mistake
FBI Phan
Make you Howell
Christmas Cuddles
Phan Vs. Troyler
7 Years
Phan Texts (Part 3)
Christmas Ornaments
"If I Never See You Again...."
Jumpscares and Concussions
Darkness & Jumpscares
Why is the phandom like this?
"What are those marks?"
Internet Support Group
I Blame Instagram
Christmas Proposal
Mistletoe Kiss
Don't Wake Him
Tickel Fight
Road Trip
Words Hurt
"Are You Drunk?"
Have You Ever Wondered?
Family Breakfast
First Argument
Coffee Mornings
We got a dog!

Wrong Train

1.1K 43 15
By _jooniee

-This may be lengthy, but this is me before writing so idk?

Phil POV:

Nothing is better than being late to the train station, the next train to London doesn't come for another five hours. I don't even want to wait that long, and I've only got like five minutes to be there.

I ran into the subway and found my train instantly and got on it.
It was a little less crowded today, since it's not the holiday or the weekend, plus everyone is at work. I'm only going to London to visit my grandparents.

According to my mom, the first stop which should be after about an hour and a half of being on the train should be London. I really hope she's right.

-1 hour and a half later-

Around this time, many people were on the train now and some would all try getting off at the same time.
"Excuse me." Said an old lady behind me.

"Oh I'm so sorry miss let me help you." I said helping her down off the train.

"Thank you young man." She said before walking away.

I walked over to the underground map to find where I needed to go to get out to leave. 
Nonononono i've gotten off at the wrong stop.
I quickly looked around to find someone who could help me, thank god I did. I found a by maybe the same age as me, with the same haircut but he had brown hair instead of black like mine.

"Excuse me, could you possibly help me?" I said, I was a bit nervous because it's not like a 23 year old should get lost in a subway.

"Oh hello, What do you need help with?" He said.

"Well, I'm supposed to be in London right now and I've gotten off at the wrong place what do i do?" I asked, trying my best not to ramble.

"Oh I'm heading that way too just follow me." He said walking over to the boarding area.

"The names Dan by the way, Dan Howell." Dan said.

"I'm Phil, Phil Lester." I replied.

"Nice to meet you Phil." Dan said, and I greeted him in that way too.

"Here's the train." I said smiling.

"Mind if I sit with you?" He asked.

"Not at all." I replied.

We got on the train and sat at on of the small tables. Normally on long train rides they'll have people on the train as waiters and waitresses.

"So where are you from?" He asked.

"Manchester." I said.

"Oh I love Manchester, but I've recently moved to London with my family." Dan said.

"I'm visiting relatives, and thanks to my mom I got off at the wrong stop." I said.

"Thats always fun." Dan said laughing.

"Not when you've never been here." I said.

"You've never been to London?! Want me to show you around?" Dan asked.

"Doesn't really matter I'll be here a couple days." I said.

"Then its a plan." He said.

We talked for the entire train ride and learned we had so many things in common. I've only known him about an hour or two but it feels like I've known him forever.

"Hey do you have Skype?" Dan asked.

"Yeah, it's Amazingphil with no spaces." I said.

"Mines Danisnotonfire with no spaces." He said.
"We should talk sometime." I said.

"That was my intention." Dan said.

About thirty minutes later we were in London.

"What are you staring at?" I asked.

"You." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know, I'm just amazed." He said.

"With what? I don't see how I'm a amazing  person." I said.

"Well you are." He said.

"Sorry for making it awkward." He said apologizing.

"it's fine." I said, reassuring him it was okay after he apologized multiple times.

"Well I guess I've got to go now, bye Dan." I said hugging him before leaving. It wasn't an awkward thing, he hugged back. Dan seems like a pretty cool person.

——- One Year Later ——

It's been a full year since I ran into Dan, Of course we've Skyped with each other since that Day, But we're finally meeting in person again. We're doing a video for YouTube, since I've created a channel and devolved a fanbase.

I got off the train to find Dan waiting for me. I ran over to him and hugged him like I've never hugged him before.

"DAN!" I shouted hugging him.

"Hey!" He said hugging me back.

"I've missed you, and it's finally not pixelated Dan it's in real life you again." I said.

"I know, it's amazing to see you again." He said.

After catching up with each other while walking to his house. We set up the camera and everything and filmed the video.

It was only a Q&A which wasn't too traditional but it felt appropriate to do.

"This is the most fun I've ever had" Dan said before I tackled him to the floor.

"You're such a dork." Dan said.

"Mhmm." I replied laughing a little. We calmed down and sat back up and I looked into Dans eyes and he looked into mine. His eyes flickered down to my lips and before I knew it we were both leaning in, I don't know who closed the gap but we ended up kissing, not like kissing but like a full on make out session.
He started running his hands through my hair and I started running mine through his hair, we pulled away before anything too extreme happened.

"Now that, that was the most fun I've ever had." Dan said, lips swollen from the kiss. I leaned in and quickly kissed him once more.

"I know, I hope we could do this again." I said. Of course we'd edit that but out.

—-7 years later—-

I'm sitting in the lounge of my shared apartment with Dan, rewatching the phil is not on fire 8 video, hard to believe all these years later, we moved in, started dating and still doing this series.

One question that really got to me was for Dan to go through my bedside drawer.
I didn't want him to because of a certain thing. I was planning on proposing to Dan but he found the box. During the video he ignored it and pulled out some sunscreen instead.

I turned my attention away from the video and over to Dan sleeping in the couch next to me, hard to believe after all these years, accidentally running into him at the train station, that Dan would end up being my fiancé.

A/N: this is officially my favorite chapter, my phan feels hurt from writing this. Like my smol little emo phangirl Heart is crying.
And I think this is one of the longest chapters I've done. Also THANK YOU FOR 3k+ READS!!

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