Teen Wolf's Liam Dunbar x Rea...

By AmyLillian22

476K 12.7K 3.7K

These are all my Liam Dunbar (Teen Wolf) imagines. Some of the storylines are my ideas and some were prompts... More

Mates - Part 2
Thinking Out Loud
Getting Caught (feat. Stiles)
A Second Chance
Beacon of Light
Missing You
Dating Advice (feat. Scott McCall)
My Girl (feat. Garrett)
Drunken Confessions
It Totally Worked (feat. Scott and Stiles)
The New Beta - Part 1
The New Beta - Part 2
Nervous Jitters
Perfect Rain Kiss
Rogue Wolf
The Pink Box
Prince Charming Part 1 (Feat. Stiles & Kira)
Prince Charming Part 2 (Feat. Kira)
Running Away
Lydia's Plan
Mario and Peach
First Kiss and First Date
Always There
Unspoken Bond
No Light, No Light
No Light No Light (Part 2)
Welcome Home Brother (Feat. Isaac and Scott)
Pick One (Feat. Brett Talbot)
Past Mistakes
Just A Bad Feeling
The Bite
Valentine's Day
The Other Woman
Wisdom Teeth
One More Night
The Feeling Is Mutual
The Omega
The Omega - Part 2
Naked Surprises
Comic Con
Drunk Last Night (Drabble)
Last Call - Drabble (Part 2 to 'Drunk Last Night')
Back to Black
Red Carpet (Dylan Sprayberry Imagine)
The Coach's Daughter
The Coach's Daughter (Part 2)
I Love You
I Wasn't Expecting That
Part of the Pack
An Unexpected Surprise
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 2
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 4
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 5
An Unexpected Surprise - Part 6 (Final Chapter)
I'm Nothing Without Her (Drabble)
I'm Nothing Without Her - Part 2
I'm Nothing Without Her - Part 3 (Final Chapter)
I Wish You Didn't Love Me
Jealously (DylSpray x Reader)
Check Yes or No (Liam x Reader)
Tokyo (Liam x Reader)
She's Alive. She's Back.

An Unexpected Surprise - Part 3

4.6K 135 33
By AmyLillian22

Warnings: cursing, angst, and very little smut.

Author's Note: Not proof read. Sorry, not sorry, ha. Also, I actually didn't leave this chapter on a cliffhanger. It sort of has an ending. I have no ideas for a part 4. I honestly don't know if I want write a part 4. If you want one, send in some ideas and I'll decide.


"I'm pregnant," she whispered. Liam froze. Although he was looking directly at her, his mind was elsewhere as her words repeated through his mind. Y/N heard his heart skip a beat, almost as if his heart had dropped to his stomach, which it did. Liam was reeking with so many different emotions: anger, hurt, worried, sad, and nervousness. Y/N could sense them. She slowly reached for his hand. "Please say something," she whispered as she squeezed his hand.

The small gesture pulled Liam out of his trance and pulled his hand away from her grip. He swallowed hard and looked at her. Her heart was racing. He could sense she was scared, as she should be. Liam clenched his jaw before he let out a deep breath. "Is it mine?"

Y/N pulled back. His question was kind of a low blow to the stomach. She wasn't expecting that to be his first question.

"Of course it's yours. Why would you even think you had to ask such a thing?"

"I don't know," he stood up from the porch steps and paced in front of her, running a hand through his hair. "Maybe because you were in heat and you said you practically hump anything in sight. How do I not know you didn't sleep with anyone else after you slept with me?!" His voice rose after each sentence. The more Liam spoke, the more her vision began to blur with warm tears.

"You're an asshole." Liam heard the pain and hurt in her small and scared voice. "That you would think so low of me, to be sleeping around with anyone with a dick."

"After the way you left things with us, what am I supposed to think, huh?"

"Just leave, Liam," Y/N said as she stood up and hugged herself.

"It won't be hard to do. After all, I learned from the best." His words stung Y/N, letting her tears fall down her cheeks as he walked away. She knew she messed up that night and she did walk out on him. Although she knew walking out on Liam hurt him and she deserved Liam hating her for it, she never expected Liam to actually throw it in her face. Now that Liam knew the truth and clearly wanted nothing to do with her or the baby, she was back to square one: not knowing what to do.


Liam slammed the front door and rushed up to his room, completely ignoring his stepfather calling out to him. He flung his bedroom door open, letting the doorknob hit the wall. His eyes scanned his room, looking for something to hit or break. Instead, he started destroying everything in his room. He knocked down the things he had on top of his dresser, the lacrosse trophies on his shelves, the books, notebooks, and papers along with pens and pencils on his desk, making his room look like a tornado had came through his room.

"Liam!" His stepfather rushed in and grabbed Liam, trying to stop him from knocking down the dresser and breaking it in half. Liam tried to push him off, but his stepfather refused. He tightened his arms around his angry son and hugged him tight. Liam stopped fighting and finally let everything out. He clung on to his stepfather and sobbed, whispering 'I'm so sorry' repeatedly. His stepfather held Liam until his sobs turned into sniffles.

"What happened, son?" He asked worriedly once Liam pulled back from his embrace. Liam wiped his fallen tears with the back of his hand as he took a deep breath. He wasn't sure exactly how his stepfather would take the news.

"Y/N's pregnant..." He mumbled looking down at his fingers, but Dr. Geyer heard it loud and clear.

"Okay..." Dr. Geyer trailed, unsure how to react to Liam's best friend being pregnant. "The best thing you can do is be there for her, Liam. She's your best friend and she's going to need you now more than ever."

A wave of guilt washed over him as he realized he had already failed. He sniffled, his eyes still glued to his fingers. "There's more..." he trailed.

His stepfather tensed up, wondering how much more there was after that news. "What is it, son?"

Warm tears welled up in Liam's broken blue eyes again as he finally looked at the only man he ever called his dad. He swallowed the golf size lump in the back of his throat to talk.

"I'm so sorry, dad...." he trailed, knowing the words that were about to roll off his tongue would disappoint him. "It's mine," he said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Dr. Geyer looked at him completely shocked, but quickly became the supportive parent Liam needed. "We'll figure it out, okay? Don't worry, son. It's not exactly ideal as no parent wants their kids to have a baby in high school, but we'll help you and Y/N on whatever you two decide, okay?"

Liam pulled him in for a hug, so grateful his stepfather didn't scream at him, or said he was disappointed in him, or worse, kicked him out of the house. At that sudden realization, Liam gasped and pulled back from his stepfather.

"What is it, son?"

"That's why she's living with Scott," he said more to himself than his stepfather.

"Who? Y/N? Why?"

Liam looked up at his dad before he spoke, "her parents must have kicked her out when she told them she's pregnant."

"That's terrible," his stepfather said. "She didn't tell you that when she told you about the baby?"

"Um, no."

"Do you know how far along she is?"


"Do you know anything?"

Liam sighed. "No. I kind of snapped at her when she told me. We haven't exactly been taking since... ya know."

Although Dr. Geyer didn't need to be a rocket science to figure out what Liam meant, he wanted to know what happened. Not the details of how it happened, but the reason why they drifted apart and stopped talking.

"Son, what happened?" He asked. Liam stared at his stepfather, his mind drifting off to what happened after they left Lydia's party.

Y/N's electric yellow eyes locked with Liam's as her legs straddled his waist with her hands on his chest, while lifting her hips and bringing herself back down on him.

"I'm close," Liam growled, his claws dug into her hips while thrusting himself deeper, hitting that hidden spot.

The intense feeling in the bottom of her stomach was ready to explode. "Come for me," she growled as she clenched around him. Liam let out a roar as he filled her up with his warm load. Y/N's head rolled back, her mouth dropping as they rode their high together for the fourth time that night.

Y/N collapsed on Liam's chest as the both tried to catch their breaths. Y/N slowly slid out of Liam before lying next to him on the bed. Liam's arms snaked around her bare lower back, bringing her to him. She cuddled against him, her cheek resting on his chest and her eyes fluttering close as she traced random shapes in the middle of his tight chest.

"Was that okay?" Liam whispered. Y/N heard the nervousness in his voice. She chuckled. "How can you doubt yourself, Dunbar? We just finished our fourth round."

Liam's lips formed a small smile before he kissed the top of her forehead. "I just want to make sure it was okay."

"It was more than okay. I don't know why we didn't think of this sooner," she giggled. "Although, I have no idea how you're going to explain to your parents we broke your bed."

Liam chuckled as he remembered Y/N let out a small yelp when one of the bed legs broke in the middle of their second round. "I'll just tell them we were jumping on the bed."

"Sure, jumping. They'll believe that," she laughed. "I do feel bad about breaking the bed, though."

"Don't worry about it. Tonight," Liam sighed in content, "was perfect."

Y/N stiffened in Liam's arms with his words. It felt like sleeping together meant something so much more for Liam than just helping his best friend with her heat problem.

"Liam..." she looked at him, only to see him already staring at her.

"I love you."

She swallowed hard. "I love you too. You're my best friend."

He shook his head. "No, I love you, Y/N."

"Damn it," she whispered under her breath as she quickly unraveled from his embrace. She wrapped the bed sheets around her naked body and began collecting her clothes around his room. "Fuck, Liam!"

He leaned up on his elbows as he watched her walk around her room. "What?" He quickly put on his boxers.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. This was just supposed to be just two best friends-"

"Would it be so bad if we were more than best friends?" He asked as he stood in front of her. He reached out for her arm. "Y/N, I've been in love with you for as long as I could remember... don't you feel what I feel? Tell me you feel the same way..."

Y/N saw the fear in his eyes and heard his heart racing with anxiety as she stood there, trying to figure out what to say. She hated herself for being so oblivious. She should have noticed his heart skipping a beat every time she touched him. She should have sense the sudden change of his chemosignals when she was around him. She should have known the long looks, the nervousness, and flushed cheeks she caused. Maybe if she had noticed it, she would have figured out a way to keep her best friend from falling in love with her.

"I'm sorry. I don't. Had I known, I wouldn't have agreed to do this in the first place. I would have picked someone else to be sleep with." Y/N quickly slid her top back on, shimmied on her underwear and skirt before she grabbed her mom's keys.

"Y/N... please don't go," Liam begged. "Stay."

"I'm sorry, Liam, but I don't love you, at least not the same way you love me. You were just supposed to be a fuck buddy, nothing more," she said before she slipped on her shoes and left a heartbroken Liam in his bedroom.

Liam looked away from his stepfather as the memory faded, trying to ignore the pain Y/N caused over a month ago. "I told her I loved her and she didn't feel the same way."

Dr. Geyer let out a deep sigh. "That's tough son, but you shouldn't have snapped at her."

"I know, dad," Liam let out a deep sigh. "It still hurts and I'm still mad at how we left things. It's complicated."

"So uncomplicated." He shook his head as if that wasn't important. "What matters is what you want. What do you want, son?"

Liam looked at his father. He never really thought about what he wanted. He was too shocked about the news, too angry with Y/N, and worried what his stepfather would think about Liam getting a girl pregnant in high school.

"I want my best friend back," Liam answered.

"Then go back to apologize and be there for her. That's how you'll get her back. What else?"

Liam let out another deep sigh. "And I want my kid to have a dad, the kind that I have if we give up the baby for adoption. If we keep it, I don't want to be like my father and never be a part of my kid's life. I want to be there for my kid."

Dr. Geyer pulled Liam in for a hug. "So tell her that. Talk to her and see what she wants too. Decide together what you want and think is best for your child. Then, I promise you, your mother and I will be there for you and support your decisions."

"Thanks, dad," Liam mumbled as he hugged his stepfather back.

"I know it's kind of late, but I really do think you should go see Y/N."

"You're right. I have to fix this," Liam said as he walked out of his bedroom and back towards Scott's house.


"Can we talk... again?" Liam asked when Y/N opened Scott's front door. Y/N just stared at him with an angry look on her face, wondering if she should give him another chance to talk after the things he said earlier. She crossed her arms tight to her chest, waiting for him to apologize. He swallowed hard. "Can we go inside and talk?"

Y/N shook her head and closed the door behind her. "Mama McCall will kill you if you're inside the house. You're not welcome."

Liam flinched. "That's understandable."

"Liam, how could you?"

Liam sighed as he looked down at his shoes. "I'm sorry-"

"Sorry, isn't going to fix things."

"I know," his shoulders dropped low.

"Do you have any idea how long it'll take for Scott, his mom, and me to forgive you for nearly killing Scott?"

Liam's head snapped up, completely confused. He thought they were talking about his reaction to her news, not for hurting Scott. "Wait. What? I thought we were talking about the... you know?" He pointed at her stomach, unable to say the word.

"No! I'm talking about what you did, Liam. What the hell were you thinking?"

Liam shook his head. "I don't want to talk about that."


"Y/N. I'm serious. I don't want to talk about it." Y/N heard the seriousness in his voice, but the look in his eyes was filled with guilt. She knew it pained him to talk about what he did. Although he was sorry for what he did, he wasn't ready to talk about it just yet.

"I want to talk about us..." he trailed.

"I don't want to talk if you're going to be mean again," Y/N bit her lip.

Liam sighed and took a step towards her. She took a step back. "Do you think I would actually hurt you?" Liam's voice was above a whisper and filled with hurt.

"I don't know," Y/N whispered back. "I never thought you'd hurt Scott."

Liam hated himself for doing this to himself. He knew it would take forever to get everyone to trust him again. It's not something to easily forgive about, but Liam knew he had to make things right, starting with Y/N.

"Y/N... are you okay?"

She stared at him as tears began to form in her eyes. "No. I'm scared."

Liam let out a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding. "I am, too. So I can't imagine how you feel."

"I- " Y/N voiced cracked as her throat tightened. "I don't know what to do about this without you," she mustered.

"Why didn't you come to me as soon as you found out? We could have decided what to do together instead of feeling alone in all of this."

"I did! I tried to... " Y/N trailed for a second.


"When you were with Hayden... telling her you'd be there her and I wasn't your best friend anymore." More warm tears rolled down to her cheeks. Liam sighed, feeling even guiltier than before. Although he had no idea at the time, he should have picked his words more carefully knowing she would hear him with her werewolf hearing.

"Okay, we have options," Liam said sitting down on the front porch. Y/N looked down at him, debating weather to sit with him or not. He looked up at her and locked his worried blue eyes with hers, begging her to give him a chance. She slowly sat down next to him. Liam didn't move, too afraid if he reached for her hand, scooted next to her, or hugged her, she would move away from him.

"Have you thought about your options?" He asked.

She shook her head. "I honestly didn't think about them until my parents brought them up."

"Y/N, did your parents kick you out because you're pregnant?" He asked carefully, not sure if that was a topic she was ready to talk about.

She nodded her as a tear rolled down her cheeks. She took in a shaky breath before she spoke, "umm, they said I was a disgrace to the family. They asked if I was going to get rid of it and then said if I wasn't, they wanted nothing to do with me."

"Damn," Liam said completely stunned. He saw how hurt she was. Despite her parents never being around and being workaholics, she did love them. He knew the things they said and did to her, hurt her. He was thankful his stepfather didn't react the same way her parents did.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." Liam whispered. He wanted to hug her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her to let her know they would figure something out and everything would be okay, regardless how hard it may be.

"I just- I don't know what to do other than I know I do not want to have an abortion," she said between sniffles. "When my mom asked me that, I was so shocked she was okay with the idea of killing an innocent life – let alone her grandchild. Granted, I know it's not here yet, but it's still alive. It has a heartbeat."

Liam nodded, agreeing with her and felt relieved she wasn't having an abortion. "What about adoption?" He asked.

Although he was never in the foster system, the day his stepfather legally adopted him as his son, it was one of the best days Liam ever had. His family was complete. He wanted that for his child. He wanted his child to have the best parents and home possible. Being juniors in high school, it was hard to know if they could give their child the best life it deserves. However, if they decided to keep it, he would do his damn hardest to give his kid the best life possible.

"I thought about it while I was staying here for a few days. I though that's what I wanted, because we're only 16. We can't raise a baby in high school..." she trailed.

Liam knew there was more to that sentence considering how she left it hanging. "But...?" He whispered, too scared to know what she was going to say next.

"But when Melissa took me to the hospital earlier to confirm it, I changed my mind."

"What changed?"

"I heard our baby's heartbeat, Liam, and it was the most magical thing I've ever heard. It was so fast and loud. It was real." Liam saw a light sparking in her eyes as she spoke. She was happy, excited, and filled with so much love. "Is it crazy?" She asked.

"What?" He asked unsure what she meant.

"That I want to keep it?" She whispered.

"Not at all. If you want to keep it, then you have to know I want to be involved. I want to be in my kid's life," Liam said honestly, desperate to reach out for her hand and let her know how serious he was.

She nodded, understanding completely. "I knew you would be. That's why it made my decision a little bit easier knowing I wouldn't be doing this by myself."

"You did?" Liam asked surprised.

She nodded. "I knew you wouldn't want to be like your real father and more like your stepfather, um, dad," she corrected herself, knowing Liam referred Dr. Deyer as his dad.

Tears finally escaped from Liam's eyes as he realized she was the only one who understood him completely. Y/N could sense all of the overwhelming feelings radiating from Liam. She leaned in and hugged him. He clung on to her, as they both cried together. They missed each other dearly and their lives were about to change forever.

"Liam?" She whispered, before she buried her face in his neck, still hugging him tight.

He tightened his arms around her as he leaned his cheek on top of her head. "Yeah?" He whispered back.

"I'm scared."

"Me too."

"Promise me you'll be there for me?"

"Every step of the way," he promised. "It's going to be hard, but we can do it. We're going to be okay," he kissed her forehead. Her muscles relaxed at his comforting words, realizing he was right. Everything was going to be just fine. 

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