Yuri!!! On ice Oneshots (Vari...

By chels_fangirl_

750K 11.7K 4.9K

Yuri!!! On ice character Oneshots! - Fluff - Lemons/smut - Funny/ Goofy [ I don't own Yuri!!! On ice or any... More

Victor Nikiforov x Reader (World cup)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Practice)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Kittens)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Motorbikes)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (JJ style)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Hamsters)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Confession)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Russia)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Pork Cutlet Bowls)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Meeting The Russian Punk)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Thunderstorms)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (How They Met)
Phichit Chulanton x Reader (Going live)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (The Creek)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Promise rings)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Eros) ~Lemon~
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Agape)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Ice Cold)
Jean-Jaques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Lost)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Thailand)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Childhood)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Proposing)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Onsen)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Boy At School)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Beach)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Canada)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Coffee)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Babysitting Triplets)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Lessons)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Moving in together)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Trouble)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Movies)
Jean-Jacques Leroy x Reader (Cheating)
Pichuit Chulanont x Reader (Fever)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Gamers)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Curious) ~Lemon~
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (I remember you)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (An Angel)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (A family)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Confession)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Internet distance)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (First date)
Victor Niforov x Reader (Growing up)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Shopping)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Devilish smirk) ~Lemon~
Otabek Atlin x Reader (A wedding)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Cute)
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Nightmares)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Practice)
Victor Nikiforov x Jealous! Reader (Another Girl)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Your voice)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (My Addiction)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Temptation) ~Lemon~
Phichit Chulanont x Shy! Reader (Library)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Star Gazing)
Victor Nikiforov x Reader (Lonely)
Yuri Katsuki x Reader (Save me)
Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (Meeting his Grandfather)
Otabek Atlin x Reader (Sky diving)
Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Mine) ~Lemon~
Phichit Chulanont x Reader (Manga)
Kenjirou Minami x Reader (Pocky)
Victor Nikifovrov x Reader (Birthday)
Yuri Kastuki x Reader (Fancy Night)
[Requested] Leo De la Iglesia x Tomboy! Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Soldier! Yuri Katsuki x Wife! Reader
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Male! Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Tomboy/Shy! Reader
[Requested] Drunk! Victor Nikiforov x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Abused! Reader
[Requested] Werewolf! Yuri Plisetsky x Tomboy! Reader
[Requested] Michele Crispino x Lonely! Iceskater! Reader
[Requested] Yuri Katsuki x Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Male! Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Cheated! Reader
[Requested] Victor, Yuri K and Yuri P x Tall! Reader
[Requested] Victor Nikiforov x Reader
[Requested] Victor x Stripper! Reader
[Requested] Georgi Popovich x Single Mother! Reader
[Requested] Otabek Atlin x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Yuri Katsuki x Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plisetsky x Older! Reader
[Requested] Guang-Hong Ji x Reader
[Requested] Victor x Chubby! Reader
[Requested] Yuri Katsuki x Reader
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader
[Requested] Yuri Plistesky x Reader
[Requested] Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader ~Lemon~
[Requested] Mila Babicheva x Female! Reader
[Requested] Mila Babicheva x Female! Reader
[Requested] Mila Babicheva x Female! Reader
A/N - Thank you <3

Jean-Jacques Leroy (JJ) x Reader (Shark Diving)

3.3K 36 7
By chels_fangirl_

"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked JJ as I clenched the side of the boat as it bounced across the waves.

"I don't hate you-"

"Yes you do-"

"(Y/N), I'm helping you face your fear. You should be thanking me if anything." JJ said and gave me a gentle hug from behind. I sighed and tapped the side of the boat anxiously. "What if it breaks through the cage?" I asked JJ and heard him give out a low chuckle.

"Trust me, I wouldn't put you in that cage if it wasn't reinforced very well- let alone put myself in it." He explained to me and I felt as the boat began to slow down and men began to walk around with large hooks of meat with floats on the line. "Honestly JJ, i'm going to die. And if it's not by the shark it'll be by myself."

JJ tutted and gently rubbed my shoulders. "Come on, it isn't gonna be all that bad. Trust me, you'll be fine and I'll be right there beside you." JJ tried to reassure me but I wasn't so certain.

Sharks were always a huge fear of mine, so when I hear that I'm about to get into the water with one (and only a few measly metal bars separating us) I wasn't overwhelmed with joy and rapture.

JJ seemed rather excited for it, although I didn't feel the same way at all. But I trusted him when he said it was going to be good for me to see things differently....even if that thing has more than 100 teeth in seperate rows.

"We are here! Grab your snorkels! Men, load the cage into the water!" I heard the captain shout from the drivers seat and I watched as the men ran around beginning to load the cage, while 2 others were throwing the line of meat into the water and throwing out chum.

JJ brought over our gear with a small smile. "Everything will be fine." He repeated again and I gave him a small nod, taking the snorkel mask from his hands and fiddling with it while we waited.

"Fin! A 6-meter Great White off the left." One of the men shouted as they saw the giant shark chasing their line. "Get in the cage while we have him! Quickly!" The driver shouted and I nervously fixed my mask and snorkel to my face as JJ and I walked over to the cage that was bobbing silently in the water as it was fastened to the boat tightly.

JJ was the first to get in, and I unwillingly jumped in after him, taking a sharp breath before opening my eyes and seeing the blue world around me. Small schools of fish were swimming around in the great blue, cutting through them was a great brute of a shark.

I gripped JJ tightly as my snorkel took in air from above. JJ gently taped my legs as his hair gently swayed in the water, pointing to the shark as it swam to the cage. I gripped him tightly and he pulled me around, holding me in front of him- forcing me to look at the giant beast.

It's eyes were pitch black, he had several scars across his face from other sharks no doubt. As I watched him swim around our cage inquisitively, I found myself following him around the cage as he swam.

His graceful movements were enthralling my eyes, all the scraps of fear were soon thrown away and I even had a small smile across my lips. JJ stood and watched me with his arms crossed, as if to state his earlier facts if everything was going to be fine.

The shark's attention drew away from the cage as the line of meat was thrown out beside us. It's jaws extended slightly as it propelled towards the meat. As it was pulled away from its deadly jaws, it turned swiftly and came back to the cage silently swimming around once more.

I had the urge to stick out my arm and touch his side, but I still worried if I was going to get that limb back in one piece. JJ tapped my shoulder and pointed above, signalling me that it was time for us to leave.

I found myself feeling sad, I wanted to stay with the shark all day. Which was a strange thought to me, considering I hated their guts just a few moments before.

I followed him around for once last time, and watched as he turned and began to swim back out to the open ocean. I crawled out and threw my mask onto the deck with a huge smile as I ran a hand through my hair. "That was awesome!" I shouted and the men began to pull the cage back in from the water.

JJ nodded and sat down at the side of the boat, "And what did I say?" He asked and I pouted slightly but nodded in agreement. I would never actually admit to him that I was wrong, but in the case I really was wrong.

"Alright, you can have this one. I will admit that I had-.....fun..." I mumbled 'fun' which caused JJ to tease by holding his hand up to his ear. "What was that? Sorry I didn't quite head." He taunted with a grin.

I crossed my arms and glared at him. "You know what I said, I'm not gonna repeat myself." I told him and walked over to him, gently wrapping my arms around him and nuzzling into his chest.

"I'm proud of you for doing that, good job~" JJ told me and rubbed my back gently as the boat began to make way back to dry land.

I nodded and sighed as I pulled away. "Thanks...I'm proud of me too." I giggled and looked out over the waves as we darted across the surface.

((Another JJ story, how adorable. Tbh I love sharks a lot, they are the true predators of the oceans.

Up next: Phichit Chulanont x Reader

Until next time!

Chelsea out || ✌🏻

1029 words))

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