Teen Wolf's Liam Dunbar x Rea...

By AmyLillian22

476K 12.7K 3.7K

These are all my Liam Dunbar (Teen Wolf) imagines. Some of the storylines are my ideas and some were prompts... More

Mates - Part 2
Thinking Out Loud
Getting Caught (feat. Stiles)
A Second Chance
Beacon of Light
Missing You
Dating Advice (feat. Scott McCall)
My Girl (feat. Garrett)
Drunken Confessions
It Totally Worked (feat. Scott and Stiles)
The New Beta - Part 1
The New Beta - Part 2
Nervous Jitters
Perfect Rain Kiss
Rogue Wolf
The Pink Box
Prince Charming Part 1 (Feat. Stiles & Kira)
Prince Charming Part 2 (Feat. Kira)
Running Away
Lydia's Plan
Mario and Peach
First Kiss and First Date
Always There
Unspoken Bond
No Light, No Light
No Light No Light (Part 2)
Welcome Home Brother (Feat. Isaac and Scott)
Pick One (Feat. Brett Talbot)
Past Mistakes
Just A Bad Feeling
The Bite
Valentine's Day
The Other Woman
Wisdom Teeth
One More Night
The Feeling Is Mutual
The Omega
The Omega - Part 2
Naked Surprises
Comic Con
Drunk Last Night (Drabble)
Last Call - Drabble (Part 2 to 'Drunk Last Night')
Back to Black
Red Carpet (Dylan Sprayberry Imagine)
The Coach's Daughter
The Coach's Daughter (Part 2)
I Love You
I Wasn't Expecting That
Part of the Pack
An Unexpected Surprise
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 2
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 3
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 4
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 5
I'm Nothing Without Her (Drabble)
I'm Nothing Without Her - Part 2
I'm Nothing Without Her - Part 3 (Final Chapter)
I Wish You Didn't Love Me
Jealously (DylSpray x Reader)
Check Yes or No (Liam x Reader)
Tokyo (Liam x Reader)
She's Alive. She's Back.

An Unexpected Surprise - Part 6 (Final Chapter)

4.8K 153 88
By AmyLillian22

Note: This was inspired by FRIENDS

Liam rolled over to his side when he felt something poke his shoulder. He peeked an eye open, only to see Y/N standing next to his bed with her arms folded to her chest. Liam closed his eye and snuggled his face back into his pillow, believing he was dreaming about Y/N.

She cleared her throat. Liam's eyes flew wide open, realizing he wasn't dreaming. "What?!" He gasped as he sat up quickly and alert. "Is it time?!"


"Oh," he yawned as he rubbed his tired, sleepy eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I can't sleep and it's all your fault."

Liam looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Me? What did I do?" He asked confused.

"You got me pregnant! I can't sleep on my back. It's uncomfortable sleeping on my sides. I wish I could sleep on my stomach, but obviously I can't. This is your fault," she placed her hands on full belly. "So, if I can't sleep, then neither can you."

"Come here," Liam chuckled as he scooted to make room for her in his bed. Liam handed her a couple of pillows and waited patiently as she shifted around until she found a comfortable sitting position and leaned back against the headboard. He mirrored her actions and sat close to her. "What's the real reason why you can't sleep?"

"I hate that you know me so well," she said as her bottom lip pushed forward. Liam couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked pouting. Y/N let out a deep and long sigh. "I'm tired and scared."

"Of the baby? The birth?"

She nodded. "I'm so tired of being pregnant. It's not easy or comfortable carrying around our daughter. Plus, she's a few days late and it makes me wonder why she won't come out already!" She let out in frustration. "Like get out! Get out! Get out!" She yelled at her belly.

Liam chuckled as he placed his hands on her belly and gave it a gentle kiss. "She says that with love," he spoke softly to the baby before he looked up at Y/N. "Maybe she's not ready to come out yet because you gave her such a nice, warm, and safe home for the past nine months."

"Aww," she faked cooed as she lightly patted his cheek. "Look at you makin' up crap for me."

Liam smiled. "I'm serious."

"I know," she smiled back. She rested her hand on his cheek. Liam leaned into her warm and gentle touch. Y/N scanned all his features, his beautiful blue eyes, the curve of his nose, his soft lips, and his impressive jawline structure. Seeing him this close only added to the feelings she's been having lately. Ever since the night he never answered her question, she's been dying to know if he still loved her. She's noticed how much Liam has been there for her, cared for her, thought about her, and even showed how much he loves her, but was it the same love he's always had for her? Or did it fade and Liam only loved her as just a best friend and the mother of his daughter?

Is it too late? She thought to herself.

Her eyes flickered back to his soft blue eyes and she realized she had been staring longer than she should have. She pulled her hand away and cleared her throat as she looked away from him.

"Y/N," Liam whispered.

Too scared what he was about to say, Y/N continued her previous conversation, "we've tried everything that's supposed to help me go into labor. We walk every day. I've eaten almost every spicy food that is out there and still nothing!"

Liam sighed as he grabbed her hand. "I know," he gave her hand a gentle squeezed. "We've tried everything. In the meantime, we'll just keep doing that and just wait until our baby girl is ready to meet us."

"Well..." she trailed. "We haven't tried everything," she gave him a knowing look. "Melissa did say there was one effective technique that we haven't tried."

Liam immediately shook his head. "Nope! We're not doing it."

"What?! Why not?!"

"Please do not take this the wrong way, but I'm not having sex with you."

Y/N flinched at the sudden memory of how badly things ended the last time they had sex. He admitted his true feelings and she walked out on him.

As if he read her mind, he quickly rambled 'no' repeatedly. "That's not what I meant. It's just," he paused for a second to gather the right words without hurting her feelings. "It would be different because you're pregnant."

"So, you won't have sex with me because I'm fat as a hippo?"

"No!" His eyes widened in fear. "I do not think you're a hippo. Honestly, I think you look beautiful, but I'm just scared because I wouldn't know what to do." She looked at him confused and motioned him to continue. He sighed. "I obviously never had sex with a pregnant girl before so I wouldn't know what could work, like what positions. Plus, what if I poke it?"

Y/N bit her bottom lip as he talked, the mental image of the two of them struggling and not knowing how to have sex with a baby bump, but the second he mentioned he was scared of poking it, she lost it. She rolled her head back and laughed. Liam's cheeks turned pink with embarrassment, burying his face in his hands.

"Not funny!" He mumbled into his hands.

"Oh," she gasped, placing a hand on her belly, trying to catch her breath. She wiped the tears with her other hand. "You're so funny," she giggled. "You're not going to hurt her," she smiled at him. "Otherwise Melissa wouldn't have recommended it."

Liam pulled away from his face and looked at her. Guilt washed over her again as she realized she never fully apologized for hurting him. Sure they talked a little bit about it before he had surprised her with the new room, but still. She felt like she really needed to explain what happened and how she felt. She should have done it months ago. Even though things between the two of them are good now, she wanted to make sure everything was okay before the baby arrived. She didn't want to leave anything left unsaid or unfinished that could possibly be a problem later on.

"Liam, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you, you know that, right?" She whispered.

Liam shook his head. "Y/N, like I said before, that's not what this is about. You don't need to apol-"

"Yes I do, and I'm so sorry, Liam. I can't say, 'Had I known, I wouldn't have never slept with you in the first place,' because that means we would have never gotten her," Y/N grabbed Liam's hand and placed it on top of her belly with her hand on top of his. "But I'm glad we're having her and it's because of you. I honestly know I wouldn't have been able to do this without you and I feel bad that it started with my selfish needs and everything after that was messed up because of me. All you did was confess your love and I was a real bitch about it. I should have handled it better than I did. I'm sorry."

Liam could sense the guilt radiating from Y/N. He didn't need to pick up her chemosignals to know she meant every word, but the look in her eyes made his heart break. Even though he should be the one in pain and bitter it took her this long to apologize, he was sad she kept this guilt with her for the past nine months.

"It's okay," he whispered. "I forgave you a long time ago. You don't need to apologize."

"I honestly don't deserve you. You're too good to me," She batted her eyes, preventing the tears to fall. Liam wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him.

"Are you kidding me? I don't lose control as much and I don't get as angry anymore, and it's because of you. You make me the best version of myself. I want to be a better man because of you, Y/N, and I don't know how I'll ever thank you for that."

Y/N's heart melted. She looked up at him and gazed into his blue eyes. His eyes were soft and had an awestruck sparkle everytime he looked at her. Her eyes flickered to his lips as her heart raced. She cupped his cheek and pulled him in. She could hear Liam's heart thundering against his chest too. She wasn't sure if it was out of fear or because he wanted to kiss her just as much as she wanted to kiss him. Regardless, she followed her heart and kissed him.

Liam hesitated before kissing her back. Their lips moved in perfect sync. It started off slow and tender, savoring the moment as sparks flew. She traced her tongue against Liam's bottom lip. Liam cupped her cheek and pulled her in even more as he slid his tongue in. Their tongues weren't forceful against each other or fighting for dominance. Instead, their tongues slowly stroked against one another, savoring and tasting one another.

Liam groaned into her mouth as her hand slid into his soft brown hair and tugging on it. Her lips left his and trailed along his jawline. Warm breath fanned against her ear as Liam tried to control his breathing. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He whispered.

She pulled back and looked at him. "Only if you want to."

"I do," he whispered against her pulse spot just underneath her ear. His warm breath sent a shiver to her spine and covered her body in goosebumps. He nipped her sweet spot before sucking on it. Y/N moaned as she rolled her head to the side, giving him more access. Her hand slid underneath his shirt, tracing random shapes with a feather like touch against his ribs.

Liam's other hand slowly moved up against her arm, across her shoulder, and down to cup one of her breasts. She gasped as his hand massaged her boob. The fabric brushing against her hardened nipple was making her toes curl and her stomach twist and dip.

Her eyes widened as she felt something wet between her legs. "Liam," she whispered.

"Yeah, baby," he said between butterfly kisses as his lips slowly made their way to the valley of her breasts.

"Please don't hate me-"

"I could never hate you," he mumbled against her skin.

"Then, please don't be mad at me-"

Liam let out a small sigh as he pulled away from her neck. "Why would I be mad?"

"Because I might have ruined your bed," she bit her lip. Liam looked at her confused, completely unaware of what she was trying to say. "My water broke."

Liam's eyes widened, trying to process the news. A few seconds later, his lips formed a smile. "Damn, I'm good."

Y/N chuckled as she playfully pushed him away from her. Liam quickly got up and walked around to her side, carefully lifting her up. She looked down and noticed the mess she made in his bed. Her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of this," Liam quickly began removing the sheets and tossed them in the trash. "You go change. I'll get the bags and call Melissa and Deaton to meet us at the hospital. I'll have Melissa call everyone else. I'll go wake up my parents and have them start the car. Then..." Liam hesitated, mentality double checking if he forgot anything else.

"Then, we go have our baby girl," Y/N finished with a small smile and tears in her eyes. Liam chuckled with tears of joy in his eyes. Y/N cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a sweet kiss. Liam kissed her back with the same tenderness before they rushed off to get ready for the hospital.


"Alright, how are we doing?" Melissa walked back in as put on a new set of gloves.

"I'm fine," Y/N said between the breathing techniques she learned from Lamaze class. Liam mirrored her actions as he held on to her hand.

"What about you, dad?" Melissa asked.

"Ready," Liam answered.

"Okay, good because we're going to start pushing with the next contraction," Deaton said as he looked up at the monitor for her contractions. "Which is going to start right about-"

"OH MY GAWDDDDDDDDDDD!" Y/N yelled as she crushed Liam's hand in hers. Liam whimpered as one of his fingers broke. He quickly ignored it and focused on Y/N.

"You can do this, baby!" He cheered on. "Push!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She yelled as pushed with every ounce of energy she had. Her face was turning red as she continued to yelled, the vein in her forehead and neck was visible and ready to pop.

"God! I hate you!" She yelled at Liam. "We're never-AHHHHHHH!- having sex AAAAAAAGAIN!" She yelled.

"One more big push," Deaton said.

"She's almost here," Melissa said. "Liam, do you want to see?"

Liam held on to Y/N hand tightly as he peeked over. His eyes widened as he saw the top of the baby's head. "Oh, baby! Push! Push!" He cheered Y/N on as he saw the baby's shoulders next.

Y/N let out a loud growl, her eyes shifting back and forth between her normal eye color and her electric yellow eyes. With one final push, a baby's cry filled the room. Y/N let out a groan. She collapsed back on the bed as exhaustion washed over her body.

"It's a girl!" Melissa cheered.

"Would you like to cut the cord?" Deaton asked Liam, who nodded eagerly.

Liam cut the cord. "Oh, that's squishy."

Melissa chuckled as she quickly cleaned up the baby before wrapping it in a pink blanket. She gently put the baby in Liam's arms. "Hi, baby girl," Liam sniffled as he took in all her features. "You're so beautiful," he whispered as he walked towards to Y/N. "Want to meet your mom?"

"Will give you three a few minutes before we bring everyone else in," Melissa said as before her and Deaton walked out of the room.

Y/N's eyes began to fill up with warm tears as Liam placed their baby girl in her arms. Her eyes scanned her perfect round face, cute button nose, her fluffy cheeks, and her thin parted lips. "She's perfect," Y/N whispered.

Liam leaned in to kiss their daughter's forehead. He looked up at Y/N, to kiss her forehead, but Y/N captured his lips with hers for a long and passionate kiss. She pulled back, resting her forehead against his. "Liam, I love you."

Liam's eyes locked with hers and he knew she meant every word. She didn't love him as a best friend or as the father of their baby. She was deeply and madly in love with him.

"I love you, too," he kissed her once more.

"Sorry, it took so long," she let out a small chuckle.

He chuckled with her. "The best surprises are the unexpected ones, and you two are definitely the best unexpected surprises I've ever gotten."

Y/N smiled before looking down at their baby girl, "speaking of best surprises, what should we name ours?"

Liam put his finger on the baby's tiny palm. She instantly wrapped all her tiny fingers around his. Y/N couldn't help but smile knowing their daughter already had Liam wrapped around her finger.

"How about Luna?"

Luna meant moon, being werewolves themselves, she couldn't help but smile at Liam before she looked down at their baby girl. "It's perfect."

There was a soft knock on the door before it opened. Scott's head peeked in. "Can we come in?"

"Sure," Y/N smiled.

"Only for a few minutes. They both need their rest," Liam said as the pack, his parents, Melissa and Deaton came in.

Everyone cooed and awed when Liam announced baby Luna. They couldn't get over how cute and small she was. The girls asked about the birth and the pain it came with, while the boys asked Liam if he was scared or nauseous during the delivery. They each took turns holding the baby and introducing themselves to Luna.

"I don't care what your dad says," Stiles said as he looked down at Luna. "I was one hell of a lacrosse player." Everyone chuckled. "And remember, don't hesitate to call your favorite uncle whenever you need help about-" he stopped himself short when he remembered Liam's parents were in the room, who still don't have the slightest clue about the supernatural world. "Anything. Nothing in particular," he cleared his throat before passing Luna to Liam's mom.

Y/N and Liam saw the tears of joy brimming around his parents' eyes. They were both genuinely filled with joy and proud to have a grandchild. Y/N's heart was heavy, wishing her parents had been here for this moment. Sensing her sadness, Liam reached for her hand and leaned in to kiss her cheek. She nodded, appreciating the sweet gesture knowing he was letting her know everything was going to be okay.

Liam's mom handed Luna back to Y/N. Luna let out a small yawn before opening her beautiful, big doe eyes. Her blue eyes quickly flashed bright yellow before they turned back to their normal color. Liam and Y/N froze, knowing exactly what that meant. After Scott had taken Y/N to see Deaton once Melissa confirmed she was pregnant, Deaton had mentioned when both parents are werewolves and they conceive a baby, they won't know if the baby is a born werewolf until her eyes flash yellow shortly after her birth. The baby's eyes wouldn't turn yellow again until she was older, in her teen years, and going through the full werewolf changes. Liam and Y/N only hoped his parents didn't notice, but of course they did.

"Whoa," Liam's mom gasped. "Did you see that?" Y/N and Liam's eyes widened as everyone else in the room had a panic looking facial expression.

"What, honey?" Dr. Geyer asked.

"Her eyes... they flashed gold," she sounded confused, wondering how in the world that had happened.

"I didn't see it," Liam quickly chirped in, hoping his mother would let it go.

"Right? I meant baby's eyes don't glow yellow," Y/N added with a nervous chuckle.

"I'm sure I saw it. That's not normal," Liam's mom said.

Deaton cleared his throat and looked at the nervous betas. They both knew what he was about to do and it was only a matter a time before Liam's parents knew the truth. Liam sighed as Y/N gave him a small nod of a approval.

"Actually it is. It's perfectly normal. It was to be expected since Luna's parents both have the same genetic tradition," Deaton explained as Liam's parents looked at him confused, almost completely lost.

"What genetic tradition?" Dr. Geyer asked.

"Well dad..." Liam sighed as he patted his stepfather's shoulder. "That's a long story for another time. I promise, I'll explain, we'll explain," Liam pointed at a finger between him and Y/N. "But, for now, let's just enjoy this moment, this beautiful surprise," he leaned down and kissed Luna's forehead as she slept in Y/N's arms. He looked up the same time Y/N looked up at him, their eyes immediately locking. She smiled at him as she remembered what Liam told her on Scott's front porch, "We're going to be okay."

She stared at him for a little bit longer, realizing what you're looking for comes when you're not looking at all. Those are the best unexpected surprises life can give you, and she believed it. She wasn't expecting to have Luna and she certainly wasn't expecting to fall in love with her best friend, but she was glad it happened.

Liam eyes gazed into hers, almost looking into her soul. As if he read her mind, he whispered, "we're going to be okay." He leaned in and kissed her. She kissed him back, knowing everything would be okay.

The End.

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