About Time | BTS Series (Jung...

By tomoedia

83.6K 7K 2.3K

A second chance. That was what I wished for. The one thing I prayed for every night before I sleep. The one t... More

Prologue: The Awakening
Log.1: The Beginning
Log.2: First Life
Log.3: Lost Memory
Log.4: First Step
Log.5: Covetous
Log.6: Fragments
Log.7: Will
Log.8: Action
Log.9: Alter
Log.10: Disintegrate
Log.11: Reunion
Log.12: Encounter
Log.13: Choices
Log.14: Contact
Log.15: The Forgotten
Log.16: Recollection
Log.17: Downfall
Log.18: Dawning
Log.19: Promises
Log.20: Ephemeral
Log.21: Complex
Log.22: Motion
Log.23: Departure
Log.24: Crosspaths
Log.25: Secrets
Log.26: Void
Log.27: Amendment
Log.28: Intermission
Log.29: Homecoming
Log.30: Feud
Log.31: Second Chances
Log.32: Loop
Log.33: Token
Log.34: Intervention
Log.35: Spiral
Log.36: Caught In A Lie I
Log.37: Caught In A Lie II
Log.38: Caught In A Lie III
Log. 38.5: Jungkook - I
Log. 38.5: Jungkook - II
Log. 38.5: Jungkook - III
Log. 38.5: Jungkook - IV
Log. 38.5: Jungkook - V
Log. 39: Rue
Log. 40: The Devil
Log. 41: Rouse
Log. 42: Fall to Pieces
Log. 43: Reverie
Log. 44: Covetous
Log. 45: Ruins
Log. 46: Consolation
Log. 47: White Picket Fences
Log. 48: Promises
Log. 49: Friends and Foes
Log. 50: Friends and Foes
Log. 51: Friends and Foes
Log. 52: Friends and Foes
Log. 53: Friends and Foes
Log. 54: Friends and Foes
Log. 55: Friends and Foes
Log. 56: Shadows
Log. 57: Resonance
Log. 58: Remedy
Log. 59: Torrent
Log. 60: Boundless I
Log. 61: Boundless II
Log 62: Boundless III
Log 63: Boundless IV
Log 64: Boundless V
Log. 64.5: Taehyung

Log.22.5: Jimin

1.3K 103 54
By tomoedia

(Jimin's POV)

—First Life. Seoul, 2018—

I sat at the empty spot which I found not too far from the stage.

My chest was still heaving as I took deep breaths of air, and I could feel my hair sticking onto my forehead, all drenched with sweat. The adrenaline rush still had full control over my body. I could feel it on the fast pounding happening in my head, and the rapid heartbeat I felt inside my chest. The sound of the music was still blasting from the speakers, followed by the sounds of people cheering towards the stage.

I finally raised my head when someone came to put a small towel over my head. Holding the towel with my hand to keep it from falling, I looked up to see who it was. My eyes soon landed on Jae's grinning face.

"It felt good, didn't it?" he asked me, while rubbing a towel to dry his own hair. "Do you think we got it? The younger crew seems to be doing such a good job," he said, turning his head and nodded at the stage.

I followed his gaze to watch the performance on stage by another crew. Our dance crews knew each other, since we have been joining the same competitions simultaneously and meeting up on each match. We have built such a strong bond of friendship and rivalry with each other, although they have been more respectful to us since the members of our dance crew are their seniors—both in age and experience. I watched in awe while drying the sweats off my face as they did their tricks, and followed every movement with my eyes. The cheers got louder each time and I had to admit, they were our most fierce competition to date.

"They seem to be getting better each time we see them, huh?" I spoke to Jae, loud enough to beat the music.

Jae nodded while glancing at me with a proud grin, "They sure do. Does it make you worry?"

I only chuckled and returned my gaze to the stage, right when I saw one of their newest recruit making a small mistake at the back. "Nah," I merely laughed and grinned at the sight. "I won't worry about it. I have a feeling that we got this one on our hand."

My words were proven to be right when the MC named our dance crew as the winners of the match.

The competition was not the biggest event we have ever joined in, for it was only a rookie match held by a dance club of one of the universities in Seoul. But there was a pride of walking back on the stage to receive the trophy and the prize money. The sound of people chanting for our dance crew and our names was definitely exhilarating, just another recognition for how good we were.

It was a never-ending rush.

The adrenaline that was rushing through my body had not yet subsided when I stood from my seat and followed my crew to the stage. And it had only kept increasing since the moment I raised the trophy in my hand to flaunt it to the crowd and triggered them to cheer even louder. I was still hyped and still feeling the rush heightening as we walked down, screaming and cheering together as we celebrated our glory.

"Another win, man!"

"That felt awesome!"

"Let's party!"

Everyone was cheering and suggesting things at the same time, but I had my eyes completely glued to the trophy in my hand. Yes, like I said, it was not the biggest competition that we have ever been in, and won, but each time we won something, I felt like I owned something that belonged only to me. As if every decision I have made to get me to this place, to take me this far, was worth fighting for.

It was my dream to dance, and the trophy in my hand was a solid proof that I was able to reach it. To be acknowledged.

The arm that wrapped itself around my shoulders pulled me back from my daze. I looked up to once again met Jae's eyes and his wide slick grin. Jae was my fellow dancer and my senior, the man that was responsible for getting me into this crew. My closest friend.

"So, everyone is saying that we should drink to celebrate the win. What do you say? Shall we hit the bar?"

I returned his grin with my own. "Oh, we definitely deserve those drinks. Show me the way, leader."

At the end of our battles and every other event we have been involved in, there were bound to be parties.

Sometimes we would join college or frat parties, while any other times the event organisers would set us up some after-parties where we could get free booze. Either way, we would always end the night as wild as possible, never forgetting about booze and, obviously, girls.

"Congrats on winning," said these two young college students that came up to us right when we were about to leave the venue.

We spent a few minutes chatting with them while reading their flirty signs which they kept sending us until, in the end, one of the boys offered them, "Hey, join our party. It'll be fun."

So here we were now, taking the wild party to the nearest club we could find.

Everyone was excited. None of them was dancing with their hands void of beer bottles or glass of liquors. I could see Jae from the corner of my eyes, dancing with one of the girls we met earlier in the middle of the dance floor, his hand creeping dangerously close to her bottom as he led her to move their hips together with the music. While as for myself, I was leaning on the bar, the glass of liquor I had ordered earlier left behind on the top of the counter, as my hands were busy stroking over the flimsy clothes which belonged the other girl who had come along with us. My lips were busy kissing and nipping the skin of her neck.

"Jimin—" she moaned softly on my ear as I bit lightly underneath her earlobe, and I only hummed to answer her while moving upwards, attacking her ear with my lips and tongue.

"Jimin—" she called out to me again, whimpering as she tilted her head to the side, relishing the touches I was giving her.

"Yes? What's the matter?" I whispered to her before sucking her skin which earned her soft mewl.

"Your—" she tried to speak with a strained voice. I could feel her hands clenching my shirt as her knees that were pressed on my thighs started to buckle. "Something is vibrating—ah, in your pocket—mmh, I think it's your phone."

"Ignore it," I growled and pulled her closer, slipping one of my legs between her trembling thighs and moved up, until her crotch landed on my strong thigh. She tried to protest, but I took her lips and kissed her deeply, muffling her voice until her whimpers turned into light moans.

I gripped her waist to hold her still, slipping my tongue between her lips the moment she tried to take a breath. And as I dominated her mouth, pushing her tongue with mine and biting her bottom lip gently, I pushed her body lower until her crotch was pressed harder down on my thigh. Her hands clenched even tighter on my top when I started moving, rubbing my thigh on her covered center. All while using my hands that were holding her waist to guide her to move in the same rhythm as my own. I let out a chuckle as she gasped, as I noticed her legs quivering beneath us the moment she started riding my thigh on her own accord. Her breathing became more erratic once she enjoyed the pleasure I was giving her through my flexed muscles. And I could feel her body turning tense as she started grinding her hips, pressing down as she pleasured herself.

"Oh god—" she cried out, right before I took her lips once more to stop her from screaming. Judging from the way she was dripping through her panties, moistening my pants on each stroke her hips were making, and by how her whimpers were getting louder, I knew she was close.

"Don't be ashamed to let go, doll," I told her between our kisses. I reached down and slipped my fingers between us, lifting the hem of her dress that was already hiked up on her hips and touched her soaked panties. My thumb made its way to find her covered clit and rubbed over the cotton fabric in circles, until she gasped and shivered in my hold. "Release yourself for me. Show me how good you can be for me."

Her mouth opened into a silent scream, and I watched in awe as her body trembled in front of me. I snaked my arms around her waist to hold her, knowing that she would fall to the floor if I would let her go, since the sloppy movements of her hips showed me how she was going to lose all of her energy once the surge of pleasure in her body subsided. I kept holding her and only pulled my fingers away from her center once she started to slow down. The moment she stopped, I leaned in and kissed her ever so gently, watching closely to the way her eyes were fluttering to close for being overwhelmed with the sensation she was feeling at once.

"You did good," I told her as I gave her sweet kisses on her lips and her chin, earning her sweet, sheepish smile. "You are so cute," I kept complimenting her until her cheeks reddened. "Now why don't you clean yourself up? I'll be here waiting for you with another glass of drink. Okay?"

The girl shyly nodded, before I slowly let her go and helped her to stand up on her own two feet. She was still shivering as she tried to steady herself and pulled the bottom part of her dress down. I watched her with a smile as she walked away towards the restroom, as my mind was filled with all the things I wanted to do to her tonight.

I turned to face the bar and downed my forgotten drink in one go, washing away the tightness that suddenly started to arise down my throat. That was when my phone started to vibrate again, just as I was ordering for another shot of mixed JD and coke to the bartender.

I reached into my pocket to pull it out, and cackled as I saw the caller ID. "Do you miss me that badly?" I teased my caller when I finally received the call.

"Where are you?" the voice I heard from the other side of the call started scolding me. If only I was completely sober, I would probably refrain myself from teasing her. From all the years I have known her, I knew for certain that my cousin was not the one to mess with. Especially when she sounded so serious and stressed the way she was.

"I'm at a club not too far from your campus. Do want to join us? We're currently celebrating."

A faint groan was heard after, and I only grinned wider when she spoke, "So you won again, huh?"

"Of course we did!" I answered her with a bit too much of joy. "You should be proud of me."

"Yeah, of course, I am proud of you." I heard her sigh on the phone. As much as I wanted to continue bragging about my recent win, I fell silent as I waited for her to continue to speak. She was the one person who against me leaving my study at the beginning of college, but she was also the one who supported me the most. So I knew I had to listen to her needs so I could support her in return. "Jimin, can you move your party here? I'm at the lodge I told you about, the one Jiwon bought last summer."

The bartender came to hand me the drink I had ordered, and I took a sip as I tried to remember. "Yeah—yeah, I remember. Why should we go there? The party is going pretty well right here."

"Jimin—" she groaned. "I know that you guys are literally just hanging out at a club and party with random people. I'm offering you free drinks and a barbecue feast, and a few single girls that are so close to getting bored to death."

I laughed. "So is your little party going stale? Have the jocks you invited tonight fail to entertain the ladies?"

"Hey, it's not funny, okay? Look, I've invited all my girlfriends for the meetup, and these lacrosse boys who came to the party have been doing nothing but spent hours bragging about their abs and their love for themselves," she scoffed and sounded like she was gritting her teeth to low her voice down. "Please, Jimin—I know you love me. Can't you please save your desperate cousin before the girls start to bail? You are way more fun, like waaayyyy—"

I took another gulp of my drink while snickered. "Alright, Jisoo, my dear cousin who I adore than life. Is it really okay if I take my crew with me?"

"Oh, I am begging you to take your crew with you. Even Jiwon is starting to regret inviting his friends, he might need some help too." She stopped for a moment. "How much have you drank tonight? How will you get here?"

"Oh, I only took a few glasses, don't worry. We'll find a way to get there safely, okay?"

She sighed. "Just as long as you're not endangering anyone—especially yourself. Let me know when you get here."

"Yes, ma'am."

It took me almost an hour to gather the remaining members of my squad that was at the peak of enjoying the party and convinced them to go along with me. Thankfully, the moment I mentioned free food and more free drinks involved, nobody dared to say no. At least, only the ones who wanted to continue the party.

"I'll drive," I offered them as we walked out to the parking lot.

"Are you sure?" Jae asked me as he handed me his car keys and I waved out my hand. "I think I'm the most sober one right now," I said, turning around to glance out at the rest of the crew who were currently howling and laughing around us. Only six of us were left when we decided to leave the club, with the addition of the girl who had her arm wrapped around my waist and the other who was sucking on Jae's neck, so we were able to squeeze ourselves into Jae's car. It certainly was not easy, but we somehow made it.

"Trust me, I'll get us there safely."

And true to my words, I managed to take us there in one piece.

"Didn't I tell you that it would be a piece of cake?" I turned to look over my shoulder at the passengers at the back with a slick grin, mere moments after I parked the car, hiding the fact that my heart was about to burst inside of my chest when I kept losing focus during the drive. It took us fifteen minutes to reach the lodge, but I could not even remember the speed I used to get there that fast.

"You're the man, Jimin," one of my crew members cheered as they started to jump out of the car one at a time, adding my cockiness which I celebrated by leaning over to the girl I had brought along for a kiss.

"Come on, let's party," I told her after I pulled away. "And maybe we can continue where we left off earlier." Her face reddened as she reacted to my tease. She's so cute, I mused silently, and I let her wrap her arm around my waist as we walked together to the lodge.

The girl—whose name I had long forgotten since we left the club—kept clinging on my side as we joined the party. The only time she was apart from me was when I had to hug my cousin as we greeted her. "Don't do anything stupid," my sweet cousin threatened me while she kept an eye on the girl. "Stay safe."

"Yes, ma'am," I answered her with a light peck on her cheek. "You know me. Everything is going to be just fine."

She nodded and gave me a light push, before strolling away to join her drunk boyfriend who was already having fun dancing with my crew. I guess we did manage to save the party after all.

Everyone had already gathered around the bonfire when we arrived.

All the jocks had already gone, probably moved their own party elsewhere since we ended up taking over the lodge. Drinks continued to flow and so was the food. The girls, and the remaining boys still present for the party, were either dancing along to the music that was blasting off from the speaker, or swimming on the small pool, or disappeared somewhere to have their own private parties.

I too had left the party, having my own private moment with my girl as we found one unoccupied room where we could hide out and finish our thing. "Is this okay?" I asked her as I lied her down on the small sofa bed and hovered on top of her.

She took a moment to control her breath before she finally answered me, "Yes, I'm okay."

She opened her lips to speak again, but I caught them, biting hard on them until she whimpered beneath me which I muffled with an intense kiss. The rush feeling of her heat colliding with mine added the buzz that was flowing inside my head from the alcohol I had been drinking all night. I lost count on how many I took, but I have not stopped chugging drinks since the moment I got here. Add that to the drinking games we had around the bonfire earlier, I was sure that I would wake up with an insane hangover and memory loss. That was why I decided to savour the moment.

I carefully lifted the bottom part of her dress as she was lost in our kiss, allowing my hand to reach for her thighs and spread them apart, making space for me to lie between them. She gasped in the kiss as I bucked my hips, brushing my covered bulge right over her panties, and I took the opportunity to slip my tongue, deepening the kiss and took control.

My hands found their way to slide underneath her dress. And soon after, I could feel her body heat on my palms, urging me to continue. I started moving my hips, brushing my hard-on over her covered center, making her drench again in an instant, her arousal soaking on her panties and onto the front of my pants. I knew how much I was affecting her by how her breath was shaking, and by how she was moving her hips to gain more friction. The rush of pleasure was intense, having my mind floating both by the alcohol and the surging pleasure that kept building up inside me, until it was me who kept gasping for air in the end, whimpering to the touch of her soaked core over my center.

I wanted so much to be inside her. The need for release was too much. But I was too drunk to continue, and it felt too good to stop. Until she suddenly pushed me in the middle of us humping on each other still fully clothed, and reached down to move her panties aside. "It's not enough. I want you inside me," she pleaded.

Everything that happened after was a blur. I felt like I was outside of my body looking in as I pulled my pants down to free my erection, when she somehow found a piece of condom and covered my length with it with shaking hands, and when I spread her thighs apart with my knees and pushed forward, entering her slick and warm walls with a loud cry. She arched her back as I pounded into her repeatedly, getting faster and harder each time I heard her whimpers and cries. I was lost in the moment. It felt like a long period of time, as if we were floating into the air and all I could feel was only her, clenching me tight that I was burning deep inside.

I kept on pounding and thrusting, chasing my climax until I felt myself exploding inside her, just as she was screaming and trembling beneath me to the moment she finally fell limp. I pulled out of her with a deep sigh, pulling the condom off of me with eyes closed. I felt the room spinning, and my head pounding from the rush of blood after the intense intercourse we just had.

I looked over to her as she slowly moved on the sofa bed, fixing her panties and her dress with her chest still heaving for air. "I think—I need something to drink. You want some?" I asked her without moving any closer.

She looked up to me with hazy eyes and nodded. I instantly left the sofa bed and the room without saying anything else, fixing my pants on my way out. The minute I stepped out, I was immediately drowned in the mixture of loud music and the sounds of laughter coming from the party that was still going on at the lodge. I looked out through the window and saw the bonfire was already put out, yet some people were still dancing around it with plastic glasses on their hands. I walked over to the kitchen where I knew Jisoo would have kept the stack of alcohol at, and found Jae rummaging through the cabinets under the sink.

"Yo, what's going on?" I asked him as I walked over to him, brushing my messy hair to try and make the pounding in my head disappear.

He looked at me with a grin, handing me a new glass which he filled from the last bottle he found, before he chugged the last drop straight from the bottle itself. "We're out of booze. I'm trying to find refills," he huffed after he swallowed the drink and threw the bottle away.

I downed the drink he gave so quickly and winced at the strong taste, making sure I had every drop before I threw the empty glass to the sink. "Have you asked Jisoo about it? Pretty sure she prepared a lot."

He shook his head while opening the fridge. "Nah, I tried to find your cousin and she's nowhere in sight. Probably already fooling around with her boyfriend somewhere."

He closed the fridge and stood up. I could see from the look in his eyes that he was wasted already, but I knew he would not stop until he was passed out on the floor. "Some of the girls saw those rude jocks took a few packs of beer and bottles of tequila with them when they left. So I think that's where our stack of booze went."

We spaced out for a while. My eyes were already fluttering to close and made me wish I could crawl back into the room where I came from so I could sleep it off. But then Jae suddenly turned and grinned at me. He stumbled over to me to pat on my shoulder with a mischief look in his eyes. "Why don't we drive out and find more drinks, huh?"

I gazed up to his face and blinked away the haze covering my sight. I had thought the quick sex was able to sober me up, but by how my eyes were beginning to blur under the bright lights, I knew that in fact, I wasn't.

"No, man. We've been drinking, none of us is sober enough this time."

"Come on, we can drive slowly. It's just a shame to sober up too quickly." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me until the window at the front of the lodge was visible through my eyes. "Look outside, everyone is still partying. Are you really going to ruin the fun? Where would they go if we run out of drinks, huh? They might drive out themselves."

I chuckled as I kept watching everyone who was still dancing outside. I closed my eyes and noticed that I might not be as drunk as I thought I was. Perhaps the sex did sober me up.

The sex.

The girl.

I released a sigh as my mind flew back to the girl I left in the small guest room earlier. She was good. The sex felt good. But I felt empty. I started to question why I was having this guilt, this sullen regret inside me after what I had done? Why did I feel so sad all of a sudden?

I clutched my chest when I felt it tightening.

Every time I would fool around with random girls, I would leave with excitement, with pride that I had made someone scream out my name from how good I made them feel, and I would always go home with a sated feeling which allowed me to rest off the tired muscles I got from dancing. But it was different this time. I could not shake the feeling as if there was something missing.

And I didn't know what it was.

"Yeah, you know what? I think I need another drink," I told Jae without even giving any second thoughts. "There is a liquor store and a mini market right down the road. I think it's safe to drive there. It's not too far anyway. We'll go slow."

Jae cheered and raised his hand. "Yes! That's what I'm talking about! Let me grab my keys," he said while stumbling away, bumping into the kitchen table as he ran off somewhere to find his jacket.

I return to the room where I had come from and found the girl sitting on the sofa bed, scrolling through her phone with a frown on her face. "Hey—" I stopped when I still couldn't remember her name, but she lifted her face to look at me and smiled sheepishly while tossing her phone back into her purse. "—um, we're out of booze, so I'm going to head out to buy some. Do you want to wait here? Or—"

She jumped to her feet with her purse in her hand and said, "Are you going alone?"

"Uhm—no, I'm leaving with Jae. You know, the dance crew's captain."

"Oh," she blinked her eyes and looked distorted for a minute. "Can I come? I don't know anyone here, unless you can help me find Macy."

Who? "Macy?"

"Yes, Macy. My friend," she looked at me as if she was telling me something so obvious. "We came here together with your dance crew."

Oh. "Oh—right. Well, she's probably outside," I told her as I recalled her friend wrapping her arms around Jae's waist. "Just—Let's find her, okay?"

She smiled at me and nodded before following me out of the room, coyly locking her arms into mine as we went.

This is going to be interesting.

We managed to find her friend, Macy, as we walked out of the lodge.

She had her back pressed to Jae's car as the said man himself was in the middle of sucking the crook of her neck and his hand slipping beneath her top. I cleared my throat to let them know of our presence and Jae pulled away with a grin.

"Sorry, a bit distracted there," he chuckled, while the girl giggled with him. "Here—" he said, throwing the car keys at me, which I caught up with one hand. "—you drive. You seem to be less drunk than I am. I'll be a bit busy anyway," he said, glancing down at Macy with a sly smirk.

I laughed while twirling the keys in my fingers. "No problem, you've seen how good I am behind the wheels, don't you?"

We decided to take the girls along with us, since Jae seemed to have problems keeping his hands away from Macy—and I had let them take the back seat where they could have their privacy—and the other girl who I was with kept curling against my side until I finally ushered her inside the passenger's seat.

I still couldn't remember her name and didn't really give two shits about eventually finding out, but I did take my time to lean down and kiss her lips, erasing the pout that she had since the minute we walked out of the lodge while putting on her seatbelt for her. "Best to be safe," I told her as I pulled away and shut the door for her.

The sound of the slamming door made me wince in pain that I had to shut my eyes to block it out. My head was hurting and the loud sound had made things worse. I held on to the car, pressing my palms and brushing my fingers on its side as I walked to the driver's seat. I should have stopped myself and changed my mind when the throbbing pain still refused to go away as I sat behind the wheels.

I should have told myself what a terrible idea it was, when the purring sound of the engine made me shudder, right the moment I turned the car onto a drive.

And I should have known everything would go wrong the moment I heard the sound of her flirty giggles from beside me and felt her hand sliding up my thigh.

The first time I lost control of the wheel was when I felt her hand sneaking inside my pants and wrapped itself around my shaft. "Fuck," I grunted, while she only giggled and carried on. I shifted on my seat and watched through the rearview mirror as Jae helped put seatbelts on his girl and himself, shaking his head while sending me a wide grin as he stared back at me.

The second time I lost control of the wheel was when I felt the warmth from her lips around my shaft, as I shook when it came surging through my body, allowing my blood to rush up to my head as we were driving down the hill. And that rush was the one that got me lost control completely, unable to avoid the pothole or stop the car from flying off the road.

Everything happened so fast, and I felt as if I was once again outside my body when it all went down. As if I was somewhere else when the car turned over on the road repeatedly, when there was no way to tell between up and down, left to right, and I was being thrown around and squeezed between broken metals. I could hear the screeching sound of the car gliding down the road, the sounds of metals and glass shattering, and the screaming. All the screaming and crying of pain around me.

It felt like an eternity, and the only thing that popped in my head right before everything ended was, "This is the end."

And then suddenly, everything stopped. Everything went silent for a while, but I was awake. Or at least, I thought it was. I managed to open my eyes with a few blinks, my sight a complete blur and there was no telling whether the cold substance covering my eyes were blood or tears. The pounding in my head had gotten worse now, but I could faintly hear the sound of somebody crying, and Jae's cries behind me calling, "Jimin? Oh my God, Jimin!"

And then everything went dark.

—First life. Mercy Hospital, year 2018—

When I opened my eyes again, I felt as if they were glued together and too heavy for me to open. But I pushed through and from the limited sight I had, I could faintly see the white light above me. My senses were clouded, as if there were fog all over me. I felt so numb in most parts of my body, but excruciatingly pain on the others—especially around my chest. I was being pinned down to a flat surface, but I could feel everything around me moving. I could faintly hear people talking together at once, and the sound of a siren from somewhere far away. I tried to speak but I had no control over my body.

Fuck—, I cursed in my head, before I let myself being drifted away to the dark again.

The second time I opened my eyes was when I felt like I was being urgently pushed forward, although I had no way to see anything with my eyes glued with dried liquid—whatever it was. I could hear everything that was happening around me, albeit all faint and seemed so far away. The white bright light sneaked in through my heavy eyelids, blinding my already hazy sight.

I heard some ruckus happening around me as I felt my body stopped moving. I forced myself to open my eyes and turn to look at my side, finding out that they were the only things I could feel and control. I could not move my head or my body, as if every part of my body had been detached from one another. And that was when I could vaguely see a sight of somebody else lying next to me.

A stretcher, I somehow started to realise what it was beneath me. I am on a stretcher and so is she. What's wrong with her?

For some reason I could not explain, I knew it was a girl. I knew she was somewhat in pain as I was, when I noticed her slightly moving but not waking up. Was that the girl I was with earlier? What was her name again?

I could not speak or do anything. But I tried to focus with my eyes half-closed, as the light started to hurt me. That was when I could hear much better. I could finally understand the words being spoken—or screamed out, to be exact—between the ruckus around me.

It was a fight. And judging from the voices, it was between two men. After a moment, every word started to come clear to me. And that was when I realised that they were fighting over the girl beside me.

I was right, it is a girl. But not the one before. And I started to wonder about the girl I was with. Is she alright?

I continued to listen. To everything that was happening, listening to every sound, every word.


Did he say—? A baby? What baby?

Oh! It's the girl. She's pregnant. What happened to her?

What are they arguing—? Is she dying? Is she hurt? Is the baby dying?

I tried to listen and find her voice between the loud noises, but there was none. I got curious, despite the pain that was beginning to feel worse on my body, and I forced my eyes to open wider once more. I could only slightly open them, but even then, I could see the images closest to me clearing out after I blinked away my tears.

Oh, she's still here? Why aren't they helping her?

Then a whimper came out from somewhere beside me. There was no need to look to know that it was her. The whimper sounded painful, weak, and terribly sad. I suddenly felt a pull, a strong urge to force myself to move and reach out to her. I wanted to tell her that everything was going to be alright and tell her not to cry.

Nurse! Oh, why is my voice—? I can't move my lips. Where's the nurse? They must save her, they must save the baby—!

Right at that moment, I could see something moving from the corner of my eyes. Oh, they're taking her...!

No, wait—! It's me—! They're moving me—?

No! Nurse! Stop!

You don't have to save me—!

Why are you taking me?

No, you should be taking her, not me!

The girl! Save her—!


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