Aberration (The Flash)

By lostinthelore

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If you have a cover you'd like to send me please snapchat me at @laurellgrant "I will be editing the first 50... More

I Love You
9 months later
Freaky. Fascinating.
I eat.
Arrows Fly
No this is...
Screwing with Time
Super Sonic Punch, Baby!
Lost Keys
Sparky v Scarlet Speedster
Anger. Hate. Aggression.
Not a Superhero!
I heard you were looking for me!
Barely Missed
Future Foe
Clad in Yellow
Merry Little Christmas
He Knew
Heads Up
Tick Tock
Reset the Clock
If You Could Not Flame On
Found and Lost Again
Believe Me
A Brother?
My Real Powers
Cold is back
Tricky Canaries
I know. Know What?
I dont do bees.
Im allergic to bees.
Hands On the Metahuman
Okay, freaky.
I'll be looking out for you Angel
At Best? 36 hours
Burnt. Crispy Toast
And I might not exist.
You. Always You.
We're all Alarmed!
Bless Your Heart
I Love You Anna
Frozen In Time
Break A Man's Heart
Along Came A Spider
Oh. Catchy
Kinda Like Time Travel
Run Bartholomew
Who's My Mother?
Yesterday and Today
Teleport Trash?
Still Works
Shut it Metal Mouth
Never Mind What I Want.
Mid Punch
Blind As A Bat
Back and Forth
Escape Earth-2
Well, Well, Well....
Shoots Arrows Like Him
That We Are.
Hell of a Catch
Hes in Hell
Kanye West.
Flash Back
Out of Luck
Clocks Running
Three of Everything?
Like I Said
My Wife?
Seeing Red K
Are You Sure?
Ooh, better hurry.
Age Again
With Magic
Old Wild West
Expecto Patronum!!
Likes of Me
Black Bird Fly
Into the Night
You Roofied Me Again?
Best Laid Plans Go Sideways
We were Legends

Today and Yesterday

116 3 0
By lostinthelore

Cisco brought his girlfriend to STAR Labs after some freak attacked them at Jitters and Barry saved them, and let slip that Barry was the Flash.
"I can't believe you're the Flash. And you're Anomaly. And that you work with them." Kendra said.
"Yeah. Let's keep that on the DL." Cisco chuckled.
"This is the same knife that was used to kill the men at the docks. The residue's a perfect match." Barry said.
"So it is the same guy." Joe said.
"Definitely. But the thing is, these blades are old. Centuries old." Barry said.
"Do you have any idea why this guy would be after you?" Iris asked.

"No. I've never seen him before in my life." Kendra replied.
"Well, he was certainly acting like he knew you. He kept calling her Priestess Chay-Ara." Cisco said.
"That's Coptic." Harry said.
"You mean Egyptian?" I asked, looking back at him.
"That's right." Wells said, looking at me.
"Well, I grew up in Wisconsin and I've never even left the States, so..." Kendra said.
"This guy, he's clearly incredibly dangerous. So I need you to at least let us try to protect you." Barry asked.
"I can put a detail on her." Joe said.
"You didn't see this guy, Joe. No offense, but I don't think a cop is gonna be able to protect her." Cisco said.

"No, but we do have a few friends who can lend a hand." Barry said, looking over at me. I realized he was talking about Team Arrow.

"But we're gonna need to leave Central City." Barry finished.
"And go where?" Kendra asked.

"Star City to meet my parents." I groaned, plastering a sarcastic smile on my face.

Barry and I zipped over to Star City and got Dig, Ollie and the red one out of their little predicament.

"It's the Flash! Did I know we knew the Flash?" Asked Thea Queen.

"We know the Flash. Okay. I didn't know we knew the Flash." Thea continued.
"Thank you both. But I don't think that you ran all the way here to protect us." Ollie said. It was weird seeing him as my father now.

"No, not to protect you. I need to protect a friend." Barry said.

Ollie led us back to his new Arrow cave. I remembered being here once, in the far future when it was trashed and broken.

"Wow! Nice new digs. Also, I just notice, no sleeves? Don't you get cold?" Barry asked.

"I spent the better part of 5 years on an island near the North China Sea. I don't get cold, Barry." Ollie said, avoiding me.

It was going to be weird now.

" Barry! Anna! It's so good to see you." Felicity said.

"Good to see you Felicity." I hugged her tightly.
"Felicity." Barry smiled and hugged her.

"How come you didn't tell me Zoom broke your back?" Felicity snapped, smacking him.
"I..." Barry hesitated.
Felicity hugged him again.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Felicity said.
"So this is what it's like dating her." Barry said.
"More bruises from her than from Deathstroke." Ollie replied.
"Okay. STAR Labs is impressive but this..." Kendra said, impressed.
"Is completely wrong! Did you guys even look at the specs I sent over? This is a tragedy. I'm mourning for the death of engineering. Copper wiring to handle the processing speed from the Palmer Satellite or else your system is gonna overload." Cisco ranted.
"Yeah, but that hasn't happened since last week. I mean, it didn't happen... it happened yesterday." Felicity rambled.

"Hi." Kendra said.
"I'm Felicity." Felicity smiled.
"I'm Kendra Saunders. I'm Cisco's..." Kendra introduced herself.
"She's my new beautiful friend, who kisses me, occasionally." Cisco rambled.
"That's nice." Ollie whispered.
"Right. Ahem." Thea cleared her throat.

"Right. I'm Thea. This is John Diggle, and my brother." Thea said.
"Oliver Queen." Kendra said, star struck.
"Hi." Ollie said.
"Wow. Okay, first I meet the Flash, then Anomaly and now the Green Arrow. Do you have any other surprises for me?" Kendra asked.

Cisco chuckled.
"Please. No more surprises." Cisco begged.
"Barry said that you need our help. Somebody very dangerous is after you." Ollie said, taking control.
"Yeah, and I have no idea why." Kendra replied.
"What does this guy even look like?" Thea asked.

"Uh, hold on." Barry said, walking over to a sketch book. In about 10 seconds he had a sketch of the guy.
"Okay. This is him." Barry said, holding up the sketch.
"Yeah. See that's something I would never think of." Dig said, getting Barry to chuckle through a smirk.
"Hmm, kinda rockin' that Dothraki look. Hot. Let's see if facial recognition can find a match." Felicity said, walking up to her computer.

"That's him." Kendra said when the man's face popped up.
"Yeah. Strange. This picture's from 1975." Felicity said.
"Which would make him about 80 years old right now." Barry said.
"Okay, what else can you tell us?" Ollie asked.
"He said we've known each other for ages, but I've never met the man before." Kendra said.
"But there has to be some kind of connection." Ollie replied.
"Not one I can think of. I just moved to Central City, six months ago." Kendra replied.

"Why'd you move there?" Oliver asked.

"I just felt drawn to the city, I guess." Kendra replied.

"Kendra, there is a reason this guy's after you. Think." Oliver instructed her.
"Look ma. We just came out here to hide out for a bit until we figure things out, so you can just take it down just a little." Cisco said.
"Cisco." I warned him in a whisper.
"You came here because you need our help. This is what my help looks like." Oliver said.

"Oliver, I just saved you guys from whatever the hell Flock of Seagulls was about to do. The least you can do is just..." Barry said.
"Barry, none of us have superpowers. You brought Kendra into our world without knowing who she is or what this dude that is after her is looking for. You made all of us unsafe. So maybe you ask the questions." Ollie barked at Barry.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're all friends here, right?" Felicity asked

"Mm-hmm." Ollie hummed.

"More than you know." I whispered.

"Why don't we go back to our place and have some drinks, and we can talk." Felicity suggested.
"Cool." Barry said.

Everyone went back to Ollie's and Felicity's pent house and relaxed for a bit. I wasn't really up for chatting casually with my dad who was in the same room as I was. I also didn't like being older than my dad.

"I would like to propose a toast. I wish it wasn't just the dark times bringing us together." Ollie began, then Barry rushed by and stole his drink.

"But it is friends like you that make those dark times worth having." Barry said.
"What a guy! Steals my drink, steals my words and my daughter. As I was saying, it's good to see everyone." Ollie said smiling at me.

"Cheers." Everyone said then took a drink.

"So, daughter?" Kendra asked.
"It's kind of complicated." I said.
"Look!" Kendra gasped.

The dude stalking Kendra, crashed through the window.

"I will always find you Chay-Ara." He said.
Barry ran and got Oliver's weapon.
"Don't move." Oliver ordered.

"Then how will I kill you all?" he asked. Oliver shot an arrow at the man. The man threw four knives at us, and Barry managed to catch everyone. The man threw one more at Thea, and I used my powers to get in front of her, since I could see Barry wasn't gonna get there in time.

Oliver tried to shoot more arrow's at him, but the man caught them. Oliver engaged with the man, and was thrown to the ground. Barry got off the ground, after checking on me and faced the guy. He threw a knife at Barry's heart and he caught it.
"Yeah, I can do that too." Barry said.
Oliver shot more arrows at the guy, and he managed to block everyone. Oliver managed to lodge two arrows in the guy. Thea grabbed her bow and shot at the man as well.

"Thea, no!" Oliver yelled.

But it was too late, the man fell over the balcony.
"What did you do?" Ollie asked.
"I ended it." Thea responded.
"This is why we ask questions!" Oliver yelled and went on the balcony. Barry followed him as Felicity checked on me. I pulled the knife from my shoulder and groaned as I did so.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. I'll see you in a bit." I said.
"Be safe." Felicity said, before I moved.

I popped back to Central City. Harry and Caitlin were working on some kind of serum to help get Barry to go faster.

"We can't use that serum on Barry." Caitlin said.
"That's up to him, isn't it? If Barry wants to stop Zoom, this is what he needs." Harry said, placing the serum into a delivery gun.
"Jay said it could hurt Barry." I pointed out.

"Well, Jay's a coward." Harry replied.
"Jay's a scientitst who know a lot about speedsters." Caitlin said.
"You're a scientist, Snow. You've been watching Barry, you know he's nowhere near fast as he needs to be. This other mentor, this other Harrison Wells did not want him to reach his full potential. I do." Harry said.
"You know, you're really starting to sound a lot like him." I said from the tech lab. Caitlin walked away into the training room. I distracted myself for a minute, assessing the now healed knife wound.

"Put your hands in the air." I heard Patty say.
"Who are you?" Harry asked, turning around.
"You're under arrest. Dr. McGee was right. She did see you." Patty said.
"Patty." I said, coming towards the Cortex.

"Christina McGee?" Harry asked.
"At Mercury Labs. You're Harrison Wells." Patty said.
"Yes, I'm Harrison Wells. I'm not the Harrison Wells - ." Harry began to take a step towards her.
"Stop! You move closer and I'll shoot!" Patty exclaimed.

"Give me that." Harrry replied, and Patty shot at him.
"No!" I yelped, and tried to move to save him. I appeared next to him, but he had already been shot.
Caitlin gasp as I crouched over Harry.
"Oh, my God! What have you done?" Caitlin asked Patty.

"Hey, stay with me." I begged him.

"Harrison. Harrison Wells stay with me." Caitlin said, coming to his other side.
"Harrison. Harrison, stay with me. Stay with me, Harrison Wells. Come on." Caitlin begged.
"Why did you shoot him?" Caitlin snapped.
"I thought that was a gun. I'm sorry. I'll call 911." Patty ranted.
"No! Don't!" I exclaimed.
"Why?" Patty asked.
"Because this – Didn't Joe explain this to you?" I snapped at her.
"No." Patty said, exhaling.
"Just call Joe." I snapped at her.
"Cait, I can go back." I told her.
"No, not anymore." Caitlin said.

Caitlin and I managed to get him on a hospital bed, and we managed to stabilize him, but the bullet Patty shot Harry with was still in him.
"How's he doing?" Joe asked
"He's losing oxygen." Caitlin said.
"I need you to leave." Joe said, looking at Patty.
"Joe, I- ." Patty tried.

"Patty, go." Joe said calmly.

"She's already seen me use my powers. Which didn't even save Harry." I complained.
"There's a bullet in a branch of his pulmonary artery that's blocking off most of the blood flow from the left lung." Caitlin said.
"Are we able to get the bullet out?" Joe asked.

"Not without causing too much damage, I need Jay's and Anna's help." Caitlin said.
Joe pulled out his phone, and went to call someone.

A couple minutes later, Harry began to fidget.
"Now what?" I groaned.
"His systolic pressure's dropping. He's gonna code." Caitlin said.

"How bad is it?" Jay asked.

"There's a bullet in his pulmonary artery." Caitlin said.
"Can you close the wound if I get it?" Jay asked.
"Yes." Caitlin said.
"How are you gonna do that?" Joe asked.

I grabbed the syringe that Harry had, and handed it to Caitlin.
"What is that?" Joe asked.
"It's a serum, called Velocity Six. It could give Jay temporary speed. He can phase through Dr. Wells' chest and remove the bullet. Then Anna can give me enough time to close the wound." Caitlin said.
"Yeah. But I told you, I have no idea what's gonna happen if I use that." Jay said.
"It's the only option. If you don't then Harry dies." I said, looking down at Harry whilst biting my nails.

Jay took the gun and shot himself with the speed drug. His hand started to vibrate.
"It's working." Joe said.

I moved to Harry's head and placed a hand on his opposite shoulder. I put everything I had into slowing down Harry's body, giving Jay enough time to grab the bullet. Jay managed to get the bullet out, and Harry began to stabilize.

"BP and oxygenation is rising. Blood flow's returning to his lungs." Caitlin said.
"Thank you." I said looking at Jay.

Harry woke up a few hours later.

"Harry. You're gonna be okay." I said, looking down at him.

"That's good news." He replied.
"You will probably be very sore for a little while, though." I added.

"Sore's better than dead." He replied.

"Yes. It is." I replied.

I looked over at Jay and smiled. I left them to talk.

I popped back to Star City.

"That was Oliver. Savage has the Staff of Horus. He wants us all in Central City as soon as possible." Dig said.
"Okay, well Laurel's already there visiting her mom, so I'll call her and let her know we're coming by.

"If Savage is in Central City, then why are we going back there? " Kendra asked.

I guessed I had missed a bunch of stuff, while saving Harry's life.
"So we can end this." Cisco said, putting on his coat.

"And if anybody's gonna take down Savage, it's gonna be Barry and Oliver." Cisco added.
"Plus, you've emerged. It's gonna be much harder for him now. And together, all of us, we can take him down once and for all." Said some dude I'd never met.
"Okay. So how are we gonna get there? Can Anna take us all?" Dig asked.
"Did I mention I'm the CEO of a big company with a private jet?" Felicity replied.
"See you there." I winked at Dig then left.

I popped up in Jitters, thankfully in normal clothes.

"Since when is that a thing?" Ollie asked, referring to the Flash brew.
"About eight months. Maybe if you save Star City you might get one too." Barry replied.

"By the way, we still need to get Savage." I whispered from behind them.

"Well get him." Ollie said, then someone barreled in between us.

A toy figurine of the Flash fell from a kid's grasp.
"Watch yourself, buddy." Ollie said.

Ollie picked up the toy and we all chuckled.

"Don't wanna lose this guy." Ollie said.
"Thanks, mister." Said the boy, then ran off to his mother.

I glanced at Ollie and noticed his expression. Something about her and the way Ollie looked made me uneasy. Something about the boy made me uneasy as well. I had a sick feeling, deep down in my stomach that he was important to Oliver.

The next day, we drove Kendra and Carter out to a safe house. We were near where I was abandoned as a child.

On the car ride there, I sat with Oliver, Laurel and Thea.

"How did you know Anna was your daughter? Which was weird in its self to say. She's older than you." Thea said.
"I can't age anymore." I said, a bit bitter over Heather Harkin's stealing my life away from me.

"Latency, a possible future for Anna told us." Oliver said.
"You've met Latency?" I asked, perking up now.
"She's quite..." Oliver began.
"Scary." Laurel finished for him.
"How is this not awkward for you three?" Thea asked, spinning around to look at Laurel and I.

"Oh, no. It is. Knowing that in some original timeline that Oliver and I get married and have a daughter is very awkward." Laurel said.
"Love you too Mom." I joked with her.

Oliver shot me a glare through the rearview mirror.
"Kidding." I said raising my hands in the air.
"I've got a mom, and she's long gone." I said, thinking about Mary.

"Oh, Anna. I didn't know. I'm sorry." Laurel apologized.

"It's okay. Really. I met my foster brother recently. He's pretty cool." I smiled.

"That's great." Thea smiled.

"He's about your age too." I said winking at her.

"All right. We're here." Ollie said after a minute or two of us girls giggling.
"Isn't this near where Joe found you?" Ollie asked.
"Yep. About three miles up the road." I said as I got out of the car.

"A bunch of superheroes in a farmhouse? Feel like I've seen that in a movie before." Thea said.

"We need a secure location." Ollie said.
"What's wrong with STAR Labs?" Caitlin asked, walking past Oliver.

"Well, I mean, absolutely nothing, if you forget about the revolving door you guys installed so the bad guys can come and go as they please." Oliver said.
"Remind me again what happened to you old lair? Or the one before that?" Caitlin continued.

"Well, lair number one was compromised by the police. And I will stop helping." Felicity said.
"Savage only let Barry and I live because he felt Kendra start to emerge as Hawkgirl and went after her. He can sense her and Carter's presence. We don't need to make it easier on him by staying in the city limits." Oliver said.
"I bet you wished you'd stayed at your mother now." Dig said to Laurel.
"Mm-hmm." Laurel hummed.

"We need to find a way to neutralize Savage's advantage. Barry, you're late." Oliver said as Barry and Cisco walked in with a cart rolling behind them.
"Sorry. It turns out it's not as easy finding the ass-end of nowhere." Barry said.
"Yeah, for real. The roaming charges alone are going to bankrupt me." Cisco said.
"We're discussing how to take away Savage's new found power." Oliver said.
"His magic stick thing." Felicity said, as I went in to the kitchen.

"While they work to get the staff away from Savage, we need to know everything there is to know about him." Ollie said, entering the kitchen.
"Well, I googled reincarnated nut jobs and came up with nothing." Thea said.
"Uh, Kendra and I would be the reincarnated nut jobs. Savage is merely immortal." Carter said.

"Merely?" Kendra asked.

"Welcome to the new normal." Thea said.
"Anyone who's been around for 4,000 years should leave a trail. I'll check with ARGUS. See if they have anything on him." Dig said.
"Uh, Laurel and I can check police reports and stuff like that." Thea said, then she and Laurel left.
"Good. We need to find a way to utilize your new ability." Ollie said to Kendra.

I tuned them out, not wanting to ease drop. Oliver left, going to check on something that was bugging him. I felt that it had to do something with the boy we bumped into.

A few hours later, Barry got a call from Malcolm Merlyn. He said that he had set up a meeting with Savage for Barry, Oliver, himself and I.

"Thank you for coming. I know this is more than a little crazy." Oliver said as I popped in. Barry had arrived before me, for once.

"Yeah. Well, your friend with the creepy ring asked so nicely. Please tell me we're not going to negotiate with terrorists. Or, you know, 4,000 year old bad guys." Barry said, walking closer.
"Just think of it as a fact finding mission." I suggested.

"Maybe Savage slips up and gives us something that we can use to our advantage." Oliver added.
"Thea said you were being a little bit more humorous lately." Merlyn chuckled.
"I'm sorry. How do you know so much about Savage, anyway?" Barry asked Merlyn.

"I don't know anything about him, Mr. Allen. No one does. That is why I'm afraid of him." Merlyn said.
"That's not the only reason to be afraid of me. I assure you." Savage said, appearing from the shadows.

I looked around and tried to figure out where he could have come from.
"Thank you for joining me." Savage said.
"What do you want?" Oliver asked.
"What all living things want. Not to die. Which is a problem for you." Savage said looking at me.
"I thought that wasn't a problem for you." Barry said.

"Only if I take the life force from Prince Khufu and Priestess Chay-Ara." Savage said.
"Kendra and Carter." I corrected him.
"The three of us are locked in a vicious circle played out over thousands of years. None of your concern." Savage said, walking towards us.
"Man you're old." I grumbled.
"We've made it our concern." Ollie said then shot him with an arrow. Savage simply pulled it out.
"Robin of Locksley. I taught him how to use a bow. He taught me how not to feel pain. I'm the enemy you can't defeat. The only way for you and yours to live through this is to render unto me what is mine." Savage said, looking at all four of us.
"Turn over Prince Khufu and Priestess Chay-Ara within 24 hours or I will lay waste to this city, killing everyone that you hold dear. And after that, I will travel to your home and do the same thing there." Savage said moving from Barry to Oliver.
"All right, I'm just curious, did you rehearse that speech in a mirror this morning or is this all just off the cuff?" Barry asked.

Savage laughed, mockingly. He went stone face again.
"Why would you risk the lives of your friends and family for two strangers? Two hundred and six time I have killed them. What hubris possesses you that makes you think you can prevent me from doing so again?" Savage asked.
"Not hubris. Hope." Barry replied.
"I came to this meeting out of curiosity. It is now sated. Bring Khufu and Chay-Ara to Jurgens Industrial in 24 hours or I will see you dead and buried under the bodies of your loved ones." Savage said, dropping the arrow and leaving.

"We're not giving up Kendra and Carter." Ollie declared.

"That's not your decision to make. This is a cycle that has played out for the last 4,000 years." Merlyn said as we walked out of the warehouse.

"Savage may be immortal but he isn't a god." Barry said.
"No, but he's the next best thing. Oliver." Merlyn said.
"What?" Oliver snapped.
"You better be certain that your stubbornness does not get my daughter killed. Because if that happens, I will come for you, and in a way that will make you beg for the likes of Vandal Savage." Merlyn declared to Oliver, then stormed away.

"Twenty four hours." Ollie said.
"Until what?" Kendra asked.

"Until we are supposed to hand you and Carter over to Savage or..." Oliver trailed.
"Savage lays waste to Central City." Carter said.
"Yep." Oliver confirmed.
"We've been through this before. 1887, the Huang He flood. Savage killed nearly two million people to get to us. And he did." Carter said.
"We weren't helping you then. We are now. We have24 hours to come up with a workable plan." Oliver said.
"No, this is insane. My life isn't worth millions of people's lives." Kendra said, then stormed out of the house.
"Kendra.... I'll talk to her." Carter said.
"Yeah." Oliver said.
"Hey, I got this." Cisco tried, but Carter cock-blocked him.
"I said I'll talk to her." Carter said, then continued on.
"Hey, here's an idea. Why don't we just toss him over to Vandal Savage." Cisco said.
Cisco and I went out to the shed, and we found Barry there as well. He seemed to be worried.
"Where were you?" I asked.
"Hey." Barry said, spinning around.
"You missed the whole save the city or turn my girlfriend over to an immortal psychopath briefing." Cisco grumbled.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Um, dude, I... Last night, I um, I ghosted." Barry said.
"No." Cisco sighed

"Yeah. I think I'm gonna..." Barry said.
"Don't say it." I snapped.
"I think I'm gonna time jump." Barry said it anyway.

"I just told you not to say it!" I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what else I'm supposed to do." Barry said.
"Barry the first rule of time travel is you don't talk about time travel! Because by having this conversation, we're screwing history." Cisco said.
"Look, I know that time travel had consequences. I mean the last time you vibed..." Barry began.
"Well, Cisco's not vibing so, let's not, um..., look don't panic." I said.
"A, you don't know that you time jumped for a bad reason. It could have been a good one, right?" Cisco asked.

"Ehhh..." I said.
"B, now that you know you time jumped, you might not do it, right? So, knowing the future might change the present, which might change the future. " Cisco said.
"What?" Barry asked, causing me to groan and place my head in my hands.
"My head hurts." Cisco and I said.

Barry, Oliver and I went to the CCPD to run some stuff through Barry's lab for Damien Darhk related stuff.

"Okay. Here you go. I gene-sequenced the hair strand with the blood sample you gave me. Still not sure what it has to do with Damien Darhk, but the Y chromosomes match." Barry said, handing Oliver a sheet of paper." Barry said.
I saw the look on Oliver's face.
"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Thanks for this. It's a big help." Ollie said, handing the paper off to Barry and going to leave.
"Yeah. You're welc...." Barry said.

"Barry? Anna?" Ollie turned around.
"Yeah?" I asked.

"Don't tell anyone about this." Oliver said, then left.

"All right. I'd like to know what's going on here." Felicity said, walking into the lab.

"Felicity..." I said.
"Yes, I tracked you down. I find people for a living. Actually, I don't get paid, but..." Felicity ranted as Barry tucked the paper away in his pants.

"What was that?" She asked.

"What was what?" I asked

"You just super speeded something into your pocket." Felicity said.

"Oh, um, no. Nothing. Um, well, actually, it's um, it's something Oliver wanted me to track down. It's about Damien Darhk, I think." Barry rambled, going over to one of the many shelves full of chemicals.
"I want to see it." Felicity said.
"Why?" I asked.

"Because you don't want me to see it." Felicity said.
"I'm sorry. Oliver specifically asked us..." Barry tried.
"Show me." Felicity snapped.
"Okay. I don't know what the big deal is. It's just a DNA test." Barry said, giving her the paper.
"No it's not." Felicity said.

I looked over her shoulder and read over the document. It was a paternity test. Oliver Queen had a child, apart from me.
Barry, Felicity and I went back to the farmhouse.

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