Confessions Of A Wrestler ||...

By CReigns

64.1K 2.1K 874

This is a story Roman Reigns tells about his life over the course of a couple of years. Roman Reigns is curre... More

Meet & Greet
Chicago Pt. 2
St. Louis
Perfect Distraction
Accept It
Change of Heart
Anniversary Pt. 1
Anniversary Pt. 2
Joe's Birthday
This Changes Everything
Unexpected Friends
Hard To Read
Last Minute Trip
Let Me Hear It
Time Apart
Milania Anoa'i
You Can't Touch Me
It's Complicated
This is my fault
It's Me or Him
Dirty Work
This Is It
Back in NOLA
A Ring and a Baby
Holding on to Hope
That Girl Lindsay
Mentally Unstable
It's My Birthday
I Make the Rules
Work On Yourself
The Big Apology
Say It
What did I just do?
Autumn Leaves


1.1K 34 27
By CReigns

Gia's POV

We found a house right outside of Tampa, in Land O' Lakes, FL. We moved Cassie in with us, and all of this was done within a month, and we moved in the house within that week. We rushed everything because we needed to focus on SummerSlam, so I did everything I could to make it easier on him.

I've been trying to stay busy. This Randy thing really hit me hard and I've been trying to keep my mind off of him and what happened. I haven't talked to him, I promised Joe I wouldn't. Which I shouldn't, I should hate him but I don't. It's hard trying to move on from this, but I know I'm where I'm supposed be. I love Joe to death and he's such a good man. He was so good to me even when I wasn't to him. He still loved me and was there for me when I needed him. He never judged me, well accept for that one time after my birthday, but I understand now why he did it.

Joe and I have been through so much together, even when we were apart. I feel so stupid for falling for Randy when all I needed was who I already had. I appreciate him so much and I'm happy we were able to work things out. I don't know why I was so resistant to the idea of getting back together. I'm just so happy we did, I'm so happy with him.

So now we're in Brooklyn for SummerSlam. Joe has a match against Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship. This is a pretty big deal because if Roman wins, he'll be the first to hold both the Universal and the Heavyweight Championship titles at the same time. I'm extremely excited for him. One reason being because I was literally his biggest fan and loved him before I met him and secondly, now that we're together, I love this man with all my heart and I want nothing but good things for him. I'm so proud of him and he's worked so hard to get to where he is now. He is truly my King.

I have finally finished my book, "Building an Empire" and I've also started promoting it. They thought SummerSlam week was a good time to start which was good because I got to be with Joe. I attended every appearance with him leading up to SummerSlam.

We all were there for SummerSlam, all of his family and I had all 4 kids, JoJo, the twins and Cassie. We had been going all weekend and I was super tired, but I didn't want to show it. Joe wanted me and the kids ringside for his match and that's exactly where we were.

His entrance music played and we stood up in excitement. This match was so big, Lesnar vs. Reigns. They've been talking about it for the last month and a half. The fan in me was so excited to witness this, I've been wanting this match ever since WWE and Seth screwed him over at WrestleMania 31.

He got into the ring and as he used to always do. He looked over at me and mouthed I love you and I told him I loved him back.

Roman went on to win, he is now officially the first ever to hold both the Universal and WWE titles.

After the match, Brock Lesnar laid in the ring and took his time walking back up the ramp and backstage. it was odd to me, almost retirement like but I didn't think anything of it, maybe he was tired.

I met Joe backstage with the kids to congratulate him on his win. He hugged and kissed the kids, then me. As he was hugging me he whispered in my ear, "I know how much of a fan you are of Brock. He's retiring, that was his last match."

"What? Noo!" I said disappointed at the news.

"It's going to happen tomorrow but we'll talk more about that later. How did you like the match?"

"I loved it! I'm so proud of you."

He kisses my forehead, "Thanks babe!"

"But I think I'm just going to take the kids and go back to the hotel. I'm really tired, I feel like I'm drained."

"Okay, I'll just meet you there once I'm done with everything here. I love you."

"I love you too Joe."

He goes back to his locker room and the kids and I go back to the hotel.

Joe's POV

The next day, Gia wasn't feeling well so she ran to the store to get some meds and I was there with the kids. I got a phone call being called to the arena where Raw was being held later that evening. I left the kids with my mom and headed over.

Since I was the new Champ, I had a lot of things to rehearse because I was opening the show tonight. Plus I had a couple of meetings and exclusives to film and some scenes for Raw later. The opening Segment was going to be me addressing the WWE Universe about my win then Lesnar comes out and announces his retirement.

After a few hours of going over everything I was pretty much ready for the night. It was around 3:30 pm so I had a little time to shoot back to the hotel and spend a little time with everyone before I had to be back at the venue around 5 pm.

I got back to my room and Gia was in bed sleeping. Assuming my mom took the kids, I kissed Gia on the forehead and laid next to her. I decided to take my phone out to check emails. She rolls over to face me and just looks at me.

"How are you feeling babe?" I ask

She stretches and smiles at me, "I'm fine, I just need sleep. We've been going and going this week, actually for the last month... It's a lot."

"Welcome to my world. Why don't you just stay here tonight. You don't have to come to the show."

"I might just do that. So Lesnar's retiring?"

I shake my head, "Supposedly, he's going to do UFC for a while. I'm sure he'll be back in a few years." I put my phone down and wrap my arms around her, "You know I have about an hour before I have to go.."

Pushing my arms off of her, "No Joe, I'm not in the mood."

Shocked, "You're always in the mood. You know G, I'm a little offended, you always want sex."

"Yeah I know but babe I'm really not in the mood. I don't know maybe because I'm just so tired but I just don't feel like it."

"Okay, I still love you." I kiss her on her forehead, "Get some rest. I'll see you after the show. I'm just going to head over now." I grab my things and leave.

I have to admit, I was a little annoyed. Gia always wanted me, even when she didn't want me, she wanted me. What is going on with her? I hope she didn't break our promise and went back and talked to Randy anyway because if she did, he's probably getting into her head again. Whatever, I don't have time to deal with this right now. I'll talk to her tonight after the show.


Later that night, it was almost time for Raw to start. I had just got done going over the script for tonight. I was making my way to the gorilla when I heard Gia calling my name.

Turning around, "Hey, you came?" I hold my arms out welcoming her into a hug.

Hugging me and smiling, "Hey, I have to tell you something."

"Okay, walk with me." We start walking towards the gorilla, "What's up?"

"So after you left the hotel, I called my sister and we started talking about everything that happened and I told her I hadn't been feeling well lately. She said it's because of stress and everything that happened with Randy and-"

I cut her off, "Gia, get on with it. I gotta go."

She smiles at me as we arrive at the gorilla, "I think I'm pregnant."

Confused, "What? How?"

"I realized I haven't taken my birth control since all of this has happened and we've been together officially for a month and a half now, maybe a little longer. Joe it's completely possible."

I smile, "You think so?"

"Yes, it would make total sense. I haven't been feeling well, I'm nauseated when I eat and I've been so drained lately."

I grab her shoulders and look into her eyes, "Do you really think you're pregnant? Gia don't play with me, don't get me excited if you aren't."

"We have to take a test first but yes, I think so."

"Well did you get one?" I asked

"Yes, I have it right here in my purse." She starts digging for it.

I stop her, "Okay, don't take it until I'm done. As soon as I get back, we'll do it together."


I kiss her on the lips, "I'll be right back."

I go do the segment, she waited right outside the gorilla for me and when I was done, we went straight to my locker room for her to take the test. I was super nervous, we didn't go through this the first time. She kept it from me for a while so getting a test and finding out together was new.

I wanted her to be pregnant. I would love to start a family with her. That was the plan, once upon a time. I know it was too early in the relationship but maybe this was the universes way of telling us that we should be together. Maybe when we were pregnant before, we really weren't ready. Maybe we had to go through this to get where we are now. I almost feel like we need this pregnancy after everything that's happened with us especially after losing our daughter, Milania, a couple of years back.

I kissed her before she went into the bathroom. She didn't look nervous at all. I think she feels the same as me about this situation. She took it so hard the first time, I don't know if she would be about to handle if anything went wrong again but I'm definitely going to do things differently this time. I'm going to be there for her no matter what, starting now.

I was in deep thought when I heard the bathroom door open. Coming out, she looked super nervous. Not like how she looked when she went in.

"What does it say?" I asked anxiously.

"I don't know yet." She sits down next to me and sits it on the table in front of us, "If this is negative-"

I shake my head, "Don't say that."

"You want it to be positive?"

"Yes, I mean it's not ideal timing but that's not going to change how I feel about this situation. I've always wanted to marry and start a family with you, so regardless of how this happened, it's still a good thing."

"I'm a little relieved to hear you say that. I didn't know what you wanted. Before we look at this Joe, I need to tell you how much I appreciate you and how much I appreciate you helping me with the whole Randy thing. I don't know what I would've done without your help. So thank you, you've been really good to me."

I put my arms around her and give her a kiss on the cheek, "Gia, you don't need to thank me. I'm always going to have your back. Now let's look at the test."

She picks it up and looks at it but she doesn't say anything she just smiled at me.

"What does it say?" I asked anxiously again.

"I'm pregnant!" She says

"You are?" I ask

"Yes!"she says smiling

I pull her into a hug, "I am so happy to hear you say those words. I promise everything is going to be different this time around."

"I know it is. I love you, Joe." She says holding me tight.

"Gia, I love you too." I pull away from her.

She gets a serious look on her face, "Listen, I want to keep this between us for as long as possible. I'm scared I may have another miscarriage."

"No baby I understand. We can do whatever you want to do. We need to make a doctor's appointment as soon as we get in town. If you're at risk for miscarriage, I want you to be home and taken care of. We'll fly your sister and your mom out or whoever you need to make things easier on you."

She shakes her head, "No, It's not that serious we might not need to do all of that."

"But what I'm saying is if we need to that's what we're going to do. We can't go through another loss like we did before, so I'm going to do what I need to do to make sure everything is perfect for you."

She smiles, "Okay, come on let's go home."


The next morning we flew home. On our way from the airport, Gia got on the phone and made a doctor's appointment. The doctor determined she was about 6 weeks pregnant just like Gia said. As far as the doctor could tell she wasn't at risk for miscarrying other than the usual around this time of the pregnancy.

For the next few weeks, I went to work and came straight home to her. I tried to keep as much drama and stress away from her as possible. But I kept having the feeling something was off, or something was going to happen.

One night, I caught an early flight home. Usually, I would come home on Tuesday morning but I caught a flight Monday night after the show. It was pretty late, like 1 in the morning. As I was coming in the door, I heard yelling coming from upstairs. I dropped my things and ran into my room where I saw Gia crying and pleading for her life and Randy standing in front of her with a gun pointed right at her face.

I run over to her, "Randy, what are you doing?" I place myself between her and Randy. "What do you want?"

Yelling, "She told me she wouldn't leave me."

Gia doesn't say anything, she just stands behind me.

"So what are you going to do, kill her? Randy put the damn gun down. You know you don't want to hurt her."

Yelling, "Joe, I will shoot you if I have to. Get out of my way."

"So you're going to kill her and then what? Everything will be great? Randy you need help, this isn't going to solve anything. I'm not going to let you shoot my pregnant girlfriend."


"Yes, she's pregnant Randy." I say

He yells at Gia, "So you can have his baby but not mine?"

"Randy she isn't pregnant with my baby, she's pregnant with yours."

I was lying, but I had to try to think of something to get him to put the gun down.

"What? Gia is this true?"

Going along with it, "Yes." She says stepping from behind me, "I was going to tell you."

Still holding the gun to me, "Randy just put the gun down and let her go. Me and you can talk this out. You don't want to kill the mother of your child do you?"

He thinks about it for a second, then he lowers his gun and looks over at Gia, "I'm sorry Gia...."

"It's okay, just give me the gun so we can talk this out." She holds her hand out to him.

"No, one of you has to go."

Gia and I both, "What?"

He fires his gun.

🤷🏽‍♀️ Stay tuned....I'll be posting the sequel shortly!

Keep this in your library. I'll update this to notify you.

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