Yuri!!! On ice Oneshots (Vari...

By chels_fangirl_

750K 11.7K 4.9K

Yuri!!! On ice character Oneshots! - Fluff - Lemons/smut - Funny/ Goofy [ I don't own Yuri!!! On ice or any... More

Victor Nikiforov x Reader (World cup)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Practice)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Kittens)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Motorbikes)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (JJ style)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Hamsters)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Confession)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Russia)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Pork Cutlet Bowls)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Meeting The Russian Punk)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Thunderstorms)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (How They Met)
Phichit Chulanton x Reader (Going live)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (The Creek)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Promise rings)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Eros) ~Lemon~
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Agape)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Ice Cold)
Jean-Jaques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Lost)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Thailand)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Childhood)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Proposing)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Onsen)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Boy At School)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Beach)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Canada)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Coffee)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Babysitting Triplets)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Lessons)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Moving in together)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Trouble)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Movies)
Jean-Jacques Leroy x Reader (Cheating)
Pichuit Chulanont x Reader (Fever)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Gamers)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Curious) ~Lemon~
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (I remember you)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (An Angel)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (A family)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Confession)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Internet distance)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (First date)
Victor Niforov x Reader (Growing up)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Shopping)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Devilish smirk) ~Lemon~
Otabek Atlin x Reader (A wedding)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Cute)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Nightmares)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Practice)
Victor Nikiforov x Jealous! Reader (Another Girl)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Your voice)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (My Addiction)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Temptation) ~Lemon~
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Shark Diving)
Phichit Chulanont x Shy! Reader (Library)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Star Gazing)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Lonely)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Save me)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Meeting his Grandfather)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Mine) ~Lemon~
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Manga)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Pocky)
Victor Nikifovrov x Reader (Birthday)
Yuri Kastuki x Reader (Fancy Night)
[Requested] Leo De la Iglesia x Tomboy! Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Soldier! Yuri Katsuki x Wife! Reader
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Male! Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Tomboy/Shy! Reader
[Requested] Drunk! Victor Nikiforov x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Abused! Reader
[Requested] Werewolf! Yuri Plisetsky x Tomboy! Reader
[Requested] Michele Crispino x Lonely! Iceskater! Reader
[Requested] Yuri Katsuki x Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Male! Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Cheated! Reader
[Requested] Victor, Yuri K and Yuri P x Tall! Reader
[Requested] Victor Nikiforov x Reader
[Requested] Victor x Stripper! Reader
[Requested] Georgi Popovich x Single Mother! Reader
[Requested] Otabek Atlin x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Yuri Katsuki x Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Older! Reader
[Requested] Guang-Hong Ji x Reader
[Requested] Victor x Chubby! Reader
[Requested] Yuri Katsuki x Reader
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plistesky x Reader
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Mila Babicheva x Female! Reader
[Requested] Mila Babicheva x Female! Reader
[Requested] Mila Babicheva x Female! Reader
A/N - Thank you <3

Otabek Atlin x Reader (Sky diving)

3K 43 1
By chels_fangirl_

"Why am I doing this Beka?" I questioned as I stared at the small plane that was ready for us to board. Otabek chuckled and pushed me foreword. "Come on, it's time to conquer a fear."

We were both dressed in our jump suits and the sky diving instructors instructed that they get on quickly while they have no wind. I took a breath and stepped into the plane and sat down beside Otabek with my hands gently shaking.

"Otabek I don't think I can do this." I told him quietly as I watched the plane door slammed shut. The instructor locked it and my heart leapt into my throats with anxiousness. Otabek looked down at me gently and held my hand as we were buckled down.

"Hey, I'm here right beside you aren't?" Otabek asked and I shakily nodded my head looking up into his dark brown eyes with a nervous glance. Otabek smiled at me gently, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "If I'm right beside you than there isn't anything that can hurt you. Trust me alright?" He asked me and I blinked for a moment before sighing.

"Yeah. You're right-" the plane started to move and take into the air. "Nope I can't do this!" I attempted to get up but the harness held me back, so I sat there gittering like a freak. My irrational fear of heights and planes were two things that Otabek hoped I'd get over today.

But I was seriously doubting myself. The parachutes in the bags didn't look trustworthy, and neither did the harnesses. Otabek tried to reassure me as best as he could which I was happy about. It didn't worry me that much if I didn't think about it.

But that was before I was flying high above the ground in a small confined aeroplane, strapped to the wall with flimsy harness. "And then we have to jump." I said out loud and gulped as Otabek nodded.

"You're just overthinking it, I reckon you'll have a great time. A memorable one." He tried to reassure me but I shook my head bitting my bottom lip. "It'll be memorable if I survive it." I said quietly and Otabek laughed.

An instructor walked out from the cock out and smiled at us. "Alright. Let's get a pair of parachutes to plummet down in." The instructor laughed and turned his back. "Try saying that five times!"

'Great, we've got a loony as the dude that is going to plummet down to earth with us- I FEEL A WHOLE LOT BETTER NOW!' I shouted mentally to myself and stood up as the instructor began to fasten me up, another instructor doing the same with Otabek.

Now my heart was truly beating in my own throat. I was shaking, I was a nervous wreck, I didn't know what I was doing. How did I even get into this mess? I sighed after I was strapped up and paced gently through the aeroplane watching as the loony instructor came over to me from behind and latched himself to me with straps.

Otabek gave him a warning glare, although I'm not sure if he revived it or not. "Alright! Let's get this going!" He moved to the door of the plane and opened it up. Right then and there I felt like throwing up.

I held the edge of the door and felt the instructor try to push me out. "We are only up a few ten thousand meters," He tried to reassure me, "you can do it!"

"That's not comforting-" Before I could finish Otabek grabbed my hand with his instructor latched to him and gave me a nod before pulling me out of the plane with him.

And there I was- plummeting down to earth from a moving aircraft that was tens of thousands of meters in the air with a loony old guy strapped to me yahooing happily.

I had my eyes shut tightly, tears were forming in my eyes but were quickly taken from my eyes by the rushing air and felt as Otabek let my hand go. My eyes immediately flew open and I saw his happy face, smiling and laughing as he looked down and around. I gasped for air and looked down at the landscape.

There were mountains in the distance, gently rivers of blue rushing through their centres as they made their own paths to the ocean. Directly below us was the rolling waves of the blue ocean.

I felt my chest expand, like I was finally able to breathe. Like the whole world had finally lifted from my shoulders- all my stress and worry had finally left my mind and I was about as dainty as the soft clouds we passed through on our way down.

"Parachute goin up!" My instructor shouted and pulled on a cord. Our parachute was released and we were jolted back with the expansion of the parachute. It gave me time to happily take in the wonderful scenery. I looked to Otabek who was floating down with his instructor.

His eyes were fixed on me gently, reading my body language and expressions. I knew that he was worried about me doing this, he didn't know how much I could be pushed until I cracked under pressure.

But I was glad that I came with him, I was glad to have been pulled out of a hovering aircraft by his side. The earth soon became closer and our instructors gently guided the parachutes towards the ground. We landed on the desired landing circle and were unclipped immediately.

I jumped around with my sudden urge of adrenaline. "BEKA!" I shouted more loudly than I needed to, "did you see me!? I jumped! I did it!" I cheered and Otabek nodded while laughing with a huge smile on his face.

"You did brilliantly...I'm so proud of you, you did it." He hugged me gently and turned my face up to him, seizing the moment he pressed his lips firmly to mine and kissed me with as much passion as he could produce to me...

((I have a bloody terrifying fear of free falling, it just makes me feel so queasy and that's why I don't go on like roller coasters and that too much lmao

If you enjoyed please vote, comment and share!

Up next:
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader

Until next time!
Chelsea out || ✌🏻

                                1075 words))

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