Confessions Of A Wrestler ||...

נכתב על ידי CReigns

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This is a story Roman Reigns tells about his life over the course of a couple of years. Roman Reigns is curre... עוד

Meet & Greet
Chicago Pt. 2
St. Louis
Perfect Distraction
Accept It
Change of Heart
Anniversary Pt. 1
Anniversary Pt. 2
Joe's Birthday
This Changes Everything
Unexpected Friends
Hard To Read
Last Minute Trip
Let Me Hear It
Time Apart
Milania Anoa'i
You Can't Touch Me
It's Complicated
This is my fault
It's Me or Him
Dirty Work
This Is It
Back in NOLA
A Ring and a Baby
Holding on to Hope
That Girl Lindsay
Mentally Unstable
It's My Birthday
I Make the Rules
Work On Yourself
Say It
What did I just do?
Autumn Leaves

The Big Apology

868 36 26
נכתב על ידי CReigns

I got to Joe's house around 6 pm. I know he gave me a key but I wasn't going to just walk into his house. Lindsay could be there or he can be walking around naked (not that I have a problem with that) but I wanted to knock before I entered. Plus, I hadn't really talked to him since we left Chicago, so I was kinda praying he wasn't home. Lol

I knocked on the door and he didn't answer, so I used my key to let myself in. I looked around and he wasn't there. I sat down at the kitchen table and I called Randy.

"Hey." I answer

"Gia, I just want to say that I'm really sorry about what happened today. I would never put my hands on you, I would never do anything like that. I understand your concerns so I went downstairs and poured out all of the alcohol in the house. I'm going to stop drinking. If that's what holding you back from giving me what I want, I love you that much to stop doing what's making you unhappy." He says

"I appreciate that and we'll see how things turn out. I don't want everyone talking about you, saying how psycho you are when I know that there's another side to you. And don't get me wrong, you're like that when you don't drink but when you do it makes it worse." I say

"I'm going to do what I need to do to get you to come home. I don't want to be without you. I don't want to come home and you're not here. I don't know how I'm going to do this." He says sounding like he's sobbing

"Well, look at it as us making the relationship better. Just focus on work." I say trying to cheer him up.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to do that when I'm forced to work with him." He sighs, "Okay."

"I'm going to go. I will talk to you tomorrow." I say

"Okay, I love you." He says

"I love you too Randy." I say and I hand up the phone.

I already feel better about the situation. I don't feel like he's lying to me, I feel like he's going to actually do what he needs to do for me to come home.

I get my things and I settle in the room that was supposed to be Cassie's. I go into the kitchen and see dishes in the sink and the kitchen is basically a mess, so I start cleaning and washing dishes. As I'm washing dishes Joe walks in. He looks at me but he doesn't say anything to me he just walks into his room and closes his door.

"Hello to you too." I say to myself as I finish up washing the dishes. I go back into my room, turn my laptop on and start looking over chapters. About an hour later, I hear him leave again.

"What's up his ass?" I say to myself, out loud, as I continue reading. Like I don't already know.

I can't believe he's not talking to me. I guess he was serious when he told me I lost him for good. He's making me feel uncomfortable being here and he's not speaking to me, maybe it's time to get my own space. I really had no intentions on coming here and getting back together with him. I was coming here more as a friend in need. But he's right to assume something else with all that happened last time I was here. And he told me not to come back but I didn't listen, I came anyway.

I kind of zone out thinking to myself about how I think it's time for me to officially relocate to Florida and get Cassie down here for good. It's been too long since I've had my daughter in the same house as me and she loves it down here. I get on my laptop and start looking for houses. A few more minutes later, I hear Joe return and I'm greeted by Jojo standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

"Hey Miss Gia!"

"Oh my gosh! Hey Jojo! How are you?" I put my arms up to welcome her into a hug.

"I'm good, I missed you. Why haven't I seen you in a long time?" Jojo asks

"Um....Your dad and I have just been working and it's hard for me to see you. Are you staying here tonight?" I ask

"Yes, my dad is taking me home tomorrow since he's leaving. My mommy just dropped us off." She says

"Us? Who else is here with you?" I ask

"My baby brothers. You haven't met them yet, come meet them." She takes my hand and we walk into the living room where I see the twins, Joe and Galina.

"Jojo why did you go bothering Gia? I told you to leave her alone." Joe asks

"It's okay she wanted me to meet her brothers." I bend down to look at them, "Oh my gosh, they're so adorable." I look over at Galina, "Hello." I say with no emotion and a blank face.

This is the first time I've seen Galina since we met at WrestleMania when I had to put her in her place.


I wasn't in the right head space to meet Galina today. I had been here for 2 days doing all that I could trying to make this exciting time for Roman unforgettable. We went to the HOF ceremony and It was very uncomfortable for me being there as his new girlfriend. According to everyone, I was the other woman. I'm the one who broke up their marriage. So being in the same room with this woman wasn't exactly what I needed.

Galina asks, "So you're ok with this pregnancy?"

I answer, "I don't have a choice. How far along are you now?"

"Oh you have a choice, you can leave and I'm 18 weeks. How do you think he's going to feel when I tell him I'm having twins?" She smiles at me.

I look at her, "You're having twins?"

Still smiling at me, "Yes we are. Do you think you can handle being with him in all of this? I'm going to need him a lot and between work and me he might not have too much time left over for you."

I can't believe she just said their having twins. It felt like my heart stopped beating. But instead of getting mad, I changed the conversation. She wanted to play the bitch game I had to let her know I was better at playing. "Our daughters play well together." We both look over at them playing around with Roman. I stand next to her, "Maybe you should stop trying to be a bitch to me. I know you don't know me or anything about me but I'm a bigger bitch than you'll ever be. I can make your life hell, I can make that man forget all about you and your revenge babies. You actually need to be nice to me because I can shut all of this down. Your games didn't break us up. Let it go." I put my arm around her. "I think we're going to get along just fine." I walk over to Roman. "Baby before you go Galina said she needs to talk to you."

***End of Flashback***

"Hi, I didn't know you were here. I haven't seen you in a long time." Galina says

"Yeah, I've been around, just not here." I say

She looks over at Joe with an unsure look on her face then turns back. "Can I talk to you outside for a minute Gia?"

"G, please don't start." Roman says

"I'm not, it's cool." She says to Roman

Still showing no emotion, I walk outside in the hall with her, "What's up Galina, what do you want?" I ask already over the conversation.

"I just wanted to personally apologize to you for how I acted back then. You know Joe and I were going through a divorce back then and I was very bitter and extremely hurt that the marriage failed. Then you came along and he seemed like he didn't care about me anymore and was spending less and less time with me. I felt really threatened by you and after talking to a couple of people and stepping back from the situation, I see that you had nothing to do with our divorce and when he kept telling me that, I didn't believe him. So I wanted to apologize because I know you guys lost your baby and broke up since then. Now that we've both have moved on, he's dating and I'm dating, I felt it was right to apologize to you." She says

Shocked, "Thank you for that. I really appreciate it. What's done is done and that's the past now. We're not even together anymore, so it's not a big deal."

"No, it is a big deal. You lost your baby because I put you guys under so much stress. I literally had no problems with my pregnancy and I felt horrible when that happened." She says and I'm just like omg, shut up.

"Galina we're all good! I appreciate you apologizing but don't worry about it, it's in the past." I say with a smile.

"I'm actually kind of relieved to see that you're still around. I've met this new chick, Lindsay, and I don't like her." She says

I laugh, "I don't like her either."

"She's a little suspect right?"

I shrug, "Yeah, I don't know what her motives are but Joe is a smart man, he'll get down to the bottom of it." Is all I say

"You don't feel the need to want to punch her in her face?" She asks jokingly

I laugh, "Oh yes, of course, but we're not in a relationship anymore, so who am I to step into something that he has going on now. Plus, I got my own shit to deal with, with Randy." I say

"I know we're not going to be best friends or go out or anything like that, but if you're going to somewhat be around, we should exchange numbers. I feel a little funny leaving them here when she's here with Joe but if you're going to be here at least I know they'll be taken care of." She says and I'm shocked.

We exchange numbers and walk back in.

"I didn't hear any screaming or yelling, so I guess everything went well?" Joe says

"Yes, everything's fine. I guess I will see you guys tomorrow and Gia, I'll text you." Galina says hugging the kids.

"Okay, bye." I say watching her leave

"Why don't you guys go play in your rooms, I have to talk to Miss Gia for a minute."

They leave and Joe turns to me, "I don't know what you guys conversation was about but clearly she has your number now and you don't need to do anything for the kids while you're here. I know that's why she got your number." He says

"Joe its not a big deal. I'm not going to be here and ignore your kids."

"It's not your responsibility." He says
"Just because we're not together doesn't mean I'm not going to take care of your kids as if they were mine. You know I absolutely adore Jojo."

"Okay, I'm just throwing it out there."

"You don't have to." I smile but he just looks at me with a straight face.

There was an awkward silence for a couple of seconds.

"Okay well, I'm just going to go watch TV in my room." He tries to leave but I stopped him.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" I ask

He turns around with a serious face and sighs, "I'm not ready to talk about this right now Gia."

Feeling a little disappointed that he didn't want to talk, "Okay." I say watching him walk to his room. I go back into the room and start working on my book again.

In the middle of the night, I was still up on my laptop. It was thunderstorming and Jojo came into my room.

"Hey, what are you doing up?" I ask

"The thunder woke me up and I can't go back to sleep. Can I lay in the bed with you?" She asks

"Did you go into your dad's room?" I say feeling like I shouldn't let her stay with me.

"No, I wanted to come in here." She gets in the bed next to me and gets under the blanket. "I know you and Daddy are not together. I heard him talking on the phone a long time ago." She says getting comfortable.

"No, we're not together anymore but we're still friends." I say with a smile.

"I thought you were going to get married." She says

I closed my laptop and laid down in the bed facing her, "I did too but things don't always work out the way you want them to. Later on in life when you get older you're going to have to make decisions. You don't know if those decisions are going to be the correct decisions but whatever you decide you have to live with it. So when you get older you have to always try to make sure that you're always making the right decisions because if you don't you can end up very unhappy and you want to have a happy life."

"Are you unhappy?" She asks

When she asked me that I felt like I wanted to cry. This little girl sees right through me.

"A little bit but I'll figure it out." I answer

"Did daddy make you happy?" She asks

Oh my God this little girl is killing me right now.

"Yes, he did make me happy." I answer again.

"So why don't you guys just get back together, so you can be happy again." She says

Changing the subject, "I thought you were sleepy?" I say laughing

She laughs, "I am." She rolls over and closes her eyes, "Ms. Gia, daddy misses you too....a lot. He's not happy either." She says

I don't say anything, I just go to sleep.


The next morning, I got up, got dressed, got the kids dressed and we were all sitting in the living room.

Jojo was watching tv and the twins were on their tablets. I was sitting on the couch on my laptop when Joe came out of his room.

"Whoa you guys are already up and dressed?"

"Ms. Gia got us dressed." Jojo says

"They got up early and I didn't want them to wake you. I know you have to go to leave later on today." I say not looking up from my laptop.

"Alright, I'm going to go shower and everything and when I'm done, we'll go have breakfast." He says to the kids.

JoJo says, "Okay!"

Joe looks at me, "Why don't you come too." He says

"No, that's okay. You guys can have your family time. I have to work on this book anyway." I look back down at my laptop.

"Ms. Gia please go with us. You're apart of our family too." Jojo says

I look at her and smile, "Okay but only since you want me to go." I say

An hour later we were at, "Yolk" getting breakfast. We were sitting in a booth in the corner. Joe and I were on the ends and the 3 kids were in the middle. Jojo was sitting next to me (of course, she's my new best friend lol) I was literally avoiding eye contact and any interactions with Joe but it was extremely hard because he was sitting directly across from me. I would catch him looking at me every now and then and we made eye contact a couple of times but I'd just look away.

Jojo and I were talking about the menu and what we wanted to eat and I looked up and Joe is smiling at us.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked Joe

Still smiling, "You two."

"What about us?" I asked, I couldn't help but to smile back at him. He still makes me shy sometimes.

He shakes his head, "Nothing, nothing at all." He smirks as he sips his water.

Talking to Jojo, "I'm going to get the red velvet waffles."

"That sounds good. I want that too." She says

"It is, it's very good! I used to get it all the time when your dad and I-...I used to get it all the time." I say correcting myself.

"Ms. Gia and I used to come here a lot JoJo and I'm going to get that too." Joe says

The waiter comes and takes our orders and now we are left to sit and converse with each other, which is already awkward as hell. I'm avoiding eye contact and any conversation with Joe as much as possible. The only person I feel comfortable enough to talk to right now are the kids. So that's exactly what I do, talk to the kids for a while.

After a few minutes, Joe and I made eye contact again and he did not break that eye contact for a few long awkward seconds. Until I spoke..

"What?" I ask

"I knew you were good with the kids but you're REALLY good with the kids." He says smiling

"I'm a mom, what do you expect?" I laugh

He smiles, "We'll talk later." He says

"Can we talk about the whole not talking thing?" I ask

He shakes his head, "Yes."


Something was up with him. I knew he was still mad at me but he's softened his overall demeanor. He was smiling and making eye contact with me, he wasn't monotone or acting like he didn't care or didn't want to be around me. Maybe he was over it or maybe he realized the whole situation was dumb and he had no reason getting mad in the first place. I don't know but I was kind of nervous about whatever he wanted to talk about.

What did you guys think about this chapter??
What do you think is going to happen with Roman and Gia??

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